Wed Wine Tasting & Fun

I attended another wonderful event last night here in Bellevue with moms from Cherry Crest Elementary.  The women were really nice and very fun and made me feel so comfortable.  I appreciate all those who have bid on an evening with me at their school or non-profit auctions and hope you know that I’m the lucky one to get to meet such awesome women!

I have another event in Bellevue this coming Wednesday, May 11th from 6 to 8pm at the Bellevue Club.  Not familiar with the Bellevue Club?  It’s at 11200 Southeast Sixth Street, Bellevue, WA 98004 and there is a $25 charge for the wine tasting, but if you’re interested in attending and don’t belong to the Bellevue Club let me know and I can get you on the RSVP list!  (Or call the Member Events Office at 425-688-3384 or email and they can add you, too.)  I will have all six of my women’s fiction titles on hand and can’t wait to mingle and chat with all who attend.  If you live in the Greater Seattle, grab a couple of friends, and join us.  Husbands, dates and men welcome!  I’m thinking of dragging my guy along, although he’d probably prefer to be home playing with Mac!


Click on the poster to see the full sized invitation.

Right now the sun is shining and there’s blue sky peeking between clouds.  I think I better take my little guy out to a park to get some Vitamin D while I can. Hope you’re having a wonderful Saturday and enjoying your weekend.  And to make sure you’ve got a perfect weekend, I’ve got 3 prizes to giveaway–3 signed copies of Wendy Wax‘s sensational The Accidental Bestseller, a $10 Starbucks drink card, a signed book from my backlist, and more.  I LOVE Wendy’s writing, and she has a new book out this week–Ten Beach Road–and the reviews are fantastic.  If you’re looking for something wonderful to read, look for Wendy’s new book.  My copy just arrived from Amazon today!

The contest for Wendy’s novel and fun goodies runs from today through Wednesday night with me announcing the three winners on Thursday morning.  Tell me your idea of a perfect day and you’re entered!  It’s that easy.  🙂


  1. Perfect day…
    Skies are blue the weather is warm with a breeze, just sitting in the shade with a good book with my dog at my side.
    Later go out to eat with my guy for dinner and a movie,
    then home for a bubble bath.

    Simple but my idea of perfect.

  2. My perfect day would be: Staring the day with my coffee outdoors on a beautiful, sunny morning. Relaxing and listening to the birds sing. After that I would go get a pedicure and a massage. Shopping would follow…and I mean shopping for myself (which I never do…it’s always about my kids…not complaining, just saying.) 🙂 Then to top it off, a date night with my husband. I think it’s been over 6 months since we have even had a date night, so we may need to make some plans and make half of this perfect day happen! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

  3. My perfect day would be waking up naturally, no alarm clock, to sunny skies and a light breeze. This perfect day would involve no responsibilities and no schedule. I would spend the day with friends and family doing and going wherever the wind took us, eating good food and soaking up lots of sun and laughs. 🙂
    Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!

  4. My idea of a perfect day are the days I spend at my uncle’s beach house with my girl friends. We sleep in, wake up without an alarm, throw on sundresses over our bathing suits, slip on some flip flops and head down to the beach where it would preferably be hot, but breezy. We’d spend a few hours on the beach and then walk up to the boardwalk for some lunch before heading home where I would spend an hour in the hammock reading while they might nap or watch some tv. Then we would hit the outlet malls to do some shopping and make splurge purchases without feeling guilty over it. After that depending on our moods, we’d either go out for awhile for dinner and dancing or pick a good movie for a relaxed night in (complete with ice cream or other snacks of choice). The other nice thing about the beach house is there’s no cable and no internet, which would drive me crazy if it was all the time, but sometimes it’s nice to disconnect from the technology overload for awhile. I love those weekends where my friends and I can do whatever we feel like with no agenda and not stress over the boys in our lives.

