Spring Events

I have a very busy schedule in the coming months.  Lots of public events, and then private events like book clubs and reader groups and dinners I’ve offered to local charities.  Although I don’t love leaving my kids so much in the evenings and on weekends–as you know I’m a tad attached to them–it’s all worth it if I get to meet readers and see fellow authors and friends.

My next public event takes place this coming Saturday afternoon at the Kingsgate Library on 143rd Street in Kirkland, WA.   My talk begins at 2 pm and I’ll be reading from Easy on the Eyes and then leading a discussion on the writing life and the publishing industry as well as answering questions.  Third Place Books will be selling my books in case you want to pick one up for a sister, friend or mom for Mother’s Day.  I will also have fun goodie bags for all who make it so stop by the library if you can.

Next Thursday I head to Pasadena for a book club event and then the following week I’m in Portland, OR for the PLA Conference and then I’m back in Portland again on April 17th as the keynote speaker for the wonderful Rose City Romance Reader Luncheon–if you’re in the Portland, OR area this is such a great event!  Dozens of incredible authors will be in attendance and they always give away stacks and stacks of books.  If you love romance–and I do–then try to squeeze this event in.

Two other fun events that have been added is the Grand Opening for Ty’s new shop in Waikiki.  I’m going to be there that night on April 8th signing books and hanging out with any and all my Hawaii readers and friends.  If you’re on Oahu, please plan to stop by the party and have a beer or glass of wine and chat.  But if you’re not on Oahu and just happen to be in Montana, then I’ve got an event for you!  Just today  the wonderful Kari Andersen put together a book event at the Barnes & Noble in Bozeman for me.  It’s scheduled for 7 pm on May 1st and I’d love to see you  if you’re in the Big Sky region.

And  I’ve one more special mention….

I’m hosting a private, exclusive screening and party for my good friend Christine Fugate’s incredible, moving, inspriing film, Grief Becomes Me:  A Love Story in Redmond, WA on Sunday, April 25th at 2 pm.  I’ll be mailing out invites for this event and due to the limited seating in this swanky gorgeous movie theatre I have to cap the headcount at 130.  If you think you’d like to attend, and meet the real life film director who inspired the character of Christie, Tiana’s film maker friend in Easy On The Eyes, save the date and email me ASAP for an invite.  Christine’s flying up from Laguna Beach just to meet my readers, fellow writers and  friends.  I’ve told her I know the most amazing women in the Pacific Northwest and I know you’d enjoy hearing about her experiences as a film director.  Christine is an Emmy award winning director and has such a fascinating perspective on women and creativity and women in the film industry.  Please do think about joining us if you can make it.  I’ll have copies of my books available, lots of fun drinks and appetizers and terrific conversation.  It’ll be a fantastic afternoon, I promise!


  1. WOW!!! Jane! You are going to be a busy Lady!
    I wish I could make it to one of your events.
    What FUN!! Have a Great Time!!

    Over Spring break we will spent a few days on the beach, my old stopping grounds. It will be Great Fun, but that is the only traveling be doing for a few months.

    You have been busy posting on your blog about your New Book, New Book Series, and up coming events. I am always so excited to hear about all wonderful things that are going on. Thank you for sharing!

    I can’t wait for summer to buy your new book, “She’s Gone Country”

    I will have to email you a picture my daughter took of me on the beach last summer with my summer read “Easy on the Eyes”

    Wishing you the Best with your New Book,New Book Series,and all the wonderful up coming events!!!

  2. Awww…while you are in Kirkland I will be in Portland. While you are in Portland I will be here. Such is life.

    I wish you the best. Man, your life is amazing. But you know that. 🙂

  3. Sounds like you have a lot of fun events coming up! I’ll meet you on Maui before the grand opening… lol

  4. Don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids. It sounds like you will need the energy. Do you have any plans on visiting the great state of Texas? Would enjoy meeting you.

    Be safe!

    1. Lanette,

      I am going to be in Texas next Fall for some book events so we have to make sure I get to see you! I’ll definitely do something the Greater Dallas area and then fingers crossed I’ll be in Austin for an event. I always love heading to Houston but don’t know if that’s going to be possible this trip.

  5. Woohoo!! I(Jersey) will be in the Blue Sky Region for your event on May 1st!! Can’t wait! I get more excited every day for my trip to Montana and going to explode soon! I fly in to Bozeman in about 50days!! Can’t wait to see you and Kari, and Cheryl, Jessica, and Buffy!! What a fabulous weekend we will have!! Enjoy your spring! See you in 50 days or so!!!


    1. Cindy, it’s going to be awesome to see you again! How many years has it been since the New Jersey signing? 2? 3? Anyhow, very cool that I get to see you with Kari and gang. 🙂

      1. Jane,

        I think it might be 2 yrs in June. You’ve had a lot going on in these past 2 years. 🙂 Will you be bringing Mac to Montana? Would love to meet him! Take care!


  6. wish i coul attend one of your events and meet you in person, but kentucky is a tad bit far for me to travel from!!! love your books and can’t wait for the next one to be released! have a great time and safe trips!

  7. Wow! Sounds like you have a lot of great and fun events coming up. Maybe one day you will make it to the East Coast.

    We are enjoying some spring temperatures lately and hope winter is over. We just bought a small camper and hope to use it over spring break in Myrtle Beach. Am excited to get out of town as after that my hubby will be gone for a few months for work.

    Enjoy your upcoming events! And I’m envious of those readers who can attend. Have a great time all.

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