
Book is due Friday.  A week from tomorrow Ty and I go on our honeymoon.  Kids have wildly different needs but I am all tunnel vision now.  It’s writing from 8 am until 8 pm or later.  No TV, no hanging out, no chatting, chilling or anything but getting words on page and tackling the final edit.

In some ways this is a good place to be with the book.  Its almost easy now–not the writing, because the brain is really tired–but the schedule and the choices.  I don’t go anywhere, don’t wear real clothes, don’t answer the phone.  I just write.  And take a couple baths a day.  Baths help me unwind a little, relax, get the kinks out while I try to figure out what I’m going to write next.

And in between baths and protein bars and cups of tea, I think about how fun it’ll be to get on this British Airways flight and head to Heathrow with Ty.  I’ve got a stack of books to take.  I haven’t read a novel in weeks and weeks and am pining away without reading, but can’t read until my book is done.

I hope you are all well.  I’d love to get an update on you.  How are you?  What are you busy with at the moment?  Anything you can share?  I’m going to be sending out 5 Halloween treats to those of you who post a comment on this blog this week by Thursday night.  Remember, you need to comment below, on this actual blog.  I’ll draw 5 names Friday morning.  Talk to me because you are the only contact I’ll get this week!


  1. I’m busy finishing up a paper I have due for a class I’m taking. I took a break and read Mistletoe Wishes on my Nook-Loved It! Now back to working finishing the paper and trying to enjoy the near 80 degree weather we are having. Well, enjoy may be too nice of a word – cleaned the garage and basement before the snow falls. In western NY, that could be any day.

  2. Hi Jane! Good luck in the final stretch of book writing! Sounds intense, but I’m sure it’ll be awesome!

    I have had a great few days! I got hired for a new job last week! My best friend had a baby yesterday who I got to meet today! She is just adorable! I am also trying to get my Halloween costume put together for my trip to Montana to celebrate with my friends out there!

    Tomorrow is my last day of “relaxing” before I start work and I have a bunch of errands I want to get accomplished. Hoping the job gets off to a good start on Wednesday!

    Good luck with putting the finishing touches on your new book!

  3. I’m dieting. Sounds like we’re both in the same rut in not wearing normal clothes…lol. You will be more than ready for that honeymoon. We went to London for my birthday this time last year and boy do I envy your trip…we loved London so much and also took the tube to Paris, was also fun. You’ll have plenty of time to read on the plane. Life is good and I’m so happy you and Ty are together, it’s about time! Thanks for popping in to check on us…Ruth

  4. My hubby’s away for the week. While he’s gone his mom is staying with us and helping me out. And she COOKS! 🙂

  5. Jane–I’m so proud of your butt-in-chair attitude!!!

    This week is all about the celebration of autumn. Saturday was some early trick-or-treating at my mother-in-law’s seaside campgrounds. Then today we went through a corn maze in NH shaped like a turtle with turtle questions along the way to help you figure if you went left or right, followed by a horse-carriage ride and pumpkin/gourd picking.

    After a week of school, it’s a weekend filled with goat farm harvest fun (complete with apple cider donuts and goat milk fudge) and then Christmasgiving–a mix of the two holidays that we celebrate with my in-laws before they snowbird back to Phoenix for the winter. So my house has Halloween decorations AND Thanksgiving decorations AND Christmas decorations. And it all somehow works. :o)


  6. Well, I’ve definitely been better. Sinus infection, strep throat, fluid in one ear and last but not least, both my eyes are so red and swollen I can’t even read right now. Hopefully the medicine will kick in quickly. I hate not being able to read. Also Extreme Home Edition will be here on the 19th to build 7 houses in 7 days and I’d love to go watch some of the action. Hope your writing goes smoothly and you can head off on your honeymoon.

  7. Hi Jane,
    Good luck finishing your writing! I just walked in the Columbus Day parade with my oldest son yesterday, went to an inservice workshop at school today &I tomorrow I really need to start writing my college recommendation letters for my students…s

  8. Sorry I touched send before I could say “best wishes for a wonderful honeymoon with Ty!!!”
    Lots of love,

  9. I am spending a lot of time at home with my little guys and my big guy working on homework and planning my trip to Branson.I got an A on my speech. I have an A in the class. I got a new job making double what I was making(which wasn’t much) and I start that on the 26th.I am so excited. I also can’t wait to read the rest of the Claire Cook title I am reading.Maybe this weekend I will get it finished. Well bye for now Jane Have fun!

