Home for Halloween!

Returned home yesterday evening and have just slept for 10 hours and am feeling human again.  Its great to be back.  We had a fantastic trip but started missing the kids terribly about five days ago.  Ten days is a long time to be away from them, especially the two younger ones.

Ten days just made Mac grow up even more and he’s talking nonstop about everything, but his favorite topic right now is Halloween.  He’s so excited about Halloween and attended a Halloween party while we were gone, and has been wearing his costume every chance he can.  I’ll share photos of him in his costume on Halloween but love this one below of my two toddler ‘babies’ at the Halloween store.  You didn’t know I had twins, did you?

I’m off to make coffee and deal with email but wanted to say hello, good morning, and its great to be home.  I have a special contest prize for one of you to say Happy Halloween.  Just bring me up to date on what’s going on in your life in the comment section on my blog below and you’re entered!   Contest runs through Monday night and I’ll announce the winner on Tuesday, November 1st.  Take care and more soon!


  1. My granddaughter had surgery this week so we’ve all been wrapped up in that. She’s doing great right now so we hope she can come home in a couple of weeks. Other than that, just getting ready for Halloween.

  2. Welcome back, Jane – and Happy Halloween. You have been missed and we look forward to seeing future blog comments and photos.
    I have been sorting paper piles all over the house, scrapbooking (while catching up on some television shows), and deleting emails. Yup. I’ve been “cleaning up” around here”! (It’s about time!)

  3. Happy Halloween! the pic is so cute…glad you are back with your boys. this week was a little difficult for my boys since we had to find a new home for their cat; slick. slick now lives on a small farm and is allowed to roam to her heart’s content; and it is close enough for us to visit.

  4. Welcome back, so happy you enjoyed your time away for the honeymoon. Happy halloween. I love how the kids get so excited to dress up and have some fun. Well this week studying for exams at college and on thursday the baby has a upper GI followup with the surgeon. Crossing my fingers everything is still good. Don’t know how I would survive another long stint in the hospital again. Well Wishing you and you beautiful family a happy halloween! Also I just finished Easy on the Eyes. I just loved it. Your characters are so relatable.

  5. I’ve actually had a not-so-fun virus for the past week. Respiratory symptoms, chills and I lost my voice for about 5 days. It’s still a little squeaky and I’ve got a lingering cough caused by the post-nasal drip but I’m on the mend now. Welcome home (we’ve missed you!) and Happy Halloween!

  6. Oh Jane, ten days is a long time to be away from your guys, but so glad you had a fantastic time. We have had a few days off to just be at home and it has been restful and we are thankful for that. Now it is back to normal next week taking care of our little grand-sweetie and my dad. Hope you enjoy your Halloween. We have both candy and books to give away at our house. 😉

  7. So glad you made it home safe and sound.
    I can’t wait to see what Mac is for Halloween.
    I have been winterizing the house. I also have been enjoying some of the new shows on TV. Revenge is my new favorite dirty pleasure.
    I also have been getting into the spirit of Halloween putting out the pumpkin and stuff.

  8. Hi Jane!
    I’m glad you had a great time on your trip. I love traveling too, but yes, it is always nice to get back home as well. Enjoy your time with your boys. As for me, I’m studying for midterms that I have this week. That’s about all I’m doing this weekend, though I do have to buy candy for the trick or treaters tomorrow.

  9. What a fun picture! Mac is getting old enough to really enjoy Halloween.

    I am happy to hear that you had a nice trip. We just got back from a few days spent along the Georgia coast. The weather was absolutely gorgeous!

  10. Welcome back Jane and Ty.

    We laid flooring yesterday in the kitchen, I attended a baby shower and today my brother and hubby and installing our ‘new to us’ cupboards.

    I can imagine Mac’s excitement for Halloween. Do share photos.

  11. Welcome home! Cute pic of Mac. Some kids that age are very afraid of the scariness of Halloween, but it doesn’t appear that he is one of them.
    I had a great afternoon with my niece yesterday. She came down and we all went for a hike, out to pizza, and then topped it off with ice cream. It was a beautiful fall day and I was thankful to be out sharing it with my niece and son.
    Off to the pumpkin patch with my kindergarteners for a field trip tomorrow. I’m hoping for no rain!

  12. Hi Jane,

    I can’t wait for Halloween too. I’m going to be a cowgirl and baby Bella is going to be an Indian. It should be fun 🙂 I’m glad you had fun on your honeymoon. I loved the pics 🙂

  13. Jane,
    Welcome home! I’m so glad you had a great honeymoon. I have been writing lots of articles.
    Now the other twin is really scary looking. LOL!

