A Big Shout-out to My Readers

I’ve spent most of the summer so far pretty much at my desk in Hawaii.  I wrapped up my new Harlequin Presents manuscript a few days ago and am now working on the next single title.  Writing is hard work but I love doing it because I know I’ve got wonderful readers like you out there, reading my books. 

I love meeting readers…and you know, I still can’t really believe I have “real” readers…people who look for my books, or people who look for me.  Each and every one of you is the reason I write.  I loved connecting with so many of you in New Yor earlier this summer during the RWA conference. 

I’ve had some really great emails already from some of you about my new Harlequin, A Dark Sicilian Secret.  Thanks so much to those of you who already bought a copy!  The book is doing really well in ebook format and print, and has enjoyed strong sales so far at eHarlequin.com, Amazon and major retailers, as per BookScan.    It’s a dark, intense read with a strong alpha hero and if you haven’t already picked up a copy, I hope you’ll give it a try.  Let me know what you think!

To celebrate the great sales, I’m doing another summer tote bag giveaway. This week’s beach bag contest runs through Sunday night and I’ll announce the winner on Monday morning. 

So tell me what you’re up to, what’s going on with you this week?


  1. We are getting ready to go to the beach…love love love the beach. Growing up in Venice, CA has turned us into beach bums and we love VA Beach.

  2. Hi Jane,

    You are definitely a busy woman. My week has been busy too. I had surgery last week, I have 2 consults next week for another procedure and then we are going on vacation from Aug 6-13. Finally some R&R 🙂 What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger, right?!?! I would love a tote full of goodies. It would be perfect for my vaca 🙂

    Have a great day …

    xoxoxo Marlene xoxoxo

  3. Love the long, hot summer. We are taking a drive up to the mountains. Cooling off and exploring the area on Sat. Best wishes on your writing.

  4. My hubby flies out for his Guy’s Baseball trip to New York on Sat. I’ll get to stay in Houston with my parents and hang with my “Houston Girl’s”. I’m really looking forward to this!

    I’m so excited for you and your sales!

  5. Over the next week I’m just working on house projects & orgainizing things. But in August going to Boston to see my nephew & his wife off on SAS (Semester-at-Sea) cruise around the world. I’ll live vicariously thru their blog thru the fall.

  6. I think I’ve already spent more time at the beach this year than in the past few years combined. The weather probably had something to do with that. It’s just so nice to spend time outside without winter gear!

  7. I am taking classes in yoga and watercolor painting. Summer is flying by…and this might not be a popular thought but I am kind of excited for fall and cooler weather!

  8. Jane,
    I am one of your readers who looks for your books and can’t wait to read a new book you put out! I just gave, You’ve Gone Country to my mother in law and she is absolutely loving it! 🙂
    I have settle in my new place and it is feeling like home. My pity party is over and I am doing well. I just went for a long walk with a friend – it’s great to combine exercise and friend time at the same time.

  9. My husband who is a truck driver took my 3 boys with him on a run to SC and back and on the way dropped them off at my inlaws for a few days. They had seen them in about 5 years. I couldn’t go so i went to work and hung out at home catching up on reading and i saw a movie. quiet time was nice for a bit. The boys had a blast and my inlaws were glad to see them.

    Lisa B

  10. We appreciate all you do for us too. We love your books. This week has been going ok. Today I worked on getting clothes read to take to a consignment store. I gotta try to make some extra money some way. Just paid off the new roof this week. Now, I’m watching the progress of the tropical storm in the gulf and hoping it brings us some much needed rain. It’s very hot and we need some sort of relief.

  11. Hi Jane,
    Congrats on your book success! This week I am busy with work and completing a scrapbook. Can’t wait for it be done so others can enjoy our cruise like we did.


  12. Unpacking boxes!!! We just moved from Hawaii to Washington State, its a madhouse!!! Could really use some sumshine 🙂

  13. I LOVED Dark Sicilian Secret!! What am I doing? We just got back from an 8 day vacation at the beach, so I’m washing TONS of clothes. My laundry fairy quit on me! Then, going school clothes and supplies shopping… UGH! I hate shopping!! Then, planning birthdays for my two boys, BOTH born in August, along with my grandmother who’s now 88. August is always a big month around this house!

