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Back to the Mainland

We leave in the morning on the 9 am flight back to Seattle. I’d thought I’d write today but instead I’ve spent my time cleaning, sorting, paying bills, and packing. I’ll be back in 6 weeks or so for our mid winter break but its still hard to leave. Everything in Hawaii is so much more relaxed than at home. I also live with all the windows and doors open and looking out at the water always calms me.


While I don’t make New Year’s resolutions anymore, I am resolved that this year I will try to be calm and relaxed. I am determined to remain optimistic, too, and embrace change whenever it comes, in whatever shapes it comes. There’s a good chance a lot of big things will change this summer and I want to be as positive as possible and not let fear take over. I do find change scary–and threatening–but without change, there can be no hope of growth.

Do you have any resolutions for the new year? Anything you’re hoping to focus on? Share with me and you’re entered in my contest full of cool surprises I think you’ll enjoy. There will be one winner and I’ll draw the name on Friday morning. Good luck, and Happy 2011 everyone!

73 Comments on “Back to the Mainland

  1. I don’t do resolutions but I’m going to do my best to take better care of my health this year. I’m on a fixed income and it’s a big expense to go to the doctor so I usually put it off because I just flat can’t afford it, I’m going to try and change that this year. I’ve been sick the whole month of December and frankly I’m tired of being sick. I’m going to try and take better care of my health this year.

  2. I always find it hard coming home from a trip (although I haven’t gone anywhere in many years). Have a safe flight home. Trying to remain calm and relaxed is always a good goal. I’m trying this year to try to save money. But, after hearing your goal of trying to stay relaxed, I think I will add that to mine too. I stress really easy and let little things get to me and let them grow too fast and that always creates more problems. I hope your year will be a wonderful one.

  3. Happy New Year Jane! and wow, “change” must be the buzz word this year — I’m not big on resolutions either, so I do “intentions” and one of my big ones is start a business in order to work from home 🙂

    so tip glass ladies, cheers and here’s to embracing change together!

    PS your little one is getting so big –looks like he loves the water, too!

  4. I sincerely hope that I can keep stress at bay this year. Calm, that is my ambition. So much goes on in our personal lives, where we live, in our country etc. that really we have no control over at all. I am going to try to have control over how I react to what comes my way. It isn’t really a resolution. It is more of like a heartfelt desire.

    Hope all good things come your way in 2011 Jane and any change is something you can deal with staying calm, healthy and stress free!

  5. I don’t really make “resolutions” anymore, either. I have come to the conclusion if I call them that…I fail…every time. 🙂 So, my “goals” are to have more patience and decrease my stress. I also am making sure I take time for myself to exercise everyday (that isn’t always easy with my 2 kids’ busy schedule and everything else.) I have been working on these things for sometime, and I have high hopes to actually make them happen. I know I would feel a lot better and be happier if I could. So far, so good.

    Have a safe trip home!

  6. Hi Jane and Happy New Year.

    This year will be filled with big changes and I look forward to them.
    I would like to try to stay in shap and I hope to spend more time down at the Gym.
    This Summer is also going to be an exited time for my husband and me and we are trilled about upcoming changes.

  7. I don’t make “resolutions” but my ONE WORD for this year is, peace. I am determined to maintain a peaceful mind in 2011. If we have peace in our lives, everything else is so much easier. “Big things changing” Will your permanent residence be Hawaii? Ack! Do tell!
    Happy New Year Jane!

  8. Happy New Year!

    I decided not to do “resolutions” and made a “Bucket List” for 2011 with things I want to do before the year is over.

    Some of things I included on my list are:
    Give up soft drinks (Coca Cola is my form of coffee),
    Workout at least 3 times a week,
    Read 25 books,
    Visit my Godson and his family,
    De-clutter my bedroom,
    Find a job closer to home,
    Visit Hawaii (bought my travel guide, need to book my ticket)

    I think the list will grow as the year goes on, but that’s what I’ve got so far. I want to include a mix of small and large things so I can feel like I’m accomplishing things and stay motivated to complete more on the list.

  9. Happy New Year. It is hard to embrace change. I fear it as well and that is something that I have to deal with and hope to overcome. For this year though I want to be as helpful, patient and available for my family.

  10. My resolution is one most people have that is to exercise and lose weight. Mostly though exercise. I’ve been doing it regularly for months and haven’t lost a pound. The thing that motivates me to do it is how it helps my mood. I am prone to bouts of depression and exercise helps keep that in check.

    Over Christmas break when the kids were out I didn’t do a thing and my moods were all over the place.

    Happy New Year!

  11. some day i hope to live someplace- hawaii- where i can leave the doors and windows open all day, everyday!

    my goal this year is to be/do more. more active, more present with my family, more of a friend and sister…

  12. This year I want to eat healthier and listen better to others. Not a long list but if I can start doing just those two things next year I will add a couple of more.

