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Just returned from airport and putting son Ty on a flight back to Seattle and am now sitting down at desk to recreate the 17 lost pages that were my final chapter of book that I cut and meant to paste, but failed ot paste before pasting new pages over.

I was so bummed Sunday night but am resigned now. ย And at least I had all day yesterday free to play with my boys. ย My big Tyย took the day off work and drove us to North Shore where Ty and Ty snorkeled at Shark’s Cove and Mac and I played in the shallow water before we ate an early dinner at Cholo’s in Haleiwa and then hit the Dole Plantation on way home for some of their delicious pineapple ice cream.

Speaking of ice cream, Mac has discovered it and what it means to hold the cone and have “his own”. ย No more sharing for Mac.

He is two with the attitude of a thirteen year old. ย If I wasn’t old when I had him, I feel positively ancient now. ย The boy is sooooo busy. ย And bright. ย And he rarely rests. ย He’s very into playing knight, and fighting dragons and dinosaurs which requires lots of swords and shouts of “En Garde!”. ย I am constantly enlisting friends and family to grab a play sword and duel while I rest.

New beach tote contest kicks off today but am concerned…no one has claimed the last two week’s of tote bags!?! ย Why?? ย I heard from only one winner from this last week and there were 6 names drawn! ย Folks, check in and claim your prize if I drew your name. ย I don’t hunt you down and you’ve got one week before I make your prize a mystery prize for someone else!

Beach tote contest ends Friday, winner’s name announced Saturday and there will probably be more bonus winners, too! ย Talk to me and you’re entered!

112 Comments on “Summertime

  1. i love it when you mention places i’ve been in hawaii. while in june, we went to waimea bay then to cholo’s for a late lunch.

    [did i mention i went into ty’s store and the person working there said he had just gotten off the phone with you????]

  2. Hey Jane, that pic is priceless!!!! Love it! He’s got those killer blue eyes and that little boy face. You must be so proud of how much he’s grown. That kid is gonna break so many hearts. I’m glad you got the chance to play with your boys and just “relax” for a day. So sorry about the lost pages. You’ll get em done again. Happy writing, my friend.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  3. Hola Jane!
    Love the picture! You wil glad to hear that 2 more of my workers have finished your books, Flirting with 40, and Marta and her friends. It really is fun to talk to them and laugh and cry about the story lines. So fare Mom odd Out is the favorite. I happen to be a fan of Marta and Luke myself. Have a good week.

  4. Ouch, on the pages. If it helps to know you’re not alone, I read in Hemingway’s memoir of his years in Paris, A Moveable Feast, and again in Paula McLain’s novel, The Paris Wife, that Hemingway’s first wife Hadley lost an entire suitcase of his original manuscripts. The suitcase was stolen from the train when she hopped off to get something at the station without taking it with her. So considering Hemingway’s continuing success, don’t sweat it! And Mac sure is a cutie! What great hair!

  5. Whenever I cut and forget to paste and then do another one on top of it so that the original one is gone, I copy the entire file and then undo undo undo undo undo until I get back to where I took that out in the first place. Once I get back there, I can find the cut part, copy it again, and then redo redo redo until I’m back at the end again, where I can paste that cut part back in again.

    I’m guessing, though, that you had saved in there somewhere, so your cut portion was indeed cut. Permanently. Bummer.

    I’m also guessing that you hadn’t saved it elsewhere (like to a USB stick) with that cut portion on it so that you could cut/paste it from there into your current document. Have I mentioned, Bummer?

    Good luck, Jane. Perhaps you’ll like your new version even better. Here’s hoping!

  6. Hi Jane!

    Love the picture of Mac! I don’t think he could possibly be any cuter!

    Sorry to hear about the lost chapter! I’ve done that before when writing things on my computer. It’s always worse when it’s something you’re trying to get finished on a deadline like a book in your case or a school paper in mine.

    Not much going on in my world right now. Finishing up teaching the summer school program for 6th and 7th graders and applying for jobs for the fall school year. Hopefully something will come through!

    Have a great week! Anxiously awaiting the drawing for the RomCon prize package!

  7. Hi Jane,

    I hope you are able to finish up the last few pages of your book and try to enjoy the rest of your summer. I can’t wait to get my hands on the new book. I KNOW it will be amazing!!!

