Book Club Call Ins

A couple weeks ago I got an email from a woman in Hawaii named Karen asking if I would be on Oahu in early February to join their bookclub for a discussion of She’s Gone Country.  I wasn’t going to be on Oahu then but offered to send the bookclub reader goodies, which included a copy of Flirtng with Forty.  As it turned out, I was able to call in and chat with the group for a half hour even though I couldn’t be there in person.  It was fun, easy and a great way to connect with readers.  Karen emailed me the next day a photo of the book club and I loved seeing who I chatted with the night before.

If you are part of a book club and choose one of my books to discuss, and it could be one of the new Brennan Sisters books, or one of my backlist, let me know so I can send your group fun reader goodies.  And if possible, I’ll call in and chat with you guys and answer whatever questions you might have!


  1. Jane,

    How fun! You are so generous! I wish I was in a book club, I would defintely recommend one of your books! I am getting excited about the Brennan sisters! Can’t wait!

  2. Jane, would you consider doing a skype type of thing? I’m the manager of a tea room and we’re starting the Book Lovers Tea Salon and while there are some authors in town, it would be great to have others join by video conferencing. Just let me know. Thanks.

  3. Jane, you have such a big heart.
    Like Kim I wish I was in a book club ,but alas I am a book club of one. 🙂
    I am so looking forward to the new Brennan sisters books.

  4. I am another book club of one, but I think it is great that you are doing so much for those who read your books in their book clubs. Can’t wait to read your new books!

  5. I belong to a book club that consists of 4 of my good friends, my daughter and myself. We try to meet about once a month;so far we have been able to read and share all your books. So i am sure when the newest book is released we will have a lunch get-together. so it will be one of the new brennen sisters books or the ones you have coming out in june or july that we pick from your list. (right now we are reading sarah pekkanen’s books.) thanks for all you do for your readers! take care!

  6. hi Jane1 i think that was awesome that yu called in and talked with the group..that was just so awesome. I wish i could get a group together to read one of your books,i have a few friends who don’t read that much and the ones that do read have already read your books so were waiting for a new one from you…soon I hope! Anyways, have a good week!

  7. This makes me want to start a book club ! You are such a fun, in touch with your readers Author Jane.
    Can’t wait to read your new series.

  8. This is where the book clubs of one meet! I love this blog as you never feel alone! Can’t wait to read your new material. Summer is just around the corner!

  9. hey book club girls, if one of you sees my posting I think I may know one of your members? left back row, her name would be Marie (my cousin)! If it’s her, say “Aloha” from her cousin Carole in Michigan, Thanks!
    Hi Jane, Hope the packing and all is going well. Take Care…

  10. I’m not currently in a book club, but I’d love to join one sometime…maybe once I am done with school in a few months. I’ll have more time to read for fun! Love the photo of the ladies in the Oahu book club. They look like a fun bunch and I’m sure they were thrilled with the call in from you. That is awesome.

  11. How lovely! Just like you to do something like this. Looking forward to reading your next book…and the ones after that.
    All the best to you and your family as you continue to pack up and move to your sunny new adventure.

  12. I agree with kribss above – this is why your readers love you. You’re busy with packing and life and you take time out to be a presence in a very creative way. Lucky book club! I’m trying to find one. These ladies look beautiful and like they’re having a great time (although I’ll say it if no one else is gonna, the way the camera flash hit a couple of the ladies eyes —- it’s dang spooky LOL)

    Definitely looking forward to the Brennan Sisters.

    Very sorry I missed wishing you a happy birthday, I truly hope it was nice. My daughter’s in her jr high’s version of Grease, and I’m on the costune committee. I don’t think I’ll have my life back til the play closes in early March. :o)

    Last but not least, have to pass this along. I’m addicted to Hawaii Five-0. Liked it as a kid, love it now. Once when my daughter was watching the opening credits she says, hey is that Jane’s Ty(I love it, “Jane’s” Ty) surfing?! And I chuckled and said no sweetie I don’t think so, and she says, why not – he’s cuter than those guys! Well, ok, I have to agree. So, when are we gonna see Ty surfing on tv? (kidding – kind of lol)

    Hope you day is awesome

    peace out

  13. I’m so excited because I just pre-ordered A Good Woman on Amazon. 🙂
    (Now to wait the 6 1/2 months until it comes out…)

    Book clubs are so much fun. We have read such a diverse group of authors in the club I belong to, from Carson McCullers to Tuman Capote to Kristin Hannah. Next up for us is the Spellman Files by Lisa Lutz.

    We did three months of your books Jane, FWF, OMO, and Ms. Perfect and all 16 of us bought most of your back list. We all loved being able to compare and contrast the different elements from your characters!

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