Making Friends

The best part of a book tour is finally meeting readers in person and having these readers become new friends.  That happened Friday in Georgetown and Austin when readers joined me for lunch and later for dinner before and after my Georgetown signing at the Hill Country Bookstore.  It was such a pleasure to spend time with people who have posted comments on my blog and sent me emails during the last few years.  Thank you to everyone who has taken time to come see me and to those who are part of my community of readers, writers and friends!


Thank you also to the wonderful Judy Parks of Georgetown who helped arrange my book event as well as some of my publicity.  It was Judy’s idea for me to come to Georgetown and I had such a wonderful time in this charming, historic town on the outskirts of Austin.

And now we’re on the road again heading to Katy and Houston where I’m hoping to meet lots more great readers as I wrap up my Texas book tour with three Houston area events.

And because I’ve got some Barnes & Noble gift cards burning a hole in my pocket, I think its time to give away some prizes.  Tell me if you’ve ever gone to a book signing and you’re entered.  It’s that simple.  If you haven’t gone, would you?  Or does the idea make you nervous?  Contest runs through Monday night and I’ll announce the winners Tuesday morning.  Good luck


  1. I go to book signings for my favorite authors whenever I can!! My favs have never been in my city so I usually have to travel to Kansas City or Minneapolis. Most recently I met Laura Bush at her signing (LOVE her!) and I have been to two Jodi Picoult signings with my good friend Lesli! 🙂
    Glad you’re having a great tour! I can’t wait to someday go to one of your signings!!!

  2. I haven’t been to a book signing. I might go if I lived where getting to a book signing didn’t involve an at least 6 hour drive.

  3. Jane,
    Hi. I have only been to one book signing and i loved it. It was a neat experience and a pleasure to meet you.

  4. I actually planned to meet you in Houston tomorrow but it didnt quite work out that way.. i absolutely love your books and cant wait for another to come out.

  5. Hi Jane. I have not been to a book signing. It sounds like a lot of fun, it just never works out with my busy schedule. 🙁 I am really hoping to make it to one of yours soon!!! I think the only thing that would make me a little nervous about going to one would be if the author you admire so much, would turn out to be an unfriendly person. I know that would never be the case with you!! You are such a great person and SO amazing to your fans!

  6. I’ve gone to a book signing for Mary Alice Monroe. She was just wonderful. I really enjoyed it and learned so much. It was so neat to hear about the research done on the book.

  7. I’ve never been to one, but would definitively go if it was close to where I live and an author I really love.

  8. When we lived in Seattle, I took my daughter to see HER favorite author at the time, Peg Kehret.
    It was wonderful to get to meet the author and have that personal connection.

    I haven’t been able to make it to one of your events yet, but love that you find all these ways to interact with your readers. It’s such a treat!

  9. I have never been to a booksigning, but I would love to go to one. Where I live, we just don’t get any author visits. Now if you came here, I’d be first in line.

  10. I have not been to a booksigning before. I was planning on attending your booksigning last year and my kids came down with the flu. That was a bummer. I almost went to a booksigning a few weeks ago. It was for Bakerella (I know, way different kind of book there.) Only problem was, I would of had to drive 3 hrs. both ways to get there…that was a little too much!! My friend got to meet her though- and make cake pops with her! Jealous! 🙂

  11. I’ve never been to a book signing, but I would love to go if there were one in my area or I happened to be near one on a trip. Hopefully one of these days I will make it out to one of yours. 🙂

    Hope the rest of the Texas tour goes well!

  12. I wish I could say I have been to one of your booksignings, because it looks like everyone has a blast! I have never been to any booksigning before, but I am hoping to meet you sometime soon! 🙂 I LOVE your books and I love how good you are to your readers! Have a fabulous time in TX…I know you will!

  13. I love booksignings!! I have been to three (at least that I can recall). I have books signed by Emeril Lagasse and Giada DeLaurentis (of Food Network).

    My most favorite and personal is yours, last year in Laguna Beach. It was just more personal, heartfelt, real and real fun!

    When I left LBB that day I felt like I had a new friend, not just met a celebrity or got an “autograph” (like the other two).

    That’s what makes you special, Jane. A real stand-out and all-around lovely person to know. Now I can start looking forward to January!!

    Hugs from Tustin,

  14. I have not been to a book signing yet. Whenever I’ve wanted to go, something always came up or I was going to be out of town. I would love to come to one of your signings, though. So glad you’re having a great book tour!

