Mamacation 2011

Can’t believe my book is due a week from today.  And I still have 200+ pages to go.  This is going to be a week of extreme writing!  I might even half to check into a hotel for 48 hours to write round the clock…haven’t done that since I was newly divorced and trying to figure life out and didn’t even know which end was up!

However, once I do make my deadline, I’ve got something really fun to look forward to on Saturday, October 15th.  Best of all, I don’t have to travel for it.  It’s taking place right here in Seattle.  It’s….Mama-ca-tion!  I’m going, and if you feel like you need a little time to yourself, then maybe you need to come, too!

Mamacation 2011 is hosted by Hip Travel Mama and it’s a weekend of rest, relaxation, inspiration, great food, wonderful shopping (girls have to be able to shop) and more all at the stunning Four Seasons Hotel on Seattle’s waterfront.  This amazing girls weekend is a week away but there is still time to sign up for a weekend of spa, wine, food, Luxe Style Boutique shopping, style advice, inspirational speakers, workshops and more.


Check out the Agenda for the weekend and it’d be brilliant to see you there!!


  1. Jane, it looks like a wonderful weekend! I clicked on the agenda and saw that you are speaking. Those are some lucky ladies to get to hear you. I commented on the site, too! Hope you have a wonderful time. It will be a well deserved rest from all the writing! Enjoy yourself! love, judy

  2. It sounds great. I won’t be able to travel up from Southern Ca, but if I could, I would! Have a wonderful time when you are there!

  3. Oh this sounds like so much fun. I do get to go spend the night this weekend at my sister’s house for younger sister’s birthday and that always fun spending time with sisters

  4. It sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy yourself. And, I’m sure you’ll get the chapters done in the book on time too. You’re always so dedicated to everything you do.

  5. Hi! Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Have fun! My soon to be ex had his surgery so been taking care of the homefront, and my kids were at the hospital all day on monday-it was touch and go for awhile but he’s doing I’m still looking for a job, but doing odd jobs so it keeps me going and meeting all kinds of people. Today, I washed windows for this soldier who losted his arm, he lives down the rode from me, I don’t know many neighbors, and since I was having my son and his girlfrined over for dinner, I invited him for chicken wings and few other things. Today, its been 10yrs. since the war started and all these soldiers fighting for our freedom, some have come home and some aren’t so lucky! He has just spirit and he’d go over again if he hadn’t gotten hurt.He’s only 24yrs. old. My son willbe 21 on October 26th. Todd told us that he’s proud of being a soldier but needs to start all over being a civilian for he’s always been a soldier.He was so happy to meet some people that aren’t staring at him for he’s missing an arm, he’s getting fitted for one soon!
    He sure made my day!and he told me we all made his day alot better,too! You’ll get your writing done! Can’t wait to read your new book! Have fun!

  6. Sounds like a fun weekend! I’ve already got my girls weekend planned for that weekend, heading out with friends, lots of fun, time away. Good luck getting the writing done, somehow I think you’ll do it. 🙂 Besides, this rain doesn’t lend itself to anything else, right?

  7. Mamacation! Great event title! It sounds wonderful, exciting, and elegant…much like you;) You and all the participants are sure to have a fabulous time. I’m hoping, as many others are, that “the rest of us” will have the opportunity, at a different(less expensive) venue to visit and share our good wishes with you before you move to California. Looking forward to reading your upcoming books. Rock on, Jane!

  8. Sounds like a great time for all that will be going. Hope you enjoy yourself Jane and the rest of you that are going. Good luck with meeting your deadline. I know you can and will do it!

  9. Jane, It sounds absolutely wonderful. Wish I was closer. Hope you enjoy. Good luck getting your book finished up. I received my international package. Thank you so much. The candle smells so good, and there are so many pretty things in there. 🙂

  10. Sounds wonderful, enjoy your mommacation. I am Indy visiting my Gram for my vacation. i just love her to pieces and she has Alzheimers, so it is a tough road. But it is so worth being with her.

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