
I’m in Hawaii and it’s pouring–buckets and buckets of rain, coming down for days. While I’m content to stay inside and read and write I know the tourists are all itching to get sun. When not writing I’ve been reading a fantastic Kresley Cole novel, and keeping an eager eye on the books in my TBR pile.

Fortunately, 20 month old Mac has been having tons of fun despite the rain. He’s already hit the aquarium, the zoo, and the children’s discovery center this trip, and loves to be out and about regardless of the weather. We have to keep him busy, too, and he’s so incredibly active right now and into everything. He squeals with laughter when I tell him no (bad), and makes fun of me when I’m scolding him. But its hard to get really upset with him because he’s so darn charming and inevitably smiling.

Speaking of smiling, Harlequin Presents star author and friend, Sandra Marton, recently shared a story with me. I loved it so much, I wanted to share it with my readers. I hope you all will enjoy it as much as I did!

A store just opened in New York City that offered free husbands. When women go to choose a husband, they have to follow the instructions at the entrance:

You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are 6 floors to choose from. You may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you CANNOT go back down except to exit the building!

So, a woman goes to the store to find a husband. On the 1st floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 – These Men Have Jobs

The 2nd floor sign reads: Floor 2 – These Men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

The 3rd floor sign reads: Floor 3 – These Men Have Jobs, Love Kids and are Extremely Good Looking.

“Wow,” she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going. She goes to the 4th floor and sign reads:

Floor 4 – These Men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-Dead Good Looking and Help With Housework.

“Oh, mercy me!”  she exclaims. “I can hardly stand it!” Still, she goes to the 5th floor and sign reads:

Floor 5 – These Men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the 6th floor and the Sign reads:

Floor 6 – You are visitor 71,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that you are impossible to please.

Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.

To avoid gender bias charges, the store’s owner opened a Wife Store just across the street.

The 1st first floor has wives that love sex.

The 2nd floor has wives that love sex and have money.

The 3rd through 6th floors have never been visited….

I always giggle after reading this story!  🙂

How was your Christmas or holidays? What are your plans for New Years Eve? Share what’s going on with me and two of you will win a wonderful prize of Hawaii goodies (chocolate macadamia nuts, coffee, $10 Hawaii Starbucks drink card, and more!) PLUS a signed historical romance novel by my amazing friend, Elizabeth Boyle and one of my Harlequin Presents from my backlist! So bring me up to speed and fingers crossed, you’ll win! The contest runs through New Years Eve and I’ll announce the two winners News Years Day!


  1. Hi Jane! We had a wonderful Christmas with our family. Woke up to 6 inches of snow this morning…Love it!!! Tomorrow we are off to watch a Blazer game. New Years Eve we are playing Bunco with my family, which is always a blast! Hope you have a Happy New Year!!

  2. We had a great Christmas Eve though it started out to be one of those stories we were posting about a few weeks ago. We all slept in after taking a nap and ended up eating pizza instead of our planned dinner. LOL So…on Christmas day we had both a Christmas brunch and then dinner a bit later. 🙂

    Oh, and you are missing snow. Yeah, we got it today. 🙂

  3. Hi Jane,
    We made your BBQ sauce and my hubby is in love. He gives you 3 9’s. He’s a KCB judge. That’s as high as you can get. Opened gifts and hung out. Have fun in Hawaii.

  4. I love the story… it made me laugh because it is so true:) And I did need a good laugh today. Thanks!

    Christmas was wonderful because everyone was healthy and happy.

    Nothing planned for New Year…

    Have a great time in Hawaii and I hope you get some sun.

  5. We had a memorable Christmas Eve with family and friends who were visiting. Great food which was such a treat and fun with stories and reminiscing. New Years will be quieter but special too.

  6. Hi Jane,
    Christmas was good. We had a ball. No big plans for New Years Eve…I don’t get out amongst the crazzies!! Lol
    I hope you have a great New Years Eve and the sun comes out soon!

    XoXo, Lisa

  7. Well I was sick the whole holiday so I’m glad to say I’m finally well, knock on wood. I spent the day at the hospital today with my sister, she had her hip replaced this afternoon, she’s doing well. I’m not doing anything on New Year’s Eve. I’ll be curled up with a warm drink and a good book. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  8. Happy New Year Jane!

    We had a lovely family Christmas and plan a quiet New Year celebration. We will probably read and then go to bed early, but our married kids are having their friends all come to their house and bring the babies. They are going to play games and those who drink are planning to spend the night. Sounds like fun for them, huh? It is good to have dear friends!

