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I had all the boys here last night. Jake and Ty, Surfer Ty and Mac. And as we’re living in just a few rooms of the house, we were all squished into Jake’s room to watch TV together. I loved it. I’m happy when we’re all crammed together. I sometimes think its such a mistake to have made my house bigger, to have made it prettier. We were doing really well with what we had before. Yes, Mac needed a room, and yes, I wanted a bath tub like crazy in my bathroom, but still… being cozy is good.

The boys won’t be here forever. I’m on borrowed time with them. Eventually I’ll see them off to college and lives of their own and I suppose I’ll become a hermit then. My boys’ whirlwind of activity is actually good for me. Gets me up and dressed and out of the house. Out of my writer head. Out into the world of normal.

But for me, happiness is love. I love to love my friends. Love my boys. Love my man. My family. My readers. My memories. My dreams.

It’s been a hard year. It’s been the hardest year I’ve known since 2004, the year I was divorced. This past summer was the worst of it, and I tried to hide my struggle. Tried to gloss over the difficulty I felt while trying to write Shey’s story, and dealing with Mac who didn’t sleep and couldn’t keep anything down, and living amidst construction, and feeling really really blue. But ultimately what got me through was love. From my friends. My family. And you.

You who read my blog. You who comment. You who are good to me are so very appreciated. I do not take you for granted. I do not take your support lightly. I know there’s a  million other places you could be, a million other blogs you could read. Every time you stop by, every time you check in, you’re giving me a gift.  You’re giving me love. And buckets and buckets of happiness.

Thank you.

And to show my thanks… a contest! One lucky winner will get a fantastic Frog Prince prize package that includes, yes, a signed copy of The Frog Prince, and fun Frog Prince goodies, as well as  lots of gift cards to buy everything from coffee, to chocolate, to books, and more. So leave me a comment, share something about your world, and you’re entered. Contest closes Tuesday night PST at midnight and I’ll announce the winner Wednesday morning. You’re the best. And I mean it.

62 Comments on “Happiness

  1. Hi Jane! Well, this is the first weekend that I have no plans…Finally.

    Spending some time home during some nasty weather doing laundry and recouping from a very busy week and a very late night out. Got about 3hrs of sleep last night but it was my own fault. But it was so nice to be out without kids. Haven’t done that in a while. This year is just so much busier than the others.

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend with all your boys!!


  2. Mac is such a cute baby- love the picture of him with his dad.

    I read The Sheikh’s Chosen Queen and I really enjoyed it- I can’t wait to read the other two books in the series.

  3. Hi! You are so right about just enjoying being crammed in tight with them as long as they will let you! Love them now and love them big!

    I will be loving my kids today while doing household chores with them. For some reason, they (ages 3 and 6) really love to clean the toilets (with supervision), empty the garbages, do laundry, do dishes (all with supervision). This will not last forever either, so I should quit wasting time online and get to it! 🙂

    Have a great day!

  4. Lets see what did i do and what am I going to do….? Friday I came home from work and the grocery store to my friday ritual of cleaning the house before my volleyball games. They were late games last night so I had time to get it straightened up , swept up and mopped. It smells so clean in here still. I still need to sort and put all the clothes away (for 7 people), but that won’t take too long if I make them help. Today(Sat)I am going to spend some time with my sister. She is coming down to party with some friends and I at our friend’s house. While she is here I am going to introduce some of your books and help her set up a Facebook account. It looks to be a great weekend! I have to get my rear up and workout after I write this though. I have been working out since Feb and have lost a great deal of weight but it is so easy to skip out on workouts. So have a great weekend with your group Jane, reading your blogs are something I never skip out on.