    Talk soon …

  8. Hi Jane,

    Looks like Mac loves chocolate ice cream. Hope your lost pages come together for you easily and you can enjoy more time with your boys.

  9. Jane,

    What a precious little boy you have there. Love the picture!! And love your stories about him.

    Life is busy here. Continuing to train for 3 upcoming half marathons this fall and trying to stay on track with weight loss. In the midst of all of that, I decided to get myself back out in the working world and am attempting to get a full or part time job again. I have been nannying for a wonderful set of twins but they are about to go into a Mom’s morning out program since they are 2. I will miss them but an interesting opportunity has popped up. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is the right job and right time for me. Had a second interview today, so we’ll see.

    Can’t wait to check out your next book!!! Hope you can recover what was lost or come up with something that makes you feel like you didn’t really lose it!!

    Much love to you!

  10. Sorry to hear about the lost pages. I’d probably loose a ton o stuff too if it weren’t for autosave! Keeping fingers crossed that finishing the book goes well.

  11. Look at those eyes. I bet Mac knows how to get anything he wants with just one look.He likes my favorite flavor of ice cream too I see.

    Playing with swords and fighting dragons, i call that the perfect game for the son of a romance writer. You just got to get him a fair maiden to rescue.

    I tried to send you my mailing information yesterday I guess it didn’t go through but I just resent it. Hopefully it will go through.
    I sent it to jane at

  12. Ah yes, ice cream. One of my favorite things! Peanut butter and chocolate is my all time favorite. Makes me want to hop in the car and head on over to Baskin Robbins. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m sorry to hear about the lost pages. Yep, that really does suck…But, I know you will be able to piece it back together…sending my best wishes your way.

  13. Mac is adorable as usual. I’m so sorry about your lost pages. I have had similar experiences where it was devastating to me and I am not even a writer! I tell myself it will never happen again but it has. Twice.

  14. Hi Jane,

    Those pics are just way too cute!!! I definitely am enjoying having a girl – she is active, but nowhere near as active as my son was. She’ll sit and just be content to look at or play with things rather than constantly wanting to run or have physical play!!!

    Sucks about those pages though. YUCKKK!!!!

    Can’t wait to read the new Presents!


  15. Yummmmmy, chocolate! It hasn’t been hot enough here for ice cream, I had to have hot tea at lunch to warm me up.Hope summer returns soon.
    Love the pic and thoughts of Hawaii – the sun shines there, right?
    So sorry about the “lost” chapter, but maybe the re-write is better, anyway.
    Wihat do they say in Hawaii – hang loose…

  16. Jane,
    I love the pics. of Mac with the ice cream!
    I’ve had a hard week. I moved out of my home into a townhouse and it’s challenging getting used to living somewhere different – not as private or quiet, two things I have come to cherish as I get older and should have taken into consideration maybe a bit more…My son is gone for the week on vacation with his dad and I am missing him terribly, especially being in a new place alone. Then my cat got sick and wasn’t eating. I finally got her into the vet – she had an absess (sp?). They took care of it and it’s good to see her back to her old self. That was stressful, and I feel so much better since she is better. There was just too much going on at once for me over the past few days. I know I need to be patient with all these changes, and I know I’ll feel more at peace as time goes on, but sometimes it’s just hard.
    Ok, you said to talk to you, and I unloaded!

  17. Love the pics of little Mac, so cute! Looks like he is really enjoying that ice cream.

    I have been having a rough week this week, having problems with a tooth, no fun at all. Spent this last weekend at sisters house and we had a good time. Love spending time with family!

  18. Hi Jane,
    So sorry about the lost pages. Hawaii sounds like such fun. I am on vacation starting 2 hours and 19 minutes ago!! I am going to Alaska. I have a week off and it’s my birthday.
    Have a great day!

  19. Love those adorable pictures!! So cute! Sorry to hear about the lost pages…what a bummer! Things are going okay here. Last week I had bronchitis that had almost turned into pneumonia. The worst part of it – It all happened when I was on my vacation. ๐Ÿ™ Happy to be feeling better. Now if we could get a little sun here in OR, things would be perfect. It’s really odd having it rain most of July. My children are not happy campers!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a beach bag…I would never let that amazing prize go unclaimed!!

