Last week my great friend Liza Palmer shared this Operation Smile Video with me, and I shared it with my guys and it literally turned my day around. I’d been having a hard day and the video gave me perspective and helped me remember what’s important in life…and why I love Operation Smile.
I’m having another couple of tricky days back to back this week. The kids have appointments and lessons and activities all at the same time and need so much from me right now, Gurney is back in Hawaii for ten days, my childcare is uneven, my deadline is rushing at me, and the stress is making me twitchy and nervous. And so I thought it was time to watch this beautiful video again and remember that I am blessed, and my children are blessed, and everything will be all right.
For every one of you that watches this video and leaves me a comment, I’ll donate a $1 per view/comment to Operation Smile. Tell your friends and family and everyone to check it out, let me know you watched it, and let’s see if we can’t bring this gorgeous video some attention and raise some money at the same time!
And to share the love, I’ve got a great fun international prize package for one of you that views the video and comments. The international prize includes a $10 Starbucks drink card from NY, a cool shopping tote bag from Sydney, a Turkish bookmark, a gorgeous glass letter opener from Venice, aa signed copy of Easy On The Eyes, and so much more! Contest runs through Friday night and I’ll announce the winner Saturday.
And now I’m in a great mood agan!
Okay, I’m going to start. I just watched the video…made me cry all over again…but with happiness. Love that little girl and the doctors and specialists involved.
And that’s $1.00 to Operation Smile. Can we get 250 people to comment? 1,000? Would love to cut Operation Smile a big fat check.
I’m in! Now how about 998 more?
Operation Smile has been doing amazing work for years; I’m glad to see that they are still at it…it makes me smile. “Smile”…what a great thing to be able to do with confidence and joy. Thanks, Jane for keeping us aware of how we can help and for your encouragement and action in uplifting these children to a better and happier life.
Had to watch this video again…just love seeing the wonderment and realization in this beautiful little girl’s eyes when she sees herself in the mirror<3
Hi Jane,
Wow! Awesome video. Makes you want to smile 🙂 Thanks for sharing it.
I saw this video last week and immediately thought of you. Two things stuck me immediately: 1. how immediately transformative that surgery is for a person/child and 2. the indescribable awe and wonder that fills her face when she finally sees her new mouth. Imagine every slur and shudder that precious child no doubt experienced in her short life and the joy that must have filled her tiny body to know that she’d never have to bear that pain again. Amazing.
And, because I’m me, despite the touching video and my sincere words, all I can think of now is “every babe that weeps, every mother that cries ‘dear God what is that thing?!’ will echo in your perfect ears.” Which only goes to show there’s a Princess Bride quote for every occasion. And at least this beautiful girl now she has a perfect mouth to go with her perfect ears.
As you wish…
OMG! I cried like a baby, but in a good way. My mom and her baby brother were both born with cleft lips. This little girl hiding behind her stuffed toy was just as if I were looking at my mom. Where in the world are my tissues????? But in a good way this has made my day much better and I too can give thanks to all I have. Thank you again Jane for all the wonderful things you do.
What a beautiful little girl, I’m so glad they could give her a smile. Such a worthwhile project.
You are such an incredible woman. Thank you for sharing this video. I too feel that helping others and giving your time to charities is important. I will definitely share this video with my family and friends.
Much love,
I often try to remember how lucky I am to be healthy and able to do simple things like walk, run, ride a bicycle, play sports, etc. This video reminds me again of those priveledges that we often take for granted.
What amazing people that are involved in making these surgeries happen.
So sweet!! I just want to give her a hug! Thanks for sharing it, and donating!!
Wow, This video couldn’t have come at a better time for me. Thanks for sharing with us bloggers Jane! It really does put things in perspective!
Have a SUPER rest of the week!!
Crying my eyes out! Can’t believe how beautiful she was both before and after the surgery! What an inspirational and precious video…
I got chills when she saw herself for the first time after the operation. The expression of wonder and disbelief was amazing! Thanks for sharing.
I love the part where she’s waving to the camera. What a beautiful girl.
This video made my day. What a sweet little girl in the video. God bless her and God bless you Jane.
Great to see these little sweethearts getting help.
I loved the way she looked when she saw herself in the camera! She is a beautiful little girl. Bless you Jane for doing this! Hugs to you and yours
Hi Jane,
Thank you for bringing this video to our attention. That little girl is so sweet. Her joy and love of life is an example to us all.
The video made me cry -12 years ago my cousin was born with a Cleft lip and lucky for her in Israel we have great plastic surgeons so when she was 3 months old she had an operation and another one when she was 3 years old.
It’s just so sad that so many kids live in countries where they can’t get a good medical care- it’s such a simple operation and I hope more and more kids will be able to have it done.