  5. I’m always trying to find the silver lining in everything, even though there ARE times when I’m overwhelmed lately and tear up briefly.
    I’m way overweight but quite active. I’ve finally been able to cut back on food portions and up my sports and walking levels. I am thankful that I’ve lost 17 pounds in just less than 3 months so far. One step at a time….
    I had a car accident last month and my car was a write-off. Won’t have another (2nd) car till later next year, if at all. Bright side is that no one was hurt (other than my whiplash later on) and my insurance rates won’t rise astronomically.
    I have been getting a lot more self-employment business lately, which is great for the bank account but my house is a disaster quite often through the week. We have company drop in unexpectedly and I don’t even apologize anymore for the mess. I’m just glad that our friends and family feel comfortable enough to drop in and visit. (Mind you, it puts my work way behind, but that’s what self-employment is about: flexibility!)
    MIL with Alzheimer’s fell a couple of months ago and has been recuperating at BIL’s home. This week she visited for the day (for the first time since Sept) and stayed for lunch and supper. We’d been told she couldn’t do steps, but we knew she could get inside houses with two steps. We have five steps to the bathroom and she did it! Whee haw! That means she can visit us more often (and put my work behind, mind you) to help alleviate the stress on BIL’s family, as she can’t live alone anymore and can’t get into a nursing home yet. SIL needs respite time, as watching MIL is a full-time job, 24/7 (as MIL doesn’t have logic/common sense any more but still recognizes everyone).
    I appreciate what we have, as things could be much worse.

  6. Not much brings me to tears anymore, but your blog certainly did. Whew!! I know you have had a tough year and I am sure you are now stronger because of your ability to pull through with the support of Ty, your boys, baby Mac in his own little way and your friends and readers. We are all going through tough times right now with the economy, our troops overseas and the stress of life, work and family. I am lucky to still be close to my two daughters who are married – one with children and one expecting our third grandson in February. Family is what will get you through everytime. I am sure you will stay close to your boys and should look forward to the years ahead as they grow into men. Thank you for sharing your life with us, Jane. We love you and there are many others out there who love you too.

  7. What a lovely and emotionally beautiful post. The photo is extraordinary and should be treasured. You are indeed fortunate to be surrounded by such a loving family. Cherish this special time together as it flies by too quickly. I am always so appreciative of good health, having family nearby and spending time together. That is what is important in life.

  8. Hi Jane,

    I don’t post a comment to your blog very often, but I read it every week. You are my inspiration, and it’s because of you I’ve been able to keep writing and now become a published author under my pen name Marie Tuhart.

    Your year has been tough and yet you’ve worked through it and made it work for you.

    I appreciate you and your books so much.

    I love all the pictures of your family.

  9. Jane,

    Thank you for the gorgeous picture and your soul-baring.

    Stories like yours help me realize I’m not the only one with down-in-the-dump days…


  10. Hi Jane,

    I am so happy for you and your family. And I completely understand the feeling of wanting the closeness to your boys. I have a 16 year old who will be heading off to college more sooner then later, I’m filled with so much joy when I think of him becoming a young man away at college but on the inside my heart is breaking knowing that he’s no longer my little boy. I think being a Mom is the hardest job in the world. I know that without my friends and family I would have never made it this far. I wish you and yours the very best this holiday season.

  11. Hi Jane:

    Thank you for the open-hearted blog post. You are such a gem! I check every day hoping for a little snippet of what’s going on with my new friend, Jane. You really shine through your work and honest writing. Thank you for sharing your ups and downs; that is so difficult to do. As women, moms, friends and readers we feel comfort that we’re not the only ones who have sour days or blue days. ick!

    Today is a lazy day here at home; cool weather, no plans and tame children (for now)! We have had so many busy weekends I’m relishing time to change the sheets, complete a laundry cycle or two (that’s wash, dry, fold and PUT AWAY), and just hang out in my pajama pants. Really its a dream come true!

    I’m also knee-deep into Liza Palmer’s first book “Conversations with a Fat Girl”. After she came to the LB book signing and you’d introduced her, I figured I needed to give her book a read. I’m loving it! It’s all so true and I can see a little of myself in it. I’ve NEVER, EVER been a size 2 and doubt I’ll ever be smaller than a 10. I’ve gotten better with it as I get (gulp) older, but I can certainly put myself in Maggie’s place when I was younger; especially her memories of school.

    Oh well, better enjoy the peace and quiet the kids are “gifting” me before it all erupts!

    Many hugs to you Jane. Enjoy a lovely weekend with all your boys.
    XO, Shannon

  12. Jane;
    Oh, how your post spoke to me. When I was pregnant with our third baby, the hubby and I decided our little thousand square foot house was going to be too small for the five of us. We built a new house on the back of our property. Don’t get me wrong, I love our bigger house but there are days I look down the hill at the little cottage and just sigh. Yes, we were all on top of each other. Yes it was crazy when the kids had cousins and friends over (or, more often–cousins AND friends). Yes, someone was always walking in front of the TV and the dining table was used for everything but eating. But it was a crazy wonderfulness. My kids were always in sight. I never had to yell to find someone in the house. I tell my hubby that when the kids grow up and move out, we’re going back to the little cottage.