  14. Hi Jane!!!

    Congratulations on your new book and good luck with writing of the next one. I am trying to write a paper on business ethics this week so I can finish my class with an A in week and a half ;o)


  15. Hi Jane,

    Congrats on your book success. It’s end of the month at work, so I swamped and very busy. I am looking forward to the weekend.

  16. I have been hiding out!! The heat wave put us over 100 degrees for the past couple weeks and it’s insanely hot! I don’t want to see our electricity bill!! We also started back to school shopping since my 5 year old will be in kindergarten this fall! They grow up so fast…. I’m just a book-loving mom trying to deal with the heat and losing my baby! ( : Stay cool!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  17. Hi Jane,
    Ahhh a tote bag with goodies, what an end to a rough week it would be. Busy with work and my early early workouts. Feels great, but tired.!! Helping my son plan his honeymoon, will be Maui or Oahu. Can not believe all the years of the little guy wanting to read with me has passed to him getting married ! Goes by too fast ! Going to enjoy some reading time by the pool in the sunshine 🙂

  18. We have two family reunions this weekend-one on my side of the family and one on my husbands! Mine is one day. My husbands is the entire weekend. His mom had 13 brothers and sisters so they rent a campground, have karoke on Friday night, potluck on Sat., and a live band Sat. night! It’s a lot of fun!

  19. Hitting our closest beach much as possible w a toddler… would love a getaway present for rare reading moments

  20. Hi! I love reading your new book, I’m Italian and it made me want to go back even though I’m not sure if I want a man yet in my life,but then I’ve decided you never know when a good man will come around. Still looking for a job and its discouraging but I can’t give-up so I keep on applying and something will come my way soon! Been spending time with my daughter and thats been nice for next year 2012(Aug) she’ll be off to college-it willbe her time to do her thing,culinary school. I always look for your books and would love to meet you but I didn’t win the Rom contest but maybe next year at one of those conferences. i know you need to write but take time and enjoy Hawaii with your 3 man. Have a nice weekend!

  21. Congrats on your success with “A Dark Sicilian Secret”!

    As for me, I’ve rescheduled my dental work until next week. I also found out that it’s hard to lose weight without exercise (got to wait until my leg heals).

  22. Oh my gosh, that has got to be the BEST feeling, to see the results of all your hard work at the top of the lists.
    I am already salivating over your upcoming San Francisco trilogy. I even tried to pre-order on Amazon, but no such luck yet.
    As for meeting your readers, we still are buzzing in sleepy little Tucson about your visit in February. One of the Book Club women was out walking the track and got to talking to another woman, told her about the book club dinner and apparently that woman’s sister was a sorority sister of your’s at UCLA. SMALL WORLD!
    And another Book Clubber mentioned just last week how impressed she was with you.
    As for me…my twins start kindergarten in two weeks, (sniff!)and I’m trying to figure out what booster seats are safe and do not cost $200 each.
    (no contest)

  23. I am super excited because this weekend I am meeting up with my 3 sisters for a fun weekend at Mom’s house. We are going to Wisconsin Dells to have some fun and let our kids play. This is our Christmas in July. we could not get together last Christmas because the weather was so bad and we are all so spread out.

    So I am COUNTING down the days until Saturday gets here!

    Hope you have a great rest of Summer!

  24. Hi Jane! I have one more day of work this week, then a 5 day “weekend” coming up, so we’re off to Wildwood. I can’t wait!! I love the beach, but I usually only make it down for the day once or twice each summer, so the thought of 4 days in Wildwood has me very hyped-up 🙂 Hoping for a chance to go up in the lighthouse at Cape May while we’re there. Hope everyone else is having a great summer, too!

