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She’s Gone Country

I’ve just finished going through the galleys, proofing it one last time before it goes to press for its summer release and I love this book.

I love this book.

I’m really proud of this one, too.

I want to write more novels like this She’s Gone Country.  I want to continue writing books the way I’ve been writing them.  As I’ve said before, I’ve been asked to change direction somewhat and I know I can do it, but I’m proud of the books I’ve written so far.  And I am really glad I wrote Shey’s story.  It’s probably my favorite book I’ve ever written and I don’t say that about all my books.

I love the setting, the characters, the conflicts.  This is a book I stand behind and a book I hope lots of people buy.

I’m Fed Exing the manuscript back to my publisher in New York in the next half hour but it’s been really fun spending the past day and a half reading this story.  I can’t wait for you all to read it, too.

38 Comments on “She’s Gone Country

  1. WOW! Me first!

    I am excited too! I love reading the different points of view of the friends. August can’t come soon enough for me.

    Glad you are back safely and the tsunami was a non-issue!

  2. I’m really excited for She’s Gone Country! Can’t wait to see what’s going on with Shey and hopefully hear tidbits of what’s been going on with the other chars we’ve gotten to know through the previous books.

  3. You make it sound so exciting that now I’m even more anxious to read it! Enthusiasm is wonderfully contagious.

  4. Hey Mo, Emily, Stacy and Melissa,

    I don’t usually respond to blog comments, or get this excited about a book but I really am excited about Shey’s story. It was so fun creating this world and still feels so real to me. I really got into the setting…loved the Texas life…Shey’s brothers, the family ranch, the struggles her three boys are having. I just wish I could write more on this story, but I guess every novel has to end somewhere. 🙂

  5. I look forward to reading the new book. Sounds really great! So glad everyone is OK in Hawaii.

  6. I think we are our own best critics, and if you say it’s good…it’s tops! Lotsa hard work rolling around the writing and we all get to know all about the in between stuff…that is so great! I really enjoy when the storyline continues…hope we’re looking at movie stuff here, can’t wait to read it. Don’t know how you do it all, but what a relief to have Shey all finished up for the time being. Much good luck Jane and enjoy all the hype…Ruth

  7. Yeah! Fun new summer reading! I am so thrilled for you, I know this has not been easy. I must make room on my shelf! Congratulations!!!

  8. Hey Jane! Awesome! I cannot wait to read this book once it comes out :0) I’m assuming the galleys you refer to are a lot different than the ones I’m use to, lol. One thing I love about your blogs is getting the inside peak at your books from the beginning (concept and idea) and seeing them transpire into a work of art. Isn’t it awesome when you complete a project and you just LOVE IT?!?! :0) Been there … looking forward to the ‘white truck’. ~ <3 Janelle

  9. Very excited to read it!! I have loved getting to know all these characters and you have connected them all so beautifully!

  10. I can’t wait to read She’s Gone Country! I own all of your books, so of course I’ll be adding this to the collection! 🙂

  11. I so excited for you! I can’t wait to read it! When an author says that one book stands out more than another you know it’s a great book! I get the first book, right?

  12. What a feeling, what a ride that you have shared with us. I can’t wait to see it at the bookstore. I have loved the stories of these women and with the next one, cowboys, too – yippee yea! Jane, you continue to delight and I don’t know about changing – but I trust your instincts and anything with your name on the cover says “buy” to me.

  13. Jane I love your writing and I am so excited to read Shey’s story that I have already ordered through Amazon.

  14. Hi Jane,

    I finally ordered your latest book and I started reading it last night. I was not sure how easy it would be getting it to Finland, but had no problem 🙂 So far it has not been as joyful as the earlier ones, but we’ll see how I like it at the end. I have gut feeling that I will like more the book She’s Gone Country. Tiana’s story is just so sad and dark… Positivity is the key for me 😉 I hope all is well there! We were also here watching the tsunami hitting Hawaii and I was wondering if you and your family are safe!

    My warmest regards and lots of good writing spirit too!

  15. Can’t wait to read your new book! I’m excited that your are excited about it and that it’s your best one yet. Hard to top what you have already written. The anticipation will be great as summer approaches. I am not reading anything at the moment and long for a good book. Everything I have on hold at the library is a long way down the list.

    Enjoy the accomplishment and know we are all anxious to read Shey’s story!

  16. Can’t wait to read. I love a Texas setting. I know it will be a page-turner.
    I am looking forward to what you are going to write in the future. I am never disappointed!

  17. Me too! I can’t wait for this book to come out… I loved Marta and Tiana’s stories and I really liked the series as a whole. I am guessing that Shey’s story will end it, but I am hoping you bring them back somehow, sometime together so we can read more about these three great ladies.

  18. I can’t wait to read it! You sound so excited and since I like all your books I know I will LOVE this one. Congrats on finishing it.

  19. Sure Jane, make us wait, we are known to have “patience” to wait for a good book :o). Then when it comes out, I read it so fast, that I have to do it again once I’m done with the action, then I really sip it like a lemonade on a hot day.

  20. Jane,

    As you know, I would never change what you have written. I am proud to tell people to read your books. Everyone I send in the direction of your writing, loves it too. I have a long list of authors and books that I like but none that I love more than you and yours. You write from the heart. It is obvious. It makes me stronger as a woman. And it makes me happy…what more could you ask for? Can’t wait to read Shey’s story!!


  21. Hi! Glad that your so proud of your new book, thats the way it should be, I can’t wait to read country Chick, I love all your books but looking forward to Shey’s story. What I like about your books is that you write from your heart and I feel like I’m in your books. Keep up the good work..

  22. I can’t wait to read it!!! I am so excited & happy for you! I can’t imagine what direction they want you to head in? Your direction seems perfectly fabulous!

    From experience I think it is difficult to decide where a stroy ends. I am almost finished with the first rewrite of my book and pared it down by half. I knew where it started and where it should end but its long and I can see it being two books. I guess time will tell!

    Thanks for sharing & being an inspiration!

  23. Jane, don’t “change directions”! I love “continuous” or “series-like” books…it makes it seem like the story doesn’t end, just more chapters! Your books are great & we love them just the way you write them! Can’t wait to read this one, too!

  24. yes!! can’t wait to read it. By the way, Jane – loved the luggage tag; it’s been with me on my last two trips

  25. I went on Ty’s website, and if I ever get to Hawaii, I’ll definitely will stop in his shop. I’m curious on how you and Ty met. You make a cute couple. Your kids are cute too. It must be hard to be apart but then you make trips back and forth and he does, too. Anyways, can’t wait for the book to be out. Have a nice weekend.

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