  20. Hi Jane! Hope your writing goes fast & it all comes back to you so you can get finished! Have a wonderful day!

  21. Hi Jane,
    I love reading your blogs about Mac! My daughter is about the same age (she’s two and a half) and we are going through many of the same things! Her ice creams of choice right now are Bomb Popsicles or whatever mommy is eating!!! Good luck finishing your book! I hope it goes smoothly and quickly and you can take a few more days to relax!

  22. I love those pictures. they are priceless. it sounds like y’all had a fun day on the north shore. I always loved it there too. It’s such a difference from the south side. Sorry to hear you lost those pages. hopefully it doesn’t take too long to recreate them. Enjoy your day!

  23. That stinks that you lost your last chapter. They say things happen for a reason; if you can ever figure out what that reason may be. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Your little guy is adorable~ice cream face and all! I absolutely love those curls!

  24. I love the photos of Mac. So sorry you lost pages of your book. It is frustrating having to recreate work you have already done.

  25. hi jane,
    mac is so cute! he does look like a ball of energy; and love those big blue eyes. sorry about you cutting and pasting incident; i know i have done that before, but not with something that important. hope you are having a great week. take care…

  26. I hope that you can retrieve those lost pages. Enjoy Hawaii. Mac looks so adorable and irresistible. Big Hugs.

  27. Good morning! I love the picture of Mac-eating ice cream,Maddie likes her pudding…and she took keeps me on my toes,right now she’s into nail polish and likes to change the color.I only have her 2-3 days a week but she’s a joy to have around,keeps me young and she teaches me something new everyday.She goes to Pre-K starting August 18th.I wish my divorce would be final for I’m ready to have it over with-Mike is just stalling and wants me to be pissed off but not showing my skin to him..instead I spent a few days with my rodeo friends since my son Kenny is hanging out with them,its been fun watching my 2 friends kids who are about Kenny’s age ride bulls and bronco horses. I use to go to rodeo’s almost every weekend.Its funny for kenny thought I was boring and he saw me dancing the 2-step,was teaching him how to dance..haven’t dance since I can’t remember for Mike and I stopped doing alot of things.Well, thats about all thats going on around here. Its hot but that fla. summers not complaining I cool off with the garden hose or head to the beach! Have a goodtime with your boys!they grow-up so fast! love….

  28. Sounds like a wonderful family day you had, memories made. Mac is a doll and keeps you young, sure enjoy seeing pics of all of you. We’re having triple digits here in VA, but getting ready to go to the beach in two weeks to read read read for a week and bum it barefootin’. Good luck with your book Jane…just recreating a lost email is disappointing and disheartening and I hope all goes well for you.

  29. Good luck with writing again the last 17 pages of the book ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mac is sooooo cute! I wish I could eat ice cream like than and not worry about making a mess LOL

  30. Hi Jane!
    Mac is soooo adorable! He has to keep up with is big brothers! It’s hard work!

    My son is on vacation with his bff’s family this week and having a great time. My 16 year old is busy with her life. This weekend I am going to my sisters with no kids, dogs or hubby to see family friends and attend a family baptism. And see some friends! I can’t wait!
    Good luck on your book!!!

  31. Your little guy is adorable! If you’re into prearranged
    marriages, I’m thinking my granddaughter would be perfect for him. Lol. Okay maybe not. Enjoy your time.


  32. Cute pciture! I love his wavy hair. I just got back from doing my first half marathon in Napa…so sore and I have no energy to do anything, so I’m feeling really lazy!

  33. Such adorable pictures! I love ice cream faces ๐Ÿ™‚ And now I want to eat ice cream, of course! I’m sorry about your lost pages, but I hope you are enjoying your summer otherwise. It has been crazy hot here and I am in need of a beach day. Hopefully I can get there soon. How are people not claiming their prizes? I would be all over that lol.

  34. Love the pics and all two year olds are exhausting even if you are in your 20’s. He’s keeping you young. Now are you the dragon?