Sometimes you forget how powerful a smile can be! Thanks for sharing!
What an inspirational video! Very sad that so many children can not get the help they need. Thanks so much for posting this, Jane!
what a beautiful moment when she saw herself after surgery. Thanks Jane for supporting this cause
What an inspiring video! It really is an upper and puts things in perspective.
Such a moving video! So wonderful to see how the little girls life is changed forever. Very inspiring. Love it!
That is a good video and really does make you see what’s important in life. It’s a great cause to support.
Jane, have you seen the film Smile ( It’s fictional, but it’s about a teenage girl who goes on a school trip to volunteer with an organization similar to Operation Smile. It’s really good. You ought to check it out next time you need a pick me up.
I think it’s awesome you’re raising money for Operation Smile! Hope you get lots of comments!
Love the video, Jane. So inspiring and heart wrenching at the same time. That little girl is beautiful. I love the wonder and awe on her face about the camera. Thanks for sharing. Really puts so much in perspective.
Utterly beautiful. So amazing that you’re reposting…
Those are such beautiful little girls.I will keep tem and the organazation in my prayers
Turned my day around too! Thank you for sharing!
Oh, that was such an awesome video. What a cute little girl….I loved seeing her face when she saw herself for the first time after the surgery. I have a friend who works for an organization in San Francisco called Alliance for Smiles. They travel around the world and do the corrective surgeries too. Awesome organizations!
what a beautiful video. And so heartwarming! Puts so many problems in life into perspective. Thank you so much for sharing and for all that you do!
Love ya!
Thanks so much for sharing this positive video! I loved seeing her expression after the surgery.
Smiles to everyone! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Touching video! Our family has been donating to Smile Train each month for years. They, as well as Operation Smile do amazing work. They doctors, nurses and other workers change lives. Thank you, Jane this post!
Hi Jane! An awesome video, good charity, wish I could help out more, posted it on my wall-looking for a job and having a rough time myself but am blessed for my 2 kids are healthy. I was kidding, about being your nanny, I relocate for real but then you problay think I’m crazy-worked with kids all my life, had my own daycare for 5yrs. anyways something to think about!Before that worked at a christian daycare for 3yrs. until they closed their doors.I have to sell myself!Anyways,a good cause! I have been helping out at a shelter to keep busy and it makes me feel good doing something for others, and sending care packages to soldiers…enough said, have a good evening!
How precious is that little girl? I have always loved this foundation. We take for granted how much a smile can effect others. To give the gift of a smile to these children is a true blessing. Kudos to you, Jane, for bringing this to all of our attention.
No matter how many times I see a documentary about Operation Smile, I always end up in tears! No child should be born like this. However, thanks to the wonderful works of Miracle Doctors, behind all our tears comes a huge smile and a beautiful one at that from a beautiful child!
If I were to win the Lotto tomorrow, my charity of choice has always been this one and I would pay for as many smiles as I could! A smile generates a smile and passing on the word can fix this problem!
As for Jane’s book Easy on the Eyes…this is by far one of the best books that I have ever read and anyone who hasn’t read it yet should!!!
What an uplifting video. Thank you for donating and sharing with us. I didn’t expect to, but I cried.
What an awesome video and amazing organization. It is such a wonderful feeling to give and help out others. I am trying to teach my daughters this (they are 5 and 7). They are making me proud already. They have told me they want to buy toys for the sick children at OHSU and take them to them for Christmas. I think helping others in any way we can is a great thing and I am so happy you posted this, Jane! These children are beautiful, before and after.
Great video! Operation Smile is a great organization and it is wonderful you are bringing attention to it again.
Stunning! This is the first time I’ve seen this. Made me cry. So beautiful and what an amazing and worthy cause. Thank you, Jane, for bringing it to my attention
How adorable, I attended the gala in Beverly Hills, it was so inspiring, this is such a wonderful charity, so glad to see more a part of it!
how blessed I am also; I have problems but not like that.
Jane, goodness is your middle name; you are awesome.
Those gorgeous little eyes just melt your heart. The touching thing is that she was happy both ways. It really does remind you how beautiful life is. Thank you for sharing this.
I watched, I laughed, I cried and I shared on FB. What a beautiful girl and what beautiful people that take their time to help these children.
My 6 year old daughter was curious as to what I was watching. I wasn’t sure if I wanted her to see it at first then I decided that she needs to get away from this bubble and see life as it is. Not everyone is born “perfect” but there are perfect people out there who want to help others. I also wanted her to be grateful for all the things we have been blessed with.
She is simply precious! Thank you for sharing this video. I know some surgeons who volunteers their time to do these surgeries, bless them for helping these kids smile!