  13. Hi Jane, I am glad to here things are going better for your now, at least with little Mac, he looks like he is doing quite well now. I know that its been rough on you, but with the power of friends we all can make it through so pretty tough times.

    I live is a small house myself but I didn’t have but one son, and he is in college right now. He still depends on us a lot. He has never gotten his drivers licience yet so I still have to go get him when he comes home. They grow up before you know it.

    My hubby is working today, so I just got back from a nice long walk, because our temps is 65 today and I am making good of the nice weather, because I know its not here to stay.

    Hang in there girl you have a great future ahead watching little Mac grow up and he is oh so cute.

  14. Every photo you post of baby Mac, I think how much he looks like his dad. Every man secretly wishes for a son, and how wonderful that he looks so much like Ty. He’s the “glue” in your relationship, as if you needed any. A special bond between you always. So happy for you Jane, you are an inspiration to us all.

  15. I have had a tough couple of years. Losing our home, my father is dying, starting therapy and medications only to have my husband laid off instantly losing our insurance that very day. My car got broke into and my husband’s car died last week. LOL I could write a country song.

    OR I could find the joy in my granddaughter’s laugh..she is almost 3. I have bonded with my teenager daughter in ways I hadn’t thought possible and my oldes and I are very very close.

    It’s family. The home isn’t a house. It isn’t a car. It is your husband, your children and yes, your love. Thanks for writing and showing that love DOES prevail.

  16. Jane –
    That picture is just precious. Such handsome guys! What a joy this holiday season will be for you all together.

    You are very sweet to say such lovely things. I feel very blessed to have my small, potentially anonymous link to you yield such special fruit as calling you friend and benefiting from all that you share here.

    What a year it’s been for you! You’ve surely had more than your share of challenges, changes and struggles. I’m thrilled to see you come to the end of it in such a positive frame of mind. And in the midst of it all, you’ve still thought of us with great kindness and generosity. Here’s to a better year ahead for us all! Maybe you’ll even come back to the east coast!

    It’s rainy here in Jersey and my feet hurt like gangbusters and my knee is filling up and feeling pissy. Oh no, that’s just me. I’ve just gotten home from running my feet off doing the mid-month errands that come with payday including the grocery order. I had a writer’s meeting this morning and got to see my lovely, funny, and supportive friends, got my precious ipod serviced (as usual, more angst from me than was necessary as it was a simple reset), and then to the store, the library, the other store, two – count ’em – two different malls. I’m mean, I know it’s Jersey, land of the mall, but really!

    I’ve been working a lot of late nights and our client is jerking us around left and right on some sales pieces, which has made my whole team a little cranky. And we’re looking at another 3 or 4 weeks of this, so that four day Thanksgiving weekend is shining bright in my near future as respite! On the plus side, I had copy that I really struggled with this week go through without a hitch! Happy dance! ‘Cause I’m just that easy to please.

    Now, as my Amazon ordered copy of UP has yet to arrive, I picked up a copy from the Red Box vendor thingy, am going to heat up the rotisserie chicken, and sit down with my cheap strawberry wine, the food, and my kitty cats to watch the movie. I may even delve into the chocolate cannoli.

    Another wild and crazy night in the single life of a Jersey girl!
    Have a marvelous weekend. Enjoy every blessed moment with your boys.

  17. That was a great blog Jane! You just have a knack for telling us what is going on with you but that also mirrors things going on in our own lives. I know you have had a hard summer and it seems that everything is falling into place now for you and I am so happy for you. Mac looks great, very cute and already out of that “newborn” stage. I am so glad he is happier now and that makes you happy.

    We are finally saying goodbye to the rain and wind that “Ida” brought our way, all the way from the Gulf up here to Virginia. We are looking forward to sun and 70 degrees tomorrow. I’ve been lamenting that working part-time has really eaten up all my “fun” time with reading and running and being online. But I do enjoy my job so much and the people I work with so I am thankful for that. Everyone here is healthy right now and my husband just started a new job which seems to be going well. Life is Good!

    Looking forward to joining your online chat this week!

  18. Hi Jane,
    You are such a sweet person.
    I know this years has been rough for you but as they say what doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger. After this year we both should be lots stronger.

