Third Place Books Rescheduled!!

Hey all, looks like some wires got crossed and Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park is double booked for tomorrow!! This means my event with them is now rescheduled for Monday, November 8th at 7pm. Please mark the change on your calendars and do come see me on November 8th if you’re in the Lake Forest Park area!!


Last night’s event at Barnes and Noble in Bellevue was a huge success! Lots of friends showed up and we sold a ton of books. Thank you so much for all your wonderful support! It means so much to me!!


  1. Hey Jane! Looks like ya’ll had a very good time last night- sure wish I could’ve been there. I ordered my copy of ‘Country’ from our local book store and get to pick it up tomorrow finally. Every time I go in there to get one they’re sold out so you’re obviously quite popular here in western Kentucky.


  2. Jane,
    My friend broke a bone in her foot yesterday at work and I was late leaving and didn’t get to come. Wish I could have gone tonight at 3rd Place instead but I thought maybe I could do the October event in Bellevue – don’t want to wait until November!!

    You are the most fun to go and see and I have my book ready for signing, Congrats on a great launch in Bellevue!

  3. Hi Jane looks like you and everyone else had a fantastic time.
    I a can’t wait to hear about the rest of your book tour.

  4. Looks like you had fun – makes me wish I was in Seattle!
    Loved your interview, you looked great.
    Got your book yesterday, and can’t wait to start it.

    Enjoy your tour kiddo.

    peace out

  5. Jane,
    Did you see the discussion in Slate about the new Franzen book “Freedom” and women writers? It is interesting and as a woman writer you can appreciate it even more than I did.

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