    I read that husband story in the 2010 book by Lori Gottlieb entitled Marry Him: the Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough. Interesting book, part autobiography, part research and part dating plan for women especially who passed on a guy early in their dating lives and now are really wanting to settle down.

    Per your suggestion, I just bought When Harry Met Molly by Kieran Kramer. It is on my TBR shelf now.

    Hope you enjoy your stay in Hawaii!!

  9. So tell me, Jane, is it at least warm where you are? 😉 I try not to complain about the cold because we get so many more warm days here than we did in Washington, but when I wake up and it’s 5 degrees outside, it’s tough to remember that it was ever warm. We had a beautiful white Christmas here, though. We kept it very small this year and it was just me, the hubs, and the kids- not to mention 4 cats and a dog. New Years Eve we’re going to Rene’s house to celebrate with her family and some friends from Tennessee. I’m looking forward to getting out of the house.

    And, if finances allow, me and two of my girls will be driving out to your neck of the woods in June and I’d really love to get together with you while I’m there.

    Hugs and happy New Year!

  10. Hi Jane,
    I loved the story of the husband and then wife store. It made me chuckle! I had a great Christmas. My whole family was together and we enjoyed each other’s company. For New Year’s I am spending it with my neighbor friends, as I do most years. It’s casual. We visit, watch the specials on TV, sometimes play games, and eat.

  11. My holidays were GREAT! I had a really nice relaxing time. now it’s back to work once New Year’s is over. lol. Happy New Year Jane!!!

  12. Our Christmas has been on the quiet side.

    We had Christmas Eve with my 89 year old mother-in-law and my sister-in-law… leg of lamb, so good.

    Christmas Day started off at home with stockings, presents and all my Christmas baking for breakfast and lunch. Then off to my sister’s for turkey supper with my parents.

    It’s been a quiet week, much needed. New Year’s Eve we are down to my parents’ house and will see my uncle from Maine as well. New Year’s Day will be turkey supper at home, just us.

    Didn’t get any books for Christmas, much to my dismay… but one of my daughters stepped up to the plate and got me one of my favourite record albums ever… Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed listening to it this past few days in the car travelling to the barn with said daughter.

  13. We had a pretty good Christmas, son is home from college. We spent Christmas Eve having dinner at my sister’s house but had to cut it short because snow was on the way. Christmas day we spend with hubby’s family. All in all a good Christmas. We have no big plans for New Years, will bring in the new year reading I guess, what better way to bring in the new year.

  14. Ha! That is a funny story!

    We had a great Christmas! We enjoyed our Grandkids and watching them squeal with joy when ripping into their gifts. On New Years Eve we will spending time with family and friends at a party. We’re looking forward to that. 2010 hasn’t been the greatest of year, so we are hoping 2011 will bring more hapiness and things to look forward to!

    Happy New Year everyone!

  15. What hogwash! IF the wife store had the promo: “These men love sex and have money” I bet most of the women would have stopped there too. But instead, wives get: Floor 2 – These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

    Well, of course I’d got to the next floor. There’s a big difference between having a job and having money.

    Then there’s the kid thing, and kids are only cute until their teens. And when you want them to leave home, they don’t.

    So If I had a simple choice, husband loves sex and has money instead of husband has a job and loves kids, well, I would stop at that floor too.

    But, I’m in my 50’s and older and wiser. What choice I may have made in my 20’s or 30’s….

  16. Cute story! I’m glad you’re enjoying your time in Hawaii, despite the rain. We had snow in Charlotte for Christmas. It was beautiful but it has already melted, so that’s good. I had a wonderful Christmas with my family and plan on a quiet New Year’s Eve in with my man. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  17. Remember, a rainy day in Hawaii beats a sunny day at work, which is where I am…toiling away in my cubicle-kingdom. Technically, since it’s so quiet, I should be getting a lot more work done, but probably not…

  18. Christmas was wonderful. The family was all together.
    We took the family to see True Grit yesterday and out to eat at the Olive Garden.
    I did a little after Christmas shopping and snagged the fourth season of The Tudors on sale at Target.
    Today I am still catching up on laundry and starting to clean up the house.

  19. I’ve enjoyed a few extra days off at home with the family. Finally have the house back in order after Christmas.
    Glad you are having a good time in Hawaii. Hope the sun comes out soon.

  20. We enjoyed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with our crazy family. They keep it interesting! We have a tradition of watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation every Christmas Eve. Gotta love it.

    New Years Eve, we are just having a quiet evening with a few movie rentals and yummy take-out. Sounds great to me!Happy New Year, Jane!

  21. a wonderful time at Christmas with good weather which was a bonus.