    Little Mac is such a cutie pie.
    I know what you mean about the house might be to big. When we built our house we built bigger than we had been living in and sometimes the house seems too quiet with everyone spread out.
    Well, you enjoy your boys this weekend.

  19. Jane,

    So glad things are looking better for you. You are always #1 with us no matter how you are feeling. I know for me, I love when you share your good and bad moments. It’s what makes you real and that quality makes you seem like someone I’ve known forever. So big hugs to you.

    Love the picture of your guys. I hope you are taking care of yourself.

  20. That picture is so adorable! Surfer Ty has amazing blue eyes!!!!

    My world is pretty busy right now, but full of happiness. I am truly in love for the first time and this feeling is unbelievable. Just unbelievable.

    Hope you’re having a great weekend! 🙂

  21. Hi Jane,

    You’re right. Love is happiness. I lost a good friend this week to tragic circumstances. Then as I watched her extended family descend on her immediate family for support, I felt overwhelmed by the optimism of a love that drops everything to be at the side of a loved one.

    So enjoy that newness of house. And be glad that you could appreciate less before it was all done.


  22. Jane I just wanted to say that your blog brings me so much joy reading it. You too are giving a gift to us as readers! So thank you for being you! That baby of yours is gorgeous!!!!! Way too cute. Hugs!!!!


  23. Aww, such a great picture…and a really heart warming message from my favorite writer and blogger.

    Makes me want to wake up my own boys and hug them…I’ll wait until morning though!

    We have been busy this weekend with soccer for the kids, and visiting with friends. Hope you enjoy your Sunday!

    P.S. Frog Prince was my first JP book!

  24. What an adorable picture!! I think that’s the first time I’ve seen Surfer Ty full on…very cute! And of course Baby mac… what a doll!!

    I’m sorry for your difficult year. I’m glad you are emerging from the bubble (isn’t that what it feels like?)

    And, I too, know exactly what you mean about how the kids’ sports get you out there. If it weren’t for them, I would, too, be a hermit and have no friends!


  25. Hi Jane, great picture of your beloved. You are soooo right about family. My husband left Friday night to go deer hunting and took my 7 yr old daughter to stay with my mom as I had to work Saturday morning. I thought being alone Friday and Saturday would be great quality time for me and it was for about 30 min. then I got lonely. As soon as I got out of work Saturday, I took the 1 hour drive to my mom’s to pick up my daughter and the 1 hour drive back to get home. I so did not mind the drive as I knew I would be with Isa and not by myself. We went out for icecream, rentd a movie and ate popcorn with M&M’s. Woke up this morning and watched the movie again. We are still in our pj’s and as Isa says “it rocks”. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  26. Jane-
    To love and be loved is the greatest gift of all!
    I have been single for 5 years now and have recently met someone with who I feel great chemistry. A fellow guy friend has warned me about being careful as not to get hurt. My response was simply, if I don’t try or open my heart to what could be how will I ever know? Living with reservation and walls, makes me un-loveable. It was time to let the hurt go and start living! You’re right, happiness is not about materalistic objects, but seeing the beauty in the ones around you. Simple moments can bring great joy.

    I would say that is why I enjoy your books as much as I do. They let you see the human side of your characters…their inner beauty and personal struggles.

    Today I am starting Easy on the Eyes. I hear it’s good! Can’t wait to see for myself. I love quiet days of reading!

  27. Jane,

    I always pop onto your blog to check in and see how you are doing. You are truly an inspiration to alot of women out their and it is great that not only do you blog your happiness but also how you are really feeling. It is a comfort to know that someone as successful as yourself is truly like everyone else in the world..a human being with a heart. Love seeing your pics and seeing baby Mac growing before our eyes!

  28. Hi Jane

    I completely understand the cozy comforts of home. We used to have a big house, 4 bedrooms, formal rooms, family rooms big kitchen. We lost it this year but I don’t really miss it. The little rental is cozy and we’re all together, everyone is happy, healthy, still loud and I couldn’t ask for more. We had more stuff in the other house but we have everything we need in this house. Less complicated. Even when they’re doing other activities I can see everyone from the kitchen. When we can get a house again, I know I’ll keep it simple. Besides, it’s a whole lot easier to clean with 3 little ones around.

    I love reading your blog and I’m glad you’re doing better.