  10. You are amazing, such dedication. Can’t wait to read what you have put together.

    This week is a solid work week for me to. It feels good to be back at work and enjoying what I do. I am blessed.

    Football is in full swing and it is a great season so far for my son. Love watching him play. I sit and think how fast they grow up and become young adults. Sigh….

    Have a wonderful week. What a great reward awaits you!

  11. WTG Jane! I’ve entered the West Houston Emily contest and am planning to enter the Golden Heart, so am trying to work a schedule to Get Things Done for that. Also have NJRW conference in 2 wks, which is always a boot kick in the tuchus.

    BICHOK Lady! Oh wait, you’re already doing that.

  12. Love your happy photo! I am reading Joy for Beginners by Erica Bauermeister. It’s really good! Can’t wait for your new novel!

  13. Well…I became a grandma to a precious baby girl named Avarie.
    Like myself and my daughter, now my grand-daughter, the red hair has prevailed. I feel more viking now than ever.I almost feel like beating my chest! Ha! but won’t. Ouch.

    Are you packed for that V.A.C.A yet???? Exciting stuff.Hoping for lots of pics.I’ve never been there.

    Dee~Reading In Bc

  14. Hi Jane,
    I am enjoying a few days away with my honey in Vegas!!! Had fun but heading home tomorrow. Really missing our kids. I can’t wait to get home and give them both hugs and kisses. Good luck finishing the book! Have a wonderfully romantic and relaxing honeymoon, you deserve it!

  15. I was called for jury duty and reported to the Court House this morning instead of going to my job. It is my first time ever and I am happy to be participating in this important part of our society. I looked around the room full of men and women of all ages and races, and I was filled with a sense of how this country is alright and will continue to be so. There were so many people there, most who probably had other things to do and places to be, but honored the call to duty on this Monday morning.
    I am on a jury now so tomorrow I won’t have the down time to read as I did today (one thing I liked about jury duty – reading during the work day!). Keep writing Jane, we readers need a steady supply of books.

  16. I’m getting ready to go visit my parents. The tickets are bought. Time to become someone’s child again. It’s rather lovely.

  17. Life is busy here! My kindergarten students are raring to go and life is great. Hockey starts again this week, so I am a very happy girl!

  18. Hang in there kiddo. It’ll all be worth it when 1)We get to read this incredible book(I have no doubt), and 2)You take Ty’s hand as you board your flight to your honeymoon. Great picutre :o. Ty’s one of those men who are handsome, and then they smile and — WOWSER! LOL

    I must have lost my mind because I am making an ObiWanKanobi costume for my adult nephew, and having to combine two different patterns. Nerves are shot, and I’ll be glad when it’s done.

    I’m loving the fall and all it’s color. It’s already snowed in Salt Lake and the foilage is amazing.

    Just finished a great mystery/romance set in ancient Rome, “Daughters of Rome”, and am starting a book one of my daughters friends suggested, “These is My Words”, written like a diary of a pioneer woman, and I have to be honest – more interesting than I thought it would be.

    ENJOY your time with Ty sweet Jane – and thanks for taking the time to share with us.

    peace out

  19. I am so excited that you are writing another book! Is this going to be a book with a modern setting or one of your classics? I have read all of your modern books and loved them. I’ve never been a fan of the classic romance but I am going to give them a try. If anyone can make me like them it has to be you since you are such a great writer. =]

  20. Hi Jane,

    Right now life is just crusing along at a normal speed. Hubby is back in college after retiring from police work; my oldest son is in the same college as a freshman and my youngest two are in high school. As for me I’m working the normal 8-5, but the hour commute each way is killing me.

    Hubby and I have a date night this Saturday and I have to say I’m really excited about it. Nothing big just dinner and the panio bar but it’s our first date night in a long time.

    I hope you and Ty have a wonderful honeymoon and good luck with the writing this week.


  21. Have fun on your honeymoon! And very cool about the book. 🙂
    I am preparing for Sukkot this week. It starts tomorrow night. We eat outside in a sukkah. I enjoy this holiday, but planning for it can be a bit crazy at times.

  22. Way to go Jane, hope the words come without too much struggle and you get everything done on time. And, have a wonderful honeymoon!

