Daddy, Mommy, Baby

Love the way 2 1/2 year olds look at the world.  Mac had visited a pumpkin patch earlier in the day with Jamette, his ‘other mother’, and an amazing part of our family, and at dinner when he was in his high chair he spotted the three pumpkins sitting on the kitchen counter and cried, “Oh, Daddy, Mommy, Baaaabbbby!  A family!” and I loved it.  Love how he thinks and associates and all the funny things he says.

Tomorrow Ty and I fly out to London and then overnight in Windsor, grab a fly Thursday morning to Venice, and then on Sunday grab another flight to Dublin, and then one more flight to London for a few days before coming home.  Lots of flying about but travel is huge for me.  It’s how I unplug and fill that creative well.  I will be returning to my desk November 1st to work on the second book in my Brennan Sisters trilogy (as well as tackling any and all necessary revisions on book 1) and so I need to chill while I can because I’ve lots of work to do when I get home.

So glad though that Meg’s book is done and in.  Now I just need to finish packing!  I’ll try to check in from the road but if I can’t, have a great ten days and sending you lots of love!


  1. Jane,

    Love the way that Mac thinks. It’s so hard to believe that he’s 2 1/2 years old already. Where did the time go?

    Here’s wishing you and Ty a magnificient time on your honeymoon. I hope that you relax and enjoy yourselves and restock those creative wells. We’ll miss you.


  2. Have a fabulous trip… it sounds wonderful. Can’t wait to read your new trilogy… and little Mac sounds smart as a whip. I love that age group, something new every day!

  3. I hope you can clear your mind and just be present in the moment…And don’t worry about us…We’ll be here, reading your books and patiently waiting.
    Have fun!

  4. Have a wonderful time! Love they way Mac describes the pumpkin family! My little girls Maddie and Jordyn stopped by and had to colr and read all the books on my book shelf, especially the one about the little pony! Its pages are so worn-out for it was their favorite…anyways..have a wonderful time!Chill and don’t worry about the work until your honeymoon is over!

  5. That is very sweet about the pumpkins.
    Your trip sounds wonderful. Please post photos when you return! Have a GREAT time!

  6. Enjoy your honeymoon!!! You deserve it!

    That is so darling! When my daughter was around two she identified everything and organized things as “Daddy, Mommy, Baby”. Once my sister took her to have dinner at a family friends and they thought it was so adorable that she named the sticks of butter Daddy, Mommy and Baby!

    I can’t believe he is already that old. Every age & stage is enjoyable!

    Take care and relax!!!!

  7. How sweet! Enjoy your Honeymoon! Have safe travels and we can’t wait to hear all about the wonderful places you are visiting, and of course more info on the new series.

  8. so cute how mac thinks it is a daddy, mommy and baby family. he is getting so big…have a safe and wonderful trip; hope you have the best time…

  9. Jane, children think such innocent little thoughts. They are all so different and beautiful. Wish you and Ty luck with the traveling. Enjoy yourselves you two deserve it.

  10. Totally agree with you, as adults we take life too seriously. At times, we should be like a kid and just let go and have fun (within limits).

    Sometimes, kids have the most fun and we should join them too..=)

  11. To quote Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies. God be with you. Come home safe and sound.
    I would just add, Have fun!

  12. Have a wonderful trip Jane and enjoy yourself.

    I love the way Mac thinks and I can see those pumpkins in his eyes now. He sees a family like he has.

  13. Mac is a bright little guy and he is so well rounded and happy. Have a wonderful trip and be happy and safe!

  14. Baby Mac is at a cute age. I love when they are starting to learn things like that. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

  15. Jane,
    Have a wonderful time! You deserve it because you do such a wonderful job entertaining all of us with your stories. Thank you for that.

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