    Have a happy & safe Halloween! 🙂

  14. I love the picture from the Halloween store. Too cute. No matter how old I am, I love Halloween. It’s so much fun and allows you to be a kid again. Have a great time trick or treating tomorrow 🙂

  15. Not sure who is having more fun in that one! Halloween is one of our favorite holidays and today is when we get everything finalized for the big day. We will have a house full. Everyone dresses up young and old around here. Have fun, glad to hear you are home safely.

  16. Nothing much going on here. Work and reading and same ole same ole. We did buy a new used car last week a 2009 Honda CRV. Old one was pushing 180,000 and trany was going bad so it was time. Trick or treating with my youngest tomorrow night. My older two are 15 and 19 so to old. Down to just the one who is 8. lol

    Happy Halloween!

    Lisa B

  17. Welcome home Jane. I’m glad you had a nice time in Europe. Enjoy Halloween with your family. I’ll be passing out candy to the neighborhood kids. For a while we did not have many kids in the neighborhood, but now we have several families, so I look forward to seeing them in their costumes tomorrow.

  18. I can’t believe halloween is here already. Where has the time gone??? I have my bucket of candy ready … but I hope there will be some left since I keep dipping my hands in it.

  19. Hi Jane,
    Welcome back home. Good to hear that you had a great time in Europe.
    This Halloween is my first as a mom and I´m looking forward to going trick or treating tomorrow.
    Happy Halloween to you and your Family.

  20. I am new to your blog as of a few weeks ago. I loved hearing about your trip and your world. Just got home from a girls weekend. I am going to do some writing this afternoon and finish reading Flirting with Forty, I love it.

  21. Hi Jane,
    Glad to hear you had a good time. I think I would have had the same feelings about being away from my kids for so long! We have been busy as always with school, activities and work. School parties were Friday but Trick or Treat is tomorrow. I’m sure it will be a challenge to get the kids in bed tomorrow night. This weekend we booked an eastern Carribean cruise for spring break! I am happy to have something to look forward to during the long cold Ohio winter. The kids are also super excited to go on the “Big Boat.” Have a wonderful Halloween!

  22. Just finished getting treats together for Halloween parties tomorrow at school. Looking forward to those and some trick or treating with the little ones. I’m happy to hear you are home safe and sound enjoying your kiddos! Happy Halloween!!

  23. Love the picture! Mac is sure getting big!
    Lazy day today. Lots for reading, watching movies and cuddling under a blanket while watching the rain come down.

  24. Cleaning house and getting a lot done this weekend. Trying to keep busy because we have an abundance of goodies around I am trying not to munch on! 🙂

    Great pic fo mac – he is so adorable! Happy Halloween everyone!

  25. Making my house into a ‘haunted house’ for our party tomorrow. Tons fo fun! Glad you guys had a great honeymoon. Ten days away from kids would be hard!!

  26. Welcome home! Halloween is so much fun with little ones. I’m spending a lot of time working with my son on his transition into middle school. It has not been all smooth sailing, but he’s getting the hang of it. I’m not looking forward to three years of double checking everything.

    Both kids are some variation of a zombie this Halloween, so it’s all about the makeup!

    Enjoy Halloween and don’t eat too much candy ~

  27. Happy Halloween! We’ve got a mess because we have our kitchen floor torn up because of a leaky pipe. I guess we can use the cement for some kind of Halloweeny grave decoration tomorrow!

  28. Yes, I can see that you have twins. LOL

    Finally, someone wants to hear about my life. haha I’m just recovering from knee surgery and did terrifically well for a couple of weeks but now the pain is back.

  29. Hi Jane!

    It’s so much fun Halloween when your kids are young! I just helped my beautiful step-daughter make the move from our house to an apartment in Boston on her own. I never thought it would be so hard for me to let go. She moved for her first Halloween in her first new apartment and got tricked by over a foot of snow! Oh, well, at least she’s learning to drive in the snow . .. .

  30. Busy with birthday festivities as my baby turns 8 on Tuesday! Class parties, The Race for the Cure with family and friends, and enjoying the cooler weather for Central California. And homework. That’s the only NOT fun part of my weekend! Glad you and Ty had such a great time away for your honeymoon.

  31. Hi Jane,
    Welcome home!
    I have been doing well. As a matter of fact, I started calorie counting, have lost some weight, & feel great.


