Mac and Max

Getting ready to head to airport and it amazes me how much an almost two year old needs for a trip!  Or maybe, it’s all the stuff I need to entertain a two year old on an airplane!  Either way, it seems like we have a lot between cars and toys and snacks and diapers and a change of clothes.  But I love my almost two year old so much.  Next week is his 2nd birthday and I can’t believe he’s growing up so fast!!

Mac gets to go to all his brothers’ sporting events, including Ty’s lacrosse games.  Mac likes Ty’s lacrosse games because they are on a field and there are always dogs, including his favorite, 5 month old Max.  Max likes Mac a lot, too.  🙂


I’ll check in when I can, but in the meantime love to all and have a wonderful week!


  1. Love those pictures! His birthday is next week? I can’t believe how big he is getting and so fast. The time flies.

    He is, as always, adorable. <3

  2. Both Mac and Max are super cute! I would love to go too, if I got to play with that cute little puppy!!! 🙂 Hope Mac has a wonderful 2nd Birthday!

  3. Cute pictures! It was about that age that a little shih tzu puppy was so excited to see my two year old, that the puppy knocked him (the child) over. It took a while for my son to get over being afraid of dogs. He still doesn’t like jumpy dogs. 🙂 Loved that age!

    Happy 2nd Birthday, Mac, and Mom, too!

  4. Have a safe trip. Let me know if you need anything (at all) when you’re down here.

    Hugs from Tustin,

  5. My thoughts and prayers are with Ty’s mom and the rest of the family. Have a safe trip. That little puppy is too cute as is little Mac. It’s hard to believe he’s going to be two. Looking forward to the birthday pics. 🙂

  6. I love the pictures. It is hard to believe Mac will be two already. Time sure does go fast. Have a safe trip and great week too.

  7. Omg, that Max is adorable!
    I’m so sorry about your mother-in-heart. Big hugs to you and your family.

  8. Hi! I can remember flying with my 2yr.old about 17yrs ago and I had so many things with me I felt like I was moving back home.Just to visit my mom in Chicago. Anyways, you’ve got to make them happy!. Have a safe trip and hope Ty’s mom gets better. I love the pictures of Mac and Max. I take care of 2 yr.old and I love it, each one is at a different stage, one is potty trained and the other is learning, they both talk like they are teenagers and quite smart, I have them on the computer learning numbers and their letters. Maddie sings twinkle twinkle little star and she’s so cute, Penelope tries to copy her. I love my job. Have a good trip!

  9. cute pics of mac and max! have safe travels and hoping for the best for your family…many thoughts and hugs going your way.

  10. Isn’t is wonderful to have Max. A great distraction for a restless 2yr old. I would bring Max treats every game for such a wonderful job! LOL

  11. The Three M’s: “Mom,Mac n’Max”,just darling! I love seeing the world through the eyes of two and three year old children; this age is just the best.Enjoy and please continue to share your wonderful family with us.

  12. Good luck and best wishes to Ty’s mother. I’m not so sure Mac needs any toys for the plane, he will have the whole airplane captivated and entertained. What a charmer and cutie he is. The pictures are too cute with all of you. He’s a very lucky little boy too. Be safe.

  13. Hey Jane, safe travel wishes go out to you & Mac. And my prayers are with Ty’s mom and all of you during this time. Hope that she gets well very soon! <3 Janelle

  14. Have a good trip Jane, hope everything works out all right.

    I cant’ get over how big Mac is getting and he is sooo cute, take care.

  15. Great pictures Jane! Gosh, I can’t believe it’s almost Mac’s 2nd birthday. I remember reading your posts as you neared the end of your pregnancy and it doesn’t seem like that long ago.

    Hope all goes well on your trip and birthday wishes to you and Mac. My birthday was this week and it’s been beautiful here weather-wise. Really loving spring!

  16. Wow! 2 years old already, so hard to believe how quickly time flies. You need a new scrapbook already 😉

    Super cute pics of both of you- or should I say all 3 of you 😀 Thanks so much for sharing such wonderful pics- I love being included in your family 🙂


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