My Little Valentine

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and then my birthday is on the 17th so I’m hitting one of my favorite weeks of the year.  My long time readers know I love February’s pink and red colors, the lush tulips in stores, the fun conversation heart candy, and well, hearts.  I love the shape of them.  I love to give them–chocolate hearts, paper Valentines, lots of love.

Yesterday at 2 pm I finished my Christmas novella for Harlequin, the one that’s set in Venice (I love it!  Hope my editors will, too) and then at 2:30 pm we jumped in the car to head to the airport for our 4:45 Hawaii flight.  It’s a long flight from Seattle this time of year, about 6 1/2 hrs, but we’re here now, and Mac–my littlest Valentine–is taking his morning nap and my big boys are crashed on the sofa watching cartoons.

I’m happy.  My story has been submitted to my editor in London.  My kids are on vacation with me for the next week.  I’m engrossed in a JR Ward novel.  And tonight we go  take the big boys to see the new Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief movie.  Life is good.

Wishing you the sweetest of Valentine’s Days.  Tell me how you are, and if you’ve any plans made for tomorrow and you have the chance to win one of my two Valentine’s surprise prizes.  I won’t tell you what’s inside but I like them and think you will, too!

Contest runs through February 14th midnight Hawaii time and I’ll announce the winners on Monday morning.  Good luck and have a wonderful weekend full of hearts, sweets, and love.  Lots and lots of love.


  1. Very cute baby! I’m fine, but have no plans for Valentine’s Day. Guess my hubby and I will have a nice dinner at home.

  2. I will be reminiscing on Valentine’s Day. I am on my own, except for my cat-children. They are lovely! My childhood sweetheart has been on my mind quite a bit of late. We were friends from first grade on, until his death at age 37. I was also close to his family. He’s been gone for a while, and so have both of our families. Some memories do grow sweeter with time.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all : )

  3. Happy Valentine’s Day Jane and family and lovely Mac! Also a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!I hope you enjoy it. Congrat on finishing your Novella! I’m sure we will love it!

    No big plans for Valentine’s Day here except take in-laws some candy. We have more snow on the way tonight and tomorrow so will make travel a little rough. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!!!

  4. Your little Valentine is a doll. I’ll be spending Valentine’s Day with my grandchildren. Since my 4 year old granddaughter has strep-throat we will be shuffling them around so my preemie granddaughter isn’t around her. My littlest one will be a year old next month according to her birth date, but since she was 4 months early she is still a little thing. It will be her first Valentine’s Day so it will be extra special for her.

  5. OMG, he is just the cutest!!! I really hope I am able to make it to Montana to meet you!!!

    Tomorrow I am planning a “red” dinner for my family! All things red including our meal and dessert! Tonight I am going to make them homemade Valentine’s. Looking forward to spending a nice day with my family!

    Have a Happy Valentine’s Day and Birthday!!! You have lots to celebrate!

  6. Happy Valentine’s Day! Cute pic! Tomorrow we will be celebrating my niece’s birthday. She turns 16 on the 15th. She plans to go get her permit that day. Happy early birthday Jane!

  7. What a sweetheart. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and a Happy Birthday. I will be preparing a special lunch for the family. Love the photo.

  8. Happy Valentines day!!
    Little Mac makes the cutest little sweetheart for Valentine’s Day.
    I went and saw the Percy Jackson -The Lightning Thief with my DH and daughter yesterday.
    For me it would have been better had I not read the book. they had to cut some scenes to make it fit in the time allotted.
    When we walked out the doors of the theater it was snowing.
    You have to understand we were shocked we live only about 35 mile north of Tallahassee Florida.

  9. Aloha Jane! Glad you made it to Hawaii safe and sound. Is it just gorgeous? Good to escape the northwest for a week?

    Enjoy your favorite Valentines; what a sweet time to be with all your boys! I’m going to make some tasty cupcakes for my Valentines.

    Tomorrow after work we are heading up to see my new, yummy baby niece. She’s almost 7 weeks old. and I haven’t seen her since New Year’s Day. I couldn’t make that 80 mile drive since my foot surgery. I’m having major withdrawls so I’m looking forward to going up there. My mom is also ecstatic to spend Valentine’s day with all her grandkids (my 2 and the baby).