  5. It has to be a bright, warm, sun shiney day, in the middle of the summer so it doesn’t get dark until 10pm. I would be with my family and friends at Paradise in Mt. Rainier National Park, having a birthday picnic after a hike with the waterfalls misting us cool and the mountain reflected in the lake. The birds would be singing in the trees and bushes, and the bees would be hopping from wildflower to wildflower. We would play all day, stop in Tacoma on Commencement Bay for dinner and eat outside on a deck over the water with a view of the Mountain where we spent the day dominating the skyline. As the sun started dropping down behind the Olympic mountains the snow topped peak of Mt. Rainier would turn pink from the red sky of the sunset and we would lift our glasses to toast to love and life and happiness.

  6. Hi Jane,
    I just reserved Wendy’s new book through my local library.
    My idea of a perfect day: a warm sunny day (about 75 degrees) in Cannon Beach with my group of girlfriends, shopping, eating pizza, and visiting the bakery. We go back to the beach house for games, conversation, and lots of laughter.

  7. my perfect day is any day I can spend with my children and grandchildren – just hanging out,taking walks in the park, having a nice meal at a family restaurant and sitting on the couch watching movies, critiquing the movie, eating popcorn and gummy bears and just being together.

  8. Perfect day is reading a book with nothing else to do! Could be at the beach or under my shade trees.

    Happy Mother’s Day, Jane!!!

    (no contest)

  9. Oh the perfect day…waking up on my own, walking down to a great coffee shop for a soy latte and pastery. Some fun activity with the kids, playing on the beach, going to the zoo. Then pushing them on a well maintained path until they fell asleep in their stroller and I could sit under a tree–preferably near the ocean–with a good book to get lost in.
    Then maybe a BBQ with my very large, very loud family. A little wine, a lot of laughter and loads of love.

  10. Ha! That’s pastry. I was trying to conjure up this fabulous day while holding one kid, answering a hubby question (you know those stupid ones like where is the paper towels…Answer-right in front of you,) and the washer beeped that it had finished.
    I’m going back to the fantasy!

  11. Hi! I got your book today! So happy for before that I was pissed at the workmen who were treatingme like i was stupid, he re-did my measurement,he was shocked they were right, so I went outside and he came groveling-I’m the one who’s paying him…now my countertops are beautiful, and even got myself a date!!!I haven’t dated in 30yrs…were going to a concert and festival in Havana fla. Darryl Singletary and some other country singer is playing tonight. Thanks- I want to read Wendy’s book but can’t afford to buy any at this time, I probaly won’t be picked but it would be nice…wish I lived in your area for I’d love to share a glass of wine with you.I want to thank-you again, Happy Mother’s day.too!

  12. The wine tasting sounds like a lot of fun. I bet it is nice meeting new people. My idea of a perfect day would be a day at the beach with my husband followed by a romantic dinner some place on a patio. I know kinda simple and very common for a perfect day, but that’s what I would love.

  13. The perfect day would start with me waking up a little before noon and would head out for some brunch and then go shopping or to the movies.

  14. My idea of a perfect Mother’s Day happened today. My son’s baseball team was tied 1-1. My son was catching, and was brought in to catch in the 4th inning, two outs, runners on 1st and 3rd. He strikes out the batter to get out of the inning. They continue with no runs on either side, but he did strike out the next six batters! We go into the bottom of the 7th tied 1-1. My son was the lead off batter throughout the game a jacked a walk-off homerun! My weekend is complete!

    May all you other mommies gave a great weekend, too!

  15. Hello Jane!
    I am amazed by every Jane Blog I read at just how active you are in the writing community and your own community. I think its great you are so invested.
    And now to answer your question. My idea of a perfect day would be to travel with my husband to the Oregon coast, about an hour and a half away, singing to our favorite tunes along the way. Once there the weather would be 75 degrees, an amazingly warm day for the Oregon coast, and we would tan my round pregnant belly on the beach. Then once we got hungry, head over to Mo’s, where we go every time we visit the beach, and share a bucket of steamers and some clam chowder.
    Just thinking of this perfect day helps feel relaxed!

  16. A perfect day is like the one I had today. I watched my 4-yr-old granddaughter play soccer. Then my husband and I took her from noon until now. A break for Mommy=fun for Grandma and Grandpa!

  17. Today is not really my idea of a perfect day – it has been raining all day. The whole weekend is suppose to be rainy. A soothing sound though actually is being in a jeep with a soft top and hearing the rain pelt down on it.

