Blog Blip

Hey everyone, I’m getting your emails and comments and know you’re all wondering:

1)  who won


2) where the rest of the comments are

Well, I know #1, and am wondering about #2.  Unfortunately, my web team is off today and I won’t be able to get the blog issues fixed until tomorrow so I’m going to hold off on announcing the winners until tomorrow morning.

However, in honor of the Blog Blip and Superbowl Sunday, I’m doing a one day contest with 3 winners.  I’ll announce all three winners for this contest AND the Olympic contest tomorrow, in each of the appropriate comment secionts (i.e. down below for BLog Blip and on the Olympic Blog comment section for that one).  This means tomorrow 7 winners will be announced between the two different blogs. 

I’ve been saving this new contest for awhile, too.  The Blip Blog  prize is very fun–a signed copy of The Literary Feast: The Famous Authors Cookbook (I’m included with my fav brunch casserole recipe)a cobbler or crisp mix, and lots of other cool and yummy goodies.  All you have to do to be entered is tell me what you’re reading right now, or if you’re watching the Superbowl in ah….minutes?

So, I’m sorry about the disappearing comments and other blog issues but in the meantime, have a wonderful Sunday and I’ll be back in the morning as soon as I can post my terrific winners names!


  1. I’m reading “The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B”, book one in the Josephine B Trilogy by Sandra Gulland. I recommend it if you haven’t read it. (Based on the life of Napolean’s wife Josephine).

    I have no plans to watch the superbowl, but the Scottie’s Tournament of Hearts (Canada Curling) has been on most of the weekend here!

    Hope you’re having a great weekend Jane!

  2. No Superbowl for me…I don’t care for football. My husband will be watching it while I read “Breaking Dawn.” I’m planning on doing some Valentines Day crafts with my 2 little girls too…sounds a lot better than watching football to me! 🙂

  3. My last read was ‘Crazy For The Storm’ – enjoyed it! My last listen (I finished yesterday) was ‘When You Reach Me’ – enjoyed that too (my 10 year old will love listening to it on Mid-Winter break next weekend). My next read is ‘Ozzy’ for myself over Mid-Winter break. I think it will be like a train wreck – it’s so interesting to get a peek into other people’s lives. Expecially when they have such an ‘interesting’ tale to tell!

  4. Oh, and we don’t watch the Superbowl for anything more than the commercials, although we always cheer for the underdogs – GO SAINTS! 🙂

  5. I am watching the Superbowl today and I am cheering for the Colts. However, it would be nice to see the Saints win too, so either way it’ll be fun! Right now I am reading “The Frog Prince” and I love it!

  6. I’m reading “Table Manners” by Mia King. I learned about her through your blog. She is an excellent writer.
    I will be reading tonight with the Super Bowl on the tv.
    Thanks, Jane. You are the best!!

  7. No superbowl for me although my oldest boy wants to watch it the younger two want cartoons right now lol

    I am reading Nora Roberts. The MacGregor Grooms. I want to be reading Victoria Dahl Lead me On and Nalini Singh Archangel’s Kiss but i can’t find them at the local Walmart and Kmart and that’s the only place here to buy new books. Bummer. I’m working on my TBR pile instead.

    Have a nice evening Jane

  8. Not reading right now, although my TBR pile is huge. Watching the Super Bowl (mostly for the commercials). I’m rooting for the underdog The Saints–just because it seems the thing to do.

  9. I’m not reading anything, I’m watching the superbowl. I hope it is a good game and the Doritos commercials so far overall have been the best I think.

  10. I just finished reading Coast Road by Barbara Delinsky. I was able to get a lot of reading done cause we’ve been snowed in for 3 days with no power (it’s finally back thankfully). The book was really good. I’m trying to decide what to pull off the shelf of “must reads” next.

  11. I always seem to have two books going at a time, one fiction and one non-fiction. So, I am reading right now to the sound of the Super Bowl on TV Barbara Bretton’s book, Shore Lights and will read before going to sleep Julia Child’s book My Life in France. Who knew Julia Child had such an interesting life before cooking on TV, not me??!! What a love story she lived with her husband Paul, too.

  12. I am watching the Super Bowl today but did take a break to take a guest’s doggie for a walk. So far good game, funny commercials.
    I am reading the Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery, which I am enjoying. It takes place in Paris, France, and has a lot in it about Japanese food and movies and culture, too.

  13. I am not watching the Super Bowl here, we don’t do the sports thing.Just started reading Christmas Confessions by Kathleen Long, for some reason I was in the mood for a romantic suspense and something small. I had been reading a lot of historical western romances and I wanted something different. Have a great week!

  14. Not watching the Super Bowl, but I hope the Saints win. I am watching chick flicks & reading “Not Buying It, My Year of Not Shopping” by Jessica Levine.

  15. I don’t watch the Super Bowl but have read all weekend long. I just finished Sarah’s Key which is memorable and am starting The Weight of Heaven which is great.

  16. I am reading WHAT I DID FOR LOVE by Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

    I watched the Superbowl. Good game. I also watched the commercials. I loved the Doritos commercial with the little kid his mom and her date. Also the E trade baby was funny. The Audi commercial with the ecopolice was real good and always love seeing the Budweiser horses.
    The Who halftime show was awesome.
    IT has been a good night all around.
    Oh, and earlier today I made frosted Valentine sugar cookies (with real butter) yum.

