She’s Gone Country shipping early!

She’s Gone Country isn’t due to be available in stores until August 23, but GREAT NEWS! It’s already starting to ship from and Barnes & Noble. I’m sure other online retailers aren’t far behind. I’m super excited that you guys are going to be able to read it a little bit earlier than expected!

For those of you who got your ARCs early, I can’t wait to read your reviews, and for all your about to have Shey’s story in your hands — I look forward to your feedback!

Who’s coming to book release parties?! I will see you soon!


  1. WOOT!! I am very excited to read it 🙂 I would love to go to a book release party…but I don’t know how you get to?? Will you be coming to CO anytime in the near future? That would be awesome. Have a great rest of the week.

    1. Teri, I will be in Denver for a book trade show in late September. Right now I have no official book event planned other than attending the author reception, but if you’re at all close to Denver, maybe we could meet for coffee or a little bite before I fly back tp Seattle?

  2. I am honored & privileged to be one of the lucky ones with an ARC…and I will be doing a review SOON on my blog and Amazon as well!!

    Thank you, Jane!!

    1. Teri, ARC is an Author Review Copy. These copies go out to the authors before the books come out, and they are usually sent to reviewers to read beforehand. Some of them are also used in contests on blog sites. It helps authors and their publishers get a sense of what people think about the book before its release into the world. If someone else can chime in hear, that would be helpful.

      Peace and love,
      Paula R.

  3. Got the packet in the mail today with the neat “goodies” on She’s Gone Country and just read the first chapter. I thought I would have to wait until 8/23 to buy the book and can’t stand to wait to find out what happens. I like to go “real” shopping to buy books so I will look this weekend when I go to B&N and watch for the release party in Bellevue. See you there, partner (my attempt at country)!

  4. Got my packet with goodies yesterday too and LOVED the first chapter, can’t wait to get the book. From the Reader’s Guide Questions, this one’s filled with all kinds of twists and turns and I’m so glad it’s coming out early.
    Thanks Jane :o)

  5. Congrats! I can’t wait to read it! I’ve been working with BookSparks PR and recently sent them the questions for our interview. I hope you have fun answering and I look forward to posting it and helping you promote what looks to be a great novel! I just got a fun little package of promotional items in the mail yesterday. 🙂

  6. CONGRATULATIONS JANE!!!! So happy the book is coming out sooner than expected. What makes it even better is that I will need to make another pilgrimage to the bookstore soon, my Mecca. Have a fantastic day. Where are the book release parties going to be? I would love to go to one.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  7. Jane, thank you for the goodies in the mail. The 15th of October you will be in Georgetown, TX, right? I am so looking forward to it! Is there anything I can do to help promote your visit? Just let me know. Now I am off to read the first chapter. I will order my book through the bookstore where you will visit, Hill Country Books today!

  8. Hooray! I am so excited for everyone to read this book! I think it’s fun and sexy like Flirting and yet has so much raw emotion and real issues like Mrs. Perfect. This is a must read!!!

    1. Jessica, I mailed some big boxes of promo stuff to your house for the Fresno event! Hope that’s okay. 🙂

      Can’t wait to see all of you in Fresno-town!


  9. Hi! I’m going to be looking for it at the bookstore near the mall, or I’ll just order it on line. I’m so excited for I want to read Shey’s story. I’m excited for you. Have a good weekend, i started my classes today, and school for my daughter also started, so my household is abit crazy. Have a great weekend.

  10. I am just getting to know you as I have a very busy life with my two kids and my husband. He had a diving accident about a year ago and is now paralized so as you can see I do not have a lot of time to read. As soon as I read Flirting with Forty I am now a life long fan!!!! I can not wait to read your new book!!!! Thanks for taking me to new and wonderful places even if its just until I close your book!!!!!

  11. Ordered She’s Gone Country from today. Living in Dillon, MT can’t wait to read about our cowboys. Work w/2 rodeo cowboys and am dating a team roper who makes his living that way. Also got packet with goodies – love the yellow pen!! Thanks so much!

  12. Hi Jane!
    I was so excited to see that She’s Gone Country is available and shipping early! Yay! I was so excited that I decided to order a book for me and one for my best friend instead of sharing one. She is as excited about reading it, as I am! Shh, it will be a surprise for her!

    I will be on the look out for your Denver dates as well. I would love to meet you in person!

    I also got my packet with the goodies which I loved. Thanks again for the fun surprise in the mail. You made my week!

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