    New Years Eve will be garlic buttered Shrimp, Cheesy Melts and baked goodies by me.

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  22. We always have the ongoing Christmas (split families). We coordinate it so we are able to spend time with everyone. This year it was two the weekend before and three the weekend of. There is always five every year.
    So for New Years eve we are spending it at home. Just the three of us. Me, my husband and our 8 yr old son the planner. He has the whole night planned right down to snacks, beverages and what channel we are watching. Its going to be great!
    Happy New Year!

  23. Happy Holidays Jane!!

    I have had a really good Christmas this year. My trip stateside wasn’t planned until last minute but it was great altogether. Finally got to see my mom after 2 years.

    I definitely learned that flying on military flights during the holidays is very chancy! But good luck was on my side coming back.

    In fact, after I booked my flight from FL back to San Diego to catch a hop, I returned some movies to Blockbuster. When I was getting in the car I saw a shiny quarter on the ground. I picked it up and noticed it was a state quarter, so and flipped it over and it was the Hawaii state coin! I knew then my trip back to the island would go smoothly :); and it did!

    It feels great to be back in warm weather, sleeping in my own bed (not on couch cushions on the floor), lol. This New Year’s will be quiet, but I am looking forward to the fireworks here :0) Hope you and your’s have a great New Year Jane!!

  24. Christmas was wonderful. It was quiet and relaxing. New years will be a night out with the girls and that always proves to be fun. Loved the story. Sadly, so true.

    Here’s to a wonderful new year and still hoping to meet the man who will venture above the second floor! LOL

    With fingers crossed, I am officially signing off until next year. Wow, it really is here! XO

  25. Hi Jane, happy New Year’s Eve. Glad you’re in Hawaii but sorry to hear it’s been raining. You missed a small bit of snow yesterday and a big hailstorm on the Eastside last night that froze into a sheet of ice. The roads have melted now though.

    Our NYE plans are lowkey as always (hubby doesnt like the crowds and we prefer to stay off the roads with the crazies/drunks) – likely watching movies and just spending time together. Calling our folks on the east coast at 9:01 PST to yell happy new year at them and then wait 3 hours for our turn to watch the fireworks at the space needle. Will likely make homemade pizzas tomorrow (thanks Trader Joe’s for great pizza dough).

    Enjoy the rest of your time in Hawaii, even with the rain. Does Ty still have a lot of lessons with the icky weather or do you get to spend more time with him too?

    P.S. I have heard that story before and it still makes me chuckle – woman can be hard to please but we’re also super curious.

  26. It’s snowing here in Phoenix, Arizona! We are hoping to go to “Noon Year’s Eve” at the Phoenix Zoo as a family tomorrow. It is an event where they bring in fake snow for the kids to play in, but we are actually getting some freak flurries today…

  27. Christmas is finally over for me. We had 4 celebrations with various parts of the family. I feel like the deflated Santa in my neighbor’s yard! I need a day to just read and nap! 🙂

    Happy New Year, everyone!

  28. Christmas was great, but the blizzard blew in the next day and we’re still digging out. We’ll probably just go to my cousin’s house and watch the ball drop on TV.

  29. Hi Jane!

    We had a great Christmas with our family. For New Year’s Eve we are going to my father’s house for chinese food and board games. I am really looking forward to it! Hope you have a great night as well 🙂

  30. Hi Jane,
    I have never heard that story before but it was cute and I’ll have to remember it. We have been hit by a big snowstorm and the wind was wicked too so it was some nasty weather. Thankfully, that is over and temperatures are going above freezing (Yeah!) I do envy you being in Hawaii right now. I hope you have a Happy New Year!

  31. Happy New Year Jane!! My husband left this morning for Laredo TX. He’s a truck driver. He won’t be home for New Years then of course. I work tomorrow and then off until Monday. I’ll probably just hang out at home with the kids. Watch TV and read this weekend. Pretty boring stuff. lol I have a pile of new books to read though so i’m happy!

    Lisa B

  32. Hi Jane,
    For the Xmas holiday I went home to visit family. We had a good time and enjoyed lots of laughs. Can you believe as of right now we have no set plans for the New Year? Happy New Year!

  33. That is a great story. I’ll have to share it with some friends. Christmas was pretty good here. No drama as there usually is, so that made it that much nicer. No plans for New Year’s Eve. We rarely go out and celebrate. We’ll probably be in bed long before midnight. Mac is at a cute age. I’m sure he loves doing all those special things. but, I bet they were out mommy and daddy at times. Enjoy the rest of your trip and I hope the sun comes out soon for you.

