Happy Easter

On Friday Ty and I took some time out for ourselves and drove to Skagit Valley to see the tulips and have lunch in La Conner.  All the tulips were already gone except for a few fields but we had a great time just driving and chilling in Ty’s classic Chevy truck.  It was fun to go for a drive, especially as Friday and Saturday were beautiful with blue skies.

Today isn’t a blue sky day but the kids still had an Easter Egg hunt in the light drizzle and are now stuffed full of chocolate and candy and its not even noon yet!  We’re heading to a brunch at Bellevue Club a little later…have never been there for a holiday brunch before and am hoping Mac will keep it together long enough for us all to eat.

I so appreciate everyone’s love and words of support these past few days.  Ty really appreciates it, too, and is grateful his mom had lots of adventures and love in her life.

Tell me about your week.  What are you doing today and/or this weekend?  I’d love to catch up and have some gift cards for one lucky reader, too.  The prize is $15 B&N gift card, a $10 Starbucks card plus a signed book from my back list as well as some fun Jane Porter goodies and chocolate treats from the Easter bunny!  Contest runs through Tuesday night and I’ll announce the winner Wednesday morning.

But picking a winner isn’t the only thing on my to-do list this week.  I’ve got a busy week coming up…a week with three events between now and Friday.  Two private auction parties to attend and a girls night out Friday.  If you live in Western Washington and would love a fun night out with friends, come join me for Wine & Women in Woodinville: An Evening in the Chateau Wine Shop at the Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery.  The event is from 5-8 pm and I’ll be there signing books with other cool women and sipping yummy wine, too. Interested?  There are more details on my Events page or call the winery (425) 488-1133 to find out more. I’d so love to see some of my readers and friends there so grab your girlfriends, your book club, your bunco club, or your wine tasting group and come hang out!!

I hope your Easter Sunday is filled with family and friends.  Sending you love and hope to see you soon!


  1. Hi Jane,
    Wow, I have never been the first to post on here.
    I love going up to see the tulips in Mt. Vernon. I haven’t been in a few years now. Maybe next year I’ll make it up there. It’s such a nice drive after you leave Everett. I went to school up at Western in Bellingham and that was the first time I saw the tulip fields. A friend and I drove down from Bellingham and saw a few fields and had lunch in LaConner – cute town with a great bookstore also.
    Today I am going to a neighbors for Easter dinner. My husband and I have separated and his family does the big Easter celebration, so my son is going to that with him. Lots of changes this year for me, but I’m thankful for wonderful friends who give me lots of support and strength. 🙂
    I hope Mac made it through lunch so you all could enjoy it too.

  2. This weekend we had lots to celebrate! As well as Easter, it was also one of my best friends’ 30th birthday. So, we had a party for her!
    Have a wonderful Easter Sunday, Jane! 🙂

  3. Happy Easter Jane. We’re having a dinner with friends. Right now feeling stressed about getting everything ready, I took a break to look at your blog. Back to work.

  4. Hi Jane! Happy Easter! My family was supposed to travel to my in-laws for the weekend, but my daughter ended up with a sore throat so she and I are staying in today. My husband and I attended the sunrise service at church this morning before he took off for Easter dinner with his folks. Have a great week, Jane. I’d love some of that wine. Sounds like a fun time!

  5. I spent the weekend at my sister’s house for my birthday dinner, we had a great time. Of course we hid eggs for the children to find. It was a grand old time. I love that field of Tulips you are standing in, love,love tulips.

  6. I’m glad to hear you and Ty were able to have some alone time.

    Tulips are one of my fav flowers and the field looks amazing.

    Since its still Passover I had a 4 day weekend and sadly tomorrow is the last day off from work for me.
    I didn’t do anything too exciting this weekend but I did catch up on some much needed sleep, read a lot and did some shopping with my cousins on Friday.
    I got money from work for the holiday- it’s like a gift card but you can use it in more than one store (there’s a list of maybe 30 or even more stores) that you can buy from so I bough new pair of jeans and black pants for work.

  7. Happy Easter! It’s been a quiet weekend. I went to a showjumping clinic on Friday given in our area by the reigning world champion, Philippe Le Jeune, from France. Lucky to have him come, great experience for our local riders (and some even came in from Calgary and Toronto just for the clinic). Not much yesterday, got into my garden today, although we still have snow melting and I couldn’t do much because it was too soggy.

