Lunch with my Denver Readers

Happy Monday everyone! I’m just about to dive into my writing but wanted to let all my Denver readers know that I’m going to be in your city this Thursday, September 23rd  for the Mountains and Plains bookseller tradeshow at the Marriott Tech Center, and I’m organizing a lunch for my Denver area readers.

The 1 pm lunch is my treat , and its going to be at a fantastic restaurant and I’m bringing special reader goodie bags for everyone that attends. There is no agenda, just a small, relaxed lunch with my readers and friends. Want to join me Thursday? Just send me a private email to RSVP, or post something in my comment section about RSVPing, and I’ll get back to you with all the details.

And for those who are too far away from Denver to attend, I’m hosting another fun, fast blog contest that classic romance readers will love. When I was in Auckland at the New Zealand Romance Writers conference I met the fabulous Natalie Anderson who writes incredibly wonderful, sexy romances. I was able to pick up two copies of her Harlequin novel, Hot Boss, Boardroom Mistress, which also includes one of my novellas! I was so excited to find this book as my  novella, Mistaken for a Mistress, is impossible to find. For those of you who’ve read my Galvan Brides mini-series, Mistaken for a Mistress, is the story about Estrella Galvan, the sister who was the European model.

The blog contest runs until Friday noon and I’ll announce the winner Friday afternoon. The prizes include the book, a $15 Barnes & Noble gift card, chocolate, and lots and lots of JP reader goodies. How to win? Just post a comment about your week or weekend, and that’s it! You’re entered!

Hope to see some of you in Denver. Don’t be shy about attending the Thursday lunch and if you need courage,  bring a friend or two!


  1. Oh, Denver sounds like a blast…wish I wasn’t so far away! Just came down with a horrible cold today, so it looks like I’ll be taking it easy for a couple days. A good book and a blanket sound really good right now!

  2. Hi Jane! My weekend was wonderful. We celebrated Hubby’s 40th birthday on Saturday. Lots of friends came to spend the day and we BBQ’d and played badmitten, horseshoes, croquet, frisbee and had a bonfire where we roasted marshmallows and made s’mores.

    Sunday we went to church then spent the day being lazy. We watched Gone With The Wind and played a few board games as a family. Nice enjoyable weekend.

  3. Wish I was going to be in Denver,sounds like a lot of fun. I spent the weekend babysitting my 7 year old grandson and 5 year old granddaughter so my daughter and her husband could go to Eureka Springs Arkansas to celebrate their anniversay. They were married there and it’s a beautiful place. So I spent the weekend watching kids movies, coloring and playing with my wonderful grandchildren.

    1. Danielle, I think you’ve got the details now and I’m so excited you can join me!! I love the restaurant and am looking forward to great appetizers and meal and wonderful company!!

  4. This giveaway and the Denver lunch, both sound like so much fun! If I lived in Denver, I’d be there for sure!
    This week I am happy to say, my daughter has her freedom back! She had a heart procedure done on Friday and was such a trooper. She’s only 6, so it was a big thing. She was getting very tired and short of breath during physical activity. Now, she will never be told to slow down or stop running again. It’s a blessing, I know things could have been so much worse.

  5. You are so great to treat your readers to lunch! Wish I was there.
    My weekend was terrific. I took my daughter to a concert and spent the weekend together in Dallas ~ such fun & great memories!
    I’m also working on finishing “She’s Gone Country” I am really enjoying it!
    Have a great visit to Denver.

    1. Melissa, are you going to be able to make one of the events while I’m in Texas? I’ve got the big fun Dallas party, and then I’m organizing other lunches and happy hours and events so let’s figure this out because I want to meet up!

      1. Jane ~ Thanks for the note. I got excited that I would get to meet you!
        It looks like you are in Plano on a Monday, though, and I can’t do that. It’s a couple hours from me. On a weekend it’s not an issue, but on school days, Mom’s taxi service is in demand! 🙁
        I know just where that Love & War in Texas is & it sounds like a fun time… Wish I could be there!

  6. Denver sounds like fun! I didn’t do much this weekend just saw Easy A and finished a dress for class. Have a great time in Denver. 🙂

  7. My week is full of celebrations. After badminton tonight, we’ll go to a local restaurant to celebrate another player’s 48th. Tuesday we belatedly celebrate my son’s 25th. Wednesday I play badminton again, probably going to a restaurant to socialize afterwards. Thursday we get our favorite dog to dogsit until Sunday. Saturday we attend a neighbour’s wedding. Life is good (despite having to work around these celebrations)!

    Wish I could join you in Denver. It’s kind of hard from Canada…. Oh well. I’m sure a good time will be had by all!