    Have a glorious week and enjoy a fantastic birthday!!
    Shannon in Tustin

  10. Jane, Valentine’s Day has always been my favorite holiday, too. Same reasons: pink, red, & white lacy hearts, etc, etc. It all started in elementary school with the decorated classrooms. It’s been my fav ever since!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!

  11. What a cutie-pie! Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your guys!

    We are going to see the movie Valentine’s Day tomorrow. I hope it’s good.

  12. Happy Valentines and Birthday Jane! How fun that you get to spend it in Hawaii with all your boys.

    Plan to relax and watch some of the Olympics then fix something fun for dinner.

    Mac is getting so big – very cute!

  13. Mac is adorable! Hope you guys have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

    I don’t have any big plans for Valentine’s day. My mom and I might have a girls’ day out and go to lunch and a movie. We’re planning on seeing Dear John. We’ll also be prepping for a possible third round of snow.

  14. Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine’s Day! I am making my husband a fondue dinner and then we will watch a movie together at home. Nothing fancy, but it’ll be fun and I will be with the one I love. Have a fabulous time in Hawaii!

  15. I loved reading your beautiful post today with the adorable photo of Mac. Have a great birthday and valentine’s day celebration. You are truly fortunate and enjoy this special time.

  16. I am doing well. Coming off of a long week full of snow days, but happy I survived!
    I am going on a kid-free date with my husband tomorrow!!! I know we’re getting Chinese food, but I might see about going to play billiards too. We haven’t done that in ages!

  17. Aloha Jane!
    It is wonderful to read your happy words. It made me smile! My Valentine’s Day will be celebrated late this year. I get to join my husband on a business trip to Hawaii! I will be in Hawaii in less than 3 weeks, playing golf and doing a little surfing. Fun! I can’t wait.

    My good friend, Sharee, and I were talking about you last night. She mentioned how much she enjoys your books but really appreciates how you are so attentive and friendly to all your fans. I echo her sentiments. Mahalo for all you do for your fans!

    Happy Birthday and Valentine’s Day. Mac is growing up so fast.

  18. Jane,
    Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday! 🙂

    I will be seeing the new movie “Valentine’s Day!”

    Happy Birthday to you Jane!

    Aloha, Julie 🙂

  19. Such a cute baby… and what beautiful blue eyes.

    We are going to have steaks and artichokes for dinner tomorrow night with a nice bottle of wine to celebrate Valentines Day!!!

    Have a very Happy Birthday Jane!

  20. A Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Birthday to you Jane!!

    I will be camping in with my usual Valentine’s Day chinese food special… from somewhere. It is a weird thing that started years back with my Grandmother, and so it continues. :0)

  21. what a cutie pie! no plans for me on valentines except a little celebration for the kids. and things are good right now, getting along really well with my sister again.

  22. Sweet pic!!
    I’m spending the V Day at home with family. Hoping it won’t snow.
    Hope you enjoy the day with your sweetheart.

  23. My hubby has been working 18 hr days for six weeks straight with no days off in between. He’s exhausted. So the plan for tomorrow is him hanging out in his reclyner while watching the Daytona 500 and me picking up a Pizza. We’ll just be hanging out for the day.

    Early Happy Birthday!!! And have a wonderful Valentines day with your men!



  24. Mac is ADORABLE! Sounds like – Life is Good! I am so happy for you! I enjoyed your last post too, little steps. It takes time to take weight off. My baby is 11 years old and I can’t get the weight to come off. So I trying a couple new things as well as some old. Healthy food & fruit shakes and lots of exercise. This is the year I will be taking off that extra 20 pounds, I want to go to Hawaii this year!

    Happy Birthday!!! Happy Valentine’s Day to you and all your boys! Have a wonderful time in Hawaii!

    We had a wonderful day today at my son’s Swim Meet. He did GREAT! Then we enjoyed dinner with the family.

    As for tomorrow my Husband and I are making a special BBQ Rib dinner for My Grandmother and the Family. (she’s 80 years old, be 81 in September and she is so special to us)

    We always have a little special something for the kids and the rest of the family. I usually have it all planned out, but Valentine’s Day came so quickly. I just maybe flying by the seat of my pants
    tomorrow. I’ll probably get up early and make a heart shaped cake for the kids, or cupcakes with cute little hearts.