  25. Hi Jane!
    It’s so great that you do giveaways for your readers!
    I just got back from a fantastic family vacation in Newport Beach, CA and we had a great time! Now I’m spending upwards of 6 hours a day looking for a job! It’s daunting in this economy but hopefully something will come through soon. Fingers crossed! Otherwise I’m just reading as many great books as I can while I still have the time 🙂
    thanks again! Melissa

  26. I’m so glad you love writing your books since I love reading them. 🙂 As for me, I’ve got relatives coming into town so I’m getting the house all cleaned up and ready for them. It is keeping me very busy. I always feel everything needs to be perfect before they arrive.

  27. Hi Jane, great giveaway! I think you know I luv your books! Anyway this week, and for the past several months looking for jobs. It’s very tough. Especially bc i’m very limited. Due to foot problems i’ve been dealing with for over 20 yrs I can’t stand so need an office job. Anyway had haircut today, great deal! $25 for both cut and blow dry. Talking about my feet, yesterday I had a drs appt and he recommended me see a pain mgmt specialist..I’m so excited NOT! That’s about it. Hope u are having a nice week too. Wish I could be in Hawaii

  28. I had a garage(yard)sale and did fairly well.

    Anxiously waiting for test results from 2 doctors.

    Had company and I made a Chocolate Banana Graham Crust pie.

    Keep the books coming and take care

  29. Congrats on the Book! This week for me — job interview today (hopefully things went well), exercise class, starting a new healthy eating plan (hope its one I can finally stick with) and next week I’ll be driving to visit with my parents for a couple of days!

  30. I’m preparing for my hubby’s next deployment. I think I’ll dig my wetsuit out of the garage and do a little body surfing to help with stress then curl up on the sand with a good book! Suggestions? 😉 Have a special category on my Kindle for you, Jane. Thanks for the escape!

  31. Hi Jane,

    I’m smiling because I just realized I’m the reader you’re smiling at in the photo from NY. Another fan-girl moment for me. I hope you don’t mind some gushing here– the literacy autographing event was the bomb and a highlight was meeting you and your web guru, busy snapping pix. Hearing about your writing schedule is inspiring as I sit at my desk. “Dark Sicilian Secret” was great. Looking forward to next single title.

  32. Well, if you have to be chained to your desk writing, at least said desk is in Hawaii. Where you can look out the window and see all gorgeous weather and fun things – that you aren’t doing. Whoops.

    Pretty much status quo over here. I’ve got an infected cuticle (fun!) and hey! my birthday’s next week. So there’s that. Its basically all about weathering the – er -weather here in Jersey, which translates to holing up in the a/c LR w/The Mother.

    Sounds like a blast, right? Infected thumb, hundred plus weather plus humidity, Jersey’s own special additive to the mix, and the last birthday of my 30s. Really, there’s so much good times here in Jersey, I’m amazed you could bear to leave the tri-state area! 😉

    At least there’s presents (and Presents!) on my horizon.

  33. Just got back from holidays late last week and have spent the last day or two making a photobook online of our holiday pictures.

    Happily, today was spent organizing/cleaning neglected spaces and rooms in the house, and then a totally unnecessary trip to Costco…I always enjoy going when I don’t “need” something!

    Hope you are finding time to enjoy the beautiful sights in Hawaii between writing sessions!

  34. Work, work and more work! We haven’t been to the beach or anywhere ONE time so far. 🙁
    I can’t wait until October. We are going tp Panama City Beach for a whole week!!!! Is it wrong to wish your time away? 🙂

  35. We appreciate your hard work! 🙂 Right now we are gearing up back-to-school. Going to try do a few more fun things like seeing the new Winnie the Pooh movie.

  36. Work and more work, but I love my job at the bookstore. I live in Paradise, Teton Valley Idaho. so the summer weather is perfect. When I am not working, I am reading, biking, and enjoying my family.

  37. Hey Jane, so glad you were able to get that last book done. Alas, a writer’s job is never done…lol!!! So glad you’re writing more for us.

