Join Jane Tonight in Kirkland, WA!

Life can come at us pretty hard and it slammed me last Thursday night when my former husband broke his femur, and it was a pretty serious break. Had to be rushed to the hospital and while he waited for the ambulance held his broken thigh bone to make sure it didn’t puncture an artery. The boys were supposed to be with him for the weekend while I powered out the rest of my novel.

It’s amazing how rapidly things can change and how even small bumps become hurdles. I didn’t fall apart but I kind of went numb. I was worried for him. Worried for the boys. Worried for the future. And forgot all kinds of important things.

One of the things I forgot to do (besides work on my novel) was post the info about tonight’s event in Kirkland. I feel terrible for Star Guild, the organization that’s hosting the fundraiser, as I’d promised them I’d publicize the event on my site and blog and yet here it is, three hours until the event starts and I only now remembered what I failed to do!

So if you get this, and if you can make time in your busy evening, please join me from 7 pm – 8:30 pm at a beautiful new, custom-built show home in Kirkland’s Houghton neighborhood, currently listed by one of Star Guild’s members. The home has easy access off I405’s 70th St Exit, or via Lake Washington Blvd NE. Parking is on the street. For more information about the home, please view the listing here.

The Star Guild ranks as one of the top contributing guilds among the nearly 500 guilds in the Seattle Children’s Hospital Guild Association. They currently have over 70 members and to date, have given over $350,000 for uncompensated care at Seattle Children’s Hospital. It’s a great group of ladies–I’ve worked with them before–and tonight promises to be just as fun as before. They’ll be serving light hors d’oeuvres and wine and all they are asking for is a suggested $5 cash donation to attend the event to help cover basic costs. By attending you’ll help support Star Guild and raise money for Seattle Children’s Hospital uncompensated care, and if you purchase any of my books, all funds from my books goes straight to the Children’s Hospital uncompensated care fund.  You can buy books by cash, checks and credit cards, and yes, I’m there all evening!

Please come and hang out with me!


  1. So sorry for the boys dad. I hope he’s doing well; that must be some injury. Wow!

    I wish I could go tonight. It’s just my convalesing right foot (from surgery) and two states keeping me away. Not to mention the torrential rain we’re getting here in sunny (next week) Southern California.

    Good luck tonight Jane and hopefully the boys aren’t too worried about their dady.
    Take care.

    Shannon in Tustin

  2. Hey Jane,

    So sorry to hear about the boys’ dad – I think my mom had broken her femur bone when I was in high school and that is a lengthy recovery!

    Hope though that the event is a great success tonight! Sorry I can’t be there. All the best ~

  3. So sorry about the boy’s dad. That sounds so painful. Wish him a speedy recovery.
    Hope your event goes well tonight.

  4. Jane,
    Sorry about the boys dad. I would have loved to come tonight but I just got this and it’s after 7 now. I live about a mile away. Darn. Next time.

  5. Sorry about the boys dad! Hope he recovers easily.

    Honey you do such a great job doing everything for everyone including writing fabulous books.
    I have no excuses of family emergencies and I forget stuff all the time like sending a card for my goddaughter’s b-day that was Monday!

    Take care!!!

  6. I wish your ex husband a speedy recovery. It sounds scary. I hope your boys are okay. That sounds like a stressful event for them.

    I live on the opposite coast with Mickey Mouse or would love to go. Good luck on finishing your book. I have faith you can do it!


  7. Don’t be too hard on yourself, Jane. You do what you can, when you can, as best as you can. We all know that although your life couldn’t be any better (before this news) it is still quite complex. Blessings to all involved. My good friend Debbie is quite involved over here on the Olympic Peninsula with the Silverdale Guild of Children’s Orthopedic Hospital…I’ll make sure I write a check in your honor and send it to her.
    Ok, now do you feel a little bit better?

  8. Sorry I didn’t see this sooner, I would have loved to see the house and you, too! Hope it went well and that your ex is recovering.
    Funny how a sudden accident or illness can jolt a person and sort of “stop the world” – or at least that is what it feels like. Take care and hang in there, Jane; good luck with the writing when you can concentrate on it again.

  9. Oh, man! I missed this post! I am sorry about your ex and how sad the boys must be..

    Hope it went well at your event.

  10. Jane so sorry to hear about the boys father.
    You know when emergency’s happen the best made plans just go out the window.
    I hope your evening went well.

  11. hope all goes well with the boys’ dad.

    Hang in there. A friend told me just the other day: in the end, everything will be okay; if it’s not okay, it’s not the end. So dear Jane, everything will be okay.


  12. I’m sorry to hear about your former husband, I bet your boys will be taking care of their dad in no time! My boys like to feel that they are helping, it makes them feel better.

    I wish I had read your post yesterday, I could have come to this one. I hope you had a good turnout and everyone that made it had a great time!

  13. Hope the recovery is as easy as possible…physically for him and emotionally for everyone else. Being in Arizona I cant come to your event. Hope it went well. Sending blessings your way. Hugs,Stacy

  14. I hope all is well…I haven’t seen an update. I hope you get your book in without to much stress and things get better with the boys’ dad. I hope everyone is understanding of the situation and had a nice evening anyway.

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