    Thanks for writing!
    Happy February!

  25. Jane, you have a great birthday in a few days and Happy Valentine’s to you and yours.

    We took our neighbour/friend out for dinner today for her birthday and will count that as our Valentine’s out. For tomorrow I’ll be making heart shaped chocolate cookies and decorate them with coconut and have cutlets for supper.

  26. Happy Valentines Day to you and an early Happy Birthday!

    Alas, I will be working on Valentines Day from 6 am to 6 pm. I did get flowers and a box of candy on Friday, which the kids and my husband cleaned out by Friday night. Well, at least I’m somewhat appreciated 🙂

  27. Happy Valentines Day to you and yours too Jane!

    As for me, today my boys and I went to a sweet little Valentine luncheon where my youngest son made me the sweetest card! Tomorrow as long as the weather permits we are going to take out our bikes and take a ride to the park and just enjoy eachothers company… I know I will soon enough be missing these days where they don’t mind being seen with their mother in public so I am enjoying every minute of it!

    Take Care,
    Dawn M.

  28. Jane,
    What a darling picture. He is a doll. How fun that you get to spend Valentine’s day and your birthday in beautiful Hawaii. I’ll just be celebrating Valentine’s Day for all us single women. Have a good trip and birthday.

  29. Happy Valentine’s Day to you Jane! I will be spending the day at work. Not exactly my dream come true, but it will be a lot easier to go out Tues. night. Gotta look at the bright side of things! 🙂

  30. My Valentine is working tomorrow so I am taking a raincheck for Monday night. 🙂 We are heading to a hockey game and then I plan on making my husband and kids a fun, fondue dinner. Tomorrow I plan on making it really fun for the kids, like I always do. Everyhting in hearts…pancakes, sandwitches. It’s fun for them, and I know they wont let me do it when they get older! 🙂
    Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and Birthday, Jane!

  31. Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Birthday, too!

    For Valentine’s Day, my husband is cooking dinner. He bought a heart shaped rib-eye (lol) from the butcher shop and is going to make that with whiskey cream sauce on top (it’s Pioneer Woman’s recipe). Yum!

  32. That baby is such a doll!
    Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

    The Hubbs and I are going to a movie tomorrow. We might eat out if we can get in somewhere nice. His hours and pay has been recently cut so we are just happy to be able to see the movie and that this happen to us now since the kiddos are all on there own and not at home. If it would have happen when they were all here we would have not beenablt to make it.
    Economy is tough but he still has a job and we will b alright.

  33. Hi Jane!

    Mac is tooooooooo cute! Growing up so fast!

    My V- Day is consisting of…… get ready for this….. a blind date. My best friend insists. How cliche right? On Valentines Day. Apparently we’re going to go see “Valentines Day” the movie which I heard was preeeeeetty funny, then dinner. (My choice.) So PF Changs it is. At least get a good mojito out of it. 🙂 Then back to work Monday! I just finished Vacation so am not thrilled to see my inbox at work.

    Hope you have a great week! A Happy Valentines Day and Wesolych Urodzin! (Happy Birthday in Polish.)


  34. This year I did more than usual for Valentine’s Day. It’s been a tough handful of months, and I wanted tomorrow to be really special for the hubby and kids. I’ve planned a special dinner, made cards, wrapped up little, fun gifts and hidden a few surprises throughout the house. I can’t wait to see their faces in the morning.

    Wishing everyone a very Happy Valentine’s Day and a year full of love and laughter.

  35. He is adorable! I hope you and everyone else have a lovely Valentine’s Day. We have had an incredible amount of snow and I am really hoping that it melts soon.

  36. Jane,

    Happy Hearts Day!! It’s so funny, as a long time reader of yours, I was thinking how much you love this week last night. I was talking to my friends of my trip coming in the end of April to Montana and remembered you love for Valentine’s Day and your upcoming birthday. My littlest Valentine is turning 6 tomorrow and my birthday is right after yours on Sunday. So I tend to love this week also!! I still love my birthday no matter how old I get (not that I am) but I tend to love the whole month of my birthday!! Wishing you lots of love and happiness on this Valentine’s Day and a wonderful birthday on Wednesday filled with celebration with your loved ones!! Enjoy Hawaii:)


  37. Your smallest Valentine is an absolute little heart throbber…love those chubby little hands. Will be staying in today due to the recent snow dump we’ve had here in the East. Living in the mountains is great but when there’s a great deal of snow, it just doesn’t melt as fast as I’d like it to. I hope you have a wonderful day and a very Happy Birthday on Wednesday…yes, life is good and even better once the committments have been fullfilled (good luck with the book).