    Tomorrow is my Mum’s 75th birthday and we are combining it with Easter. My kids are late teens, early 20’s so today they were with their girlfriend/boyfriends’ families, tomorrow is all about us with my parents and my sister’s family. Have a great weekend and enjoy your events this week!

  8. Happy Easter Jane. I hope y’all enjoyed your brunch and day. The picture is pretty. I love tulips. it’s one of the first signs of spring here. We had lunch at my mother-in-law’s house with the family and a couple of her friends who don’t have family here. She always includes anyone who might be left alone. I don’t know what’s going on this coming week. it all depends on how I feel. I’ve been fighting vertigo since last Tuesday. This is the worst and longest it’s ever lasted. I haven’t even been able to work out. it sounds like you have a busy week ahead. I hope you enjoy it and again, sorry about Ty’s mom. I know she will be missed a lot.

  9. Last Monday I won $100 in a draw at our local garage dealership.
    Last Tuesday my partner and I won our badminton mixed doubles club championships; I worked like a dog but it was well worth the aches and pains afterward.
    On Wednesday I turned 52. Lots of friends called and emailed.
    On Thursday I had breakfast with a girlfriend; great gab session.
    On Friday my husband fell asleep driving after a couple of 12-hour work shifts and then a visit with his mom with Alzheimer’s; totalled the car but he is fine (and no one else was involved but a poor tree).
    This weekend was quiet with lots of sleep, and again lots of phone calls and drop-in visits to ensure my husband was okay.
    I’m hoping to have an uneventful week coming up – except for the last badminton tournament of the season, when I’m playing in the singles event.

  10. Happy Easter to all : ) May your hearts be filled with love and a renewal of hope. I made a huge change in my life this past week. After a year and a half of unemployment, I went and got my old job back. The “element” which had pushed me out has been gone for a while, so I took a chance and applied for the job. The company is still using the guidelines that I wrote for the operations manual for the position that I previously held. They are also still using the over one hundred information blurbs that I created and implemented. Imagine that! It only took a few hours, and I was tested, interviewed and rehired. I start the job tomorrow morning (Monday). This has been the absolute worst time of my life, and in all honesty, I just barely survived. Some of the shine was taken of my joy a couple of nights ago when someone decided to go on a vandalism spree through my neighborhood. They did something different at each spot they hit. Unfortunately for me, they cut one of the tires on my vehicle, and the tire has to be replaced. Another unexpected expense, but my main worry is that they will come back and keep cutting! I can’t afford to keep replacing tires! Life goes on, with you or without you, so I guess I’ll be going along for at least a little while longer ; )

  11. Quiet weekend here. We have been thinking about my husband’s mother who died when our children were five and two. Today would have been her 93rd birthday, instead she died at age 62 which is our age this year. When she died I thought she was old and now I think that the 60’s are young! Like Ty’s mother my MIL was full of life all the way to the end and we keep her alive in our lives by talking about her and retelling her stories.

    Happy Easter to all! So glad you and Ty had some alone time!

  12. Jane, I am sorry to hear about Ty’s mom. I have been keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. I love this picture of you and Ty and I hope you had a wonderful Easter.

    This week I am looking forward to a little time alone and catching up on some things (my kids were on school vacation last week!). I’m hoping to grab a coffee with the girls this week and enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!

    Sounds like you have a busy week planned and I only wish I lived closer to attend one of these events!

    Much love,

  13. Hi Jane,
    This weekend I enjoyed some high school baseball & an Easter Sunday filled with lots of laughter and love with my family. A great time was had.


  14. I spent the weekend with friends that are becoming like family. Delicious times and food surrounding the blessed weekend of Jesus’s resurrection.

  15. The tulips are wonderful!

    My husband and I had a wonderful Easter brunch at the golf club and then rode our bicycles around the neighborhood–finally a day in the 60s with no snow!

    Happy Easter Weekend!!

  16. Hi Jane what a wonderful picture taken in the tulips and sunny blue skys. We are having two easter dinners one on saturday and one on Sunday have to get all the family in for easter dinner. May have to diet on Monday but will enjoy the food and family time until then.

  17. Hi Jane. I love your photo. Saturday we had a wedding shower for my nephew and his fiance. Today I spent Easter with my parents.