    This week starts another long travel time for me. I’m gonna be very busy. I have three days to do a lot of household chores before I start my journey. On 31Jul am driving to GA to meet up with family. I’ll make a short stop in MD first to catch a play some of my friends are in. Then on to GA. Spend a couple of days there, fly out to RomCon and back. Hang out for a bit, drive to FL and visit fam, then fly to Mexico for 10 days, then back to GA. Stay for a couple more days and drive back to CT…just in time for school and work to start. Pretty busy schedule. Oh, plan on getting some writing done too. I know I’ll be reading. Hopefully, jet lag gives me the extra hours I need in the day, the lengthen it so I can get some work done…lol!!

    Aloha my friend. Mahalo!!!

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  38. I met you at RWA in NYCity and saw you speak at the NJRW meeting several years ago. As I told you in New York, I’ve changed my synopsis writing because of your NJRW presentation. I’m indebted.

    I’m headed to Italy and Switzerland this weekend. It’s been years since we took a vacation and this trip came up as an opportunity through dh’s work. You’re ‘going with me’ as I will be downloading your latest book to take along. 🙂

    Best, L

  39. Jane, how do you manage to get work done in Hawaii?? Is it because you are there so long, you get used to it?
    After not being sick all year I managed to get a summer cold and am sniffing, blowing my nose and sucking cough drops which is just wrong in July ! I am starting to feel better today and hopefully will be well enough to enjoy the weekend. We will have guests in two weeks and I have to get busy fixing up the guest room, as I started but am far from finished. Still, I love summer sunshine (it’s what gets me through the gray days of wintertime) and I hope to get out in mountains on the weekend.

  40. I am in my last week of summer session classes. Looking forward to spending a few weeks with my kiddos at home enjoying summer!

  41. Yay for the great sales! As for me this week, I have been very busy training the gal who is replacing me at my current job. She’s a really nice lady and I’m glad she got the position. It’s been very time consuming showing her all the thing that need to be done, but it’s going well.

  42. Not doing too much right now.
    I plan on finishing a book tonight and watching some TV.
    Tomorrow the weatherman is calling for rain so I guess i will get some paperwork done and settle in with another book.
    I have a Dark Sicilian Secret on my order list for my next amazon order.

  43. Jane, it’s so cool that you give your readers updates on what you are up to. This is a typical week of pool dates and beach days. Only 3 weeks left ’til school starts for the kids (and me, since I am their teacher!).

  44. We’ve been in upstate New York this week, in the Finger Lakes region, and in Lake Placid tonight.

  45. Hi Jane! I’m so glad you’re book is doing so well! I haven’t been anywhere near a bookstore recently and I don’t have an E-reader yet so I haven’t gotten your newest book yet. However I do hope to get to Paducah in the next few days so hopefully I can get to Books-a-million while I’m there to get it.

    We’re getting ready to go back to school here. First day is August 11. The girls are at summer camp in South Carolina this week. They’re having a ball and they’ve now been to two states that I haven’t been to 😀

    It’s been super hot here so we’re trying to lay low and avoid heat stroke 😉 Gives me lots of time to write though so that’s good. Making some good progress.

    Hugs to you and the boys!

  46. Hi Jane,
    I have had a great week so far! Saw U2 (my all time favorite group) in concert last night with friends. Did some shopping and lunch at IKEA today. Back to work tomorrow but looking forward to a fun weekend celebrating family birthdays! Congrats on the great sales, I am looking forward to picking it up after I finish my current book club book.

  47. Well, had to start taking blood pressure meds., i’m not even 40 yet. I can say that for a few more days, ugh 40!!!
    I’ve also been enjoying girl time with my 13 y/old.
    Since somoneone else mentioned about a concert, I saw Britney Spears last Monday!

