With So Much Love

I’ll keep this short as there’s no easy way to do this, but we lost Ty’s mom, Patricia Gurney, yesterday morning. We were driving from LAX and 45 minutes from the house when we got word from Ty’s brother, Mike.

I know a number of you met Pat at one or more of my Southern California book events. Pat was one of my biggest supporters and attended every book event she could, whether it was in San Diego, Laguna, or Westwood.

She was such an amazing woman–tough, loving, a real spitfire. She was always reading, a gifted quilter, and she treated my boys as if they were her own grandchildren. I can’t type too much right now or I’ll fall apart so I’ll share a few of my favorite photos of Pat from last May when we celebrated an early Mother’s Day with her with a lunch out in La Jolla.

Pat, you were so loved and will be so missed. I promise to tell Mac lots of stories as he grows up so he’ll always know just how amazing his grandmother was!

Love you, Pat.


  1. Oh Jane I am so sorry to here about Ty’s mother, my heart goes out to you all. We will all be praying for you guys that you make it through these sad time, just let the family stick together and remember we are behind you all the way.

  2. Sounds like you had a marvelous mother-in-law Jane…that is a true treasure. So sorry for your loss, my sympathies to Ty, you and your family.

  3. Treasured photos! Pat seems to have been a wonderful lady. She lives on through Ty and Mac as well as in the memory of her love for you and your family.

  4. We can see the joy you and Mac brought to her life by giving her a precious grandchild – wonderful photos, thanks for sharing them.
    Hold tight to each other and know so many are thinking of you and your family. This is a week of remembering the miracle of sons and the belief in eternal life, and I hope you find comfort in that.

  5. Jane, you are blessed to have had Pat in your life. You and your boys obviously had a wonderful relationship with her and that’s what counts. Prayers for you, Ty, the boys and his family.

  6. You are so right Jane, tell Mac all about his grandmother and he will “know” her. My husband’s father died a week after our first son was born and we have told “Grampa Bill” stories all these years. Both of our sons even talk about him on occasion now like they really knew him AND our new grandchild has “Grampa Bill’s” special gray eyes. What a blessing! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. As someone once said to me, “Remember, love never dies!” You will have Pat’s love around you always. Your friend, judy

  7. Praying for you, Ty and your family. So very sorry for your loss! Pat sounds like she was a truly amazing woman and she will be greatly missed. Praying God will comfort you and Ty and your family and friends@@@

  8. I am so sorry Jane.I am so glad she had such wonderful times with you and Mac. She looks very happy in the photos.

  9. Jane–sending my condolences to you and Ty on the loss of his mother. Deepest sympathy to all of you along with love, hugs, and prayers. xox

  10. Jane,
    I am so sorry to hear about your loss! I will keep you and your family in my prayers. She sounds like a wonderful woman who lived a happy life surrounded by family and friends who loved her very much!!
    Take care

  11. Jane and family: I am so very sorry for your loss. Hold on to your memories, and hold on to each other. Love will see you through.

  12. Jane,
    I am so sorry to hear of your loss! Your beautiful words brought tears to my eyes. You and Ty’s family are in my thoughts and prayers.


  13. I’m very sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful person. I know she will be greatly missed. Please take care.

  14. She looks like a very nice woman. I hope that through and beyond your grief, your happy memories will bring you and yours joy.

  15. Jane, Ty and Mac… I am so sorry for your loss and just can’t imagine how sad you must be. Let me know if there is anything at all I can do for you. She was such a beautiful person. Thanks for sharing so we can keep you in our prayers during this time when you say good-bye.

  16. So sorry to get this news. You did your best to get here and I’m sure she knew how much she was loved.
    Much love to you all during this time of loss.

  17. Dear Jane, Ty & family
    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. The good lord has certainly been on the lookout for fabulous ladies with major personalities lately. My Aunt Mary passed away at the beginnning of this month and she certainly was one in a million as it sounds like Pat was. I hope she and Aunt Mary can meet up at the big card party in the sky, as my sister so eloquently put it. Hugs to you all. Love, Tracy

  18. Oh Jane, I am so sorry to hear the news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Ty and the boys. The pictures you shared are beautiful, I hope you will find comfort in your wonderful memories in this time of great sadness.

