March 2nd

It was a great weekend in Portland. A tad hectic, but definitely worthwhile. I was able to meet about thirteen friends and readers for dinner at Bugatti’s in Beaverton before the Saturday night signing at Borders, and then on Sunday really enjoyed my morning at the Celebrate Romance conference. In the photo above I’m with my friend Kari Andersen and she was wonderful all weekend, driving me to events and helping make sure I was at the right place at the right time. Thank you, Kari!!

Portland, however, is my last trip away until June, and will be my next to last author event until September (although I might do a book signing or two for Easy On The Eyes this summer in Hawaii). I still have the Northwest Women’s Show on my calendar for Sunday, March 29th here in Seattle, but that’s it. I’m having to decline speaking engagements and even book club appearances until after Mac arrives. I had another one of those comprehensive ultrasounds today and the doctor is encouraging me to do far less multi-tasking and far more eating, drinking protein shakes, and resting and I think I have to listen to his advice. As much as I love doing events and speaking, its just taking a lot out of me and Mac needs all the nourishment and rest I can give him.

So those of you who are able to join me on March 29th, do come to the show. And those of you who can’t, please stay in touch with me via email and my blog, and know that although I’m laying low, I’m not out of touch. I’m just sticking close to home, putting my feet up, and trying to give little Mac everything he needs to grow.


  1. Jane,
    First! I’ve been wanting to do that.

    Just wanted to tell you that I just finished Flirting with Forty that I won a few weeks ago in one of your contests. It was awesome and loved it!

    Hope these last few months of your pregnancy go well and that you get plenty of rest and relaxation. Take care of baby Mac, that is what is most important now.

    Look forward to your future posts and be well!


  2. Jane,
    I am tired just reading about your weekend and I am not 8 months pregnant. I too am 44 and am in awe of your energy. I am glad you are going to lay low and take it easy from now on ! Take care of yourself and Baby Mac.

  3. Jane,
    Keep your feet up and drink those shakes, we all understand you need to take care. Maybe Mac will cooperate soon and flip over for you.
    Chill out and keep calm – your readers are all as eager as you to meet Mac!

  4. You look fabulous!! I saw some other pictures of the book event in Portland on Facebook–you look fantastic!

    Lay low & take care!


  5. Good luck! Hope all goes well. Enjoy your nesting period – and adding to that nest. Your fan base will be here when you are ready to reappear!

  6. Jane,
    It looks like you and Keri had a blast!! Love looking at her pics. You are adorable with baby Mac. Keep your feet up and enjoy the rest of the ride. I can’t wait to read Easy on the Eyes!!

  7. You look beautiful!!! I miss being pregnant but I never looked like you…beautiful and radiant!! I looked like a weeble! I used to tell my husband to push me because weebles wobble but they don’t fall down!!!!! hahaha!

  8. I sure wish I could have been in Portland with you and Kari! I’m glad that you had a good time and it’s good to hear that you’re going to take it easy for a while and make sure that Mac arrives safe and sound. You look absolutely radiant, Jane! Love & hugs from Kingston, ON – Christine xo

  9. OMG you really ARE pregnant! I could not imagine you pregnant and now I know you are one of those skinny women who only has a belly when they are preggo! Lucky girl! You look absolutely gorgeous!
    P.S. the book and stuff arrived last week, thank you!

  10. I agree with everyone else. You look amazing. I am glad you are going to rest now. Drink those shakes, put your feet up, and take care of you and Mac!

  11. Jane,
    You are just glowing!! I wish I looked that good pregnant!! Please take care of yourself in these last couple of months!! Where are you going to be in June? Any chance it is NJ? I would love another chance to have dinner with you…with or without the car trouble:)

    Glad you had such a lovely weekend in Portland!! I can’t wait to meet Kari in August!!

  12. Jane,

    I love the picture. you look so cute! Take care of yourself and that baby.



  13. What a great picture of the two of you (Uh hm… three of you). Enjoy your rest and relaxation time. You give so much of yourself all the time, you deserve to take some Jane and Mac time.

