Happy Veteran’s Day!
I’ve just dropped Megan Crane off at the airport and am so sorry to see her leave. It was awesome having her here! She’s great company and a wonderful friend and it was such a treat to have days just to discuss life and love and books.
Now I’m facing a pile of work on my desk, including finishing the copy edits for She’s Gone Country which will be out next August. I’m excited that I get to finally share the cover as I love this story and think you will, too. Shey’s such a cool chick–and writing about Texas and cowboys and bull riding champs was a lot of fun.
Made the mistake though of wandering over to Amazon (they posted the cover today, too) and read some recent reviews about my other books and the reviews made me shudder. It’s so easy to be an armchair critic! Thank God I rarely read reviews anymore and avoid most internet ‘fan’ sites. I don’t need or want to know who hates me and why. Life’s too short. Far better to focus on the positives.
So what are you doing today? Are you working or are you home? What are your plans for the weekend? Ty’s flying in tonight from Hawaii and I can’t wait for him to arrive. Baby Mac is so much fun–getting more personality by the day and I know he’ll be glad his daddy is here to play with him.
If you have a moment, bring me up to speed! I’d love to hear how you’re doing. And while you’re at it, let me know what you think of the new cover.
I love it! It made me think of the band Sugarland right off the bat and its lead singer, sassy Jennifer Nettles. Really, I think it’s just grand.
Work is going like gangbusters. Lots of late nights and greasy food. Somehow they always seem to go together. I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving and a brief breather before we wrap things up in December. This weekend I have a Liberty States Fiction Writers meeting – and hopefully some sleep and some work on my own WIP. That’s really all I have going on right now – not terribly exciting, I know. 🙂
Looking forward to reading the new book! Crossing my fingers that they decide to send it my way for copy treatment so I can get a sneak peak!
Hi Jane,
Andrea from La Res here! It was great having you guys at the hotel, it’s gotten rather lonely without your happy faces coming in to say hello and chat with me, and of course not seeing baby Mac’s smiles everyday is a little rough too! Sounds like you’ve been busy, I hope things are getting finished on your house and that all is well. Tell the boys and Jamette I say Hello. Have a good weekend 🙂
Love the cover Jane! It’s different from the others; not as brightly colored. It looks more like a photo. The change is nice. I can’t believe I have to wait ’til August to read Shey’s story. Maybe you can be coaxed with Peeps…you know they have them for every season?!
Tsk tsk for reading THOSE reviews; people with nothing better to do!! Your stories are such a fun escape, but always with a core underlying message of strength, love and being true to yourself. Don’t change a thing. Hope you can pour your heart out into more stories that are itching to get out of your fingers and onto the “screen” (computer or TV).
I hope to have a relatively quiet Saturday. Lots going on a work right now; pulled in a zillion direction. Joey’s arm is healing well; it’s been two weeks and he’s getting it x-rayed every week to monitor progress. His cast REEKS so we bought some Febreeze and I’m hoping that helps. What can you do? He’s a (very sweet) sweaty, stinky boy. I love to smell his head when he’s all hot and sweaty. It might sound gross, but I know there will be a day when he’ll be taller than me and I can’t do that (physically and because I’ll embarrass the daylights out of him!). It’s not as sweet as a baby’s head, but he’s my baby.
Mac is a gem and I hope you get a nice, long visit with Surfer Ty. Warm wishes to you from T-town!!
Hugs, Shannon in Tustin
Love the cover, Jane! I like the sunlight filtering through.
We’re just getting over illness here; it got everyone, but we’re ok now, thank goodness!
I love the cover, Jane. I can’t wait to read it!
I love the new cover, and I am looking forward to reading your new book next summer!
It was wonderful having a break during the middle of the week to recharge. I have chili in the crockpot, made cookies, did some yard work, house work, and now have time to relax. This weekend we’re going to see friends in Bothell – looking forward to shopping at the Country Village and spending time catching up with friends.
The cover looks great!!! You can sure tell Shey has attitude!!
Enjoyed the day at home. Special thanks to all the vets for letting me enjoy freedom!!
Thanks for your sacrifice.
Hi Jane!
I’m not much for country, blue jeans or trucks … but I’ll guarantee you one thing – seeing JANE PORTER on the cover will convince me to pick up the book. Because frankly, even though that truck looks like it’s headed for the scrap heap, the lovely way you write guarantees readers we’re in for a h*** of a ride!