    We are still busy here being caregivers to our grandchild and my dad. It is the real sandwich generation deal at our house, but we feel blessed. Watching a baby and now toddler grow is just the best and my dad shares his wisdom and stories from the past with us.

  23. Such a beautiful picture of you and Ty! I can’t imagine how you can even focus on writing with a honeymoon on your schedule!

    Busy week ahead of us, with the boys starting indoor soccer it means 2 separate nights for team pictures, followed by Friday night and Saturday morning games!

    Good luck with the final edits and have an amazing holiday!

  24. Jane,
    Can’t wait for your book! I appreciate your dedication to your work.
    Right now, school is getting into gear. The boys are all excited every Thursday when they play football so it can be challenging to get them to focus on their school work.
    Enjoy your honeymoon! Be safe and have fun.

  25. i hope you guys have a great trip! lord know you deserve it. today we’re headed to the pumpkin patch on a field trip. then the rest of the week will be school, work, soccer, and maintaining the hectic schedules.

  26. Best wishes with your writing. How exciting to escape on your honeymoon!!

    We’re getting the house and yard ready for winter. Raking tons of pine needles and leaves!!

    We’re eagerly anticipating the birth of our first grandchild around November the 4th!!

  27. We benefit from your focus, so keep up with the baths and the protein bars! Today I’m turning my garage door into a huge pumpkin, using neon orange duct tape.

  28. Can’t wait for the new book!!
    I just had a birthday … so this week is the beginning of a new year for me & full of lots of possibilities. While I’m looking for a new job — this week will be dedicated to cleaning up outside — putting away the summer stuff, etc. Weather has been beautiful & warm!

  29. Thanks for your update, Jane. Good luck with your schedule. You can do it!
    Things are running smoothly for a change here, knock wood. Am playing badminton five nights a week again, as numerous health problems seem to be dissipating. Am pulling weeds for at least an hour a day as long as I can before they are completely covered in leaves, so my hands hurt to type (and hold a badminton racquet), but this too shall pass some day soon. My paid work is picking up steam again from a summer drought, so that will help financially again.
    Back to the grindstone for both of us!

  30. Hi Jane,

    You sure are a busy woman. Just think, your honeymoon is next week and you get to have fun and relax. I’m not doing anything exciting right now just cleaning up the house and taking care of kids 🙂 Have a great day.

  31. Great hard work Jane. I’m so busy at the moment. I have work and school full time. Two of my three kids are in school so I have their stuff to deal with too. Ohhhh how stressful but I love it it will be so rewarding in the future. I started reading “Easy on the eyes” it is good so far. Great writing.

  32. Hi! Your so busy writing and with your boys, and you still write a blog for your fans…I’m trying to find a job and not to worry but its hard…trying to sell advocare products but not pushing them, they are good products and love spark..and all the other ones I take..Mike is in the hospital, and recovery nicely, I think he’s coming home today or tomorrow so I’ll be a nursemaid for him…its quite weird were getting divorce but he’s my kids dad so since he ask me to I’ll take care of one in his family knows about the divorcem he’s keeping it from them, go figure. Enough about me, I love the picture of you and Ty! You make a cute couple! Your not going to have time to read, enjoy the romantic places with your man…especially Venice. My cowboy friend sent me flowers,he’s something else, he can get any woman for I’m not free and I won’t cheat, and he’s always calling or sending me e-mails even a letter in the mail…just a scripture from the bible, he’s a christian so he knows how I feel…anyways, its nice to have a friend in my corner…have a good week and you’ll finish your book! I sure wish I could be yur kids nanny, I’d move in a minute..not joking..anyways..don’t get too stressed!

  33. Hi, Jane, I would love to win a Halloween treat!

    My birthday is Thursday the 13th and then Eric & I are off on a trip to California. We are staying in Newport Beach and going to fun places like Fashion Island, San Diego, Disneyland, & Sprinkles Cupcakes.

    Have a Happy Honeymoon!

  34. Hi Jane,

    My birthday is October 21 and we will be heading to Myrtle Beach for the weekend.

    Good Luck finishing your book. Can’t wait to read it:)


  35. Hi Jane. Wishing you the best on finishing your book. I hope you have a fabulous honeymoon. I am taking a couple of vacation days to relax during fall break.

