First Gone Country Event Set

I’ve very happy to announce that my first event for She’s Gone Country has been set.  We’re kicking off the She’s Gone Country book tour with a reading and signing at Books, Inc in Palo Alto, California, followed by a release party.   I’m hoping all my Bay Area readers, friends and family–including all those wonderful former students of mine from IHM–will be able to make it.   More details to follow in the coming months but if you’re in the Bay Area, please save the evening of Monday, August 23rd for me!

The Palo Alto signing and party will only be the first of many events, though.  I’ll be hitting different cities on the West Coast, along with Texas, a number of Southern states, and fingers crossed–maybe a city near you.  I’d love to meet my readers in the Mid-West and North…I’ve promised Lesli and Sharon G among others a visit for years.  But to be able to come see you I need one of two things–a bookstore willing to have me in to the store for an event (and people to attend!), or a book club/book party where women can buy my books, or will have read my books, and are now eager to discuss them.   So if you’ve got a book club of ten or more readers that would like to meet me, let me know and I’ll try to schedule a visit to your neck of the woods during the coming year. 

As many of you know, I just attended a book club in San Marino, California on Thursday night.  I flew to Burbank Thursday, made my appearance (thank you to Liza and Megan for picking me up, driving me to event, keeping me company and then returning me to airport!) and returned home.  On one hand it’s a lot of time and energy for a two hour event, but on the other hand, a great discussion is worth every penny and every moment of my time, and the women in San Marino were incredible.  It was a fantastic group of women and a very thoughtful discussion and I so appreciated everyone’s time and support.   I love writing for women.  I love meeting women and hearing what they think about my books.  Even if not everyone loves my writing, I still like hearing other perspectives.  Writing can be so solitary that doing events and sitting in on book clubs reminds me that my readers aren’t this faceless, nameless blob, but real women with real lives and quite often, juggling intense demands.

So as my publicist and I discuss book festivals and book signings and book parties, let’s hope that one of my events will bring me close to you!  But just to be on the safe side, tell me where you are, and if you think an event near you, or with your friends, is possible.


  1. Glad you had sucj a great time in San Marino. Sounds like it was a blast. I can check with my friends here to see if they would like to meet you and discuss your books. I know some of them have read them as well.
    I am in CT, but if you are on the East Coast, I think a road trip would definitely be in order.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  2. I’m not too far from you and would love to make one of your more local book signings/events sometime. I’m in the Olympia area.

  3. Any chance you might be coming to Kansas City, Missouri? I’d love to meet you! It would be so great! Have a great weekend.

  4. Any chance for North Florida or South Georgia.
    Oh Jane, You do lead an exciting life. I am so looking forward to the release of She’s Gone Country.
    If you haven’t seen the movie Up In The Air you need to rent it. I watched it last night and I can honestly say it is one of the best movies I have seen in a few years.

  5. That’s really exciting news, Jane! Congratulations!

    I don’t know how you can stand it…planning dates so far in advance…the anticipation would kill me.

    Good luck with planning your book tour.

  6. Hi Jane:

    Sorry we couldn’t connect on this So. Cal visit; but sounds you like you had a smashing, good time!! I know the LA Times has a book fair/festival every April. Wouldn’t it be great if 5-spot had a booth with all our favorites there during the day? Might be too late for this year, but something to think about!

    Happy Weekend.
    Hugs, Shannon in Tustin

  7. Decatur Book Festival in Decatur, GA! (right near Atlanta) It is fantastic independent book festival held over Labor Day weekend. Always very well attended. Would love to see you there!

  8. I’m near Houston, Texas and I feel certain we can find a place for you, as well as having a lot of people come see you. 🙂

  9. Jane,

    I could get at least 10 women for a visit here in NJ or if you went to the little place in north Jersey like always, I will bring my people to you!!! Either way, I’d be happy to plan something! And if need be, you are more than welcome to stay with me!

    See you in about 37days!!!


  10. Jane,

    I hope you come to the Atlanta area!!!!! You have lots of fans here. I also have a book club – 20 amazing women – that would be honored to host you. That would be sooo incredible. Fair warning – August in the ATL is hot….but the fall is beautiful!

    Keeping my fingers crossed,

  11. I can’t wait to see you, and get my copy of SHE’S GONE COUNTRY, next month in Portland, OR at the Rose City Readers Luncheon!

    I can’t wait to read this story… I ended up “going country” this past decade and am still trying to figure out if it’s me or not! LOL!

  12. hi jane! it would be great if you could come to kentucky ( or surrounding state). we actually have a smaller bookstore called the bookstore in radcliff, ky, where they have other “meet the writer” events. i know i have seen christine feehan, cheryl norman, j.r. ward, and some others there. i am sure the owner would love to have you set up a visit!!!!! be safe in your travels!

  13. In our library we have author events given through the Friends of the Library and there are also author events that the library itself does. If you are going to be near the Austin, Texas area (we are a town about 30 miles away from Austin) I will send you the email addresses of the president of the FOL and the event’s coordinator at the library for you or your publisher to contact. I would love to hear you speak and buy an autographed book, too!

  14. Please pick the suburbs of Phoenix too! I have turned on my MIL to your books and she has been plowing thru them…

    How about the Barnes and Noble at Chandler Fashion Center? We’d love to meet you!

  15. Please come to the O.C. to promote Shey’s story! If LBB isn’t going to have you again, tell me and I’ll scout out another spot!

    Shannon in Tustin

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