-Kathleen Irene Paterka
P.S. Frost on the leftover pumpkins in N. Michigan today. Definitely not looking forward to s*** headed our way in the near future.
I love the cover. And I can’t imagine what it must be like having people judge your writing. I am too thin-skinned. Just listen to your fans. We count more, anyways. LOL
I love the cover and I love the country! Jane don’t worry what other people think you just have to remember we love you!!!!
I spent the day today trying to get my spair tire and jack back in the trunk. I had a blow out the other night. I will be spending the weekend doing my cleaning, because hubby has to work on Sat. and I can’t get it done with him home.
Enjoy your time with TY and little Mac!
The cover really pulled me in. I cant wait to read it.Don”t let the negative remarks from so few linger in your mind. We love your writing!
As for an update… sent my final grant paper work in for school…Went to a job interview to change it up a little…my son came home for a visit from college(loved that!)This weekend I got invited to a party at a friend’s house. I plan on partying like a twenty year old this weekend and remembering my age when I wake the next morning.
Have a great visit with Ty! I love reading about your great times.It reminds me that great things will continue to happen for us women if we just allow it.
Love the new cover. And as for those reviews, I’ve read the negative ones before and thought, “Huh?”
But, to each her own. And in order to put out a story that connects with the right readers, you have to also risk disconnecting with others. All these blog fans are a testatment to that worth of your effort. Can’t wait to read it!!!
I love the new cover! I really am looking forward to reading the book too! It’s hard having to wait until next summer. Well, I have been off of work the last couple of days..just trying to catch up with groceries and such. Back to work tomorrow and then off for three! Having dinner with a couple of girlfriends on Sat night. As for those reviews, don’t waste your energy on people saying mean things. You are a great writer and I have enjoyed all of your books. I must admit though, it would be hard for me not to take that stuff personally. I think you are smart to just stay away from reading it. You know that you are loved by many! Take care!
Well, tomorrow my book comes out, which I’m excited about. I’m no Jane Porter, but I’m trying. :o)
By the way, LOVE your cover. Conveys country and romance and class!
OMG! I LOVE the cover!!! I was thinking yesterday about what the possible cover could be for this book and this is better than I ever could have imagined!
The cover is fabulous! Not sure how it came to be but someone did an awesome job (maybe you posted about that, and I missed it!) As for the reviews: your books give the reader happiness, enjoyment and entertainment. They are well-written and embrace independent strong women. How can that be bad? It is impossible to please every single person no matter how hard you try or how badly you may want.
Ooooh, I love it! Can’t wait to read this one!!! Do we really have to wait until August?!?! Although, I’m sure it will be well worth the wait. 🙂
love the cover! just sad that we have to wait till AUGUST for the new book!!
Love the cover – I’ve always had a soft spot for cowboys/cowgirls. Love the jeans/boots casual look. In fact I just got a new pair that looks like those on your cover last week.
I’m winding down another term and am busy grading projects trying to post them for my students. Looking forward to a week to relax before it starts back up again.
Planning on baking some pies with my 3 little girls. Youngest is 2 now so I’m anticipating lots of “help”. Oldest wants to be a pastry chef so this’ll be right up her alley. Middle is up for sugar of any type just like her momma.
Reviews on the internet can be nauseating. I don’t read book reviews on amazon – anybody can be as nasty as they want. I haven’t let anyone read the books I’ve written yet. Too anxious. You work so hard to be told “YOU SUCK” although I’ve subbed 1 manu to Presents and received an encouraging rejection. I always feel bad for any author that gets slammed. I’d like to see if the slammer can string along 100,000 words and make sense and get someone to publish it. Anyways, you’re great.
No matter what profession you are in, there are always critics. But for you, it must be that much more difficult. Uck! I know, as a teacher, someone is always there to question why you did or did not do something for their child. I always want to scream, “I love these kids and I am doing what I think is best for them!!” I know, too, my son’s coaches have a ton of critics also. There’s always some parent who
doesn’t understand why their child doesn’t play more, etc. It kills me.
Anyway, hang in there and remember how many adoring fans you have…I know they out weigh those darn critics!!
Love the cover! It is different but I think it reflects the store & Shey!
Not reading reviews can be hard — but you can never please everyone and you have faithful readers and I am sure we are all sharing your boks and adding new fans for you!
Not sure what this weekend will bring…hopefully relaxation & a couple projects. I hope its nice out though. I can’t believe its the middle of November already!