  36. Best wishes on your wonderful upcoming trip. Enjoy this special time together. The photo is gorgeous and special. Your dedication is something to be admired. Stay well and have fun.

  37. Hi Jane,

    I know you and Ty will have a wonderful honeymoon. I love the picture of you guy’s, a great looking couple.

    I am almost finished with the “Rainbows End” yarn shoppe in my miniature village. You know 1″= 1′. Lots of work doing that but I love it.

    Robyn Carr had Pam Morsi at her Chat but I wasn’t able to get there for that.

    I know you will finish your book by deadline and it will be a super one. Just think a short time and it will be finished and you and Ty will be off for some fun.

    Love and Hugs

    Please give little Mac a hug for me.

  38. You are a busy bee Ms. Jane 🙂 I can’t wait to read this book. You have such a talent for writing.

    Today I’m going to enjoy one of the last nice days in the Northeast and take a walk. Our nice days are limited since winter is just around the corner … UGH 🙁

  39. I’m excited for you that you will be finishing your book soon and then will be off on your honeymoon. Yay! As for me, I’m in school so I’ve been doing some studying. I have a class to go to in about an hour….Intro to Law for the paralegal certificate program I’m taking. I’m enjoying being back in school and the campus (the University of San Diego) is beautiful. It overlooks the bay and has Spanish Renaissance architecture. It’s kind of fun being back to school in the fall….though I’m definitely on the older side of the college poupulation there, I’m still having fun! 🙂

  40. Hi Jane: Remember me? We honestly go back several years. I remember you told me you were 7 weeks pregnant before you announced it on your blog. I’ll never forget that, I really felt special. Well, I quess you can say I’ve been hiding for lack of a better word. My little brother died a year ago this month. He was only 51 and had been diagnosed with alzheimers in 2006. Five years later he’s gone. He stepped in when my ex-husband and I divorced. My girls were babies. Every Christmas tree, every pumpkin carved, every bike and every everything he did for my girls and myself. I can’t seem to move forward. He left a seven year old son and wonderful wife. I have run away from every holiday this year. I ran on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Halloween and all the rest. Sounds like I’m feeling sorry for myself – no way. I just hurt. A dear friend of mine said to me you didn’t bury your brother you buried your son. My mother worked nights and my father flew for the airlines. I can’t lie and say that all is well and I am doing this and that. So not true.
    I am so happy for you and Ty. Congratulations!!!! I am so thrilled that you two finally did it!!! Hurray you are a married woman about to go on her honeymoon. Love to all your guys and you as well! Bad Mommy Patricia

    1. Patricia,
      Alzheimers is such a vicious disease. I am so sorry for your loss. I am in Indy visiting my Grandma, who has it and has for several years now, it has gotten worse over the last few, and 3 weeks ago we buried her brother-in-law who passed at the age of 60 from it. I know that I don’t know you, but I wanted you to know that I understand how hard it is to watch someone you love slowly die from this horrible disease. You are not alone, I hope that with everyday your grief gets a little less and you hold on the memories your were Blessed with of your times with your brother.

  41. Right now I am trying to get son ready to take back to college, going to start loading up the car right now so I guess I better get off of here and get going.

  42. having a frustrting week. Need a new car and deciding and finding and agreeing on what we want and need is driving me nuts. Outside of that i am trying to find time to read too Jane.

    Have a good week.

    Lisa B

  43. I’m so happy for you. Great kids, great career, and now, great husband…what a wonderful life. (and you’re going to have that euphoria of finishing a book while you’re on your honeymoon!)
    congratulation on everything,
    (no contest)

  44. Well my image of you lying on a couch and eating bon bons while dictating a torrid romance to a secretary are shot all to heck! I really admire your work ethic-and strength. You’ll do great! cheers!

  45. Hi, Jane. i am so happy you are almost finished with the book; and that you can then go on your HONEYMOON!!! i have been adjusting to our new home and helping my middle son out while he is recovering from surgery. he goes back for his follow-up tomorrow, and i am praying for good results. take care…

  46. Hi Jane,

    I just came back from Vegas visiting my mother for a week. She had a stroke 2 months ago. I just wanted to spend some time with her. The good news is that she is getting better and better each day !!! Thank you Lord!!