  18. I’ve been keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    Saturday my best friend’s baby is turning 1. He contracted infant botchulism when he was 4 months old. There were 5 days straight that we were sure he was going to make it but he did and we are going to celebrate his life.

  19. Great photo and beautiful setting. This weekend was lovely, saw my son, went to a lovely play which is a niced change. Enjoy your week and best wishes.

  20. Spent yesterday doing some cooking & getting my house in reasonable order. Spent Easter day with friends. We all pitched in and had a lovely day. It’s nice to know you have friends when all else fails…

    Hope you & yours had a peaceful holiday. P.S. I love the picture in the field with the tulips.

  21. I was hoping to have a quite weekend without adult kids but the daughter had her boyfriends 3 yr old daughter and they colored eggs she cracked me up trying to figure out how to make the dye. but it turned out it did turn out to be a quite Easter I didn’t have to cook for once. I’ve never been to see the tulips but I heard they are beautiful one of these years I’ll get there
    Happy Easter to u and yours

  22. Schools here are closed tomorrow, so I’m off with my daughter for the day. We’ll have some fun, but are also going to go through some closets and move winter clothes out to another closet, gather clothes to give to Goodwill, etc. I have work event on Saturday, then church Sunday and the last performance of the school year for my daughter’s kids choir at church. It’s been a wonderful Easter here. Blessings to you and yours…:-)

  23. Hi Jane,
    I love going to see the tulips, it’s been a few years since we went. Wasn’t the sun just wonderful?! I’m glad you had such a good weekend.

    My son had a baseball game on Saturday, so wonderful to play in the sun and warm weather for a change. The bonus was they did really well and won. So much fun to coach them and see them learn and grow.

    Today we spent together, just the immediate family, & took the kids to the Star Wars exhibit and an IMAX film. A great dinner at home, and now I’m winding down. Mondays come far too quickly.

    I really hope to see you at the wine event this week, it should be a lot of fun. I’m trying to round up some girl friends now!


  24. Hi Jane!

    Glad you were able to get away with Ty. Couple time is great! This week we’ll have baseball practice and two games, waterpolo Wednesday, doctor’s appointment, and my 16th wedding anniversary on Friday. That’s just what I can remember without looking at my calendar!

    I hope you have a fabulous week and that you are finding peace.

    Take care,


  25. Hi Jane!
    What a lovely pic of you and Ty! It is important for you two to get some alone time too. I hope you all had a lovely Easter!

    Friday night my bff and her fa,ily came for dinner. It was so nice to get to spend time together and talk with out as many interuptions as on the phone. She convinced me to write my mom’s story and put my contemp romance (that I have been working on & off for way too long) She said my blog post about my mom was the best thing I have ever written and I have to do it! It means so much to have someone believe in you!

    Saturday I cooked and spent time with my daughter. We made pierogi for Easter dinner. Easter was lovely with church and eating way too much. We played Apples to Apples with the kids and my In-Laws and we always have many laughs when we do that!

    Take care!!!

  26. I am so sorry for the grief you are all going through. As you know, the healing process is journey with no set pattern. Prayers to your family.

    Our weekend was busy and eventful. Loved the sun yesterday! Our town had an Easter egg hunt in the morning. All egggs gone in less than 30 seconds. The kids had a lot of fun. My son had his lacrosse game yesterday afternoon. It was a tie. It was great to stand in the sunshine.

    Today started with the kids enjoying their Easter baskets followed by a neighborhood egg hunt at various houses, then breakfast at a neighbor’s house. Next was church and an afternnon of prepping for the week.

    Tomorrow I am off with 132 5th graders to an outdoor environmental school for four days/three nights. It is always such a wonderful experience for the kids. I can’t wait. It helps to have a supportive husband who will happily hold down the fort with our 9- and 2-year-old.

    Have a good week!

  27. A very blessed Easter to all! This has to have been one of the most fun Easter’s surrounded by family.

    This week will be exciting. Off to an interview this week. I so do hope it works out. I would love to be in a new position that would allow me more time with my children. Please keep me in your prayers. Besides that it will be a quiet week as my children will be gone. Time to reflect, reorganize and regroup. Something I know will be good for me.