Great video, it was very uplifting. I think we’re all guilty of thinking we have such big problems. Then when we see something like this we finally realize our issues are very minor compared to some. Thanks for posting this and bringing attention to Operation Smile. What an amazing organization. And thank you for being such a giving and thoughtful person!
The video is so beautiful and touching. It is truly amazing what doctors are capable of doing. It really made me cry because not that long ago I gave birth to a beautiful daughter who has a slightly rare birth defect. It is called ea/tef. Basically her esophagus was not connected. Who knew such a thing could happen? Thank the Lord for Doctors. Wonderful Dr. Lopez corrected my babies defect. I have been told so many times by the specialists how truly amazed they are at her development. 🙂 She is truly a blessing as well as all children who are born into unforseen circumstances. Thank you Jane for posting this video. I will make sure to share it with all friends.
Congratulations Alysha!!!! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this with us, I hope we can raise a boatload of money for this wonderful charity! I have posted in on my fb page and I will re-post everyday! It is amazing what a difference a smile can make! Thanks for adding a little perspective my my crazy stressful day!
Thanks for sharing this video. It really puts everything into perspective and made me think once again how lucky I am that my family and girls are healthy. So glad there are still a lot of generous people out there who help the less fortunate.
I hope your days are not too, too stressful.
Thank you for sharing the video with us. Jane! It really makes you think about what is really important. Also, a big thank you for your awesome donation!
Aww. What a darling little girl. Thank you for sharing the video with us. It is so wonderful what Operation Smile does for people. 🙂
What an inspiring video. You are right it really does put everything into prespective and realize that everything is alright and we are blessed to have happy healthy children.
Jane, thank you for sharing the video. It really does make you count your blessings seeing that video. How cool there are doctors who share their talents and heal these children. What a nice way to start out my day!
Thank you for starting my morning with such a lovely video. That little girl is precious.
Perspective! We all need to be reminded of what is really important–thanks, Jane, for being so generous & sharing this with your friends, fans & readers!
thanks for sharing the video; little girl is sweet. glad we can help you raise money by commenting here… have a nice day.
I am so touched. It made me cry. Thanks for sharing the video!
What a beautiful little girl…thanks for helping share this story!
Such a beautiful little girl! Her smile is inspirational. Thanks for sharing.
I just watched the video and made me want to cry. I am so glad she is getting it fixed so she can smile. This is so sad
Great video. Great cause.
Made me smile and cry at same time.
Thanks for sharing. Great cause.
Hi Jane,
I just watched it. I needed that pretty smile. It was just what the doctor ordered!! Thank you.
Thanks to support to operation smile.
Please count my comment for $1 Jane. You are such a generous and loving person. Thank you for giving to Operation Smile! It is wonderful what the Drs can do now to help these children. I pray that every child in need of health care will be so blessed.
I had to watch the video twice! Thank you so much for posting it. What a truly beautiful little girl.
Bless you Jane for sharing! This is my favorite charity and I appreciate your thoughtfulness!
What a wonderful and inspiring video – I love this charity!
Thank you, Jane, for sharing this with us. I must go now and pay it forward. We are so blessed….
Thank you so much for sharing. She is a beautiful girl. A great charity. Jane you’re awesome.
An inspiring and beautiful video. thanks for this wonderful post.
Brings tears to my eyes. Now she can see her own beauty with such a simple, life-changing operation.
Thanks for sharing & donating in our stead.
Hey Jane just shared on twitter and Facebook!!! I hope your week doesn’t get the best of you!!
Lisa B
Isn’t it wonderful what a day can make in the life of a little girl. She is just lovely.
Definitly brought a tear to my eye, especially when she saw herself in the mirror. Brave girl.
That’s a great video and great cause.
She is so precious! Even before the surgery you can see her beauty in her eyes. Love her expression when she sees her new smile.
What a great video. She has such an awesome smile! Thanks for sharing this, it made my day!
Watching stories like this always make one put life into perspective. It makes me ever so thankful of all my blessings in my life.
“If everyone put their troubles in a heaping pile, we would all grab ours right back.” I think that’s the saying. Very true.
Operation Smile sends such a powerful message. And you do too, Jane! Please don’t enter me in the contest because I’ve been blessed with your awesome contest wins before. Thank you for sharing the video:):):) I just had to smile 3 times for Operation Smile.
For such a great cause I hope there will be at least 100 comments. Help rally up interest! Get your friends and family to visit and comment! Let’s go girls!
Loved it and yes it would be great to see more raised for such a great cause. Thank you Jane once again for such a great event.