  34. Happy New Year to you and your family and eveyone here. Since our family will be together for New Year’s, this day will be our Christmas (we are not your regular conventional family) and we’ll be looking forward to playing some games for New Years too, maybe even a puzzle. So, I’ve got the big family meal going on Saturday and look forward to that. Mac is a doll and precious in every way, can’t believe he’s 20 months already…you can see in the pictures what a little charmer he is (you did well Jane and Ty….lol).

  35. Hi Jane,

    Christmas was great, relaxing and fun. Just hunkering down with the family on New Years, loaded up on yummy snacks!

    I’m glad Mac is having fun despite all of the rain. Hopefully your writing is going well, and the sun comes out soon so you can get your surf on! 🙂

    Have a great New Years! I hope 2011 brings you wonderful things, because you deserve it! :).

  36. Christmas was…uneventful. But at least nothing bad happened, and that’s all that I could possibly wish for 🙂 It was really relaxing — I needed the break!

  37. Hola Jane!

    Xmas was great, went home for the holiday. Ate alot, drank alot bust most of all, laughed alot. Having a New Year’s Eve party @ my home and busy getting ready for that.
    Spent the afternoon at the local firework stand and bought more fireworks than expected. But we do that every year.

    Happy New Year to you and all your readers…

  38. Today is New Year’s eve 🙂 plan for tonight ? Totally Stay At home !

    My baby is sick, he got flu, he’s not feeling well, crying alot..He Needs TLC for me and the family 🙂

  39. Jane, I loved that story!!

    The past few NYE’s I have raided the frozen section at Trader Joe’s for our Asian favorites. We watch a movie with the kids and eat picnic style in the living room…rolling over in our sodium coma!!

    We watch the ball drop at 9:00 and shuffle them off to bed! I haven’t felt compelled to ring in the new year at midnight for quite some time; proving I’m a smart (old) lady.

    Happy New Year to you and yours. Can’t wait to see you next month!

    Shannon in Tustin

  40. Christmas was really odd this year. It was good, but we missed a lot of relatives that we are use to seeing. It kind of made it feel as if it wasn’t even Christmas with not having them around.
    Looking forward to a better New Year and a great 2011. It’s been a tough year, so I am ready for a fresh start! I am spending New Years Eve with family (the family I missed so much on Christmas). So it’ll be awesome!

    Happy New Year to you and your family Jane. Hopefully you get some sunshine soon!

  41. Happy Holidays Jane! It has been very busy here at home and I haven’t been able to follow your blog until now. Thank you so much for the xmas card – I just received it today!

    I couldn’t help but giggle out loud when I finished reading the story – that is a good one and I must share it with my friends.

    Guess what? I have been waiting to tell you this news…I’m not sure if you remember but way back when I first contacted you about finishing my first book of yours (Flirting with Forty), my dream one day was to go and visit Hawaii. Well, that dream is now reality as my family and I will be heading to Maui on June 2, 2011! I am beyond excited. Sorry, I am rambling but I just wanted to share this bit of news with you.

    Take care and all the best for the coming year Jane.


  42. Sorry Jane…I didn’t even think to answer your question about my plans for New Year’s Eve in my excitement to tell you about my upcoming trip.

    NYE will be spent at my sister-in-law’s house this year…the whole extended family will be there for a big dinner. We won’t stay for the countdown as the kids will need to be in bed before then.

    Happy New Year to you! Hope you have a great New Year’s Eve!

  43. Hi Jane,

    I hope you are having a great time in Hawaii (very jealous by the way)!

    We had a great Christmas with the kids this year. They were very excited and I got some great photos of them opening their gifts. We finally got some snow a few days after Christmas so the kids have been enjoying playing out in the snow…in fact they just came in from making snowmen with their new kits.

    Our plans are still up in the air for tonight as I have been fighting a bad cold that is leaving me very tired. Not too sure I will see the ball drop this year. I am looking forward to an amazing 2011 and all it will have to offer.

    Happy New Year!

  44. Hi Jane,
    Hopefully the weather in Hawaii has improved and you can get outside with Mac. I had a wonderful Christmas with the hubby and the kids. Everyone seemed to enjoy their presents and the time together.

    Sadly, I cannot seem to stay up past 9 p.m. so we may try to catch the “kids” firework show this evening in downtown Denver. I’m on call for work so I can’t stray too far from home.

    My goal for 2011? I want to get back in shape. I’m not horribly out of shape but I have put myself on the back burner. I need to put those 20 minutes in each day. I’m worth it!

    Have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and best wishes to you in 2011! I look forward to the next book.