  14. Hi Jane-
    Now don’t you worry about missing a few engagements and such. You and Mac are far more important and June will be here before you know it. It is amazing to me how quickly time passes. Embrace your down time. Weren’t you trying to make time to write? Ah, a blessing in disguise.

    Please, give your belly a rub for me and tell him we are thinking about him and can’t wait to meet him. And, grow, grow, grow for your momma!

    Take care of your beautiful, radiant self. HUGS

  15. You do look so adorable pregnant! Rest up and keep us updated on Mac. Has he turned yet?



  16. Jane you look marvelous!
    I turned 45 last October and I can’t imagine being pregnant. Both my girls are 22 and 18 now.
    I get am so tired lately. I don’t know what is going on with me.

    You put your feet up and take care of yourself and little Mac. I can’t wait ’till you are able to post pictures of the little darling.

  17. What a great pic! You look amazing and glowing! Time to put Mac and you first! He’ll be here before you know it.

    Take care of yourselves!

  18. Thanks for posting a recent photo. You look beautiful!! Pregnancy looks great on you. Please rest and do what the doctor says; you will be rewarded with a gorgeous, round baby Mac! Take good care and keep posting with your feet up. (o:

  19. What a HUGE smile you brought when I opened your blog this morning to find a beautiful picture of you (and Mac)!
    Glad you will be taking it easy…more time to eat, write, read, and rest (oh, some are so lucky!) before Mac surprises you!!

  20. Hi Jane,

    You look so pretty !!! Make sure you do what the doctor says. My prayer for you is to have a Happy and Healthy Baby. Enjoy !!!

  21. Hi Jane, first off let me say the most important thing right now is taking care of Mac, us readers will still be here after Mac arrives, just take care of yourself and him!

    You look so pretty with that bump in front. So slow down and take care of yourself and Mac.

  22. REST! I’ll be 50 in May and the 3 days a week with my 4-mos-old grandson is making me feel my age physically but much younger energetically. I know that will balance as he becomes more mobile but – yes! You need to rest!

    It was great seeing you Saturday night and I tucked right into Mrs. Perfect. I’ll post some reviews about it soon. You voice is so strong I couldn’t stop reading!

  23. Jane, you’re absolutely beyond lovely! I love this photo of you and Kari!

    Eat, drink, rest and grow that precious baby!!

    Speaking of babies…my two year old grandson Cameron refuses to say his name…when you ask him who he is, he always replies BABY!

    Eat those veggies and drink those shakes! And yes, all the Peeps you can get away with!


  24. Hi Jane! Thanks for posting the picture…you look absolutely fantastic! When I was pregnant I looked like an egg with a wig on top of it!! HA! You have been working constantly, now take a break & have some quiet time & rest up.

  25. Jane!! I’ve been dying to see a picture of you pregnant and am so glad you posted this. You look fabulous! I’m happy that you’re going to lay low and get some rest; I’m your age and I’m exhausted just reading about all the things you do! Hugs, Karen

  26. This week on bump watch… we see Baby Mac in his current habitat. Current habitat is looking great!

  27. I agree, you look beautiful. (Green is my favorite color and that top is really cute!). Take care of yourself and enjoy this “voluntary” bedrest! I had mandatory bedrest twice and it’s not fun. Way too much to do to get ready for the new family member. Blessings to you and your precious boys. xoxo ME

  28. I’m happy for you that you will be slowing down and taking it easy for awhile. You deserve it! Enjoy this precious time. We’re all sending positive thoughts for you and Mac and surfer Ty and your sons. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful thoughts and ideas and experiences. I’ve loved reading your blog! Enjoy yourself! Let us know how you’re doing on your protein shakes and resting and whatever! Or not- we’ll be here whenever! Happy nesting!

  29. Jane & Kari, you two look fabulous!!

    I have the Women’s NW Show on my calendar.

    Until then, hope you do take it easy, enjoy today’s beautiful weather, read, spend time with your boys…

  30. Jane,
    Love the picture of you and Kari. Please take care of yourself and relax. Eat more, drink those shakes and rest. Your health is more important than anything.

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