  15. I would love to meet you but you are always so far from Kansas. I do hope you are enjoying Texas I love it there as well. I go to Galveston every other year to visit.

  16. Yes, I would go to a book signing. I’ve been to two- they were fine but it seems that your signings might be more fun.

  17. I have never been to a book signing, but I think I would really enjoy going. There just never seems to be any in my area!

  18. Hi Jane! I have never gone to a book signing….I live in a rural area. But if you ever get to Ohio, I will come! 🙂

  19. I’ve never been to a book signing. We live in a very rural area and i’d probably have to drive about 2 hours to get to one. Funny i was just discussing you and your book signing in TX with my husband the other day and he asked if you ever came to Michigan. I told him that no one ever come closer than Detroit and i about fell over when he said ” If anyone you like comes that far let me know and i’ll take you”. Wow was all i could think. lol Now all you have to do Jane in come to Michigan! lol We’re about 2 hours north of Detroit.

    Lisa B

  20. never been to a book signing…would love to attend if it was somewhat close to my area,and one of my favorite authors were to be there!

  21. Book signings are wonderful and special. I have attended a few here in town and look forward to many more. Yours look like so much fun.

  22. I would LOVE to go to a book signing, but they are not in my area much. I am really hoping to meet you one day Jane and have you sign my collection of yours! Hopefully it will be soon in New Jersey!!!

  23. I never been to a book signing not because I don’t want to go to one but because I live in Israel and all the authors I would like to meet live very far away from me LOL

    Next year I’m going to attend Lori foster Get Together in Ohio and I can’t wait to meet all my online friends and all the authors I only get to speak to online.

  24. I’ve never been to a booksigning. I would like to someday and I do think I would be pretty nervous about meeting my favorite authors.

  25. I have never been to a booksigning before. I would love to go to one someday. I don’t hear much about many booksignings around my area.

  26. I have been to a few. The authors did a reading then a meet and greet. It was exciting to meet the person behind the pages. I felt that I really understood their books more after meeting them.

    Maybe on your next tour you could stop here on the Central Coast? What a pleasure that would be!

  27. Went to a Linda Lael Miller booksigning this past summer. Nice, friendly lady. She very graciously listened as I tossed in my 2 cents-to wit, I appreciate all the dogs in her stories but she needs more cats! 🙂 Know I sounded like a kook. Don’t care. She was amused and so was I 🙂

  28. Hi Jane! Sounds like you’re having a wonderful time. I’ve only been to one book signing- one of the ones you had for Mrs. Perfect in Bellevue the day of your book launch. It was super fun and I’d go again if given the opportunity.

    (Hopefully I’ll be signing my books someday)

  29. I have never been to a book signing and would absolutely love to go to one… I’m dying to meet my favourite authors, but nobody seems to come to Montreal. And I would travel to Toronto, Ottawa or Halifax to meet some of these authors!

    Sounds like you’re having a marvelous trip, lucky you!

  30. I have never been to a book signing but would love to go sometime. I live too far away from ones I’ve known about to go.

    I’d be nervous just because crowds do that to me.

  31. I have never been to a booksigning, but would love to go to one someday! I don’t hear a lot about booksignings here, but I bet I’m just not looking in the right places to hear about them.
    Enjoy the rest of your Texas book tour!

  32. I’ve never been to a book signing. Not that I wouldn’t want to go but I’d definitely have to bring a great girlfriend along to keep things lively while waiting in line and to pipe up in conversation if I found myself speechless upon meeting the author. Luckily for me, I have such a go-to-girl who is fun and outspoken whereas I tend to be more reserved and quiet.

  33. I love love love love love that tunic you are wearing in above photo!

    Book signing- well I haven’t yet, and I’m a bit ashamed since I live nearby. But I used to work odd hours and never could make them. Then the one I was finally set for at Third Place Book was rescheduled…… so I guess I’ll see you in a couple weeks! 🙂

  34. Hi Jane,
    I would love to go to one of your book signings but it hasn’t worked out yet. I did go to The Pioneer Woman cookbook book signing. It was alot of fun but when I got up to her to sign my book I could not think of one thing to say to her. I was totally star struck. She must think I am a total fruit loop!

  35. The very first book signing I went to was when Susan Napier visited our local library. I was absolutely in awe of her and very nervous. I have since had a few books signed by famous authors – you included, Jane, and I still get that nervous feeling.
    Have a great week 🙂

  36. I’ve been to Nicholas Sparks book signings. Since he’s a North Carolina native, he comes to Charlotte whenever he’s promoting a new book. He’s a cutie. I would be first in line if you came to Charlotte! I’m happy you’re having a good time.

