Book Events All Week Long!

The pic  below was taken in July when I joined a wonderful Seattle book group for their discussion of Odd Mom Out and tomorrow I begin a whole new round of book talks, readings, signings and discussions….about SHE’S GONE COUNTRY!  I am really excited to be on the road, meeting up with readers, and saying hello to booksellers.


Are you in California?  Can you join me at one of my book events this week?  It’s Palo Alto Monday night, Sacramento Tuesday night, Fresno Wednesday night, Pasadena Thursday night, and then to Nevada Friday noon!  I know it takes effort to get out of the house, make arrangements for kids, sometimes travel a great distance, but please know I so appreciate it when you are there and I never take your attendance for granted!

Looking forward to a wonderful week in California and then my noon event with Robin Carr’s group in Henderson, Nevada.  Need details for my events?  They’re all here on my website’s event page.  Check out the schedule and see when I’ll be somewhere near you!


  1. Hi Jane ~ I just finished She’s Gone Country, and wow, it was amazing! I had written you last week that I was finishing up “The Sicilian’s Defiant Mistress” while heading to the shore. I had packed “Duty, Desire & the Desert King” too, not realizind I had left Shey home…so I finished that in 3 days. I am in awe of your writing. We were out yesterday and had gotten home around 5…it was raining & a little cold, but the perfect time to stay in & start reading about Shey. And, I had a hard time stopping. Finally, I forced myself to go sleep at 1:30am and stopped at chapter 16. I couldn’t wait to see what was going to progress between Shey & Dane! I don’t want to say too much because I know a lot of people are just getting the book. But, this morning, after I got my boys settled w/breakfast, I began again & just finished! I can totally see Shey’s story in a movie like “Flirting w/Forty”. The chemistry was intense and such warmth and depth of the characters and their personal stories. I also love the epilogue…I wanted their story to continue…maybe a possibility for the future? I can’t believe the year has come & gone w/the waiting for this release. It’s very hard to contain my excitement while reading your stories. I do hope one day to meet you (I’m in New Jersey). You have made me love reading again & it started 4 years ago when I read an excerpt of “Flirting w/Forty” in Redbook magazine. It is hard being a working mother, trying to find time for yourself; and, I love my sons w/all my heart, but I do miss being “me” too. And, perhaps, that is why I relate to your stories so much. Well, now I’m on the search to find your other romance novels and continue to read. I wish you all the best for a great tour and look forward to hearing about your life w/all of your boys too! Congratulations on another wonderful story!

  2. Jane, I just finished the book too and LOVED every page of it. Loved the characters and the mom struggles that you can describe so well. I had tears in my eyes during the Bo situation and can so relate since my boys are teens too. Thank you for giving me hours of total escape from my life–just hope there’s more on the way. I am sad I finished this one!

  3. Jane, you look beautiful! Hope you are having a blast : ) Be careful, stay hydrated, and have lots of adventures that you can post about. “You’ve Gone Country”!

  4. Hi Jane. I went to buy your book today in Colorado Borders and they won’t sell it until tomorrow. Did the date get changed?

  5. I only wish I lived on the west coast. 🙁 Maybe someday soon you make it to the mid-west. Enjoy your book tour and I can’t wait to get my copy of She’s Gone Country!!

  6. Hey Jane! Man… I LOVED this book!! So glad I chose to see if the B&N in Tyson’s Corner, VA would go against the grain and have it out before the release date – and to my surprise it was there on the shelf!! :0)

    Read it all the way back to the island on the plane from Denver, because I could NOT put it down. “Easy on the Eyes” has been my favorite thus far, but I think Shey and crew pulled ahead in her Pop’s old truck! Great read – many thanks girl ~

  7. Jane,
    I just finished the book and I LOVED,LOVED,LOVED it!!! I saw it at Barnes and Noble on Saturday but didn’t get it until midmorning
    Monday on my Kindle. I was working with one eye on my computer screen and the other on
    my Kindle. I drove home listening
    to it and let my kids handle dinner on their own(hubby worked
    late..thank God). Loved Shey and her boys. My son is 11 and it is so hard to start to let go. I could feel her pain. Loved the story…as much as Flirting W/Forty and Odd Mom Out.
    I remember you blogged about that someone(your publisher?) wanted you to change the type of books you wrote, well in my humble opinion, as someone who owns all the ‘chick lit’ books that you have written, they are CRAZY. Keep up the great writing.
    Can’t wait for your next one.

  8. Well I just went out on my lunch hour to buy She’s Gone Country at Chapters in downtown Montreal and it was sold out! Fortunately the sales clerk did some investigation on the computer and found 7 copies at the Indigo book store a few blocks down, so over I went and there were only 3 copies left, so I grabbed one. Now, I’m back at work and it’s calling to me from my briefcase which is as far away from my desk as I can place it… can’t wait to get home and get into it tonight!

    Now, when are you coming up to Canada? I live in Montreal, but would happily travel to Ottawa, Toronto or Halifax to get to one of your booksignings/events!

  9. Hi Jane!

    Finished Shey’s story this afternoon and it was wonderful! LOVED IT! I tried to read as slowly as I could to make it last but it was hard to put down. Your knack for telling a story is just unbeatable. The way you relate to moms and their struggles is so heartening and real. I’ve just never read another author who can portray those feelings and the feelings we feel as moms and not wanting to forget ourselves as well.

    Great job. Happy book signings. Wish we lived on the west coast!

  10. Okay so I finally read Easy on the Eyes and was really frustrated the first half of the book. She just seemed so whiny and so “Woe is Me”. But then…… I got hooked. Fell in love with Tiana. And then when Shey visited it got me sooooooo intrigued and excited for She’s gone Country. (okay so the package you sent with the first chapter booklet did too.) I ran out today to get it and am on chapter two. I’m forcing myself to go to sleep but can’t wait to read tomorrow! Have fun on your book tour! Can’t wait till you’re back home in WA so I can catch a signing!


  11. Hi Jane,
    Stayed up late last night because I could not put “She’s Gone Country” down. I loved it!! Congratulations on a great book! Have fun on you tour.

  12. Aw….you guys gave me goose bumps and brought tears to my eyes. THANK YOU!!! Seriously, thank you for the great feedback on Shey’s story. I always find booktours a little scary and stressful because you never know if people will show (Sacramento’s event had a very low turnout and the managers had ordered what felt like a million books! 🙁 )

    BUT reading your thoughts and getting your opinions has really been an incredible shot in the arm. I’m totally excited now about tonight’s Fresno event, so thanks again!
    (And if you don’t mind, share the love at Amazon or B& as not everyone is as nice as you…)



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