  35. Hi Jane,
    I can’t believe how fast little Mac is growing. Such a cutie.
    So envious of your life in Hawaii. It must be so much fun living there.
    Sorry to hear you lost all those pages. I share your pain as I recently lost my hard drive with no backup. ๐Ÿ™

  36. Love the picture! Mac is losing his baby face and has moved on to the the toddler face, he’s so big ๐Ÿ™ they grow so fast and are so independent.

    Sorry about the lost pages! I would have cried for a week!

    This summer seems to be flying by now and I just want it to SLOW DOWN lol.

  37. Hey Jane!

    I would love if I could win one of those beach totes! The heat index got up to 119 yesterday here in Indiana! It’s too hot to even swim! So while you have to re-write your lost pages, I have to start my big final project for my first masters class that’s due in a week. I’m a procrastinator, so I’ll probably end up doing it all Tuesday since its due Wednesday. As soon as its done, then I can enjoy the rest of summer before school starts!

  38. So sorry about the lost pages! I hope recreating them wasn’t too bad, such a bummer.

    The pictures of Mac are adorable! Those eyes and that curly hair! I understand having a boy who never stops moving. Mine, now 11, is all about his sports. Somehow, though, he keeps getting hurt doing small’ish things. This time it was falling off a swing while we were in Chelan – broken arm. Ugh! Not at home and right in the middle of summer, too. No bike riding for him for a while, among one thousand other things. He will be bored to tears before the week is out, not sure how 6 weeks is going to go. Luckily it’s not his writing/eating hand. We go in for his cast today, we’ll see what color he picks out.

    Hawaii sounds wonderful as always, we are still in the cold at home. Brr!


  39. (shared on fb) !! I can’t believe no one is claiming the totes! I love totes … it borders on a fetish actually, if a fetish can be non-sexual. I’d have to look that up. Anyway. I’d love a tote. Do you just have to comment to enter the drawing or something else? I don’t see anything else unless i’ve missed a link somewhere (entirely possible)

  40. Yummmmm…pineapple ice cream! My mom just got back from Kauai but alas, she didn’t bring back any ice cream. I guess I’ll just have to make the trip myself.

  41. So sorry to hear about the lost pages Jane. That has happened to my daughter before. Love the pictures of Mac. He clearly is enjoying his ice cream. For me, my favorite is Jamocha Almond Fudge ice cream. I really have it, but when I do it sure is a treat.

  42. Trip booked to Hawaii in 2012 for our 25th wedding anniversary, can’t wait especially when I read about all the great places I need to see when reading your blog….SO EXCITED

  43. Jane, Love your pictures of your boys and totally get missing your oldest on his birthday. Today is my oldest’s 27th birthday, I’m in Pennslyvania and he’s in Alabama. I am so very proud of the man he is and miss him too.

  44. It IS hard keeping up with a 2-year-old. Hang in there until he is old enough for a half-day pre-school. That will give you a break, and it would be good for him, too.

  45. Oh noes, your chapter! I cringe and moan in sympathy. UGH

    I declare that your replacement chapter will be so much better you’ll be thinkin’ “chapter who?”

    Oh, BTW, feel free to send any unclaimed prize totes or anything else my way… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Good luck with the recreate!

  46. Jane,
    Such a cute picture. Be glad you are in Hawaii and not Seattle right now. The weather here is awful. SUPPOSED to be nice this weekend but you know how that’s just a wait and see around here anymore. Good luck on the rest of your book.

  47. Jane,
    Your little guy has such amazing eyes! He’s going to break some hearts when he’s older. Sorry to hear about the lost pages. I’m sure that was very frustrating. Just finished up Mrs. Perfect, which I loved. I read She’s Gone Country just before that. Now I’m waiting to check out Odd Mom Out and Easy on the Eyes from the library! Have a great week!

  48. Oh gosh! He looks like he could be my friend’s son! Same hair and eyes. So precious. I miss my boys at that age. I am ready for some grandchildren!

  49. Hi Jane,

    Here the time dissapears like never before. I’m so busy with my twins but loving every moment of it to. It’s so much fun being a mother but for now I will enjoy having my ice cream for my self and I’m sure the twins will not share an ice cream when they get old enough to start eating ice cream.
    I hope you have a great Summer.

