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On The Sidelines

It’s been busy. So, so, so busy. And chaotic. But boys are thrilled to have their bedrooms back and I’m glad to be in my home again but camping out in an unfinished bedroom, and trying to minimize the smell of primer and glue and wood stain, especially as I worry about all the fumes and Mac, who still sleeps next to me in his car seat and stroller.

Fortunately, Mac is developing into a very happy little boy. I love his personality. He loves to smile and shout to get attention. Mac also spends a lot of time watching his brothers play sports. Every Saturday morning means two hours of water polo and an hour of soccer. Every couple of weeks Jake has a polo tournament which means 4-7 hours of water polo in one or two days. Thank goodness Mac likes people and people watching.

I’m hosting two events this weekend–one on Friday night, another on Sunday morning–and then giving a workshop with brilliant Megan Crane in the Greater Seattle area on Tuesday night for the Eastside Chapter’s November meeting. Megan Crane is such a talented writer and a wonderful teacher and if you can make our Tuesday workshop, do come. All the workshop details are on the event page of my website.  We’d love to see you there!

And finally, if you’re in the Bellevue/Seattle area, save the date of December 2nd because I’m doing a great big book party for Easy On The Eyes. Instead of having the party after the event, this time I’m hosting a fun, festive cocktail party from 5-7 pm at Ooba’s prior, with the reading, discussion and signing immediately after at the Bellevue Barnes & Noble. Beautiful, official invites are going out in the mail in the next week or so, so make sure you’re on the invite list! If you’ve received an invite from me in the past, you know you’re covered but if you’re in doubt, shoot me a private email with your name and address and I’ll get you added, or scoop the info from my website’s event page, grab your reading group or a couple of friends, and join me for champagne cocktails and yummy appetizers on the 2nd. It’s really going to be a fun holiday party and I’ve got awesome treat bags and presents for all my readers and friends attending!  So save the date, and  please come and celebrate with me.  It won’t be the same without you!

12 Comments on “On The Sidelines

  1. Mac looks like he has a good time watching his older brothers.
    Glad to hear you are back in your home. I know you will be relieved when everything is finished an cleaned up.

  2. Mac does look like he is watching intently. I was fortunate that my little boys liked watching their brothers too. Now they want to stay home but they are big boys now. My vehicle wouldn’t start this AM so I am listening to the sound of my 14 year old play his guitar. The sound of music always comforts anything life throws at me especially when it is coming from the hands of my child.He really is getting good at it…Anyway congrats on your house, keep it well ventilated…

  3. Oh I wish, wish, wish you were closer! Your book party sounds fabulous, I am sure it is going to be a great event!

    It’s great you take Mac everywhere… I did the same with all of mine and they got used to travelling, behaving around other people and it made later, longer trips so much easier! He looks great, alert and oh, so cute!

  4. Wishing Bellevue/Seattle wasn’t so far away from Tustin!! Glad to hear everyone is well. Don’t the boys FREEZE playing water polo this time of year? Mac looks pretty bundled–and totally adorable.

    Good to hear from you Jane!
    Hugs, Shannon in Tustin

  5. I did the whole house in the Freshaire VOC free paint. It really doesn’t smell! Doesn’t help much with the other smells, but it made me feel much better about painting while Grace napped 🙂

  6. Mac is growing into a regular little man now and oh so cute! He really looks like he is enjoying his self in the photo. My you are one busy lady. How do you keep up with it all?

  7. It’s so great to watch your little guy grow up. Even though I’m so far away and cant come to your events, oh, and yeah we never actually met, it feels like I know you because of your blogs. Just one of the things that makes life more fun. Thanks, Jane!

  8. Exciting times there! Mac looks great, so cute. Your events sound like so much fun, again I wish I lived closer. My daughter is in the Twilight craze and wants to go to Forks. We keep saying we both need a girls’ trip to Washington so I can see you and she can visit Forks!

    Have a great weekend.

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