    But – my idea of a perfect day is one at the beach with a nice breeze, with a hammock involved of course. It’s lazy; maybe I get to go out on a boat ride on the ocean, and there is Bob Marley or Kenny Chesney playing in the background. Shoot, they both get played on the Ipod on shuffle 🙂 And of course there are margaritas or some other tasty little drinky drink. Lastly, there are steaks cooking on something, as per my one of my five loves. Happy weekend Jane!!

  18. a perfect day would be…. sleeping in b.c i dont have to get up for work, coffee in bed, peace and quiet, and whatever i felt like doing for the day.

  19. Hi Jane! My perfect day would be waking up without an alarm. The sunshine coming in through my blinds would be the best way. Coffee at my favorite shop with a good friend. Day trip to the beach and laying around soaking up some vitamin d with a great book. No chores, no responsibilities, nowhere I have to be. Cuddling with my love on the couch for a movie would make a perfect end to a perfect day.
    Wishing all the moms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day!!! May you all be spoiled and pampered tomorrow!

  20. A perfect day for me would be about 70 degrees with a nice breeze blowing and spending the whole day out doing just what ever I wanted to do weather it be reading or taking a nice walk. No worries just me and my beautiful day.

  21. I think my perfect day would involve a day at the beach, lots of sun, surf and a good book. Then a big lobster and clam dinner with all my kids… family dinners don’t happen that often any more as three of my four live in different cities for school and part time jobs take a lot of their time. I miss them… miss having them around regularly…

  22. My perfect day would be a warm, sunny day at the beach with my Gradnkids. Playing and listening to them laugh all morning. Stoping for some yummy ice cream and some fun shops. Soaking in a hot tub while they nap and ending the night with a marshmallow roast along the beach. Simple, but perfect. The little things are the best things in life!

  23. A perfect day would be waking up to a crisp blue morning with perfect snow waiting for me to hit the slops.
    I would then begin the day with a little baking so that I could bring a nice lunch for in between skiing and hot apple cider for the “coffee breaks”.
    I do miss a really good ski season right about now 🙂

  24. My perfect day is hanging out with family!

    Thanks Jane, I needed a new author recommendation and you always have great ones.

  25. Lovely post. A perfect day for me is a walk along the seashore and then sitting on a deck with a book and a cup of tea with the sunshine and breeezes.

  26. My idea of a perfect day would be: sleeping in, waking up to coffee and cheerful children, playing in my garden, sunshine, good music, plenty of time to read, a hot bath before bed…and above all, doing all these things with my hubby and the kids 🙂

    Happy Mother’s Day Jane!

  27. A day at the beach listening to the waves off the ocean, reading a good book, hopefully with my daughters and then a nice dinner and drinks afterwards. Happy Mothers Day Jane.

  28. Perfect is no arguing kids. I’ll take some sun, maybe some time to work in the garden or sit on the deck with a good book. A beach is always nice. But really, it starts with peace and quiet! 🙂

    Happy Mother’s Day!

  29. Perfect day…no work…sleeping in…no chores. My perfect day would also include sunny, warm weather and a peaceful day with my family!

  30. right now a perfect day would be one where I did not have this headache that I’ve had for 3 days; aching in head, neck, shoulders cheeks etc.
    Along with no headache I would consider a slight breeze, temps in the middle 70’s at most and sitting on the patio swing with eyes shut and enjoying birds singing.

  31. A perfect day starts with great beach weather, sunshine, gentle warmth, a fresh breeze,seagulls calling. Nothing is late, no deadlines or black clouds hanging over my head. Everyone feels inexplicably cheerful as we head out to sail.

  32. My idea of a perfect day is waking up in the morning and finding out I have a free plan ticket to Australia- it’s been my dream for years to visit there.

  33. I’ve read the Accidental Bestseller, it was a hoot. My perfect day to be to wake up with no alarm, at the beach, and read all day. And of course, coming home to a sparkling clean house, with a month’s worth of meals prepared and stored in a brand-new freezer.