  37. The only signing I can remember is for Berkeley Breathed (remember him? He wrote the Bloom County cartoons). He is one of my husband’s favorites, and was very pleasant, but I do remember it was quite a line to get his autograph. I would definitely go to other signings, authors are like rock stars to me! 🙂

  38. I have never gone to a book signing but if I had the day off and a favorite author was nearby I would definitely plan on it.

  39. Jane,

    I have only ever gone to your book signings. I have not heard of other authors coming to NJ lately. My latest endeavor of planning one has been so much fun and I am enjoying every minute!! Travel safely!


  40. I like to go to book signings b/c I love the conversation of learning about the author, his/her motivation, laughing and talking and at the end, having a signed book to remember the event. I confess, I don’t like waiting in long lines for the big name authors though. Janet Evanovich was signing in my local B&N a few months ago and they had to give out wrist bands for people to go in groups – they were into the 500s! Too much for me.

    One line I did stand in was in the late 90s. I was working in Tower 2 of the WTC and Dick Francis was signing in the Borders downstairs. I’ve spent so many hours reading and learning from and loving his stories and stood in line an hour plus to get his signature. Ultimately, the cattle call nature of it was a bit of a let down, but I don’t regret it.

    @Cindy – the NJRW annual conference is this weekend 10/22 & 10/23 at the Renaissance Hotel in Edison, NJ. We have a Literacy Book Fair on Saturday afternoon from 4-5:30 PM that’s open to the public. About 50-70 authors will be present to sign their books. Proceeds go to Literacy Volunteers of America, New Jersey. Come on by if you’re interested in a big ole book signing. More info can be found at

    Jane – sure wish you were east coast bound to join us! Meanwhile – enjoy the rest of the Texas leg. Sounds like y’all are having a hoot! 😉

    1. Kiersten, Im putting together a reader dinner/event in NJ for mid November. Cindy H who posted above is helping arrange it for me. Shoot me a private email and I’ll send you all the details, and any one else on the East Coast that could make it—join me if you can!

  41. My first booksigning was in a BDalton bookstore in northern NJ in 1999. I try to attend fave author meet/greets and booksignings that are in my area as my time and schedule will allow.

  42. Jane,

    I met you at Vroman’s in Pasadena. You were so kind and sweet and real! I also got to meet Liza Palmer and Megan Crane that night. It was a special night for me.

    Mary N

  43. Sounds like you’re having an absolute ball with the tour 🙂

    I’ve never been to an author signing, but I would defo go to one if given the chance — kids etc.. just make it so difficult to get to these things.

  44. I was so excited to finally meet you at the Montana Meeting and was equally excited to have you sign all my books Jane! You are such an easy person to chat with and your books make me smile and cry and laugh all at the same time. Keep writing as you are inspiring!! And yes, you were my first book signing!

  45. Sadly, I have not. Although, having four kids 7 and under might have a little bit to do with that. One day though. One day! And nervous, oh yes. Definitely!

  46. I have never been to a book signing but would love to go. Unfortunately, we don’t get many authors out here (good old NH) unless they go to Massachusetts which is a few hours away. Although, Normal Bridwell, the author of the Clifford childrens books did come to my school when I was in first grade and signed some for me, if that counts LOL. I loved those books 🙂

  47. I’ve only been fortunate enough to go to one book signing in my life. I can’t remember the year, but it was many many years ago. It was for Ann Rice. I remember all the crazy dressed people there that night. The memory that I hold the most is when I had to go use the bathroom and I went to one where the line was long and I knew there was another, so I went to find it. No one was around. When I walked in the door, Ann was there (I guess it was closed to customers, but no one as around or no signs out)and a lady helping her get dressed. I remember her comment saying she has to go just like anyone else, only she needs help getting back into her costume. I’m glad to hear you are enjoying your Texas tour. I really hope one day to meet you if you ever come back this way.