  29. We all “get by with a little help from my friends” and it is a comfort to know we have helped you through hard times because you do the same for us, Jane. Isn’t it funny that in summer, that jewel of the seasons, you were the most unhappy? It is great you made it through and now in the mostly grey, short, and often wet days of winter in the northwest you have the warmth and glow of love to light your life.
    I read a lot more in these long winter evenings and your posts of the struggles of writers have made me appreciate my favorite writers (including you) even more. Thanks for sharing, and caring.

  30. Jane,
    Thank you for sharing bits and pieces of your life (your pictures, what you’re up to, and the candid way you share your thoughts/emotions) with us, your readers. It makes me feel that I know you as a person and not just the name on a book. It’s nice to be able to connect someone “real” with those wonderful stories you write to entertain me with – that is a gift right there! I love to be entertained with a good book and I love your writing style – it pulls me right into your stories. Thank you – I appreciate you for doing what you do!
    I look forward to reading your blogs each week. I love the pictures of baby Mac – so cute!
    Share something about my life: OK, I am a teacher, currently a substitute teacher. I taught 5th grade for 10 years before my son was born and then I was fortunate enough to stay home with him starting when he was two. I began subbing, mainly at his school, when he started kindergarten, and I’ve really enjoyed the variety and flexibility that the job offers. My son is a 6th grader now, so I know most of the kids in the school, the staff, how the school operates, etc, so it’s easy for me to come in and take over for someone for a day or two or more. Because of financial reasons, I’m going to have to go back to full time teaching. I’m a little hesitant about going back full time – the meetings, dealing with kids who need LOTS of extra support behaviorwise (plans and trying to find strategies that work for them and me). There are some classes I’m in and I think, “Oh yes, I could go back in a minute if I had a group like this.” And others where I think the opposite! Change and the unknown is always scary.

  31. Baby Mac is ADORABLE!!!!!! I bet you just want to squeeze those cheeks each and every day! 🙂
    “Friends are those who norish the spirit”

  32. Wow, This is why you are a writer and I am not!

    I can relate to your thought of being squished and torn between something bigger or not. My 2 boys and I moved out on our own about a year ago and our apt is a little squished but with my 13 yr old starting High school next year and already being so independent I kinda like that we are squished in this little apt. but realize at some point he needs his own room. I am grateful for the days they still wake up and crawl into my bed in the morning just to lay and talk. I know that this wont last forever. Too bad we cant freeze time.

    Thanks for your wonderful books and taking the time to make your fans feel like they matter. ♥

  33. that is very nice to say about us bloggers on here and thanks for that; family is so important to one’s well being.

    Dh is recovering from surgery and I’m catching up on blogs/e-mail.

  34. Jane-
    Thank you for sharing so honestly. It is nice having an online community of friends who truly care about you and your happiness!
    That pic of baby Mac and daddy is adorable!
    Keep up the good work and know you are appreciated for you!

  35. Two thumbs up!!!
    Your honesty is appreciated. Life is not always rosy. It sometimes helps to see someone else struggling with everyday life. Know that you are not alone. You have a wonderful family and lots of readers who appreciate you!!
    Keep your head up!

  36. Jane – so glad to hear you are feeling good about where you are right now. I will be joining you soon in your sleepless nights – I am pregnant with #3 just shy of 40. Your little Mac is so adorable, keep having fun and enjoy everything (even the bumps in the road) –

  37. I think this has been a hard year for a lot of people. I’m terribly sorry I didn’t realize how hard it has been for you. We get so locked up in our own little worlds with our own trials and tribulations. I’m facing the possibility of my job disappearing due to lack of funding – I’m already working for free at this point and it is such a … Read Moredisappointment. My beautiful 3-year-old daughter had her tonsils and adenoids taken out and tubes put in her ears in July. She was in so much pain for 2 weeks, but we made it through. A few months later she got so sick we had to hospitalize her for 2 days then my husband, dog and I all got sick. We had to put our dog down, which was devastating as he’s been in our family for 14 years. Finally, 4 days ago, our remaining dog was hit by a car. Thankfully, she’s recovering nicely and all she has is some bruising and a broken pelvis bone. Four to six weeks recovery time. We’re completely broke due to all the doctor visits and so thankful for what we have now. We have each other, we are now (relatively) healthy, and we just keep chugging along. It was my friends who helped me through this time, allowing me to moan in their ears, make silly jokes and just generally stress out. I hate whining, but they didn’t think any less of me for it and, really, that’s all you can ask. Unconditional support.