  8. Denver sure does sound like fun!! Too far for me though 🙁 I had a good weekend of watching Notre Dame football on Sat.(they lost) and the BEARS yesterday(they won)woohoo!!Plus our son was home from college for the weekend!

  9. You are so good to your readers! Wish I lived in the Denver area so I could attend. My weekend was full of volunteering and a bridal shower. 🙂 Enjoy your reader lunch!

  10. Wow, Denver sounds like a blast… you spoil your readers something fierce Jane!

    We had lovely Indian summer weather in Montreal over the weekend and I started putting my garden to bed for the winter, transplanting, etc.

    I have a busy work week this week and my weekend is packed with a horseshow — I’m also manning a sales booth at the show. Have a great week yourself!

  11. Jane, seriously, you need to come to Decatur, Georgia. We do have a great book festival in the fall! Loved She’s Gone Country. Read it once in a hurry and will re-read at a more leisurely pace.

    What am I doing this week? Um. Procrastinating. (I’m at the office)

    Happy Monday!

  12. We’re already gearing up for Halloween here…buying material, unearthing accesories, stockpiling candy (hidden in the freezer, wrapped in aluminum foil.)

  13. Our weekend was spent helping our son and DIL with prepping and installing their new floors. Even my 85 year old father got down on his hands and knees and did some sanding. =) It was a great fun family time!

  14. Hi! I had a terrible weekend, wasn’t feeling so hot and I had plans on going away but had to cancel. Instead, my son’s girlfriend gave me her kindle and she had down loaded a western story, by Reid Rosenthal, and it was such a good book, I felt like living in the story. i can’t wait to get the paperback to give to my dad as a christmas present. Have a wonderful time with your fans in Denver!

  15. Hi Jane!
    Yay! I am so excited you’ll be here this week. Count me in for lunch. I look forward to the details.

  16. Darn, I wish I lived in Denver! This past weekend we celebrated my parents 50th wedding anniversary. What a milestone these days. My dad treats my mom like they were just married. 🙂

  17. Heya Jane!
    I wish I could go to Denver but I can’t, it’s a little to far away. But you are getting closer to me here in Missouri.
    My weekend was quite. I always lay low on Fridays after babysitting my granddaughter every day but Friday. She just wears me out. Saturday and Sunday were quiet with the exception of the occasional yells that could be heard throughout the house. It’s loud! It’s disconcerning! Yet, what can I say, it’s football season!

  18. Had some great fall weather this weekend. Watched daughter’s soccer games and relaxed. My week will be busy because of work.

  19. My weekend was great I went to a Coffee Festival, were they served a lot of different flavors of coffee I even try a coffee yogurt. I just love it. Hope to be in Denver!

  20. Wish I could be in Denver, but I can’t so I hope you have a fun time. We had good news at our house today. My husband was offered a job after being laid off two years ago. So, we will definitely be celebrating this week!

  21. I took my moms dog to the vet today. Tomorrow I am planning on washing the car. I am just taking this week day by day.
    Wish I lived near somewhere you visit, I would so be there.

  22. Too bad we won’t be able to join in Denver, however, when you are in Georgetown, Tx, perhaps you can join myself and 3 friends for some good mexican food and margaritas in Austin.

    This week is going to consist of homework with my 8 yr old, volleyball practice twice this week and a series of 3 games on Saturday. My husband is going hunting on Sunday so I plan on doing NOTHING!

  23. Your trip to Denver sounds fun! This weekend we have some BASEBALL on tap…then celebrating Joey’s 9th birthday with my family. A couple of full days which will (hopefully) be followed by a restful Sunday.

    Enjoy and super safe travels.
    Hugs, Shannon in Tustin

  24. Last weekend my car battery died while I was out shopping, and our favorite football team lost in a heartbreaker. Hopefully, next weekend will be better. We have a concert to go to on Friday and another football game on Saturday.

  25. I had a great weekend and am looking forward to the next one. I love spending time with my family on weekends and I feel refreshed and energized at the start of the week. The past weekend was spent hanging out at home – I can’t get enough of those!

    I hope you had a great weekend as well.

  26. drat. . . I was in Denver last month, twice. It sounds like your lucky readers are going to have some great fun! Come to NJ, Jane!!

  27. Wow, have fun in Denver, sounds like your readers will have a fun time! This contest sounds amazing, too. Always love getting books from new authors, especially if they are recommended by you!
    This week is full of work for me. In my spare time, I’m going to go visit with my Grandparent’s. They are visiting from UT. I’m excited to see them since I only get the chance once a year. Other than that, enjoying a day of sunshine today, I know it may be one of our last…since I’m here in the Pacific NW! 🙂 Have a great week Jane!

  28. My week started out with my 13th wedding anniversary on Monday. But really, the week is the same as any other…busy, busy. Driving the kids everywhere, cleaning, laundry, cooking, and playing referee with the kids.