  17. Currently I’m reading “Going Rogue” by Sarah Palin.
    I’m not watching the Super Bowl – I check in every once in a while to see who’s winning, but that’s all!

  18. No SB for us, either. Just not that into it; we like college football much better.

    I finished Frenemies today. Loved it! Just finished Mia King’s first two and Table Manners will be next. It’s calling me.

    Love Liza’s too. I need to keep busy until Shey’s story arrives!

    Hugs, Shannon in Tustin

  19. just finished Fitzwilliam Darcy: the Last Man in the World. . started Lone Star Woman.

    Watched SuperBowl with my brothers. Great game. Glad the Saints won even though I was rooting for the Colts.

  20. We all watched the game and hoped the Saints would pull through…really happy they did. The commercials were great as usual. Not reading anything right now, still trying to dig out from the waist deep snow dump we got this weekend in Northern VA….way too much fun. Your contests are really neat, thanks.

  21. Didn’t watch the game and can’t seem to find a book that appeals to me at the moment. I just have not been in a reading mood. Maybe when I have some free time next week, I’ll be ready to make a ripple in the TBR mountain range.

  22. I watched the game with my husband’s family. The kids all got involved this year too and it was such a great family day. I’m off to bed now to catch up on my reading of “Firefly Lane” by Kristin Hannah. A very cozy day♥

  23. I am reading Evenings At The Argentine Club by Julia Amante. LOVE it! It’s excellent! I am also in the middle of You Have To Kiss A Lot of Frogs by Laurie Graff. Next in line is The Shiksa Syndrome by Laurie.

    Watched the game. Loved the E-Trade babies!!

  24. Hi Jane! Whew! I was wondering what was going on with the posts. Sorry for the duplicates!

    Right now I’m reading Stephanie Meyers’ “The Host”. OKay…….. so its on my night stand and I’m starting it tonight but I just finished reading Anna Karenina so starting new book tonight. 🙂 Wish me luck!

  25. I watched for a few minutes here and there to get the score. Just finished U is for Undertow by Sue Grafton and am now reading State of the Onion by Julie Hyzy – and loving it!

  26. Aloha Jane!

    Ha ha ha… this one will be a good one. I am currently reading “The Manual” by Steve Santagati – emphasis on MAN. It is a book on bad-boys and why they behave the way they do and what they are looking for in us women. Not that I am seeking out a bad-boy in particular; but at least it will clue me in to when I am dealing with one.

    Enjoyed the Super Bowl and some of the commercials. I’m just glad the Saints went marching in (at least in the second half anyways, lol). The Betty White “Snickers” commercial was hilarious!

    No worries on the blog blip – it happens :0)

  27. Hi!
    I taped the SuperBowl so I could fast-forward to the entertainment and commercials later.
    I watched my tapes and scrapbooked while the game was on.
    Hope you enjoyed your day!

  28. I watched the halftime show and popped in on a few plays while checking on dinner an snacks for my family. I couldnt sit down and watch because I am reading my sociology book for class tonight. I have a quiz every Monday at the start of class.It is my hardest class I believe.

  29. I am not, unfortunately, watching the Superbowl… we are having a TV blip. I read Valediction, a Spenser novel, by Robert B. Parker this weekend (in my opinion the literary world lost a giant when he passed away two weeks ago).

    I LOVE cookbooks, especially ones with photos or recipes from people I have a connection with.

    Hope you have a great week!

  30. I watched the game last night and that was some mighty good football going on there! I love that the Saints won and won so well! My mind is still deconstructing the Saints successful plan to sideline Peyton Manning and how well it worked! Plus that gutsy offside kick. Good, good, stuff. I just love a good game where one team doesn’t necessarily dominate or where there’s a lot of sloppy play. And I love seeing well constructed, brazenly executed plans play out and play out well.

    What I’m “reading” right now is Diana Gabaldon’s A Breath of Snow and Ashes on audiotape via my ipod. I’ve really been enjoying listening to this story especially since it’s so vast. This way I don’t have to tote around the tome of a print version. And the dramatic interpretation adds a lot of depth to it too. As if it needed any more depth.

    Have a great week!

  31. Jane,
    Watched the superbowl and it was a fantastic game. I’m a HUGE football fan. Who dat?? Yea Saints.

    I’m reading Here Today Gone to Maui by Carol Snow. She was one of your recommendations and I love the book. Almost done.

  32. I’m reading “How to Eliminate Chaos”–HA! Hope it works.

    Watched the Superbowl and I have to say the highlight was your artichoke dip, which I made for the very first time! OMG!! Was it yummy! Will definitely be using it again and again. Thanks!!

  33. Okay, all I’ve got three names for the winners of the Blip Blog contest and then I’ve got to get writing. My novella is due on Friday and I still have a couple chapters to go.

    My winners need to get their addresses to me pronto, as I leave Friday for Hawaii and must mail before I go. And when you send me your address, please let me know it’s for the Blip Blog prize.

    The three winners are:

    #2 Kari N
    #20 Gigi
    #29 Lisa G

    So congrats, and if you enjoy reading and cooking, you’ll like this cookbook. If you’re not much for kitchen time, let me know and I can send you one of my signed books instead.


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