  38. Sweet picture of Mac.

    I’m just hanging out today. Need to do some cleaning but we’ll see how that works out. 🙂

    Happy Valentine’s Day. Have a good one!

  39. Happy Valentines Day! I wish I was in Hawaii. I’m in “Hotlanta” looking out my window at what’s left of the 4 inches of snow we got on Friday. Too weird. My Valentine is out with his best friend…who came in from out of town for the “long President’s weekend” – unaware that it was also V-day! (he’s single). Oh well…got my four little Valentines fighting around me:). I did get flowers, and tomorrow dinner & a movie…weather permitting!

    Enjoy your vacation.


  40. Hi Jane!
    Hope you enjoy your very special day!
    I will be spending today by myself. This is first Valentine’s day in 23 years I haven’t been with my husband Mark. He had to leave very early today for business. I have been remembering all of your special days together and just happy to have wonderful memories.
    Happy Valentine’s Day <3

  41. Great picture of Mac! He is a cutie.

    My hubby is out of town for Valentine’s Day but I left some cute treats for the kids when they woke up. We still have a lot of snow on the ground here in Northern Virginia and the kids have only been to school one half day this month! We have a chance for more snow Monday night so they may not go back Tuesday after all.

    We were finally able to celebrate my daughter’s birthday yesterday with a shopping trip to the mall with her friend. Her birthday was the 6th but it was snowed out and we had no electricity! My husband’s birthday is the 19th so February is a busy month for us too.

    Enjoy your time in Hawaii ~ the only state right now without snow on the ground! 🙂

  42. Happy Valentine’s Day! I love Mac’s little hat! My son had a similar one with little bear ears when he was that age and I loved it. We are just taking it easy for Valentine’s Day. I got some wonderful fudge – from Cabela’s of all places, but it’s really really good!

  43. Mac is so adorable! No special plans for today except to watch the Olympics while working a jigsaw puzzle.
    Happy birthday!

  44. Happy Valentine’s Day!!

    I woke up early for church and was surprised with a dozen roses and a PINK IPOD from my sweet husband. I’ve been running again and complained about getting bored without any tunes to help me stay energized and motivated. Now, I plan to spend some time learning how to download some of my favorite songs.

    Blessings to you and your Valentines xoxo

  45. I am all alone on Valentine’s Day since Eric had an early morning flight to Jamaica for a work project. But he will make it up to me next weekend when we leave for San Diego for a belated Valentine’s weekend. In the meantime, I have an orchid plant, See’s dark chocolates with lemon & raspberry centers, a big bottle of Pink Sugar, and a cozy house filled with pets. And guess what is on TV right now? “Flirting with Forty!”

    Happy Valentines Day!


  46. It may be Valentine’s Day, but my kids still have soccer! We spent the day watching games and my husband coached. We did get a little romance over the weekend- dinner on Friday and a movie on Saturday. You do what ya gotta do.

  47. What beautiful blue eyes your little nugget has! He is a cutie. Enjoying a relaxing day with my Valentine. Like you said, “Life is Good”.

  48. I’m waiting to hear whether it’s possible our little Valentine will arrive in time for V-Day! My daughter is at the hospital to see if her water has broken. If so, it could be any day now! Or even today!

  49. Happy Valentine’s Day! Your little Valentine is so adorable!!!

    This year, my hubby and I had to visit with his mother in the hospital (nothing too serious…she had a lot of tests but no answers yet). Then he took me out for a nice lunch and we headed to his favorite store…Lowe’s.

    Nothing says love to my hubby like a home improvement project!! LOL…so I have spent the afternoon scraping popcorn ceiling off the guest bathroom ceiling (it was put up improperly and has been slowly peeling off) and then priming the ceiling for putting popcorn ceiling back up (which will probably happen on Tuesday). Other than the priming, we worked on the project together, so it was fun!

    And now we are watching one of his favorite movies, Excalibur. He gave me an awesome gift…Coldgear training clothes for training for my half-marathon in cold weather. Never needed them before but it has been way too cold lately!