  45. Hi Jane,

    We had a nice Christmas at home and we are also staying in for the New Year.
    So some good food and great company and just having a nice quite evening at home is what´s in store for my New Years eve.

    Happy New Year to you and your family too.

  46. Happy New Year! Enjoy the rain, it is making you relax for a while :). Christmas was beautiful and hopeful… New Year’s we are going to a friends; going to Mass ~ great way to start the New Year; and I am hoping for a job; grateful for our health; and searching for the Husband Store- swear I won’t go further than the 2nd floor :). Xoxo Jane to you and your family!!

  47. Christmas and holidays have been great. Got caught up on lots of things, plus read a few good books. NYE (tonight) is a neighbourhood party and possibly tobogganing first (if impending rain doesn’t melt the snow first).

    Happy New Year, Jane, and thanks for making such a lovely difference in so many people’s lives.

  48. I’m not sure I would have had the good sense to get off before the last floor. Our holiday has been a quiet one- not too many guests but lots of fun with the four of us.

  49. Happy New Year! Oh my goodness, I can just see little Mac grinning at you as you stand over him scolding him trying to be so serious and yet I‘m sure you are holding back a grin of your own. He has no fear of mama as he knows he’s got ya right where he wants you, wrapped all around his little finger. Hehe

    New Year’s the family and I are staying home, planning to bar-b-q. My day will be filled with tying to stick with my new year resolutions of healthy eating, starting a vegetable garden, building a small chicken coop for our future little egg layers, daily yoga, walking and giving daily thanks for all the wonderful things in my life.

    This is the year I’m going to reinvent myself and start up a business of my own. I will then be able to give back to those who have helped and help those who need helping.

    Oh and two other things, actually three things. I promise to give myself daily writing time for my screenplays, I will stay out of the Dove chocolates (maybe), and will curve my coffee intake down to just two cups a day so I wont look like a rat on crack and scare the poor FedEx guy again.

  50. I haven’t seen that story in a while. Love it.
    We will be at home relaxing this New Year’s Eve. My husband gets up for work at 4AM and even with a nap his body clock calls it quits early. I’m the night owl, so I’ll be up watching the celebrations on TV and cooking. Our daughters and their families will be coming over for dinner tomorrow. My husband is doing Prime Rib and I’ll be doing sour cream crescent rolls among other things for the meal. The rolls are melt in your mouth good and everyone requested them.
    Unfortunately, our son works at a pub and will be working late tonight. Tomorrow he has to open at 11AM and work through to closing.

    Hope you have a great 2011.

  51. Hey there! Been working. However, I took off today to spend time with my husband and still ended up working. Anyway,I’m planning to cruise the web and read tonight.

    I hope you have a fun evening!

  52. Hi Jane ~ Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all of you! Hope you’re having better weather in Hawaii, but glad Mac is enjoying himself:) Christmas Day was spent at my house w/a lot of family. And, now, my aunt (who is really like my older sister since we’re only 11 years apart) is spending the Eve w/us. She goes back to California on Sunday:(, so I have to soak up as of her now. Love to you all and will be in touch soon~Stephanie

  53. Hi Jane! It’s been awhile since I had a chance to catch up! So jealous (Again) on Hawaii! I’m heading to Cali soon. Can’t wait. Will be a nice change from this Snow in WA. (well only in Everett of course) I’ve been just enjoying the holidays! Lots of baby shopping because my brother and his wife are expecting. So I’m going crazy! (Hope its a girl secretly. Already have 4 nephews.) Tomorrow I head over to Wenatchee for a week to help my girlfriend with her little girl while her nanny is on vacation to Hawaii actually! 🙂 I haven’t seen her or Makenna (her daughter) for almost a year so lots of fun in store! I hope you had a great New Years! And here’s to an amazing 2011!!!

    1. Oh ya! And I went to Lake Oswego to visit my sister who was the recipient of one of your signed books when I “nominated” her. She had your Christmas card proudly displayed and showed off her signed copy of flirting with 40. Was super exciting! Things like that make me smile and appreciate people like you! 🙂 Thanks again.

  54. Hi everyone. Happy New Year!

    I’ve come to announce the winners for the Smiles blog contest and while there are two winners of the Hawaii goodies, I also have a bonus winner from one of the prizes that no one collected earlier in December.

    The two winners:

    #25 Willow
    #50 Kathleen

    and the bonus winner this New Year’s Day –
    # 4 Lorie

    Congrats to all 3 winners. Please send me your snail mail address by private email and I promise to get the goodies out to you ASAP!

    Much love & a happy new year to all!


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