  38. Jane, thanks for being so real. I’m not a computer lover and only go online because I have to check my emails, etc. But, whenever I’m online I always visit your site because I know that I’ll read something that will lift me up, make me laugh or give me inspiration. Very adorable picture of your boys! Have a great week and will be thinkin’ of you!!

  39. Borrowed time. I like that expression…although not the thought that comes along with it. I just sent my first born off to college this year. Her younger brother just got his first girlfriend and his little sister will be off to college in 2 1/2 years. We went from doing everything together… sometimes in very tight(and wonderful) quarters, to everyone growing up strong enough to become independent. And what held us together through it all is exactly the same thing that gives them the strength to find their independence… LOVE.

  40. Hey Jane,
    You sound just like my daughter, how she loves being all squished together. I admire your joy in connection but I like some shoulder room.

    I never envisioned a day when my girls wouldn’t be the center of my time and energy – and it was such a surprise when they stepped out into their lives! LOL! But I was so damn proud of who they were and what they had allowed me to be in their lives that I didn’t feel loss. Instead I learned that my girls had created stronger connections among themselves and – they loved coming to Mom’s dinner parties! So though the daily action energy isn’t as constant it will still be there in your future. And when you get there, you will feel the love, and satisfaction – not an ending.

    Change the way you see the day – you’re not living on borrowed time – you’re savoring the moment.

  41. Hey Jane! ~

    Glad the happier days are upon you now!! You so deserve this silver lining after your tough year!! Great pic of Mac & daddy!

    I believe we’re put in the place that we’re suppose to be in when we’re suppose to be there. I also believe we are given what we need when we need it – Love, Family, Friends (Readers) … kind of like happening across your table at Schofield that one day (lol, even though I missed you). It opened up a whole new world for me and made me a functioning human being again. I’m taking classes again, getting a straight A in Literature (blegh – I love books but not the old ones really, haha). :0)

    I heard Carrie Fisher say something great the other day on tv, when I was at Tripler. Some interviewer had asked her one time if she felt that her life was full of tragedies. And she said she really couldn’t look at it that way at all – because if it weren’t for all of the circumstances that she had to overcome or get through, then she never would have known that she had courage.

    I thought that was awesome! And true. And so all of us who have to overcome whatever things challenge us, are able to do so because we have love, and family and friends – friends like you. And in the end it that makes us a much stronger person.

    ~ Hope you had a great weekend with all your guys!

    (Man~ I swore to myself this was going to be a short post. Next week … hopefully)

  42. Loved the blog and the comments. Your fans love you because you are so real, and it comes through in all you do. We’d be willing to just talk about your books and writing and you give us a gift by sharing your personal life too. You are warm and funny and amazing and you add alot to your fans lives.
    I’m glad you got time “close” time with your men. I know how that time flies.
    Thanks for the blogs kiddo, I read them every week, but can’t always respond.
    The pix of Mac and Ty is great -and geez Ty’s got some baby blues!
    thanks again for the gift of YOU :o)

    peace out

  43. Jane!
    Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us! It makes me love you more as my favorite author that your life is full of all the challenges that ours our!

    We have lived in our bigger house for two years now. We lived in our tiny bungelow for 18 years. We have been renting it out and will be putting it up for sale this week. I love our “new” house because there is less fighting since the kids have their own rooms and space and we have a big kitchen, big yard, pool and more room to entertain. But I also miss my old house where we were all cuddled together with one tv and I could see everything from my kitchen. It was a wonderful place to start and I hope a new family grows love there too.

    Your love will help you get through it all!

    Baby Mac is adorable!!!!!


  44. What a great post today Jane! And you’re absolutely right… that cozy family feeling is so very special. Too soon the kids are gone, so take advantage while you can.

    I have four children, but really only one at home now… two in university, one in college who is home weekends for her job and my baby who is in her last year of high school and is my last one at home. It only seems like yesterday I was running like crazy with four kids under the age of six!

    BTW, I bought and read Odd Mom Out this weekend and loved it… I was fortunate enough to win Easy on the Eyes in September and then knew I had to get my hands on the other books… can’t wait for Shey’s story!