  13. I’m not into resolutions. I start anything any time of year.
    That being said, I have lost 16 pounds since Oct 29/10 and hope to continue losing more. I also hope to maintain my house better than I have the past couple of years.

  14. Jane–

    I’ve always been a bit leery of change, so much so that I would make my sister (who I live with) tell me at least a week before she was even THINKING of moving any furniture in the house. Thankfully I’ve gotten much better about that.

    I don’t make resolutions either, it seems like they are just set-ups for failure and that’s just not okay for me to do to myself. I would say this year is going to be the year of continued growth. The past couple of years have been big in that area for me, and this year my goal is to receive it with open arms and trust in the process.

  15. I wish I could leave the doors and windows open here, but it’s currently 25 degrees outside. I wish I were somewhere warm…maybe that should be one of my resolutions–a nice warm vacation.
    Resolutions this year are to read more, relax more, and finish with my degree. The relaxing may have to take a backseat for a while, but it’ll be worth it in the long run.
    Happy New Year Jane!

  16. Hi Jane,
    I bet Mac loved being on that surfboard! It probably won’t be long before he is out there riding those waves with his dad.
    I don’t do resolutions either. I like what you said about change. I am going through so many changes right now that it is crazy, but I’m doing pretty well at rolling with it all and staying positive. I do believe that change can bring better things.
    Happy New Year.

  17. No resolutions here…just forced to embrace change also. And, with that comes accepting the things you cannot change. I want to go with the flow, keep myself calm and aware and be a strong girl. My family is having some issues at this time and while they don’t concern my household, they do affect my life as being their mother and supporter in their household. I trust them to make the right decisions, it’s all I can do. I want to be a better friend to the people in my life and help them by encouraging their goals. I feel so lucky most times, but kinda sad right now. Just part of life and life goes on. Happy New Year everyone…just taking it one day at a time and trying to lose some weight too….Ruth

  18. I don’t do resolutions, because I never stick to them. I do hope to loose some of this weight I have picked up over the winter so far. I will just have to try and eat better and exercise more. I bet it is hard leaving a place like Hawaii where is so warm and sunny and then have to come home to cold and snow. I would love to be in Hawaii right now myself because its been so cold here this year.

  19. I never make resolutions, but the one thing I am committed to above all others this year is to getting healthy. I have let my body go for far too long and it is time to whip this big ol’ booty back into shape 🙂

  20. Hi Jane,
    Mac looks so adorable! I’m w/you on so many levels. I don’t like change, but I know I need to make some changes to feel better about myself…which is what I would like to learn to do for myself this year. I wish you a safe flight home and enjoy your night.
    Love ya,

  21. a few things i am resolving to do this year is to accept each day for what it is and to accept my limitations for what they are. i cannot change a whole day or change all my health problems, but i can accept and find one thing about each to be thankful for. hope you have a safe trip home, and hope the time til you get back to hawaii goes fast. all the best in the new year!

  22. My New Year’s Resolution is just to stay happy. At the end of the year, after all the heartbreak, broken promises, and burned-out ties, it seems to be the only thing that matters 🙂

  23. My resolution is to embrace marathon training. A friend and I have made a commitment to walk the Avon breast cancer marathon (actually 39.3 mi total between the two days) in September and I am so excited!

  24. Embrace change. Know why it matters. Create the change you want to live.

    When you are happy you are a greater benefit to yourself and others than you will ever be if you try to meet expectations you place upon yourself or feel are required by others.

  25. Hi Jane! Put on your parka when you get off your flight! It’s cooooold here! My resolution for this year is to get to my goal weight. I’m starting Medifast- so it should be attainable but will be hard to cut the carbs! I want to be in the best shape I can be for next year and “my dirty 30’s!” 🙂

  26. Jane,

    Welcome back to the mainland! I don’t make resolutions either but I do use the new year to revive myself. I always miss a lot of workouts due to November and December being so busy so I get back to the gym regularly, catch up with my reading, and look forward to warmer weather!!


  27. Jane, I like your resolution to stay calm and be open to change. I think I’ll go with that too! New year, new slate. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  28. Happy New Year, Jane. I’m with you – don’t make resolutions. But I think I made some progress on being a tiny bit kinder last year and think I’ll try to get better at that this year.

  29. I resolve to try and be more self-soothing, to seek and maintain my own happiness one that does not rely on the stability of another. I would also like to continue working out because it is for me , by me and benefits me! Happy New Year!

  30. I don’t make resolutions because I am bad about keeping them. I am planning to focus on being a mom of 3 soon (b’shaah tovah) and keeping my chick lit group and blog going strong. 🙂
    Happy new year!

  31. Jane,
    Happy New Year! Like you, I don’t make resolutions because they are to easy to break. Instead I have long term goals. My goal is to pay off some debt and build up my savings. Also, I want a simplier life. More time eating good food and reading good books. May your year be filled with happiness.