    Take care!

  19. I am so sorry to hear about Pat. Sending prayers for all who knew and loved her. The pictures are really nice and show how much of a loving woman she was. I know she will be missed. Hugs…..

  20. Jane,
    So sorry for yours and Ty’s loss and your children. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Be safe.

  21. Jane, I’m very sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Pat sounds like a lovely woman.

  22. What a blessing she was to give you and the boys so much love! Thanks be to God for her, and her life’s influence in all of yours!
    Heartfelt prayers for all the family @ this most difficult time.

  23. Oh Jane, my heart goes out to you, Ty and all those who loved her. Hope you can take comfort in each other.
    I like to think of it as we are all walking a road together. She’s just gone around a curve up ahead, no longer visible but still very much present.
    Sending you all much love and light, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  24. Jane, if you can, please post some photos of Pat’s quilts….they are a wonderful legacy. Many of us out here are quilters, knitters, etc. and it’s great to be able to appreciate someone else’s work.

  25. Jane, I am so sorry for your loss. It is so very hard to lose those you love. How wonderful that she got to spend time with Mac & enjoy him. Your family will be in my prayers.

  26. Jane- I’m so sorry for you and your family’s loss. It is so hard to lose someone that you love so much.

  27. Those are some of the best pics of her, I love them. She not only looks good, she is happy, it shows! Good job Jane and thank you! I know how much my Aunt Pat thought of you, she loved you. I know she would be very proud to know that because of you, Mac will know his Grandma even though she’s not with us! She was a very special person in all of our lives. I will miss her for a very long time.
    It was wonderful to see you and thank you so much for inviting me out to visit. I will be there as soon as possible!

    Much Love to you…..

  28. Jane and Ty,
    I’m so sorry for the loss of Ty’s mom. She looks like such a nice woman and so pretty, too. Hoping that your wonderful memories give you some peace in this difficult time.

  29. My sympathies and condolences. It’s never easy and I can never seem to find the words. Jane, you and your family are in my prayers and Pat will be smiling down from Heaven knowing how much she is loved.

  30. Your right Jane she was a very specially lady. I first met her when her daughter Patti and I were best friends, then when my mon passed away in 1994 Pat became my 2nd mom and then when Jim and I got married she was my mother in law but she was always a mom to me and I am going to miss her very much. I like to think I now have 2 mother angels looking over us now.

  31. There are just some people that make this a better place to be. How wonderful you had her in your life. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. HUGS

  32. So sorry Jane. Loss is so hard. I will keep you guys in my prayers during this time. I’m so sorry. I know she will be missed tremendously.

  33. I am so sorry to hear of your family’s loss. You have some wonderful photos and stories to treasure. xo

  34. I’m glad Mac has photos of his grandmother. those are precious. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  35. Oh, Jane, I am so very sorry to read this. Sending lots of love & condolences to you and Ty and your whole family. You will have wonderful photos and stories to share with Mac when he gets older about his marvelous grandmother.

    Thinking of you this Easter weekend.

  36. Hi Jane

    So sorry to hear about Ty’s mom. You are your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Your photos and memories are a testament to the wonderful times you all shared together.

  37. so sorry for your and Ty’s loss and the grandchildren’s loss of a wonderful woman.
    Remember the good times and take care.

  38. Biggest hugs and hand holds Jane. Your Pat sounds like a dream mother-in-law and grandmother. You know someone is wonderful when they proclaim your kids their grandkids and that’s that. She sounds like someone with a lot of love in her heart and spirit.
    Getting older just sometimes plain sucks. You want to hold these special people here and not let them go.
    Lots of love and supporting vibes to you and Ty as you go through all the stages.

  39. My condolences to you, Ty, the boys, and everyone else in the family.
    She seems to have been a beautiful person, inside and out.

    I wish you all strength, and love, and peace.


  40. I’m so very very sorry. {Jane and family} She was a truly lovely woman and you were lucky to have her in your life. <3

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