  50. Just decided I am taking my family to Hawaii for my 40th. I haven’t been yet and my kids are dying to go. So, we will make it a family event. Can’t wait!!

  51. Love the glimpses into your life! Looking at Mac’s picture eating ice cream makes me think your house must get very sticky!!!

  52. It’s wonderful to here your enjoying your summer
    (taking time to breathe) especially with those ice cream stops. Mr. Mac is too cute even with that ice cream face. My kids love to go to ice cream! even as they have grown into big kids.

    We will be going to the lake on Monday can’t wait, I hope to squeeze in some reading! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wishing you the Best on recovering those pages, sometimes the second time can be better! ๐Ÿ™‚

  53. You do know the last pages will now be better than even. You have your ideas and away you will write.

    I can not believe how Mac is changing. He is just adorable and your pictures are priceless.

    Sorry to hear your prizes are going unclaimed. They just don’t know what they are missing!

    It is fair time over this way. It is always fun to go see the crafts, animals and people that I haven’t seen in awhile. I always seem to run into someone from the past. It makes it that much more enjoyable.

    Next week we are off to JO’s for central CA. They are always fun. How did your son do?

    Hugs to all, have a wonderful time and can’t wait to read what you are writing.

  54. Hi Jane, I can so relate to your comments on Mac about being 2 and acting like 13! I am a nanny to a darling almost 2 year old (bday aug) girl. She says stuff like, “no it’s mine and i do it”! and getting into some real melt downs…it’s a good thing she’s cute! Have a great week and pineapple icecream sounds so scrumptious!!

  55. What a cutie pie, Mac is! Such beautiful blue eyes!
    That totally sucks about your lost pages. That would be the worst!! Good luck on re-writing them. I hope it all comes right back to you!
    Man, people aren’t claiming their wonderful prizes?! They are missing out! I always LOVE getting those goodies from you – it totally makes my day!
    Hope you have a great week!

  56. Jane,
    I love the pictures!!! Thank you for sharing them with all of us, he is just beautiful!! The picture is pure “summer”:)
    I have been craving Pineapple icecream since I read your posting! Makes me miss Hawaii, ahhh… big sigh..
    Your book will turn out fantastic as they all are.
    Enjoy paradise, going to have some “pineapple yogurt”!
    Love your contests, and “tote bags”!! are one of my favorite things! I’m on week 2 of the “Beach Body “4 week workout” at the gym… I can finally bend down and pick things up off the floor, and walk down stairs like a normal person.. my husband is always supportive, but told me”you can’t get up and do a 5:30am class”, so it was GAME ON for me!! I am in it to win it!! I am loving it! and next trip to Hawaii, I will be beach ready!

  57. I’m with Mac! I love ice cream and I hate to say it but I don’t like sharing either! Growing up parents always tell/teach you to share but really does anyone really want to?? Especially yummy treats like ice cream!
    Thanks for sharing the cute photos! Have a great rest of the week!

  58. Hi Jane,
    I love the pictures of your precious boy eating ice cream. That’s one of my favorite things to do in the summer too. Hope all goes well with your last pages & don’t stress, it’ll all work itself out. It always does.


  59. oh my! may i have some ice cream pops — they’re just want i need in this hot weather. my niece lives in waimea. . . i should go visit her ๐Ÿ˜€

  60. I love those innocent blue eyes. my 5 yos son has his own ice cream. i mean his ‘own’, sometimes when he feels that it’s okay to share, he will share one scoop with me and his daddy.

    And i have a batch of Fruit salad ice cream for me ๐Ÿ™‚ Yum !

  61. Jane – he’s so cute!

    I’m on the road (again:)) with the kids. I keep promising them icecream at the end of the day – if they’re good – but still, no ice cream!

  62. Another great picture of Mac. Summer and ice cream, yum!

    We are in the middle of a big heat wave here in the mid-Atlantic and no end in sight. Heading to the beach for the weekend and looking forward to it.

    Have a great weekend!

  63. Summer time, ice cream and little ones… I have a cherished photo of my now 18 year old daughter, aged 2 1/2 at the water park… she was wearing one of those one piece bathing suits with the tummy cut out and at that age her tummy stuck out through the opening. She, too, was eating a chocolate ice cream cone and there was ice cream smeared all over her face and dribbles all down her chest and belly… one cone thoroughly enjoyed and all evidence rinsed off running in the water at the wave pool!

