Country Girl (Shey), Cover Girl (You), Soon to be Back-in-the-USA Girl (Me)

I’m ready to hit the touring road, and am off to charming Auckland, New Zealand, where I will attend their Romance Writers’ Conference this week. And next Monday I will be back in the states, getting ready for my book launch party at Books Inc in Palo Alto, CA, and basking in the excitement of She’s Gone Country officially hitting stores.

Book releases mean book tours, which means lots of traveling, hard work, and time away from my family. But touring also offers me the chance to visit new and beloved destinations, meet new and dedicated readers, and celebrate the finished product of the hard work of writing.

I love my job. And I especially love book releases! And this one started a little early… bonus!

I hope you’ll celebrate with me by taking part in the She’s Gone Country Cover Girl Contest. I am just in love with the cover of She’s Gone Country (little known fact: authors have very little say in the cover design process, so it’s a blessing when the cover is this awesome). I couldn’t think of a better way to commemorate the book’s release and give away some great prizes than to ask my readers create their own version of Shey and the red truck, snap a photo, and send it in.

All the details for entering are right here, or just look for this cover girl graphic on my home page (or wherever) to get whisked to the details, and also to the gallery of the photos as they start to come in. Take note: there are a few ways to enter, so everyone can participate!

This is a quick one: the contest ends September 10th, so get going! Cowgirl up!

In the meantime, I can’t wait to check in from the road to post your entries and read your comments about She’s Gone Country and the Shey-inspired photos.


  1. Hi Jane! Have fun in New Zealand. I have a friend who lives in Auckland so it’s cool that you’ll be there. He’s not a romance fan but I’ll tell him you’ll be there and maybe he’ll come say hi.

    Hugs to you and the boys!

  2. I’m not a photographer, but once upon a time my husband and I owned a 1954 baby blue custom cab (curved windows on the side) chevy pick-up and it was FUN! I do love the cover of the new book!

    Have fun on the tour. Looking forward to meeting you. I have my book ordered!

  3. Hi Jane!

    Just got She’s Gone Country int he mail today! Am so excited!! I was thinking I had to wait until we were out of town to get it somewhere but when I saw you post that Amazon was releasing it early I ordered it with a two day delivery and it came in one day. So excited. Now I just have to make myself wait to start it until we are on the road.

    Happy travels to you for your book tour.

  4. I was in the local Target today and scanning the books aisle. I had to do a double take when I saw your book on the shelf already. I thought I was going to have to wait another week to get it!

  5. By the way everyone, this cover contest doesn’t have to be hard…in fact, it’s easy!!

    1) buy book
    2) find truck
    3) jump (or lean) on hood holding book

    If you choose to wear boots, awesome. If you want to be blonde, put on a wig. But you don’t need fancy lighting or crazy props. Use a camera phone. Click. Send pic off. Entered.

    And win!

  6. Hi Jane, I like this contest. I have some of the props…need the old truck and the book. I am excited.

    Safe travels to all the wonderful places you go on your book tour.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  7. Had to crack open the book last night…just to read the acknowledgements, then just to read Chapter 1. Love it! I am making myself put it down until we leave on our trip. Can’t wait to read more. I love the interaction Shey has with her mother, I can SO relate to it! As a mother of a son close to entering middle school I am excited to read more about Shey’s boys.

    Have a great day Jane.

  8. Hi Jane,

    I just ordered She’s Gone Country last night! Can’t wait to read it! Enjoy your book tour and trip to New Zealand.

  9. Just pre-ordered She’s Gone Country today, and hoping that ships early!

    Good luck with your travels and your tours. Godspeed!

  10. Hey Jane,
    I am so excited for you and wishing you well with the New Book release!

    Thank you for telling us about the Book being released early. I was going to order it on line, but I couldn’t stand. So I called Barnes & Noble. I found out they had and had them put aside for me. Within a half hour I had the sweet little book in my hot little hands. He he!

    Thought I would be able to stay up last night read a few chapters, but with all of our activities, hiking, etc. I only got through the middle of the second chapter and fell asleep.

    I love it! Already feel it is going to be awesome! Love the characters! Mama … can so relate. Shey she is such a Mom!

    And I missed it somewhere … when did Marta have Twins? Love Marta! Someday maybe more on Marta and her Hunky Man and the kids.

    I can’t wait to read more… to find out what is in store for Shey!!! Looking forward to her meeting up with… the new (old) guy! I will going to the beach this week… I will be reading!!!

    Thank you for the goodies in the mail :), you are so sweet!!!

    Have a Fantastic time with the Book Tours! I really don’t think I will be making it to Sacramento 🙁
    It looks like I will working late next week.

    I bought the book, I need to find that truck and get a picture… 🙂

    We would love to hear from you while you are on the book tour! (if you have a chance) Have a Safe trip to New Zealand & back to the States.

    Wishing you the Best!

  11. What a fabulous book! Got it last night, read till 1 am and finished it this afternoon. I loved the tie-in to the Bravern and related events. Always fun to read about home. I love that your books show a woman can find her true self in motherhood and romance and not completely lose her individuality. So many authors trick women into believing these things are mutually exclusive. Well done! Can’t wait for your next book! Any chance we’ll hear from Taylor Young again 🙂

  12. Jane I love your books! I preordered Shey’s story it seems like a year ago. I was so excited when I recieved it early. I just completed it and I absolutely loved it. I am sure to read it over and over like I do Flirting With Forty. It amazes me how you can portray the very feelings us single mothers feel in any given moment of our lives. It is inspiring to read. of course I am a single mother of 5 boys, a college student and looking for fun is easier said then done. Keep up the good work!I look forward to the next Jane Porter novel!

  13. Hey all, just arrived in NZ a couple hours ago and have already spent the morning in a wonderful writing workshop given by Christopher Vogler. This is such a cool place to be (and so refreshingly cool after the heat of Hawaii!). All the rain reminds me a lot of my Seattle. 🙂

    Now back to the workshops and then I have to finish the two workshops I’m giving this weekend.

    Love to all!


  14. I JUST finished She’s Gone Country and I absolutely LOVED it! It’s my new favorite Jane Porter book. I have loved your others, especially Flirting with Forty and Mrs. Perfect, but I think this one may top them. I loved the setting – I seem drawn to books that have a ranch setting. I have loved Liza Kleypas’s books that take place on ranches and Janet Dailey’s Calder series were the first ones I read and loved with the ranch setting – I even named my son Chase. Anyhow, I loved the characters in She’s Gone Country. I liked how Shey related better with her difficult mother at the end and how supportive her mother came to be with helping with the kids. I loved how Shey started up the center for girls to build their self esteem – I like how she gave back to her community in a way she was passionate about and in a way that is so needed and seems to always be cut out because of budget cuts in a community. Your stories always immediately pull me in, and I’m always sad to finish the books because they leave me wanting more. Once again, THANK YOU for entertaining me!!! Great story. 🙂

    1. Oh, I forgot to include how I loved your message to your readers at the end of the book in the “about the author” section. Very well written and heartfelt.

    2. Ah, Sandy! You just made me feel like a million bucks. Thank you so so much! I loved writing about Texas and the ranching life. It’s something I’d love to do again, too.

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