    Tammie from Jacksboro

  32. My resolution this year is that I am going to try and take some time for myself and read at least one book a month. I am also going to try and keep a positive outlook on everything.

    Happy New Year!!

  33. During the Blitz in London they surrounded themselves with posters that read, “Keep Calm and Carry On.”
    Nothing wrong with a visual reminder…and maybe a tiny fountain in your kitchen window that baby Mac can’t climb up to, in order to hear soothing water sounds.

  34. another year, another attempt at trying to be assertive in a nice way and not let people walk all over me;

    also, an ongoing attempt at being more calm and not flying off the handle so easily.

    Have a safe trip, an easy return to your 1st home and peace about all.

  35. I have to focus on my weight this year… I’ve really let it slide and I’m uncomfortable in my body. I have 30 lbs to lose, but would be happy knocking off 20 to start with.

    Have a safe trip back to the mainland.

  36. My favorite resolution of the New Year is Be Kinder Than Necessary.

    Also laugh more, smile more and always be silly at every chance.

    And write more–in my diary, on my blog(s), in a haiku, wherever.

    Happy 2011 Everyone!

  37. Hi Jane!

    Happy New Year!

    I think this year I’d like to focus on being more patient when it comes to my kids especially. I let them rile me up easily and it never ends well: I holler, feel horrible, it’s just bad bad bad. It’s definitely my maternal achilles heel; with all on my plate, I can get wound pretty tight! So in 2011 I’d like to be “slow to anger”.

    Psalm 86:15 says “But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” If I could do that 10% of the time, I’d be far ahead.

    Thanks for giving me the reason to reflect and vocalize this. I should probably put it on an index card and tack it everywhere…((o:

    Have a safe trip home. It won’t be long before you’re packing again to head back to those beautiful beaches!!

    Hugs from Tustin,

  38. Hi Jane,
    I love that picture of Surfer Ty and Mac! It reminds me so much of my son when he was 2. I had him on skis and he loved it.

    Not really big into resolutions, more like baby steps each day. I want to keep working out each day at least 20 minutes. Even if it is just a walk with my co-workers. I’d love to resolve to have a washboard stomach but if happens great, if not, oh well. I, too, would like to be more patient. I think I am quick to fly off the handle too easily. Perhaps the biggest baby step, take care of me.

    Be well and safe travels!

    p.s. I am dreaming of my surf day….I even changed my Facebook profile photo to my surf day with TGSS. Heaven!

  39. Some of my resolutions for the new year are:
    Adopt a more positive outlook on life.
    Try new things and be more adventurous
    Eat healthier food and try to lose some weight.

  40. Happy New Year, Jane! I have resolved to get healthier this year. This means eating healthier, losing weight, and exercising more. Wish me luck because I have terrible willpower!

  41. i don’t make new year’s resolutions (anymore)…but i admire those that do…and stick to ’em

    happy new year, jane 🙂

  42. Enjoy life more and not dwell on the bad things and thoughts. Eating healthier is always something I need to do.

  43. Hi Jane,

    Happy New Year!! I told myself that I would not make any new years resolutions because my resolution is the same every year. It is to lose some weight and eat right.

  44. I don’t really have any resolutions, but I do want to spend a lot more time writing this year. I want to make this year a year of NO excuses as to why I can’t spend more time writing. Happy New Year to you and welcome back to the mainland.

  45. Hi Jane!

    I don’t usually do resolutions either but this year I’m going to. I NEED to lose some weight and get in better shape so I can keep up with my kids. I’m tired of being tired all the time and only I can do something about it so that’s what I’m going to do.

    I also resolve to do more scrapbooking and get all these pictures put into albums this year. I need to finish several unfinished projects- a quilt I started years ago, 5 books I’ve started writing, a kitchen I started painting. Lots on my TO DO list.

    Hugs to you my friend!

    P.S. thanks for sharing the super cute pics of the boys with us. I love seeing what you’re all up to 🙂

  46. One of my friends made a goal to read 100 books last year. She hit 100 by Thanksgiving! I know better than to make a goal that big, but I am going to try for 50 this year. I already have 2 down. I started on Liza Palmer’s “Seeing Me Naked” 3 days ago and I will finish it tonight. What a great book so far!
    Other than that, I am in the same boat as everyone else- I will try to eat healthier and lose some extra weight. That’s always easier said than done, but I feel optimistic. 🙂

  47. Hey Jane!! Hope your trip was great while you were here and that you had a safe trip back to the States. 🙂

    I don’t think I’ve ever really made a resolution, but after taking a break and going home for Christmas I realized I really have not taken any time here for myself. Nor have a I really seen much of the island. It’s just been work, work, work. Hard not to do when you are in charge of seventy 23 year olds and managing their careers and their chaos!! I’ve been burnt out for a while now.