  64. Jane,

    What a cutie! I remember when all of my boys were 2 and in the “I want my own” phase. Oh, wait! They’ve never gotten over that phase. But I will say that my 12, 15 and 16 year olds still like to play with swords and yell “En Garde!”. Come to think about it my 8 year old likes to still do that while going after his older brothers. My 17 year old is the only one who is too “mature” to play “little” kid games. It’s exhausting but soooooo worth it. Take care and I look forward to reading your new book.

  65. Hi Jane. I live in Hawaii too and I know how much fun, (and work!), little ones can be at the beach. I love Cholo’s too! After a day at the beach a nice cold Margarita is perfect. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  66. Jane,

    He is so darn cute! And who doesn’t just love ice cream!

    I am so sorry you lost your pages, I once did that on a report for work, and it sucks to have re-create.

    I had a great afternoon (wed I get off early from work, yeah for me!)hanging out with my mom. It is funny but we almost always have ice cream together when evey we are out and about together. Kind of a tradition of sorts, even though we are both very grown-up….lol

    Have a great rest of the week!

  67. Jane,
    Enjoying the summer here in NJ by visiting the pool everyday to stay as cool as possible in this heat. Not complaining! Better than the snow we had in winter. But I understand the feeling of being exhausted…My kids are somewhat past age 2 but I am not entirely sure boys ever outgrow the “en garde” phase. My 7yr old loves to play that still! If you feel “old”, you sure don’t look it, Sweetie! Miss you! Enjoy some sun with your boys!

  68. Sorry about those lost pages, but maybe it’s your subconscious letting you create Better pages. I know we’ll be happy with whatever comes out of your creative mind. And by all means, go eat some ice cream!

  69. Hope you were able to recreate your lost pages. Looking forward to your next book.
    Such a cute picture. He is so adorable. Well, I’m getting older and we are now more than ever trying to have our first baby, it’s exciting and scary at the same time.
    Wait, how do I join the beach tote contest?

  70. Hi Jane,
    The photo of Mac motivated me to start snapping more pictures. I have lost my mojo for photography in the last few months and your images really inspired me. Thank you!

    Good luck with the lost pages!

  71. I always enjoyed those fun times when my kids were small. They grow up so fast. Now I get to enjoy them with my grandbabies. It is so hot here these last few weeks that it’s been hard to enjoy outdoor activities. I’ve never been to Hawaii but it sounds like a beautiful place. I hope you get your book done so you can enjoy more family fun time.

  72. Hang in there Jane! It sounds like this book is kicking your tush but I KNOW you will prevail.

    Keep on keeping on. And Mac, I know I’ve said it a thousand times but I can’t help myself, he’s much too cute for his own good! ๐Ÿ˜€ What a boy. What a fabulous imagination.

    It’s still blistering hot here, humid and at times quite miserable. The humidity makes it feel like you’re breathing underwater but my garden is loving it ๐Ÿ™‚ Harvesting zucchini like crazy. Tomatoes are getting quite big on the vines and the watermelons are looking fab.
    My girls leave for camp on Monday. They’re going to South Carolina for church camp and will be gone for a week so it’ll be just 3 of us instead of the usual 6. I’m not sure if I know how to cook for so few people- maybe you should come visit ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Great big hugs to you!

  73. he knows great ice cream treats when he sees them, lol. I love Fudgsicles.

    I’ll claim those totes as my name is not down there, lol.

    Here’s to finishing your book and take care.

  74. Hi Jane,

    I am so sorry about your nineteen pages. How frustrating is THAT? Aargh! NINETEEN PAGES… I’m traumatized for you!

    I hope you’ll all eat some pineapple ice cream for me the next time you’re at the plantation. My biggest memory of Hawaii is the plumeria scent in the air, too.

    Mac is adorable, but you already knew that. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I hope it all turns out perfectly.


  75. Jane, I live these photos of Mac!!! He is just so cute. I think he enjoys his ice cream as much as I do!

  76. My “baby” comes home from a 4 week summer camp tonight. Just heard his voice for the first time in a month! can’t wait to give him a hug!