  48. I went to see you down at Ty’s Surf shop when you were doing your signing-but, the guys said you had just left to the grocery store 🙂 so I missed ya! Maybe next time. Aloha

  49. i’ve been to several. 2 for jen weiner, 2 for nicholas sparks and 1 for jane green. if you ever want to come to the georgetown of the east, i’d be more than thrilled to attend your book signing. 🙂

  50. It seems like there aren’t many book signings near where I live (maybe everyone goes to Chicago and skips Indianapolis); however, the one I did try to go to, the line was so incredibly long, there was no way I was able to stand long enough to participate (disability). I was very disappointed. 🙁

  51. I went to one years ago but since then,none of my favorite authors(including you),have come anywhere near where I live(Southeast Florida.) 🙁 🙁

  52. I haven’t gone as of yet but I really would love to. San Francisco always has some great things going on but it’s a bit of a distance from me. I think I am just going to have to get off my butt, grab my daughter, and go.

  53. Hi Jane, it was lovely to meet you today at Blue Willow. (Wish my son had been with us to meet your sweet boy!) I enjoyed the intimate chat – thank you for your work and for your warm, genuine spirit. You are an inspiration!

    Courtney in Houston

  54. I’ve been to several booksignings for my favorite authors! Some of them have had long lines and others have been pretty boring. My local RWA chapter was able to take Jane Anne Krentz to dinner when she signed in our town. It was lots of fun! Hope to see you in Central Illinois sometime!

  55. Oh yes yes yes. I do and would go to book signings whenever possible.
    A few highlights that I’ve seen in person: Meg Cabot, Alice Walker, Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love, Julia Quinn, Sherrill Quinn, Terry McMillan and Laurie Brooks. I am sooo looking forward to the Tucson Festival of Books in 2011 when Susan Wiggs and Sabrina Jeffries is coming!
    One person I missed that I wish I saw in person (Besides you Jane!!!) was Lisa Lutz. I have completely fallen in love with her Spellman series.

  56. I have never been to one of Jane’s book signings because she is on the other side of the country from me. I did, however, go to Emeril Lagasse’s cookbook signing here in Ohio. That was exciting. And Jane, if I were to win this, I promise to use it to buy “She’s Gone Country.” Pinky swear. 🙂

  57. Oh, I forgot, I saw Jennifer Ashley speak last month and got some autographed books. She was awesome and so giving.

  58. The only book signings I have ever been to are your’s! I’m planning on being in Woodinville at the Barnes & Noble on Sunday!
    Can’t wait to read She’s Gone Country.

  59. I attended one a few years ago. It was a book on WWII, a gift for my dad and, as such, I don’t remember who the author was.

    I would drop everything to attend a Jane Porter book signing if you came to Virginia, along with several of my friends! 🙂

  60. You were my first – and not knowing that it was a book signing that I had agreed to go to made it a lot less scary. Meeting authors whos company one has enjoyed NEVER gets old (and now it sounds like I get to do that all the time, were it only so…)if have since found out. Thank you for being so generous with your time. Consider this Elisabeths entry – please.

  61. Jane, sorry I was not able to meet you in person on Thursday here in San Antonio, I was really looking forward to it, but work comes before pleasure. To prepare, I even didn’t take a lunch so that I could leave early, but that wasn’t in the cards. Hope you had fun while you were in Texas. Come back and visit again soon!

  62. I have never gone to a book signing, but I would love to! I just never have known of one in my area. I’m keeping an ear out for you though!

  63. Never been to one. Not any big names in this small area of NC. Would love to be closer to yours! A big fan. Thanks for the fun contests.

  64. Your booksigning is the first I’ve been to, and I’m so glad I had the chance to meet you! I keep a copy of Flirting With Forty on my desk for reference (I’m an apsiring author), so when I read on your website that you’d be in Georgetown, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. It was my birthday weekend, too, and what a treat it was to meet one of my absolute favorite authors. Thanks, Jane! I’m enjoying your newest book, She’s Gone Country. 🙂

  65. I can’t say this enough, Jane. You are simply wonderful. Quite an inspiration for. My idol!!!!

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  66. I have been to 2 book signings – yours in Fresno and Visalia! Great time at both! As you know, we don’t get many book signings in Visalia, but I would go to more if we did!

  67. I never have…mostly because I’ve never lived near a big city that had them, or never heard about them. The closest I’ve gotten to going to one was yours in V-town. But, alas, I had a small baby and a large 10 year old who had sports, so it didn’t work out. Maybe one day.

  68. Today was the 1st time ever going to a book signing and it was so exciting to meet you Jane!!! You are amazing and I love your books. Thankyou for coming to houston.

  69. I have never been to a book signing. Not because I haven’t wanted too. With 4 kiddos, and having to travel usually 1 1/2 or 2 hours it never works out. Hope you have enjoyed latest tour. And yes I’m sure I would be nervous. 🙂

  70. I’ve only been to one so far, but I keep looking for ones I can get to in my hometown. It was really interesting (mind-blowing, actually) to meet the one author in person!