  28. Hi Jane,
    I am so sorry to hear about Ty’s mom. I lost my mom a few years ago and it is the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. Hope you all are doing as well as can be expected.
    The past week was crazy. Full of work. But, I was so thrilled to see the beautiful sun make it’s way to the Pacific NW. It was 73 here yesterday…I felt like I was in a different state! Had an easter egg hunt for the grandkids and enjoyed watching some of their baseball games. Made brunch for the family today and enjoyed being with all my loved ones. It was a pretty amazing week. Hope everyone else had an amazing Easter! 🙂

  29. Jane,

    Happy Easter Jane and family! Hope that you have a Blessed day and your week goes well.

    I had a very lowe key weekend, wasn’t feeling all that hot, so I caught up on some reading. I read some of your romance books on my nook, loved them as well as some of Caitlen Cruse’s (Megan Crane) I just love you ladies.

    My sister just moved up to Washington, just south of Fort Lewis, I will tell her about your events, maybe she can catch one of them. Of course I have no idea how far away they are from her.

  30. Cute pic of you and Ty!! Oh yes, the tulips look good, too…

    This week Joey goes back to school and Rebecca has spring break. Groan…what’s a working mom to do?! I love Jane Porter events; the one at Chateau St. Michelle sounds right up my alley!

    Have fun and Happy Easter
    Hugs from Tustin

  31. We attended a Padres game en mass before celebrating a future family member’s graduation from law school. Love you lots- Mom

  32. Hi Jane,
    Easter was sweet for me as I was able to see my whole family. We are now getting ready to have my family over for Mother’s Day and bringing our son home from college the day before.

  33. Hi! Glad that you and Ty spent some alone time for thats a goodtime to grieve together and reflect on life period. Glad that your Easter was a nice one,too. My week willbe not as hectic as the one before but then you never can tell, for my toddlers each day is different. I know my weekends are busy for my daughter is going to prom and her friends willbe getting dress at the house. I’m excited for her for I didn’t go to my prom, and the guy who’s taking her is a good friend and he’s fun to be around-he makes her laugh. I’m trying to get my house in shape for I lost my roof with a tornado and so my yard is finally looking better also no more workmen even though they were friends. Your one busy lady, but I know you enjoy meeting your readers, I wish I could met you but I live in fla. one of these days I will-love your books. Have fun at your book signings.

  34. Jane,
    We had a lovely Easter yesterday spent with my older sister, husband, 3 kids, and her mother in law. Beautiful weather and cousins enjoying egg hunts outside along with time spent with my sister made a great day! My husband surprised me with a trip to Montana to visit Cheryl, Kari, and all our Candle friends there! I leave Thursday and I am so excited!! Already packed and ready to go. Haven’t seen Kari since the Montana Meeting last year! And can’t wait to see Cheryl’s baby bump!!

    Hugs to all!

  35. Hi Jane- Celebrated Easter at my sisters house. It was a nice Polish dinner accompanied with oodles of desserts! As my husband and I were reading your blog, he noticed “Woodenville” – this town was named after his ancestors (on his mother’s side)! Glad you enjoyed your “Good Friday” – the tulips looked so pretty with the beautiful blue sky. Have a great week, Jane!

  36. Today we headed over to Mumndads and spent the day eating and hanging out with a horde of rellies and kids. Was rummaging about in the garden – which is a mess as they’re more than occupied building a new house right now – and found FIVE pumpkins. Was rather chuffed about it. 🙂

  37. Hi Jane,
    Another busy week on tap. They all seem to be busy but this one is especially busy. If I can make it to Friday, it will be a miracle! My son has two baseball games, practice and a tournament this weekend. I have two all day trainings, one I host, one I watch. Meetings, meetings and more meetings. Wishing I was a stay at home mom this week.

    Crossing my fingers this week flies by!
    Have a good one!

  38. Hi Jane,
    The tulips look beautiful. Even though most were gone, I’m glad you at least got to some a few fields. This weekend we had a very relaxing, chill out/no plans kind of weekend. The weekend before this past one, my husband was really busy working on a huge project, so now that it is done, we decided to just have a weekend to ourselves. It was very nice. We did visit a few relatives briefly on Easter, but other than that we just read books, watched movies, played with the dog.

  39. Beautiful picture with y’all and the tulips. This weekend was very quiet. First Easter with no sons and no big dinner. It was kind of sad, actually!

  40. Wow – I had no idea tulips grew like that in Washington! I thought they only grew like that in Holland.

    Great Picture of you guys.