  48. Hi Jane, I thought I was busy…just finished up a big landscape project that entailed some problems, but on the road to recovery. My daughter won 2-3 of her tennis matches the other day and took home a finalist trophy for flight #2 girls 13 and over doubles. The big banquet is tomorrow night and then more tennis on Monday. I’m going to download your new book onto my new Nook! Take Care

  49. Congrats! I am glad your book is doing so well!!

    I have had a pretty miserable week. My daughter who is 7 (going on 17) has been a real emotional mess lately. She’s been getting plenty of sleep, eating healthy, exercise…so I don’t know what the deal is. It’s been going on for months. Today I took the girls to an arcade, shopping and lunch, and we had a great time. A few hrs. after that, when friends were over, she started with the bad attitude again. I put her in a time out in the house and then was called a “mean mom.” Wow. I know at one point kids always say that to their parents. But I guess I wasn’t ready for that. It really hurt. And inside it made me furious because I wish she could see how fortunate she is and how things could really be. I just want my sweet little 7 year old back…and I don’t know where she’s went and who is in my house. lol! I am so hoping this is all to blame on a growth spurt…but who knows!

  50. The girls and I are having a card game this weekend! We’re gonna gossip, complain about men, and enjoy a few sangrias! Perfect way to end a stressful week.

  51. My husband will be on vacation next week (the first in 2 years!) We plan on hanging out together, relax, and have a fun time! 🙂

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  52. First of all I read A Dark Sicilian Secret and I really enjoyed and I’m very for you that it’s selling well.

    Second, this week I turned 27 and I had a really good time celebrating with friends during the day at work and then at night my friends surprised me and came over to my house to celebrate with me.
    On Friday I’m going to a spa with my best friend and it’s going to be so much fun!

  53. Both my baby boys are sick 🙁 it’s not a very good week for us. the weather is unpredictable, now it’s raining, and then we have a very bright sunshine..

  54. I picked up Dark Sicilian Secret last weekend when I went to Border’s by my sister’s since it is closing. Romance was 30% off but I would have bought it anyway! It is sooooo good! 😉

    This week is laundry and relaxing, writing and trying to get organized again as we count down to school starting after Labor Day.


  55. I am starting a new job tomorrow. I am pretty excited about it. I know it will be a lot of new stuff to learn but I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.

    Friday, I am headed out of town with a friend who loves Rascal Flatts to see them in concert.

    Saturday, I am helping another friend do some more sanding on his car so we can paint it.

    And Sunday, I am probably going to rest and relax.

    During all that, I am hoping to get some more reading time!

    I cannot wait to hear what you are working on next! I love your books and your stories!!!

    I don’t know how you get all your writing in with a toddler!!

    Much love,

  56. Not much going on this week, but this weekend will be busy. Have a ton of yard work to do and me and hubby are building a greenhouse. I’m also planning to go to the movies to see Cowboy and Aliens and Crazy, Stupid, Love.

    Congrats on your books success!

  57. Jane,

    I love reading your books. Flirting with 40 is still my favorite. Whenever I go to the bookstore & come across it, I make sure it is prominently displayed! Lol

    This week is busy. I just got home from vacation, so there is lots of laundry & housework to catch up on. I’d much rather still be at the beach!

  58. It’s going to be a busy week around here. We have to get ready for the roofers that will be here to put on the new roof and about the time he finishes the carpenters will arrive to do the remodel. I’m hoping it will go smoothly.

  59. Looks a pretty routine, ho-hum week so far. Nothing exciting has happened (drats) other than 2 of my colleagues & I working on an abstract which has been accepted for a forum in the US (we are from Asia). We get to travel!

  60. Hi Jane,
    Conrats on the success of your book! This week has been busy with work and activities. Looking forward to the weekend and going to a local fair. Also helping the local fire dept. with a car-wash fund raiser. Can’t wait for Friday!

  61. Jane,

    Congrats on the book. I have read it and LOVED it! I am excited for more great reads from you.

    My work has been super crazy but I am taking Friday off and going to my best friend’s(she was one of the first people I met when I moved to CA 20 yrs ago, and now she lives in No CA.) reunion in Dana Point at the beach! It will be a lot of fun and I have a copy of “She’s Gone Country,” that you signed for me when you where down in Oceanside, I am sure that it will turn her into Jane Porter fan too!

    Enjoy your week!

