The Cover Girl Contest Results Are In!

It was a big  job counting all the votes but we’ve tallied the votes, double checked our numbers, and the 3 highest vote scoring photos were:

Photo 3 – 80 votes
Photo 4 – 86 votes
Photo 15 – 73 votes

Just now I threw the top three numbers into a hat and drew at random Entry #4!

Entry #4, Janine, you have won the Grand Prize! (The Grand Prize – $200 VISA gift card, a colorful picnic hamper for a fun day in the countryside, a totebag full of goodies and Jane’s recommendations of perfect books for fall, and other fun Jane Porter goodies.)

The Grand Prize Winner! Entry #4 - Janine

The wonderful two Runner Up winners, #3 and #15, will each receive a signed copy of She’s Gone Country, $50 Barnes & Noble gift card, $15 Starbucks card, and JP reader goodies

Runner Up: Entry #3 - Melody

Runner Up: Entry #15 - Janelle

And everyone that entered a photo in the contest gets a $25 B&N card and a $15 Starbucks card and special treats.

So congratulations to my wonderful winners. This was an amazing, creative, and competitive contest and I loved every single entry. I thank each of you who participated–whether you entered or voted–as you really made this contest fun.

And now winners and contestants who entered a photo in the Cover Girl Contest, please, please send me a private email with your mailing address so I can get these wonderful prizes out!


  1. Woo hoo! I am so happy. You just made my day (or should I say year). It’s been a tough year here and I was really hoping for something positive to come my way. You did it. Thank you so much, Jane, for drawing my name. I’ll email my address right now. I can’t even type, I’m so excited.
    Congratulations to the other winners too!

  2. Hey Jane, would it be possible for me to split my prize with Pam (the entry of herself with her truck & horse)?
    It was such a great picture!

    Thanks again for hosting such a fun contest!!

    1. Your comment was so sweet, Melody! I thought you were a perfect “Shey” -model and ranch girl. I’m so glad you were one of the winners and thanks so much for thinking of me. I agree with you it was a fun contest.

  3. Thanks again. I thought it would be interesting to tell the story about the truck. We found this truck in the woods behind our house last winter. My husband wanted to run a lost title search on it and see if it belonged to anyone and if not, bring it to the house as a project. But, after deciding it would cost too much to restore, he left it alone. I didn’t think anything about it again until I saw the posting for this contest and knew there was a reason we came across it. It was meant to be for this contest. Thanks to everyone, friends and family and people I have never met who voted for me.

  4. Jane,
    It was interesting to see all the photos and so wonderful that with your typical generosity everyone got a prize – love it!
    The pics were amazing and which one to vote for was a hard decision to make. Thanks to everyone for their efforts and especially to you, Jane, for such a great contest! I am not even a “little bit country” so I didn’t do a photo but getting to vote for a winner was a delight (and no phone calls or politics about this vote, thank goodness).

  5. WOW!!! Awesome Jane, Thank you!! Thanks to all who voted too… this was a really fun, fun contest. 🙂

    Email enroute with my info. Thank you again ~ Aloha

  6. Good job Jane, it was fun to see the entries for this competition… and once again, you are so good to your readers!

  7. Congrats to the 3 winners.

    And Jane, thanks for your generosity and giving all of us such wonderful consolation prizes. And I certainly would call them more than consolation prizes.

    Am sure I speak for all the entrants.

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