    I am taking my daughter (as a surpirse) to Sarasota, FL to see my best friend/her God Mohter, for the weekend. I’m looking forward to some alone time with my two favorite girls.

    We had a HUGE Easter party/egg hunt on Saturday, so I am tired:). Just chilling with the kids today.

  41. lets see we woke up to the easter bunny making a visit and egg hunt. went to my inlaw’s for brunch, then to my families easter dinner and another egg hunt. took the day off for some rest today….then work the rest of the week and wait for the sun to come back!!!!!

  42. Hi Jane,

    I have a busy week coming up. Well, the busy part is me running to doctors appointments and a lot of prenatal exercise so that I will be in good shape when we reach July.
    Our Easter was/is pretty easy. We did not plan to much and did not eat to much either 🙂
    Hope you had a Happy Easter to.

  43. Jane, trust you had a great time and enjoyed your meal.

    I made a big chicken supper for dh and me. Since our parents died it seems hard to someone to step up to the plate and offer their home for Easter, Christmas etc.
    I live an hour to 1 1/2 hr. away from 3 of them and they say it’s too far to come so often. Duh, we had to go that distance when we get together.

  44. hi jane; beautiful pic of you and ty and the tulips…this week will be spent working on my 17 year olds’ college admission papers (final papers) and helping him make a final decision on which one to go to. it will also be spent on getting his tux rental for prom, and helping his younger brother pick out a class ring. hope you are doing ok…so wish i were closer to western washington to be able to join the festivities! take care.

  45. Love the pic. Beautiful colors.
    I am back at work this week. We are experiencing flooding here. I am thankful my house is elevated.

  46. Hi Jane!

    Those flowers are beautiful. I wish we had something like that around here.

    The kids went back to school today after vacation last week. Actually, my daughter went back and my son is home sick. So day I am spending the day cuddled up with him on the couch watching his favorite cartoons and reading some books. I love being able to cuddle with him, pretty soon he will be too old and want nothing to do with his “momma mia”.

  47. Spring cleaning going on here this wknd! My 3.5 year old has finally gotten over an infection and seems to be back to 100%, so I’m sure we’ll be doing stuff as well… I hope to win! 🙂

  48. My sister has been visiting from Arizona for Easter week. Remarkably, we’ve been having a lovely visit (for the most part) I didn’t sing this Easter holiday for the first time in way too many years to count. I thought it would be weird and lacking. Instead I very much enjoyed being able to simple enjoy and bask in the glory of the holiday and the richness of some excellent music. The sun even graced us with its presence, repeatedly eschewing weather reports for thunderstorms and as the temperature likewise thumbed its nose at the same reports, my sister got to experience a warm & sunny Easter day in New Jersey – truly an Easter miracle for us all.

    Blessings to you and yours! Good luck with your reader events this week. I loved the Chateau St. Michelle when I visited several years ago. It’s a lovely venue for what I’m sure will be a fantastic event.

  49. Hi Jane! I hope you all had a beautiful Easter.

    We went away for a few days. Such a nice treat to get a change of scenery and enjoy new things. Wonderful Easter.

    This week will be a busy one. My husband is traveling and that always makes things hectic. I will be glad when his schedule settles down.

    Have a great week!

  50. Hi Jane!

    We’ve been under tornado and flood warnings for weeks now and I’m so weary of it. The town I live in is at the confluence where the Ohio and Mississippi rivers connect and they are over their banks and threatening to flood the town. Fortunately my home is up the hill a ways so our property is safe but there are a lot of homes right in the bullseye so we’re praying this rain stops…although it doesn’t appear to be likely. We’re expecting another 10+ inches by Wednesday. Boy what I wouldn’t give for a day on the beach 😀

    Anyway, besides hiding in the storm cellar and trying to stay dry we’re keeping ourselves busy with little projects around the house and keeping the business from floating away.

    I miss seeing the tulips, love the pic. Hugs to you and your boys- all 4 of them 😀


  51. That’s a beautiful picture of you two!

    We had a fun easter weekend although I had a lot of work to do. I had a huge translation to finish and tried hard to not let the kids feel it. So I dashed off for a few hours here and there and spend lots of quality time with them in between. We saw the movie “Hops” which was fun and dad played lots of Wii with them- so they were happy.

    No everything is back on schedule and a busy week is coming up.

    Hope you have a great week,


  52. I love the photo with the tulips!

    I’m headed to So. Cal. later this week to attend a wedding at Disneyland. I’m looking forward to a getaway and a memorable wedding celebration!