Sunday my daughter (14) has a Dance Camp with the Milwaukee Bucks Energee Girls and they will get to perform at the game 11/20! She is on her High School dance team and studio dance team but this is cool! My friend’s daughter is an Energee Girl so it will be extra fun!
Enjoy your time with Ty! And delightful baby Mac!
To Susan #14!
CONGRATS of your book! That is so exciting!!!!!
One day I hope to have my first book come out too!
Best Wishes!
Love the new cover and we ALL LOVE all of your books! Keep doing what you’re doing.
Love, Love, Love the new cover!! Can’t wait to read this!! Release date can’t come soon enough!! Hope all is well with you and your house is getting closer to completion!!
That is a great cover and right now I am on the internet to avoid all the housework waiting for me.
Great cover! Love the old truck, looks like a photo, good job.
Am looking forward to the weekend. Going to a quilt show — I always feel awed and inspired by the amazing work done by these ladies and feel like my skills will never get there!
My husband leaves for England on business on Saturday for two weeks, so the Momtaxi will be doing great business to the barn and back.
Have a great time with Surfer Ty, hugs to baby Mac.
I love the cover! It’s something I would see and pick up in the bookstore. Of course I’ll be picking it up anyway. LOL
Have a great weekend!
I have stopped reading book reviews on Amazon – some of those people are just so mean & bitter and negative. I mean, do they have nothing better to do with their time? Why don’t THEY trying writing a book and see how hard it is to please everyone. I only write a book review if I have something positive to say, and I LOVE your books. You are right–life is too short–focus on the positives–of which, in your case, there are MANY!!
Love ya!
Lesli 🙂
Love that cover, that old truck rocks. Mac is precious and so grown up looking, very nice little one. I read where you stayed with your sister in Mar Vista…had to laugh because it is where I’m from…graduated from Venice High School and lived on South Park Ave…the BIG two story house…bet sis knows exactly where. Anyway, small world. Always the busy one you are…really nice you take time to write to us out here…take care, Ruth
Hey Jane!
Well… in similar words of Joey from the Thanksgiving ‘Friends’ episode, “What’s not to like? Yellow – good. Truck – Good. Country – GOOD! I LIKE IT!!”
Actually though Jane, I LOVE IT! But I’m biased… because yellow is my favorite color, I’m forever attracted to a car that calls on me to fix it up (i.e. the rusty truck) and Jane Porter is now one of my favorite authors! Had I not already read your other books, this would have been the one to lure me in! So ignore the critics and their horrible reviews. Bottom line is they probably bombed as authors and are bitter & spiteful and need to make themselves feel better by belittling a better author. :0)
This is looking like an indoor weekend with movies as rain drowns the island (Surfer Ty was smart to escape). So rewiring my rusty car will have to wait until a sunnier day! Then I’ll finally have wipers for that rain! lol Hope ya’ll have a great weekend!!
#7 Denise, thank you for your ‘thank you’ and I am proud to serve as a member of the US Navy. LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! For me, I don’t think anything will top my Veteran’s Day~
Cover is great, so different from everything so far…..very exciting.
Forget the negative, focus on the positive and your fans.
I am a city girl, but I think you are so clever, Jane, and your timing is terrific. This week’s county music awards show was so big and that Taylor Swift is the top vocalist in any genre. Your country book will be a big seller, and s for me, I will buy it not for the country theme but because it is written by one of my favorites, Jane Porter! You haven’t disappointed me yet.
The truck reminds me of the old red truck of the Twilight books, though – did anyone else think that?
good attitude about not wanting to know the negative stuff. I’m a nurse and I know that when dealing with so many people there are gooing to be some that have a don’t particularly like me. And I don’t want to know! Alot of it is just other people venting their stuff and directing it at you.
Can’t wait to read She’s Gone Country. Moved to Montana from North Carolina – Rodeos here are like malls back east. Bull riding, roping, pick up trucks, more horses than people, it’s heaven. Loved your Flirting with Forty – it was so right on. I’m a divorced single mom also dating a younger man. I really like your writing that doesn’t have murder or upsetting things that I have to skip over. Keep up the good work!!
Anyone who says ANYTHING bad about your writing is VERY crazy!!!! They must not know good writing when they read it. As soon as I finish one of your books i’m wanting another one. I have all of your regular books, I have a hard time finding your Harlequin romance books. PLEASE keep on writing. You are my FAVORITE author.