  32. What a fun picture! I am looking forward to Halloween tomorrow night. I always love this time of year! No children so I dress up my doggie – yes, I am that person! My Pug is quite patient.

    Happy Halloween

  33. Welcome home, Jane and Ty! So glad you had a wonderful trip.

    Just trying to stay warm here in New Jersey as we had a freak nor’easter on Saturday which dumped 15 inches or more of snow in some areas. I’m quite thankful we didn’t get the snow, just the wind and cold.

  34. So glad you are back home in time for Halloween trick or treating. I couldn’t imagine being away from my kids on Halloween. Not only for the costumes and trick or treating but because its my birthday! I would hate to spend that special day without them. Have a Happy Halloween!

  35. Welcome back Jane, so happy to hear you had a great time. I picked up Mistletoe wishes novel last weekend and have started to read it, my girlfriend wanted to read it to so she bought her own copy while she was with me..oh oh I may have gotten her hooked. Thanks so much for the Jane porter t-shirt that everyone won a few weeks ago, got it friday and I have been wearing it all weekend! Everyone is asking…who is Jane Porter!

  36. Welcome home Jane! We had a snowstorm this weekend so this morning was scraping and shoveling. I hope your little guy has a great Halloween.

  37. Hi Jane! Glad you had a great trip. Halloween is quiet for me this year… I only have one child at home now and she is 18. This is the second year I haven’t made any Halloween costumes; two of my daughters are going to parties but they’re taking care of their costumes themselves… one is a gothic fairy with black sparkly wings, floaty black skirt and a black and gold corset and the other is a paper bag princess, tiara and all. We had a gorgeous fall weekend up here in Montreal, beautiful and sunny, but a little cool. I am working on a quilt and head back to the picket line tomorrow… it’s week 9 and I am heartily sick of it, hope we get back to work soon. Who would have thought that working at a world renowned institution like McGill University would end up on strike?

  38. Loved seeing you back on your blog–welcome home! We are also recovering from the Noreaster. Crazy night losing power and reading by our little book lights together. Tough weekend for my 12 year old since he was in an accident and lost a permanent tooth and needed stitches. He’s been brave and I’m so thankful he is getting better. Puts things in perspective for sure. Happy Halloween to you and your boys Jane!

  39. So glad to hear you had a nice time and that you are home safe.
    Things have been super crazy lately…we’re dealing with lots of family crisis…not fun. We lots my hubby’s grandmother. And my aunt found out she has liver cancer and they don’t give her long.

    But I’m blessed and thankful my kiddos are healthy and happy.

  40. Welcome home! I know kids grow-up so fast! My son Kenny turned 21 and his girlfriend Nikki gave him a birthday party! It was a blasted to be around so many young people,line dancing and listening to all kinds of music! I’ve been helping out with a guy who cme home from the war and he’s having trouble getting use to being home, he was wounded, losted his leg, he’s a hero in my eyes! He’s my tutor for I’m so bad in math. My ex had is surgery so I’ve been a nurse-maid for him and he’s healing quite well. thats about all thats going on around my household.I bet the boys especially Mac are glad your both home from your honeymoon! Happy Halloween!

  41. Happy to hear you had a wonderful time, but I can imagine it was tough to be away from the little guys too.

    This week is going to be hectic for my family. I WILL get back to writing this week though, and I have a bunch of fun things in store like babysitting my new granddaughter and working on a non-fiction book proposal with a friend.

  42. Hola Jane,

    Glad to see you made it home safe. Just finished a weekend of coaching my daughters volleyball team. Today was our last game of the regular season and we finished it undefeated 12-0! Our play off games start this Thursday. Can’t wait. But first, Halloween night. Can’t wait to hand out candies. Have a good week.

  43. Happy Halloween!
    Hubby and I have spent 5 days at our coast house! Getting ready to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary Nov 3 and enjoying life!

    Glad to hear you had a fabulous honeymoon! its always good to travel but better to be at home <3

    Welcome home!


  44. Hi Jane
    I hope you had a great honeymoon. Mac is so big now. I’m going to a concert for halloween tomorrow night and a movie with my friend in the morning, pretty low key. I hope you and your family have a great halloween.

  45. Jane,

    Welcome Home! Happy Halloween! I know you will have a blast with Mac tomorrow night. I am heading to Vegas next weekend for a girls weekend which will be a nice change of pace. Been dealing with car drama, hate that! Can’t get a new car until next year, so I just have to suck it up until then. Have a Blessed week!