    Have a great trip to Denver!! I have a lot of friends asking when you are coming to Jersey! lol


  29. I wish I could be in Denver. Or actually, I wish you were coming to Minneapolis!

    I am excited for my weekend as it involves getting my hair done and then a Minnesota Bloggers dinner – so should be fun!

    Good luck in Denver!

  30. Jane, that sounds wonderful! Unfortunately, I am busy Thursday lunch and can’t come. But I do live in Denver, and if you have anything else going on, I’d love to hear about it!

  31. busy week doing odds + ends and 3 books to finish by thursday for book club! i finally got the girls to say a-ok to mrs. perfect being one of our reads : )

  32. Its been a very busy for me lately, I have been trying to wash down the vinal siding on our house part of it I am doing with a pressure washer. Also have bleached my deck getting ready to put stain on it, may start it tomorrow. I have been a very busy lady!

  33. oh, i wished i live nearby ! it sounds fabulous.

    my weekend was great. since Monday was my son First day at school after a month of holiday 🙂

  34. I’ve never been to Denver. Sounds like a great place!

    My plans are the same as the past 4 or 5 days. Taking care of my daughter. She has been really sick and is now missing her fifth day of school in a row. 🙁

  35. My weekend was busy. I worked Saturday and on Sunday I made dinner for my mom and did some grocery shopping.
    It is a busy week at work. I am covering classes for others.

  36. Hi Jane,

    My weekend was super great. I attended my sisters wedding and it was a blast.
    Now I´m back in the Seattle area, jet laged and looking forward to the weekend.

  37. I’m having a very busy, but great week! I met with a great group of children’s librarians yesterday afternoon, and was so excited about the books we discussed I just placed a rather large Amazon order!

    Have a great trip to Denver!

  38. Hope everyone in Denver has fun! This is turning into a CRAZY week for me with more to do than there are hours in the day to get it done!!!

  39. Hey Jane! Enjoy your Denver visit… sounds like it is gonna be way fun! :0)

    My week is going too quickly and I have a ton of homework to catch up on in my Space classes. Fun stuff… Asteroids, and comets and meteorites, oh my ;0)

  40. School is in session, so it seems life just becomes quicker and crazier. This weekend my daughter is in a parade and we start her confirmation. She is really exicted. Than on Saturday I am at an all day GS Leadeership event. It is on the lake and rather relaxing with lots of good information.

    Have you shared anything on your next novel? I haven’t seen anything. I enjoyed She’s Gone Country and look forward to seeing you in Spokane. 🙂

  41. Busy week for me…planning a trip to London and where we’ll stay and all the other fun details. Sure don’t know how you manage the traveling with such ease, but I admire you for it. Just saw your little cowboy, and he is just too precious (little charmer for sure). Hope you’re enjoying all your travels…Ruth

  42. The week went by quickly; my husband was at his mother’s house because she is very sick so it was good they had some time together. With the start of school I was busy at work so stayed home alone, but managed to get in a walk before it got dark, read the newspaper and wated a couple of new tv shows .. kind of dull, but have more social plans for the weekend.
    The lunch today sounds like a blast!

  43. Uneventful week this week…….. tried getting into a book that many have recommended I read, (Shutter Island) they said to read the book before I see the movie. But I’m one of those people that likes to know the ending before I begin…….. so I ruined it and looked it up. 🙁 Now I just can’t get into it AT ALL!

    Tomorrow I’m heading out to Oregon to visit my sister and go to the Polish Festival. Should be good times! Great eats! And just overall fun family time!

    Hope you have a good weekend!

  44. I bet the Denver luncheon was a lot of fun. Wish I could’ve been there. Love the picture of Mac, he makes a super cute cowboy!

    My week has been pretty busy with work, but I’m off on Fridays so today I’m picking my friend’s daughter up from daycare and we’re all going to dinner, which we haven’t done in awhile. It’ll be a nice way to unwind after a chaotic work week.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  45. I am having a really hard time doing anything this week. Of course my “to do” list was exceptionally long, so I just had to come down with the flu. I am just wiped out and I really could sleep all day. I guess my list will have to wait. 🙁 Next week I am going hunting with my brothers and sisters. It’s always so much fun sitting by the campfire, playing cards, good food and good company. I can’t wait. I hope you had a blast at your luncheon in Denver, it sounded like so much fun!!!

  46. Hi everyone, just settling back in after my quick trip to Denver. Came home to tons of things that needed immediate attention (how does that happen in one day?!?) but here are the two winners:

    #4 Danielle


    #50 Renae

    Danielle and Renae please send me your addresses via private email and I will get your fun stuff out to the post office ASAP.

    Thanks all and a fun contest starts tonight so check it out…!

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