  47. Good luck with finishing your book 🙂

    I just heard the best news- an Israeli soldier that was kidnapped more than 5 years ago by the terror organization Hamas will be released in the next few days after signing an agreement to set if free in exchange for about 1,000 Palestinian prisoners.
    As soon as I heard it on the news I started crying- I’m just so happy for his family and I hope all goes all and soon he’ll be back home with his family and friends.

  48. You are such a busy girl! I’ve been writing a lot too, trying to get chapter two done in hopes I’ll make the finals in the Mills & Boone New Voices contest 😀 Wish me luck! Other than writing I’ve been enjoying the wonderful fall weather. The kids had Fall Break last week so no school. They went back today and the house seems so quiet now, kinda nice. I’m looking out the living room window right now and the trees are so beautiful in their Autumn spendor. The colors are so drastically different, from deep green to yellow, gold, orange and bright red and even some purple. Amazing.

    Anyhow, keep up the good work, my friend and have an amazing time on your honeymoon!


  49. Busy day for me. I just got home from a weekend in NY. It was fun but time to get back to work. I hope you are able to get some rest and enjoy your honeymoon. I hope you post lots of pics.

  50. Jane I think you and Ty are going to be to busy “Honeymooning” to read any books. Have a great time from JIm and I.

  51. I am really looking forward to Halloween this year and expect to give out a lot of candy! Otherwise, business as usual. Have a great trip

  52. Hi Jane,

    Sounds like a fun but challenging writing period you are going through.

    I´m reading away on your harlequins and enjoying everyone of them. It´s fun to see how much you have changed during the years as a writer.

    I´m looking forward to Halloween because this one is the first as a Mother 🙂

    Have a great Honeymoon.

  53. I am decorating the house with fall decorations. I love fall! A favorite fall family activity is gathering in front of the TV every Saturday to watch college football.

    Good luck with finishing the book, and I hope you have a fabulous honeymoon!

  54. Hi Jane,
    That photo of you and Ty is STELLAR! I’m also finishing my first draft and in between I’m playing Grammy to my two week old granddaughter, who’s just as sweet as can be, of course! I’m looking forward to your next book and I hope you have THE BEST honeymoon!
    Lyndee H

  55. Hello Jane,
    I wish you a very happy upcoming Honeymoon. I’m sure it will be a fabulous trip. I love the photo you posted of you and Ty.
    Today I’m having dinner with my son. We are going to a Japanese Restaurant where they cook some of the food at your table. It’s been quite a while since I’ve been there and I’m looking forward to it.

  56. Hi Jane~
    What a beautiful picture of you and your husband!! I bet you two are getting excited for your honeymoon!
    Lately I have been working a lot and on my days off I have been volunteering a lot of my time to my girls’ school. Been busy decorating the house for Halloween too. LOVE this time of year. I really enjoy going to the kids’ class parties on Halloween and seeing all of the fun costumes. I have already filled 65 goodie bags for their classes and can’t wait. My husband and I are taking our kids to the hospital we work at on Halloween. We have a special tradition on our unit where the workers bring in their children (all dressed up) and they go from room to room and hand candy to the patients. It is amazing to watch the patients faces light up (and the children love it, too)! So I am just basically counting down the days before all of the fun begins! 🙂 Hope you and Ty have a safe trip and a wonderful honeymoon!!!

  57. I’m under pressure to complete a project. And I have to give someone bad news. I can’t go into specifics — I’ll just say it isn’t life threatening — but I just suck at telling people I care about something I know they don’t want to hear.

    Godspeed on completing your book!

  58. oh I can imagine the excitement building up for the trip!

    We are remodelling our kitchen with new floor, new to us cabinets, and painting the walls.

  59. Hi Jane!

    All work and no play makes for a dull Jane but in YOUR case it makes for a FUN and romantic honeymoon with your Surfer guy!

    I am settling in to my routine of Empty Nester Mom and although I do not LOVE it (yet)…..I am getting USED to it. As is Dad!

    Fall is here (as much as it can be) in the Central Valley.
    Pumpkins and Fresno State football!

    Enjoy your honeymoon!!


  60. Hi Jane,
    I have been so busy getting my house ready for all the cute trick or treaters coming by our home later this month.
    Hope you have a great honeymoon!


  61. Hi Jane,
    Your week sounds as busy as my weekend was. My birthday was last Friday and it seems like we worked the entire weekend. I didn’t even get to cut my b-day cake until Friday night around 9:30pm.
    I spent the rest of the weekend trying to fix the devastation done to my yard by the the log crews that thinned the pine trees. Talk about a huge mess. I will be cleaning up for a couple of weeks.