  53. I spent the weekend with my best friend’s family. He is currently away in basic training and my family is 6 hours away. So, he asked me to spend some quality time with his parents. We had a great meal and I also helped them do a lot of cleaning around the house to prepare for his return in a few weeks. It was a good weekend of family and fun!!

    Love the pic of you and Ty with the tulips. Beautiful!!! Hope your Easter was amazing!

  54. Great picture! Had lunch with my son in La Conner a few years ago when my son was working at Whidbey Island (Marines) and it was fun. Enjoy your quiet times together, time is a healer and it gets better in time. Those tulips are gorgeous and pretty soon it’ll warm up then the fun stuff begins…always love the sun and going to the beach guess it’s from my early days growing up in California. You guys are in my thoughts..God Bless you, Ruth

  55. Happy easter Jane to you and your family. Had a great weekend at the jersey shore. friday we did a easter egg hunt. saturday was a early easter celebration (misty rain on and off all day) with family then yesterday was just a relaxing day of reading and a walk and today was back home again.

  56. I am preparing to graduate from GU. 5 years later, THANK YOU for your support and the courage you gave me through the years.

  57. What a beautiful picture of you and Ty and yowza!. . . beautiful tulips! I wish i was there. happy to hear that you are building more memories with your boys and Ty. That’s what life is all about. I spent my first Easter without my kids, my immediately family. I was fortunate enough to have made new friends who kindly asked me to share their Easter celebration. It made me appreciate family more and how precious friends are. With friends we make our family stronger and bigger and that’s what help us grow, makes us love and in turn, love more!

    this week is hectic at work; i am looking forward to the weekend so i can do more exploring and hiking.

  58. My Easter was spent with family memorializing my aunt – a great woman who was devoted to her four adopted children…who she said, “Didn’t grow under my heart, but in it.” She had 75 wonderful years on this earth and is now up in heaven with her Savior. My condolences to you and Ty over the loss of his mother…

  59. Today is Tuesday and it is a overcast day with a promise of warm weather in the hours to come. I am axiously looking forward to the sun paying our part of Kansas a visit. The past week has had its share of bumps and pot holes but as we head into Spring I feel a sense of ease beginning to wash over the feelings of doom and gloom.Your picture of the tulips is an amazing touch of Spring. They are lovely. This week I look forward to finishing some school projects and winding down some studying for what proved to be a challeging semester in Algebra. I am getting excited for Summer since I work at the school and get Summer break. My RV broke down last week but my mom is loaning her smaller pull camper to my boys and I so I am pepping up about that too.We had a wonderful cookout with my sister and my mom and all my niece and nephews.The day turned out sunny and warm.My son is winding up his senior year and I am going through baby photos for his grad. invitations. So sad and yet so happy at the same time.I guess that is the Yen and Yang way of life. Have a nice week Jane!

  60. Beautiful picture… I love tulips.

    We had a really nice Easter and were able to have some good family time 🙂

  61. I love this picture of you and Ty! I saw Water for Elephants…there are parts of it that made me flinch because it’s a realistic depiction of a 1930s era circus…but it has a happy ending:)

  62. I hope your family had a wonderful Easter, Jane. I know that would have been hard for the recent loss of Ty’s Mom. Sorry for your loss.

    We had a good Easter. It was quiet. My husband had to work, so the kids and I had a lazy day at home. We had done a couple easter egg hunts earlier in the week, so they didn’t miss any fun. They went through their baskets in the morning and we lounged around in our pj’s all day. We don’t get to do that much, so it’s little things like that, that make me happy. 🙂

  63. Had a great time celebrating Easter with family…too much yummy food and candy from the Easter bunny! Good times

  64. Love the picture and that you and Ty had some alone time.

    I had a great Easter visiting family in my hometown in Ohio. Have been back three times this year due to my mother’s illness but before that it had been a long, long time.

    Now we are back home and the air conditioning is out, makes us appreciate the little things!

  65. Sorry I’m late announcing the winner!! I had doctor’s appts this morning and then Mac had appts and then kids had homework and I had my event. Whew! Busy day!

    But #66 Gena, its you! Congrats!!

    Shoot me a private email with your address, Gena, and what book you’d like signed, and I will put all your fun stuff in the next mail!

    Love to all,


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