  71. I like to have signed books but alas written rarely come to the Uk. There’s not much call for it over her I think. Then again if they did do signings over here I’d probably either to reserved or too

  72. Hi! I’m so glad that your having such a goodtime on your book tour, and meeting your readers. I’ve never have gone to a book signing for this is my first time ever to write or read my favorite author’s blog or web-page. I’d love to meet you and my other authors that I read, I think it would be so neat,I’d love to meet you for I love all your books.

  73. I’ve never been to a book signing event. However, we had some authors come to the advertising agency that I used to work at. It so inspiring to meet them — they are soooo talented!

  74. I went regularly when my kids were little and their favorite authors were signing new books. I miss those days!

  75. Went to my first signing this past May! It was a book signing for Emily Giffin. I am also going to meet Lisa Scottoline next week…Jane, please come to Philly!! We love you here!!

  76. I haven’t really had the opportunity to attend a planned book signing, but have had the opportunity for my favorite cookbook authors to sign my cookbook, stains and all!

  77. I went to a romance writers book sale fundraiser 2 years ago in San Francisco and had my book signed by you. It was great to go to, so many wonderful writers there to chat with & have sign my books.

  78. I’ve been to two of your book signings and I loved them. I can’t wait for your next book and hopefully there will be a signing near me. At least I have the harlequin presents to tie me over while I wait for whatever it is you are working on. Have fun in Houston. 🙂

  79. I have been to a few book signings. I think they are wonderful. I love seeing that the authors are just everyday people like myself. Also from my experience you can tell their personality comes out in their writing.

  80. I went to your signing at the Orlando RWA Conference. I would attend another signing if you came to Virginia. I’m loving She’s Gone Country!

  81. I went to the signing for The Wives of Henry Oades. It was so much fun and I can’t wait to go to another one!

  82. Hola Jane!

    Friday was my 1st book signing and I along with my sister and friends had a great time. You couldn’t have been any nicer. Our 2 hr trip back went by sooo fast as we had alot to talk about. Look forward to doing it again.

  83. Jane…so excited about you’re Hotlanta visit! I’ve attended lots of book signings, I love them. Went to one last week, for Patti Callahan Henry. Always a good time. Have fun in Texas, I’ve never been!

  84. Went to one at the B&N in Bellevue on a sunny but frigid December (or was it November?) day when I walked from my office and had rosy cheeks when I got there. You were pregnant but glowing and just as pretty as your photos! It was fun to talk to you and meet you in person. I had also gone to the launch for Mrs. Perfect at the same bookstore and got some books signed but it was very crowded that evening with a long line, so the day in December was better.

  85. I have never gone to one because I’ve always found out too late if they were near me or they’ve been too far away. I would love to go to one though!

  86. Yes I have gone to a book signing. But only one and it was the one here in Seattle a couple of weeks ago where I got the chance to met Liza Palmer for the first time but it will definitely not be my last.

  87. Hi Jane,
    my 1st one will be meeting you in November…can’t wait! Texas really sounds amazing, makes me want to read She’s Gone Country again. Enjoy!

  88. I have been to book signings, unfortunatly, not YOURS!!! We lived in Seattle for 16 years, before “coming home to Idaho”…boy, oh boy, do we miss so many things the city offers…Elliott Bay Book Company, among many others!!!…SIGH!!! Love our country life…canning now,HARVEST!!! Plums, apples, tomatoes all calling me! Better get back at it!!!

  89. Good afternoon everyone!!

    I have nearly finished unpacking and am almost caught up on paperwork and email from while I was gone and have arrived to announce the winners from my contest.

    I love all of you and hate not being able to pick all of you but hope the 5 winners and 3 bonus winners will enjoy their goodies. The bonus winners are getting a different gift than the 5 winners but fingers crossed you’ll still like what’s heading your way.

    The 5 winners:

    #1 Amber
    #36 Janie C
    #68 Courtney
    #74 Lori S
    #97 Vera

    and the 3 Bonus Winners are:

    #23 Gena
    #80 Tammy
    #107 Stephanie

    If all 8 winners will please send me a private email with your name, comment #, and if you are a regular prize winner or bonus winner then I’ll get your prizes out in the next day’s mail. Hope you all enjoy and thanks for being such terrific readers and friends!!

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