    I can’t wait to hear about yours and Ty’s adventures abroad.

  62. Good thoughts sent while on the homestretch. I’m still trying to catch up from being gone for three weeks!! Hubby and I went to Italy! Bills, laundry and lots of mail.

  63. I’m so excited for you! It would be hard for me to concentrate knowing I had that fabulous of a honeymoon waiting for me..

    Life is very stressful right now. Bill got into a car accident AND got a ticket. I hate to feel so poor especially after watching Biutiful the other that is poor..but money is, shall we say, tight?

    But tomorrow morning I am kidnapping my 4-year-old GD for breakfast with Grandma and that means breakfast, Sesame Street and Barbies!! And maybe some splashing in the rain if the weather permits..


  64. Jane,

    I know that you will make your deadline and in the near future we will have an awesome new read from you. Enjoy your honeymoon, can’t wait to hear about all the magical places you will visit and see some amazing pics.

    I am hanging out in Indy visiting with family and friends. Mostly I am here spending precious time with my Grandma, she is only 81, and has had Alzheimers for quite some time, so we all know that we are on borrowed time with her at this point. We visit a little each day and she knows who I am, which is a plus, she may not always know how old I am, and she doesn’t remember that I live in CA now and have for 20 yrs or that she lived with my for a few yrs after my Grandpa passed, but we walk and watch movies(Hallmark/Lifetime) and just enjoying sitting together, everyday that I am here I am taken a picture of the 2 of us and posted it on FB, so I can share my Gram with everyone, she has a beautiful smile.


  65. Hi Jane,
    Good luck with the book. I know it will be fabulous. It is my birthday this week and it is also my brother’s and sister’s birthday this month so we are having a family celebration at my house this Sunday and I’m getting ready for that.

  66. It’s been a busy week at work that has cut into my reading time. I’m reading book 17 of the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. I flew through this series in anticipation of book eighteen coming out next month. The books have made me laugh so much. Good luck on finishing the book. And yay for us – a new book from you to look forward to.

  67. I hope you have a productive week writing.
    I am vacationing at Miami Beach. Boy is it a long way from home!! Lots of action and interesting sites. Beautiful beach.

  68. Dear Jane: I am so sorry that I dumped on your blog.I can’t help it, it just all came out. Forgive me. Bad Mommy Patricia

  69. Good luck finishing the book, Jane. I hope you have an amazing honeymoon!

    Things have been crazy busy here lately with meetings at the kids school, family visiting all last weekend and we are going to a funeral tonight. I am so far behind on housework and other things I don’t know how I will ever catch up!

  70. Hi Jane..
    Good luck with the book..and Do Have a Great Honeymoon 🙂

    my youngest boy is learning to walk right now..busy watching him grows 🙂

  71. Good luck with the book- I don’t know how you do it! Have a fabulous honeymoon and be sure to pamper yourself- you surely deserve it!
    Been busy with several projects around the house. Also been enjoying lots of time with the precious grandkids. 🙂

  72. Hope you have a fantastic honey moon. You deserve it after that marathon writing session. Can’t wait to read the book though.

    You and Ty look so cute together. Thanks for sharing pictures of the wedding. Hope you post some more from your trip.

  73. Midterm exams- this week my students take them, next week I grade them. Busy getting ahead on my notes for class.

  74. I’m glad you’re on the final stretch. I’m sure it will feel good to complete the book. I hope your honeymoon will be the best. We got married two years ago (as of Tuesday). We never had a honeymoon and finally got to take one this week. We drove down to the coast for a couple days. it wasn’t much because we just don’t have a lot of money. But, it was nice to get away from town even if it was only a couple days. The weather held up good for us too and we ate lots of fresh seafood.

  75. Hi Jane,

    Greetings from across the other side of the world, Singapore. It seems like i’m the only male whose posting here…..but it’s cool!

    Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I just finished reading your novel, “Flirting with forty” and i’m seriously going, “Oh my GOSH!!!” Jane Porter is marrying a surfer…a hot body surfer to be precise (I believe so!!!)

    Jane, a BIG thank you to you and your team together with all those who inspire you.