Good morning everyone! Between everyone’s comments here and over at Facebook, we had 100 dollars raised, and I went ahead and just paid for an operation so another little boy or girl can get his or her smile fixed. Thank you readers and friends! I’d hoped I would have had hundreds post…kept hoping all those “friends” at Facebook would jump in, but it makes you realize who your real readers and supporters are, so THANK YOU to each and every one of you for viewing, posting, commenting, sharing. I appreciate you all very much.
Now, on to the prize winner…I have drawn the winner’s name for the international prize and it’s…#49 Alysha! Alysha, congrats on being the big winner here. Please send me a private email with your mailing address and I’ll get your fun prize out to you pronto!
BUT that’s not all. I am so grateful for you all who did post and support my efforts on behalf Operation Smile that each of you will get something and because there are 84 folks who commented, I need your help to keep this organized.
For each of you that posted above, and supported Operation Smile, I’m going to send you something, and you get to choose:
You may pick a Jane Porter hearts her readers t-shirt, the red and black Read totebag, a book from my backlist, or a Jane Porter water bottle. I will throw in some extra fun stuff like pens, notepads, mirrors and nailfiles but you get to choose the big item from above!
Once you know what you want, send Lee @ janeporter (dot) com a private email with your comment #, name, mailing address, and the prize you want. If you are picking a t-shirt, let me know the size. I have t-shirts in S, M, L ,and XL. In case we run out of something, give me your second choice of prize, okay? And it’s first come, first serve. I will fill prize requests (well, Lee will since I’m on crazy deadline!) as they come in.
Hope this makes you a little happy. I do so love you guys and hope you’ll have an amazing weekend!!
Thank you so much, you are very generous to your readers. We really appreciate it. I sent Lee an email.
Thank you, Jane for your kindness and generosity. Alysha, blessings for you and your beautiful daughter…continued Happiness.
Thank you so much Jane you are one amazing lady. I sent my info in to Lee, hope she gets it. You are just so good to your readers and we really do appreciate it.
You are an amazing woman. It’s no wonder why your readers are so devoted and love you so much!!!
I shared the link for Operation Smile on my FB too so that my friends can watch the video and get involved 🙂
Thank you so much for your generosity!
Like I said in my earlier comment I have a cousin who was born with a cleft lip so I was really hoping more people will watch the video and comment- I shared it on my Facebook but none of my friends comment but any donation will help the kids.
Thanks so much Jane. I sent my info to Lee. Best wishes to you regarding your deadline.
Congratulations to all the winners and to Jane for her generous spirit.
Much mahalo! I sent Lee my info. You’re so kind and generous. This is such a great cause.
Thanks again!! Hugs, Julie 🙂
Tears rolling down my cheeks! What a beautiful girl! Cheers to Operation Smile! You are a true blessing!
Thanks for sharing this with us Jane!
Thank you, Jane! And congratulations to Alysha. 🙂
Thank you, Jane and Congratulations to Alysha!
I just sent Lee my email.
Hi Jane! Thank you for such a wonderful contest. However, as touched as I am by your kindness, I would like to request instead of sending me something, would you donate what it would have cost in shipping to Operation Smile? This was not about me and I feel it would be used in such a wonderful way if they received it. Lots of love – Michelle #83 xx
Jane, you are wonderful. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your generosity and always sharing with your readers. I was more than happy to share this with my fb friends, but yes I was a little disappointed that more people didn’t like or view it. It is there loss, it is an amazing video just like you. Thanks again. I know you will make your deadline and we are all looking forward to the next exciting book from you.
May you receive many Blessings.
Wow! Thank you, Jane! I, too, shared it on FB and was hoping for more response. I will keep bring it up.
But, it’s October and Breast Cancer awareness month. As a survivor, and having lost friends and family to this disease, I’ll be banging on this drum all month. Get your mammograms, Ladies!!!
thanks so much jane; you are truly generous; bless you!
You are amazing, Jane.
Incredible. Just incredible.
Many thanks.
Such a moving video. Thanks for sharing. You are very generous!
God bless you Jane!
Thanks, Jane! You are beyond generous. No wonder all of us readers love you so much! xoxo
awsome Jane; thanks so much for your kindness.
Jane, You’re awesome at brightening up Monday morning. Since I’ve been the contest winner before, I didn’t want to enter the big contest,but I can’t resist a chance to have a tote bag from you!!! I’ll send Lee my information. Godspeed on your deadline. I’m looking forward to your new books!!
AND Congrats to #49 Alysha!!! Really, we’re all winners on this list.
Thank you so much Jane. So thankful for all you have done. And Im also just trying to raise awareness for this birth defect.
Amazing video! Thanks for sharing and bringing my day into perspective. Thanks for your generous heart.
peace out
Jane, (and Lee) thank you so much for the reading tote bag that arrived today. It is really quite classy…much like you! I will be proud using it at the book clubs I’m involved with. Fun, fun, fun! Thanks again.