  77. sounds like an amazing day. One day i will get back to Hawaii.. But today i must be content with the neighborhood pool. lol
    Really stinks about the 17 pages. i do stuff like that alllll the time. so frustrating

  78. Want! Want! And those baby blues on Mac are just precious. Really stinks about those lost pages. I can totally relate to a major fail on pasting after cutting.

  79. Hi Jane,
    I wish we were in Hawaii right now. It sounds like you had fun at the North Shore. I can’t wait to read your Harlequin next month. Have a great rest of the week.

  80. I hear ya! I had my kids at 35 and 39 and am POOPED and they’re ready to keep going…..and going……and going!

  81. Mac is just adorable ! I really miss those times, my kids are 17 and 19 , I just dont know how they grew up so fast !

    I saw your FB post about the lost pages, Im so sorry ..that is alot of work to loose ! I hope they turn out better then the first time ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a wonderful summer !


  82. The pictures of Mac are fabulous, Jane! I wish I could be in Hawaii right about now. The weather has been CRAZY this week in the states. Everyone thinks it never gets warm in Minnesota, but it was near 100 for several days with a heat index of almost 120!!! Go figure! Thanks for always sharing your beautiful family with us!

  83. Jane,

    Hang in there. You will make those missing pages even better than before. So glad you were able to spend some time with all your guys. Mac is a little love. Love the picture of him. Looks just like dad!

  84. Very cute picture! My son just turned 11 and he still loves Dragons and Dinosaurs & I love that about him ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope you have a great weekend.

  85. I’d love a beach tote… even if I haven’t had time for a trip to the beach yet. Busy summer!

  86. I just came home from a 5 day Communication Skills Workshop when I was immersed in sign language. I could not talk for 5 days, I could only sign. I had a blast and can’t wait to go back next year!

  87. Hi Jane,
    The photos of Mac are adorable!
    Sorry you couldn’t retrieve your pages, I know the feeling. The first time I got an actual computer ~ lol ~ was when I started grad school and lost the half of a research paper…I feel for you, but as others said, I’m sure the new pages will be even better! PS ~ I just picked up A Dark Sicilian Secret & I can’t wait to read it! I would love to sit in my chair w/the AC on and read all day, but I must get ready for my son’s birthday party tomorrow…so, my goal is to work like crazy so that I can start tonight. Good luck w/the pages:)

  88. i love the messy ice cream face. i have some great pics like that of my kids. fun times! we can’t get away with that look as adults. lol! thanks again for the birthday wishes. my birthday was nice and i can’t believe i’m 35. wow! ๐Ÿ™‚
    have a nice weekend!

  89. As always Mac is delightful! Enjoy, Jane! I am preparing for my last week of College Algebra. I had a job interview on Thursday. I can’t wait for everything to finally line up so I can enjoy the last of my summer.

  90. Hi Jane, Cute Mac with ice cream on face is a classic. Good luck on that pesky last chapter. It seems odd that people are not collecting their prizes– must be summertime and people are traveling etc. Your beach bags sound fabulous.

  91. What an adorable, messy, litte face! Love those blue eyes! So sorry to hear about your ‘lost pages.’ How frustrating. Sounds like something that would happen to me. I would love to win a beach bag…and I promise I will claim it!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  92. Good morning to all!

    I’ve come to announce the winner of this week’s tote bag contest and it’s..

    #41 Becky

    Becky, shoot me a private email with your mail address to jane at jane porter (dot) com and I will get your tote out to you pronto.

    Three more of you claimed your bonus prizes and one claimed a tote from early July so thank you!! We still have several unclaimed prizes out there and I will give them away tomorrow or Monday in a one day contest if they aren’t claimed today.

    Remember–go to the last comments on the blog where I’m doing a contest, look for my comment–the one from Jane–and you’ll see announce the comment # that got drawn, along with the name. And then you email me and you get the prize! Easy!

    Now I’m off to post a new blog and contest and hopefully I’ll hear from you soon!

  93. Love the ice cream face! Thanks for sharing these pictures and the one of Jake and Ty in your last blog — you have such a beautiful family!

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