  45. Hi Jane
    I’m glad you had all of your guys under one roof this weekend. 🙂 It sounded like a great one and I hope you have a wonderful week too. I think you are doing a great job of multi-tasking by being a writer and a mom and thanks so much for writing. 🙂

  46. What a great post about you and your family. The kids grow up so fast and the time we have with them seems so short. Truly, love is the only gold.

  47. So glad you are happy, Jane! It has been a rough year all the way around and I am hoping things are looking up for a lot of us. I also hope you got the email I sent you after I finished Easy on the Eyes. I felt so much more than I said, but I hope you understood. Continue to do what you do and bring joy to your readers through your words! You are loved back.

  48. I love how you tell your true feelings, I’ve been sick for almost 3wks. gone to the doctor and had tests done anyways, my marriage is on the rocks and we live in the same house all he thinks about is himself, my kids took care of all the household duties. I love family and my church family that helped us out, you sound like your in a good place and I’m praying that I willbe, in the place where your at. One of these days I know I’ll be happy. I’m happy for my kids and my job but in in my heart, thats where I’m going thru the paces, and I never been like that. Have a happy Thanksgiving with your lovely family.

  49. It’s so true. They do grow up so fast and I know this since my youngest is a senior in high school. I am always grateful for the time with my kids because they are not always around and I know that they will soon be permanently living in other places.

  50. double Awww! Mac is growing so fast; you’ll be chasing him around the house pretty soon. I’m always told that all the hard times are what makes the special times more special, more appreciated. It’s not something I particularly want to hear when I’m going through the rough times. . . Jane, I think you’re doing an awesome job–to be able to balance family, love, life, work and all that extra stress and still make the rest of us smile with your posts and your stories; sharing your life and your family. I say, you done good, girlfriend! Way to go!

  51. What a joy I’m sure it is to have all your guys with you. Mac is so cute & has gotten so big! You seem to be in a much better place than you were several months ago & I’m glad to see happy posts from you. Hope the writing is going well – I so enjoy reading your books!

  52. Hey Jane – I still need to borrow your baby for a while. What a good looking, handsome fella you got their. In fact all your fellas are so good looking and handsome as well. So glad to hear
    things are calming in your life. I would read your blogs this past year and actually get knots in my stomach. You’ve been through the mill and back and I don’t how you did it. It is so refreshing to know that things are really getting better – your blogs are happier now – thank goodness. You take care Jane and take care of all those fellas in your life. I’m so glad for you.

  53. Family is everything. Being tucked together cozily is a wonderful feeling. Going thru a divorce, missing my daughter when she’s with her dad, and living in a big house alone, makes me appreciate it all the more. You are very fortunate, and I feel that way too. Life is good and I have found my own happiness.

  54. I’m grateful for a lot of things in my life. Enjoy those moments, they grow so fast. It’s hard to get time with mine now that they have jobs and friends and college. I cherish it when I do and wouldn’t change a thing, but I miss the time we used to spend together.

  55. Jane,
    Family is everything and take the time now to enjoy them while they are around and little and looking to you. Savor the special times…

    Be well!

  56. Hi Jane!
    I just finished reading your “Flirting With Forty” book.
    I felt like I was relating to you in so many ways whenever you would talk about Kai. I feel the exact same way about my boyfriend and have since I met him 5 years ago. It was instant chemistry and a connection beyond explanation. I felt everything with him that you described in your book and still do to this day. I couldn’t imagine life without him. And, you remind me a lot of myself.


  57. Hi all! I am here to announce the winner of the blog contest and it’s #33…Dawn M!

    Dawn, I can’t wait to send you this wonderful Frog Prince prize package. Shoot me your mail address and I’ll get it out as soon as I can. Also, let me know if you want the book signed to you, or someone else so you can give it as a Christmas gift.


  58. I can understand feeling blue even when everything seems to be good. I’m in grad school f/t and working p/t. The working thing is not working out well, and the classes have me stretched and stressed. I keep focusing on the goal, which is to finish this term and realize I will have my goal of a master’s degree by June. I am doing good things for me by working on this degree, but I miss having a social life, miss a regular paycheck and miss a regular life! And I also realize that this is a privilege to be able to work on this degree at this time in my life. So, I keep slogging away, trying not to let too much get to me. The journey isn’t easy and its bumpy, but the outcome, the goal will be worth it.

    So, hang in there. You have goals that you are getting closer to attaining, too. Stay in the journey, but focus on the goals.

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