  62. Hey Jane! I FINALLY was able to read a book for the first time in a year! I finally read She’s Gone Country! I loved it and it was quick and enjoyable to read. I am looking forward to your next book… My event/meeting management job is a bit slow right now…CME is being taken over by the hospitals – so more time to read! I will miss you not living here in the great PNW, but I know you will visit often! Wishing you all the best in the coming year, getting married, moving back to CA and all and looking forward to seeing you soon! You are the best and we all LOVE you!

  63. Jane,
    We spend our days at the pool mostly when the high temps and humidity won’t kill me with my asthma. We are looking forward to our Jersey shore vacation the end of August and football is starting in a couple of weeks for my son. Still trying to find the new Presents book but am not giving up!! Can’t wait to read it! Good luck with your writing and have a fabulous trip to CA!

  64. It’s back-to-school shopping for me. Painful, but necessary. Thanks for the the update on your writing! Writing in Hawaii…I’m impressed with your focus!

  65. It has been a hectic week with work, preserving vegetables from my garden and my husband being bitten by a snake.

  66. Hi Jane,
    Tough week for me. Two of my co-workers were laid off. My job is being moved to a new off-site location with a new boss. The good things are having two of my other co-workers moving with me. The three muskateers continue!

    I am looking forward to the weekend. I need to have a little quiet time. It has been too crazy lately. I am looking forward to a little kindle time…. 🙂

    Congrats on the book sales!

  67. It’s been a busy, crazy time for me. Youngest son just moved back in after his college graduation. My brother and his wife are flying in for a visit tonight. Just put stepmom in hospice, and dad is battling stress and an infection. Plus, I am trying to pack for a trip to Europe next Wednesday. So much to do and so little time!

  68. well this week is almost over! thank goodness…then next week we go on vacation for a week. so i will be packing for the whole family and organzing everything…and hoping for some fun in the sun and relaxation! much needed.

  69. hi jane, congrats on the sales of the new book! mine has been ordered and is on its way! this week we are trying to avoid the HEAT and get my youngest ready for starting his junior year in high school;still have shoe shopping to do for him, then he will have all his supplies to get after lists are posted on monday. take care and enjoy your successes; you deserve them!

  70. Otto starts Early Einstein dog class on Saturday. Hope he’s a star student. Right now he’s chewing on a stick?! Can’t wait to see what this little boxer will learn or rather what he can make me learn for the next 6 Saturdays!! (and then forever.)

    1. DP just finished reading his “Otto chewed” book and I asked if he wanted to get another one and he said, “No I like this one. It reminds me of Otto and our friends!” Hugs!!!

  71. Wow, congratulations on the book sales – that’s awesome! I am not the least bit surprised, tho! Love, love your books!

    Lots of things going on this week. Work, kids, sports, vacation bible school and this weekend we are having a garage sale. Busy, busy. I don’t know why they call it summer vacation. It’s anything but a vacay! 🙂

  72. Hey Jane, Just purchased an e-reader against my better judgement since I love to hold a book when I am reading but thought it would be great to take on vacation instead of a novel…but will still be true to purchasing a real book. I can’t wait to down load your latest book sounds intriguing.

  73. I´m enjoying the nice weather we have here in Seattle and just spending the Summer at home getting to know my twins.
    And hopefully I´ll get some time to read your newest harlequin soon.

    Have fun writing 🙂

  74. Congrats Jane on your book sells and finishing up new book.

    I have had a bad couple of weeks. Had problems with a tooth, had root canal done and went to oral surgen today and had absess drained. I go back in couple of weeks to have some other surgery done. So things haven’t been good here on the home front

  75. I am so happy for you to be finished with one book and ready to embrace where the next book takes you! What a treat for us that you are a writer.

    We just returned from a nine day driving trip to see our son, dil and friends in CO, WY and NE. So green up there and so dry and brown down here. Almost finished with all our travel laundry, so soon there will be more time to read! YAY!!

  76. Our week has been about trying to get some vacation time. Camper issues, weather, and then a car break down once we left, have all conspired against us! Enjoying some sun now, a little worried about the drive home!
    Hate to wonder what else could go wrong!