    Hope you enjoy Hawaii!! I have been thinking of warmer places for some time now!!!

    Many blessings and much love to you and yours!!

  50. Well my baby turned 17 on the 13th and we are having her friends over for a sleepover today through to tomorrow (they have a ped day, so no school).

    It’s been a busy house full of girls. I splurged at Chocolate 88 for some lovely chocolate hearts for all my kids… the two oldest got theirs early as they live in the city (actually one drove to Florida on Friday) and the other two got theirs today.

    Have a very happy birthday, Jane, hope it is a special day. Enjoy your time in Hawaii with your guys.

  51. Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

    Baby Mac is sooooo adorable!!! I still have my picture Christmas cards up and I have received the most praise for yours! Mac’s big blue eyes!!!

    We hung low today. I have a cold and my hubby was tired. He had to work a half day yesterday. He watched the Daytona and we all watched the Olympics and FINALLY hung art work in our livingroom! It looks so nice! Helped the kids with their homework and made my daughter’s b-day invites for her Feb 23 b-day. Her due date was 15 years ago today!

    Congrats on finishing the novella and enjoy your vacation with your boys!!!


  52. He he…its my birthday on the 14th, and this year even the big 4-0 wuahaha. I’ve been hanging with my lovely family, getting the sunday comics first, nothing but salmon for breakfast..pretty much that kind of day. AND it was even mostly dry..YEAH.
    No tables to be had anywere on this day.
    Happy B. day to you in a couple of days!

  53. I know what you mean. Febuary is one of my favorite months.

    Yesterday was my 42nd birthday, of course today is Valentine’s Day and then on the 24th my husband and I will celebrate 14 yrs of marriage. I enjoy recieving 3 gifts all within 11 days, they do not have to be big just 3. My husband thought he was going to be smooth 14 yrs ago and combine all 3 in one. Boy was he wrong. Never happened again 🙂

    Have a drink for me while you are in Hawaii. We spent our honeymoon there and enjoyed everyday there!

  54. Got home tonight from going to a wedding on Saturday and staying with mother-in-law last night. The wedding was lovely and all the young people were beautiful and brought back great memories (except for the tatooes on the girls, just hate them!). Hello young lovers, wherever you are – I had a love like yours – and it has lasted all these years.
    Had a special valentine for my love and got one from him, plus chocolates We are snug in front of the fire watching the Olympic games. Life is good here and so glad it is good for you, too!

  55. My house is now quiet. Hubby and kids are in bed asleep and I am on ebay checking out vintage beads and findings to get inspiration for some new jewelry to make. We tend to boycott the commercialized version of Valentine’s Day, but the kids get a treat from Mommy and Daddy, and some years Mommy and Daddy exchange Valentines, others not. This year hubby surprised me. I do love surprises! Yummy lunch at home (turkey, bacon, avocado, lettuce and tomato sandwiches with steak fries) and valentine brownies for dessert. Yum! Taking my big boy to see The Lightning Thief tomorrow. Have read the first three books so far and are loving the adventure!

  56. Your little guy is adorable. My 13 yr old want to go see that Percy Jackson lightning thief movie. Maybe we’ll hit the early show today. Oh and what JR Ward book are you reading? I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

    Happy Vacation!


  57. For some reason I didn’t get this new update from you until today. hmmm. anyway we just hung out yesterday and enjoyed the beautiful weather. glad you’re feeling so well! YOu deserve it!

  58. Hi everyone! Happy President’s Day, and hope it’s a good morning (probably now afternoon for some of you). It’s nine am here in Hawaii and beautiful. Ty’s teaching right now in Waikiki and I’m chilling with kids at house.

    I ended up picking three winners instead of two. I selected #14 Emily and then my two big boys drew names out of a hat and they drew consecutive numbers! Too funny.
    So, #56 Lotte and #57 Lanette M, you are the other two winners for our total of three.

    If my three winners could email me with their addresses I’ll get goodies in the mail this week!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. You all rock.


  59. Thanks u all – and a very happy break to you. My boys and girls spend the morning getting muddy, then had lunch and now are prone in front of …mario super nr. 5 something…ehh nonviolente but silly. Address in the (e)mail for yah.

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