  34. The sun peeks shyly out of a leftover cloud from the night sky as dawn aproaches and I am nibbling on an egg McMuffin. It’s a warm summer morning and my best friend and I are hauling necessities like a canoe, small cooler, bait, fishing poles and my old portable radio. We arrive at Osage State Lake just as the sun lights up the entire county. After launching the canoe in, we paddle out to relax for the day and enjoy fishing in the nice western breeze. That is a perfect day!Ahhhh! Now I can’t wait for summer especially since I work at the school and I will be off of work in like 3 weeks!

  35. I love the beach and we go twice a year. We love waking up early and walking the boardwalk or the sand, deciding where we’ll have lunch and doing as little as we can get away with. Very simple life but we look forward to it each and every year…perfect for us.

  36. My perfect day would be:
    Sleeping in late, being surprised by breakfast in bed, then a day of book shopping followed by a family bbq in the evening.

  37. Perfect day: Weather is warm (but not hot), sun is shining, I enjoy a nice morning walk with my dog, later on my hubby, dog, and I head out someplace near the water…guess it would need to be dog beach so she can run and play. In the evening, settle down with a book, watch the sunset….sounds perfect for me. Have a wonderful day today Jane!

  38. My idea of the perfect day that is attainable is a sunny summer day, the temp is around 75. I have the day off and have slept in. My house is clean and my kids are in a good mood. I spend the day laying on a raft or lounge chair by my pool with music and a book. Maybe I think up a new book idea in my dreamy state. My hubby comes home in a good mood and I make a nice bbq dinner. After dinner we make a fire and have smores. I don’t have to remind my son to stop being a dork around the fire.
    The ideal version of this would take place at a beach house on Kiawah Islad, SC. LOL

  39. My perfect day would be spent reading outside on the back patio with the warm sun on my skin and NO BUGS! I love Wendy Wax! I can’t wait for her new release.

  40. My idea of a perfect day is that the house is clean and I am sitting on the deck with some iced tea and a new book to read!

  41. My perfect day would be mid 70’s and the sun shining. Hiking a new trail and doing some photography on the way up. Having a picnic and a glass of wine just listening to the birds sing. Hot tubbing later in the evening and lounging around in my robe and slippers with a good book. Sounds heavenly to me!

  42. What a great event! Wine, books, and a talented author to talk to about both!

    On my perfect day, I would wake up in Rome. I would feel happy to be alive! Since this is a fantasy, I would also speak Italian flawlessly and no one would speak English back to me as I bought every pair of shoes I liked:)

  43. I would love to read Wendy Wax’s new book. I have read great reviews on it. You have hooked me on several new authors.

  44. perfect day ; wake up a bit late, then breakfast already made by Hubby 🙂 and later we all go to shopping 😀

  45. The possibilities are endless with this one! But right now, I think my perfect day would be on the beach relaxing, watching the waves and not having to do anything or be anywhere. Warm, but not too warm, a few puffy clouds in the sky, a light breeze and a nice cold tropical drink. And reading a new book by Jane Porter…. 🙂 couldn’t resist.

  46. A perfect day for me would be a beautiful sunny day that I could get up with minimal pain, that would be a perfect day for me.

  47. For me, the perfect day is any day I get to spend with my daughters. It doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside or where we are, as long as we are together and laughing over something silly one of us says/does.

  48. My idea of the perfect day is any day I get to spend with my husband and kids all doing something together even if it just staying home and watching movies.

  49. My idea of a perfect day would be warm temps, slight breeze, blue sky with white puffy clouds, a nice comfy hammock, a cold drink, and a good book! No kids, no noise, just peace and quiet! That would be perfect!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  50. Good morning all! Just about to head off and write but wanted to announce the three winners of Wendy Wax’s Accidental Bestseller and goodies!

    #1 Gigi
    #17 Melanie P
    #40 Crystal GB

    will you three please email me with your mailing address, your choice of book from my backlist, and I’ll get the books, Starbucks crd and fun stuff out to you pronto?


  51. Congratulations to the other winners.
    Thank you, Jane. I popped you an email with the mailing info.
    I bet you had a lovely time at the Bellevue club. It sounds like a swanky place,

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