  77. Great news on the book Jane! I need to find that one.

    It has been a busy week and tomorrow I fly up to Ohio to see my mother who is terminally ill and help her plan her funeral. It’s going to be a tough weekend.

    We still have more than a month of summer here with school not starting until after Labor Day so we are excited to still have some lazy days at the pool.

    Work has been quieter and that is a blessing. Several people are off on vacation next week so looking forward to the quiet and slower pace.

    Have a great weekend.

  78. This summer has been spent trying to catch up with my gardens. It has been too hot and dry to work in them, and the weeds have gotten the upper hand.

    I traveled to Northern NY state to visit my dad and celebrate his 87th birthday. While there, my husband’s young cousin died. He flew up to meet me and we drove to MA for the funeral. She was such a sweet wonderful person and leaves a 9 year old son and a heartbroken husband. We got home last week.

    The rest of this summer will be spent trying to beat the heat and tame the yard. Inside I am attempting a major sorting of all our stuff. It isn’t easy. I have the contents of 3 other houses here and it has been a massive chore. The one bright spot has been my reading. It is such a wonderful escape from all the stuff that needs to be done.

    I am looking forward to fall. It will be cooler and my husband an I have a nice trip planned.

    It sounds like you are having a busy but wonderful summer. Hope you enjoy the rest of it.

  79. Hey, Jane..

    More driving with my daughter, 16, which is going well. Less terror, more laughing. 🙂

    Play time with my 4-yr-old granddaughter tomorrow. And hopefully some beach time on Sunday.

    Take care,

  80. Work, work and more work this week. Weather is finally nice here in OR, and I have a tree nursery, so I need to play catch-up now. Not complaining…I will take the rain and mild weather anyday over the heat wave much of the other states are putting up with. Hope everyone is staying cool and enjoying their summer!

  81. Congratulations on the great sales Jane! This week has been hot and I have been trying to stay cool. Our son is moving into an apartment when he goes back to college so I have been trying to find out what he needs since the apartment has some things but not everything they need.

  82. Hi Jane!

    Not much going on around here, just enjoying my lazy days hanging out with my kids. We have a busy week coming up with a trip to the beach, bowling, and a wedding to attend. I’m looking forward to the beach the most, I really need some sun! Hope you have a great weekend 🙂

  83. Hi Jane,
    I have had a busy, understaffed week at work. It was crazy, but the time flew by. Tomorrow I am taking my daughters to a fair. On Sunday, we are throwing them both a birthday party for family. Should be a fun-filled weekend, and beautiful weather. I’m going to get caught up on some reading out in the sun today. Congrats on your sales, Jane – very exciting!

  84. Congrats on the success of “A Dark Sicilian Secret”!

    This week has been spent making my yearly doctor’s visits. The weekend & next week is going to be spent preparing my kitchen for our new refrigerator – moving furniture, painting walls, etc. I’m gonna be busy, busy, busy……

    Jane – hope you have a great weekend & celebrate the completion of your latest manuscript.

  85. Hey there,

    I haven’t bought Dark Sicilian Secret yet, but I plan on visiting Barnes and Noble today and buy it. I’m so happy that you’re books are doing great! It just shows that hard work does pay off… eventually. Tomorrow the kids and I are going to Travis Airforce base to check out the Air Power Expo. I’ve heard there are going to be a lot of air shows and there is just something about seeing men in uniform. They just look totally hot! LOL. Sunday is my dad’s birthday, he’s turning 62. I got him a Macy’s gift card instead of giving him cash. Knowing my dad, he’ll just go to the nearest casino and again hope that today is his lucky day. But that’s my weekend. Take care Jane.

  86. I spent 9 days helping my daughter and SIL pack up and clean their old apartment while moving breakable stuff to their first house 1 hour away. There we had to paint, clean and unpack in 100* heat. It was quite an experience!

    We did fit in a side trip to Madison, Wisconsin to celebrate my husband’s birthday. We always have a great time revisiting our old college stomping grounds.