  46. Jane,

    I have been reading and working like crazy. I have been hooked on Carolyn Brown and Deanna Gist lately. Slowly working through both of their book list. Not quite ready for Halloween, but excitedly waiting for my newest niece to be born any day.

    Glad you had a good time on your trip!!


  47. going to my son’s football games and waiting for this baby to come out of my belly. Hopefully she will come out soon.

  48. I have to re-stock the Halloween candy that my husband ate or gave away already…that would be 2 boxes of candy bars, and a 7-lb bag. I always say I’m going to hide the candy, but it neve works. Glad you’re back!

  49. Usual..made mummy cupcakes, carved pumpkins, making caramel apples tonight, mummy dogs and watching scary movies. Glad you are home with your boys.

  50. Happy Halloween! Welcome home. Halloween was always my favorite holiday when I was growing up too. Since tomorrow is November, I started my Christmas shopping this weekend. I like to be done with it all by Thanksgiving.

  51. Glad you had a great time and a safe trip!

    Anxiously awaiting the birth of our first grandchild!

    We’re also trying to rent a townhouse. Things are really slow no calls!

  52. Glad you made it home safely!

    We had a Halloween party Friday night. It was a blast! Our college kids from church set up booths and the little kids got to play. We ended the night with a very cold hay ride. Tonight we’re trick or treating at the mall. 🙂

    Happy Halloween!

  53. Welcome home Jane! Not much going on here, trying to get ready to give out treats tonight, son is still away at college and hubby’s at work. Need to make chili today for evening meal, get it done early so I can treat the kids tonight.

  54. welcome home. I am working at my new job and loving it. I am also just getting back from a short Branson trip and trying to keep up with homework. life is great!

  55. Happy Halloween! We’ve been digging out of Snowtober here in Jersey for Halloween. I’m one of very few fortunate not to have lost power and spent the weekend holed up w/kitties and the laptop, stressing out over get the submission ready for the Golden Heart, due all too soon.

    Can’t wait to see pics from your trip! Glad you’re home safe and enjoying all hallows w/the boys.

  56. So glad you had a good time and had a safe return home. But, how dare you be so happy and have a good time. Now get back to work you aren’t allowed to have a life other than that as a 24/7/365 writer!:-) We plan to have a fire outside and watch a couple of spooky movies while eating popcorn. Yearly this is what we have done on halloween to entertain our kids and their friends. After many years now those kids are bringing their kids. Oh how I do so enjoy being around others who make my day brighter and with all the negative junk going on in the world, I’m not waiting for Thanksgiving to give thanks! I’m giving thanks now to all the good people out there who have kind hearts, all the people who are willing to help those in need without waiting for a pat on the back and thank all the wonderful writers 😉 out there who are capable of making a grown women giggle like a child and helping someone find a peaceful quiet moment inside their heart as the crazy world spins out of controll.

  57. Looks like Mac grew since you’ve been gone. So glad you had a nice trip. We just returned from a whirlwind trip to Nascar…three days nonstop fun and games. I am happy to be home as I know you are too….family and home…cannot be beat!

  58. Cute picture!!!!

    Life is busy, busy, busy and I love it!

    A few important things lately…
    My children’s lit class is inspiring me to write a book. I’m catching up with a dear old friend from high school and sparks just might be flying. I might be getting a new car (fingers crossed). Whew!

    Glad you had a safe trip home!

  59. Can’t wait to hear more about the trip! Crazy time of year….just Halloween parties, pumkin patches & trick or treating. Putting my Big Girl Pants on, because family starts arriving in TWO weeks!

  60. Love the photo. Happy Halloween and glad to have you back home safe and sound. Have to cook, clean and do the house routine for fall.

  61. Welcome back. It’s always so good to come home isn’t it?
    I’m enjoying the oranges and reds and golds of all the trees here in Wichita Kansas. My son and I went to watch “Johnny English Reloaded” Halloween evening (it’s good when your teenage boy still wants to see a movie with his Mom!)and we laughed our heads off. And then we went home and ate candy. Life is good!

  62. Hi all,
    Hope everyone had a great Halloween! I know I said I’d pick one winner but I’ve decided on two!

    #24 – Deb J
    #43 – Darcy O

    Shoot me an email at jane(at)janeporter(dot)com with your mailing address and I’ll get prizes in the mail to you!!

  63. Timing. Its all in the timing.
    Its funny how I always get my little arse in here after the fact. What’s with that? LOL.

    Welcome home. And I know, its “brrr..cold!”
    I need not remind you its…ahem…”fleece season!”

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