Fresh Starts

Yesterday I began planning and plotting my new book(s) in earnest.  I’m putting together a series of books that have some connected characters.  As I’ve shared before, I love this stage in writing.  It’s the pre-writing, brainstorming, mulling, analyzing stage.  Very few words go down on paper now.  Rather I put together binders with character photos and bios, sections dedicated to settings and conflicts and careers. 

My brain is working almost constantly as I try to piece together the plots and the layers and the driving motivation.  My editor has asked for one thing.  I’m drawn to something rather different.  Can I find a way to meld the two?  Can I give her what she wants without losing what I’m compelled to do?  Publishing is such a delicate balance of art and acumen…must be creative…must be viable.  Must make money.  Must sell many books.

The idea I’m most intrigued by isn’t light and cheery at the onset.  It’s more reality than fantasy.  Editor very much wants fantasy.  Readers want feel-good.  I want truth.  How to make everyone happy?

I think I can.

I hope I can.

I sit down at the computer and tell myself I can do anything.  I go to sleep at night and ask my brain to come up with solutions.  I turn the pieces of the story puzzle around and around to see if there might be a stronger hook or more commercial spin that would allow me to spin a fast-paced, yet emotional, yet empowering read.

I think I can.

I know I can.

And so it begins again.  New book.  New ideas.  New possibilities.


  1. Can’t wait to learn more about the new series! As a reader, I tend to lean more toward reality than fantasy, but I’m sure anything you write will be fantastic.

  2. I, too, really love the beginning stage of writing, creating something new, dreaming up the what ifs and getting ready to make it happen.

    I would wish you good luck, Jane, but you don’t need it. You are a gifted and talented writer.

    You can.

    You will.

    And we’ll love it just as much as the ones before. 🙂

  3. Hey Jane, I love books that connect. I think everything will come together in the end, so don’t worry about it. I am glad you started work on something new. Looking forward to reading whatever it is.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  4. I am more of a reality fan than fantasy…but I will surely read any book you write! Good luck, I am sure you will do an amazing job, you always do!

  5. Jane,
    You have to be true to yourself and what you want to write. I know for me, most anything you write is a winner. I like stories where I can identify with the charachters and feel what they feel. Good luck with reaching that melding point that you are searching for. I know you will find it.

  6. You can totally do it, Jane. As you said, the percolating process is there for a reason. And one day, as you’re watching a bad reality TV show, the twist will come to you. At least, that’s how it happens for me. ;o)

    Happy percolating!


  7. I am curious. About the viability..the readers. Isn’t there a point that a writer can write something they really want to even IF it isn’t what everyone wants? Just something they have to get out. Or is that why some write under other names?

  8. Honestly, I love the reality! Try to stay true to what your intuition is telling you!!! You have a loyal following regardless!

  9. It is neat to get a peak at how your oh so creative mind works. I not only think you can, I know you can, Jane, because you have done it before and with what you have learned, you will do it even better this time.

  10. Not to worry. I have yet to find a Jane Porter book that I didn’t enjoy. What I love most is your sense of humor. Have fun with it!

  11. Hey Jane! I think you’ll be able to make the minds meet :0) And we all look forward to whatever transpires out of this journey ~

  12. Hopefully the journey you take with these books will be as exciting as possible. I can see both sides, you needing to write what you feel and your publisher wanting to fulfill the need for happy endings that lots of folks really look for in their reading these days. Bet you can do it: please yourself, your readers and your business folks. Best wishes!

  13. Jane,
    I know you can. I think what draws me to your books is the reality base to them. Every one of your books are relatable. Women need that. They are real but with happy endings which give us hope.

    Happy Creating, Jane!!


  14. I love to read a good story. I love to get to know the characters and have the questions answered about them in the end – I love the stories that you have told so far. I am not into the vampires and the Hogwarts group or any of that. I am confident that no matter what, you will tell me a great story! I can’t wait to see what you come up with – I know it will be great!

  15. Jane,

    It’s good to make room for change in your life. Can’t you just feel it in the air, this is going to be a good year. Stick with what your publisher wants, do it to the best of your ability and your sure to pay your bills and you will continue to please your loyal reading fans. But on the side, yes you have the time (lol)write that one book just for Jane. Put your heart and soul into it. Make this book just scream of who you are as a writer. This will be the book that changes so many things for you as an author if you write it for you and not your publisher. I know your heart goes into all your books, I’ve read most of them and they are all wonderful. I’m just saying that once you remove all publisher requirements from your writing and from the back of your mind, your novel will be the best ever. I’m not very good with words, I’m a very visual person and thats why I’m a screenwriter, not a novelist. I prefer to leave the hard work of writing to the pros, the authors. I will stick with screenwriting. Lol

  16. Go Jane!! All your creativity sounds exhilarating–getting it all out of your head, connecting the dots, etc. What a wonderful process.

    Are you trying to steer toward the story line we spoke of in Laguna? Based on more personal experiences in a younger age set?

    No matter what you come up with, you’ll write with your heart and we will love it. Seems like you thrive in the process. So glad for you.

    Have a great Sunday! Oscar nite…wheeee!!!

    Hugs, Shannon in Tustin

  17. Hi Jane,

    Happy Monday…by the time you read this.
    I’m so excited for new beginnings and I can’t wait to read your new book(s), these ones will be fantastic and you are truly a fantastic author. Have a great week.


  18. I KNOW you can!!!!! 🙂

    I am more reality based than fantasy although my idea for my book came from a fantasy! Hmmm… lol

    Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers! And I am excited to hear about your process!


  19. Sounds exciting and fun! I’m sure you will find a way to meld the two. And us readers can hardly wait to hear about your new set of characters.

    I just read a book by an author who wrote it on the side while writing one that was commissioned. The book that came from the heart and needed to be told was unbelievably moving and very out of character with her normal writing. Her commissioned book was great too! It can be done and I know you can do it.

    Have a great week!

  20. Can’t wait for Shey’s story and whatever comes after that! You will never disappoint your fans. Whatever you write, we will enjoy! Keep us updated on what you come up with!’

  21. I’m already anxiously awaiting She’s Gone Country and I’m thrilled to hear you’re starting a new series.

    You will make this happen, in the best way possible.

    Keep us clued in, it’s so exciting and interesting to read about the process behind the writing.

  22. “I put together binders with character photos and bios.”

    I found that so interesting that you do that before you begin writing!

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