  87. Hi Jane,
    I’m celebrating my birthday this weekend!!!Would love to get to the jersey shore as part of my birthday plans! Enjoy your weekend!!!

  88. I’m enjoying my couple weeks off from classes for my masters. Just finished my first class with a perfect score! I’m a teacher and start back to school August 15 and then start my next class August 22. So I’m going to enjoy the rest of my summer!! Now that I have more free time, it’s time to do some major reading!! I’ve got a long list of books on hold at the library that I’ve been waiting for and our Waldenbooks in our mall is going out of business :O( but on the bright side, I can get a bunch of books on sale!

  89. So happy to hear your book is doing well! I just got back from visiting my sister in Westlake Village. We do our annual back-to-school shopping there because of the great shopping which we don’t have here in Paso. Plus she watched my little one while me and my 11 year old went out. You know how much easier that makes it!!!

  90. Swimming at JO’s this week. Having a great time. Just love the bigger competitions. When dies your son swim JO ‘s? Wishing him well! And most definitely keep on writing!

  91. Hi,

    Well after two weeks facing redundancy consultation at work which has been horrific I am going to be relaxing now that I’ve found out my job is safe! I shall be catching up on some much needed chick lit which I haven’t felt up to reading; going to London to pitch for some work for my company and catching up with some friends! and also appreciating my job and every penny it gives me that little bit more…

  92. I had a great time this week hanging out with my daughter. She starts high school in little over a week and I want to make sure we spend quality time together. We went to an art museum and walked around Old Sacramento thi past week. On Monday, we are going to the Jelly Belly Factory and on Friday, I think we will go antiqueing 🙂

  93. Hi Jane ~ awesome news about your book sales! I have to admit, I haven’t started yet, because I know when I do, I’m not going to want to put it down. We had my son’s birthday last Saturday and I had to spend this week reorganizing the house and doctor’s visits. So, I’m hoping tonight, after I get the boys to bed, I can begin…it’s been very hard staring at it on my desk and not opening it up! Good luck w/your writing!!!

    Love ya,

  94. it’s been a weekend of cleaning, rearranging and looking for another apartment. in between i managed to do some mountain walking — it’s been hot lately, thought it’d be cooler higher up– was able to finish crocheting a baby blanket for the grandson 🙂 i am looking forward to my wonderful weekend next week.

  95. Hey there, Jane!
    Great to see you again!
    Yesterday I spent the day with two girlfriends 1.5 hours away. We make a few goodies, and then we eat the same thing for lunch and supper, so we have more time for gabbing instead!
    Today I went hiking with my husband and stopped for supper on the way home.
    It’s been a beautiful weekend so far (as tomorrow is a holiday in Canada)!

  96. Hey Jane,
    I need to run out and pick up your new book!
    I love your books! Can’t wait for your next book!

    I was lucky enough to have a short week and spend time with my husband & my children ( 21, 18, & 12) at the lake twice this week.

    Now it’s back to work this week.

    I am also organizing my life this summer and I hope I will be able to put together photo albums for all three children this next year!

    Thanks Jane! Happy Writing! 🙂

  97. Thought I had posted earlier, but it seems to have disappeared into thin air (or cyberspace…).

    We’ve had a busy two weeks at the Bromont International horse show in beautiful Bromont, QC (site of the Montreal 1976 Olympic equestrian competitions). It was hot, hot, hot, probably the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been at a horse show. Good results, good fun, good company…. and now a week off before two weeks in Ottawa to wrap up our summer season.

    Gardening, reading and helping my parents prepare for a move are on the agenda. Can’t wait for your new single title!

  98. Hey all, Jane is away from her desk today but wanted to make sure the winners were announced so she asked me to drop by and let you know who won!

    #5 – Diane Sallans is the winner

    And Jane also picked three bonus winners:

    #9 – Sandy
    #22 – Carole
    #49 – Gail Grainger

    Congratulations, ladies!! Please email jane(at)janeporter(dot)com with your mailing address details!

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