    Thanks to you, I see from a woman’s perspective and enough of EGOISTIC, MACHO guys. You’ve shown me how strong women are, that they are so much stronger than men.

    Absolutely love your books and have just finished reading 5 of your books in these past 6 weeks, and am craving for more..

    Have a great Honeymoon, am ABSOLUTELY happy, no Jumping for joy for you.


  76. Well my September was pretty hectic and now after Canadian Thanksgiving this past weekend I am finally winding down. I, unfortunately, am on strike since Aug. 31 and we are definitely feeling the squeeze of strike pay. I didn’t want this, but have to follow the collective…. however, I do have my afternoons off and after an unreal month of September I am actually going to enjoy the time (even if I have 40% less on my take home pay). I’m starting with a quilting workshop on Saturday and have lots of projects and gardening lined up. And… I’m looking for a good read… any suggestions anyone?

  77. And, oooppss… I meant to wish you a wonderful honeymoon Jane and I am anxiously awaiting this new book of yours… I so enjoy your women’s fiction!

  78. Have a great time on your honeymoon! All your hard work will definately pay off when we all buy your new book!! Looking forward to it!! Enjoy

  79. You are amazing. I am trying to edit 10 pages of bylaws and that’s enough!!! I had botox in my head for headaches. Fat head is an “oxymoron” like jumbo shrimp. Those shots hurt. I hope you have a wonderful time. You deserve it! Won at Bingo this week, lost at Bunco. Life is always full of wonderful surprises and as Ann of Green Gables said Tomorrow is fresh with no mistakes, yet!

  80. Great picture of the newlyweds! I hope you both have an amazing honeymoon!

    A lot of things going on lately. I have been working full time, going out of state for Grad school interviews, just enrolled in a couple online classes and am still trying to be around as much as I can for my family. Busy, busy…but that’s life. 🙂

    Have a safe trip and congrats!

  81. Congratulations! What a beautiful couple.

    I am planning to return to Oahu in 2 wks and was hoping to meet Ty (and was desperately hoping that you’d be there as well) at his Surf School. I believe he opened his shop right after the last time I visited back in 2009. I will definitely stop by though while I am there.

    I wish you a wonderful honeymoon and happy life together. Aloha!

  82. Jane,

    Congratulations on finishing your book. I knew that you would do it. I hope that you enjoy your time with the boys before you and Ty go on your honeymoon. Have a fabulous time!

  83. Hi Jane,
    What a beautiful couple! Congrats and have a blast on your honeymoon! I have been on vacation (camping and hunting) the past couple of weeks. Had a great time and now it’s back to reality. Back to work and all of my other chores/errands. Next week I am throwing a huge Halloween party for friends and family – so that’ll be fun! Have a great weekend and a safe flight!

  84. My husband had his wisdom teeth out this week…not fun for him or me! Poor thing. I’m in a reading lull too…bums me out. But I am going away next weekend & bringing TWO books with me!

    Have a wonderful Honeymoon!

  85. Hi Jane,
    Hopefully you are in the final stretch of the book! I am busy at work, finishing up my first video editing project. Really happy to have it almost done. Trying to smile and be happy my girls are now 18. They are adults. So strange. I am hoping for a peaceful and quiet weekend….

    Happy honeymoon. Enjoy your dreamy trip!
    Michelle in Denver

  86. it says there are 95 comments but only 93 show up. Could the winners names be in one of the two that don’t show up

  87. Each comment is counted. So if someone replies to a primary post it is counted. Therefore you get a running total of comments not just how many posted. Make sense?

  88. And, it appears that Jane has not posted the winners yet. They will be in a post written by Jane with the numbers and names listed along with how to claim the prize. Good Luck to all! Keep checking in.

  89. Hi everyone,

    Apologies for the delay in posting the winners. I wrapped up my manuscript yesterday and had to take a break! I’ve been spending some quality time with my boys!

    Here are the winners –

    #27 – Melissa A
    #42 – Anne
    #60 – Lyndee H
    #78 – Mariska
    #89 – Crazy Cowgirl

    Shoot me an email with your mailing info and we’ll get the prizes in the mail soon!

    Have a great weekend!!

  90. It delighted me so to read your comment about the baths. When I am going through a very stressful time (which I happen to be), I also take 2 or even 3 soaks if I can squeeze it in.

    Best wishes on your honeymoon and all that follows it! 🙂

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