    So my resolution is to take some “me-time”. I am also decluttering my apartment. Donated a chair, computer desk and table set, and will be taking a huge load of clothes I know I don’t touch at all to Goodwill. Do I really need 100 t-shirts?!

  48. Happy New Year, Jane! no resolutions for me this year. . . just a promise to myself to stay happy and healthy. i am starting this year with a new job, a new home, a new state, new everything. it’s scary but i’m looking forward to my ‘adventure’

  49. I hope to keep in shape this year by adding weights to my daily routine. I walk a lot and hike on weekends but haven’t done much for my upper body strength, which is important as we age… Still, I am looking forward to a great year at a new job and enjoying life with my family and friends.

  50. Happy New Year Jane!

    I have made a few changes for this year instead of resolutions since I tend to forget about them after a certain time period.

    1) I have a wedding in May for my Daughter MacKenzie. Therefore, I must lose weight! It’s an ugly fact but true. I taking part in a local Pound Plunge here in town for 10 weeks that involves all kinds of dietary help. I need that!
    2) Thinking more positive! I need more of it and so do many others around me.
    3) Volunteering more~ at the local food banks, with young pregnant teens, Red Cross and at the local homeless camp near the river.
    4) I want more adventure in my life. I haven’t quite figured that one out yet, but I will find a way.
    5) Of course, more reading!!

    I think I have a few good ones on my plate to conquer. I might need some help and encouragement but I know I will get it done,

    Thanks for asking, take care!
    XOXO, Lisa

  51. i don’t make any resolutions this year, just like last year and the year before it, I just live my life to the fullest.
    try to be happy in every hour in that year 🙂

  52. Jane-
    Happy New Year to you! Thank you for the Christmas
    card. Loved it- what a lovely family you have! I had a resolution of getting my kids involved in more volunteer activities for others. I think I should add the staying calm and embracing change also. Just started a new job and I have been stressing because I am such a type A. As always you make me think in such a positive reflective manner. Thank you and I hope the year is great for you and all your guys!

  53. Happy New Year! No specific resolutions….lots of hopes, though. I too want to be more relaxed. More organized. More Present. And get healthier!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. Happy New Year! I don’t make them for I just feel that its another let down, and i try to be a better mom,friend and thought I was doing a good job as a wife,but I’ve decided that its best to start the divorce again. I’m just tired of always giving in and never getting anything back. Its a new year and fresh start…I feel like the monkey is off my back and I can go forward instead of backwards.Sure I’m scared but things have to get better and I want to laugh again. I love the picture of Ty and Mack…my favorite place is the beach,thats where I go to read,sort things out and relax. I know you will have a wonderful 2011!

  55. Hi Jane. Leaving HI sounds like it would be hard, especially this time of year!
    My resolution this year was to find a way to help others… I don’t know in what capacity, but I want to find something meaningful.
    Other than that, I am just trying to take better care of myself, my family & home.

    Have a good trip back to Seattle.

  56. These bright sunshiny days inspire me to brighten up my home by sorting through and clearing out what needs to go out. Continuing to write notes on items and working on getting all our “papers” in order so our sons won’t have to try to figure out what and where those important and necessary documents just happen to be
    “when the time comes”. Not planning on that time coming any time soon; however, having “lost” such close friends lately…makes me ponder.

  57. I tend not to make resolutions either so that I don’t feel like a failure when they aren’t kept but this year I do resolve to be much more intentional about the time I spend with my children. To give them my undivided attention even if they are just rambling on as small children are sometimes apt to do. To find little moments each day to make special for them.

  58. I don’t do resolutions but 2010 was a bad year for me so I’m determined to make 2011 better. 🙂

    Happy New Year Jane!

  59. Hi everyone!

    Sorry its taken me so long to post the winner but I’ve had crazy hectic day and only now am getting to sit down at my computer (at the Department of Licensing no less for a 2 hour wait!).

    The winner is #19 CelticBuffy.

    Celtic Buffy, if you’ll send me a private email with your mail address I’ll get your box of goodies and fun stuff out in the next mail!

    Congrats and everyone else, look for a fun new years contest that I’ll post this weekend!


  60. I know what you mean. It’s been a hectic day here too. Hopefully your tomorrow will be better.

    Congratulations Celticbuffy!

  61. Jane,

    Here’s hoping 2011 is a great year for you in all ways. You are a great inspiration to me and I always wish you the best.

  62. My resolutions included more time to relax and I finally bought and read your new book. I so loved it! Thanks again for writing another book about strong women and their relationships with family. I really didn’t want the story to end. I loved you notes at the end about your experiences as the mother of 3 boys. I have one of each but my son gives me a very different and special kind of joy. He just turned 11 so your thoughts about how boys have to break away really hit home. Thanks again Jane!

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