Happy 3rd Birthday, Mac!

It was my littlest guy’s 3rd birthday yesterday…can you believe it?  So many of you have been reading my blog and chatting with me since before I was even pregnant with him and now he’s a boy…playing Viking and knights and pirates.  He loves to dress up and wield a sword…and has quite an impressive sword collection at this point.  I’d be worried if I hadn’t had two other boys before him and realize this is just a boy loving being a boy!

For his pirate party we invited his preschool class and his friends from soccer and five were able to come.  Every time a little boy or girl arrived he’d beam and say, “I have a friend here!”  We had a bounce house in the back yard and a pirate theme table with pirate loot….hats and swords and boxes of treasure, plus a treasure chest pinata.

My sister, Kathy, sent balloons since she couldn’t join us and Mac loved them!  They were huge and colorful and he thought they needed some sword fighting.  I convinced him they were better off without swords and daggers but maybe he could gently punch them…

And then at 6 pm when Mac’s preschool friends left, I had a few close family friends come over and have an adult dinner.  He was in the middle of jumping in the bounce house with Jamette and my big boys when the pirates arrived looking for their lost treasure.

Armed with a map, the pirates had Mac help them “hunt” for their treasure hidden in our yard, collecting gold coins along the way.  Mac loved his pirate friends and I love Austin Hambling and his friends for making a three year old’s birthday dreams come true!

Thanks pirates, thank you friends and family, and thank you sweet fierce Mac for being such a fun little boy.  I love being your mommy!

PS  I’m giving away 3 prizes in honor of Mac’s 3rd birthday…bring me up to speed, what are you doing, what are you reading, how are things?  Three winners will be drawn from the comments below on Monday morning so you have all weekend to post.  Good luck and have a terrific weekend!


  1. I am reading Suddenly You by Lisa Kleypass and waiting for Tuesday’s release of the new Nora Roberts book. Happy birthday Mac!!

  2. Happy Birthday Mac!! It has been fun watching you grow.
    Home with the family this weekend. I hope the weather is nice so we can get outside!

  3. I can’t believe Mac is three years old already. Yes, quite a few of us have been on the blog when Mac was only a sparkle in his mamas eye.
    Those Big pirates are a hoot. Wish I could have had cool parties when I was little but back in the 60’s a cake and balloons was about it.
    I am going to my niece’s 18th b day get together at my parents house tonight.
    I washed the dog todayand I plan on doing some yard work this weekend. I am figuring out my Kindle and reading it at night. I love how you can make the fonts larger. I don’t need to wear the readers when I read the kindle.

    Give Mac a birthday hug for me.

  4. Awwww, Mac’s birthday looked wonderful. We’re having Bella’s 2nd birthday party on May 5th. How time flies … but I’m enjoying every new thing she does and each stage of her life.

    I just finished a book and am looking to find my next read. Any suggestions?

  5. He is growing so fast. Right now I am not reading just preparing for finals. And I must share great news, we finally closed on our house. I just love it, it needs some work but that will come in time. I am finally sooo excited to have a room we call the quite room, which is strictly for homework time and reading lots and lots of reading. I can’t wait until after finals to begin reading. Have a great week Jane. 🙂

  6. Happy Birthday Mac! What a great pirate party you had!

    I am reading a book called Sierra Falls by Veronica Wolff. I just started it and I’m liking it so far…only on Chapter 3. I have a busy weekend ahead, so this afternoon I’m taking time to just relax, read, and enjoy the sunshine. Happy weekend to you Jane!

  7. What a great party! Happy Birthday to Mac! Just finished reading “These Girls” by Sarah Pekkanen; great book! Went to the Speed Art Museum in Louisville with my daughter with tickets i won. Enjoy your weekend Jane.

  8. Happy Birthday, Mac! What a great party! I remember the sword days, love having a boy!

    This weekend starts with a memorial for my husband’s grandmother. She lived to 101 years old, so it truly is a celebration of a live well lived!

    On Sunday, I have to take my tomboy, trumpet playing, soccer and softball playing daughter shopping for a party dress for her 8th grade dance. I’m hoping we have a fun day, but oh my, this could be rough!!! LOL

    Enjoy your weekend, thank you for sharing your family with us all, too. It’s wonderful to see! 🙂

    Sharon A

  9. Hi Jane,

    I love Mac’s medieval style! What a funny little guy.

    Looks like a relaxing weekend ahead for us, pizza at my sisters tonight and cleaning/laundry tomorrow. Oh wait, did I say relaxing? Ahh well, most of it at least.

    The cold weather has returned to the northeast so we will hunker down and stay warm inside. 🙂

    Hope the CA house is coming along well!


  10. Hi Jane! I love when big boys take time to have fun with little boys…that looks like a great party, he must have been in heaven!

    I’m reading “A grown-up kind of pretty” by Joshilyn Jackson. It’s good.

    Much love to you and Mac and looking forward to having you “just down the road”.

    xoxo, Shannon in Tustin
    (no contest)

  11. Hi, Jane!

    It sounds like Mac had a great party! I love the teenage pirates – it looked like some of them took liberties with the eye makeup to appear like Captain Jack Sparrow! 😉

    I’m reading The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom, which I can barely put down. I’m contemplating ordering Fifty Shades of Grey, but I don’t have anything on my “slated-to-read” list.

    My “baby”, who turns 6 in about 3 1/2 weeks, just lost her 2nd tooth yesterday. She’s going to her first sleepover tonight.

    I’m going to be hoping to get a lot scratched off my “to-do” list this weekend, although I know that tomorrow morning will probably be lazy!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  12. I am reading Kristin Lamb’s social media book, “Are You There Blog, it’s me Writer.”
    For fiction, I’m reading “She’s Gone Country” by Jane Porter of course!
    I’m planning our 8y daughter’s party and I can’t believe it’s been nine years since I was big, fat, and pregnant in the summer in St. Louis. Geez, I never thought that pregnancy would end–but it was so worth it to have her.

  13. Happy Birthday! I have 2 grandsons that are 3. Love that age. They are full of imagination and energy! I read 3-5 books every week. So, today it’s White Witch by Trish Milburn.

  14. They grow up way, way, way too fast! My “baby” turns 15 this summer & I’m not believing/handling it very well. LOL! Happy 3rd birthday, matey Mac! Been visiting with my family this week so not a lot of time to read. But we visited a lot of historical places right in our backyard which is thankfully both fun & free!

  15. Wow-hard to believe Mac is 3 already!! Happy birthday big guy! I just started reading Janet Daley’s Bannon Brothers-Trust, so I will have that finished probably tonight. I usually read 2 or 3 books a weekend. After that we will be doing some planting. Finally getting the hubby out to make my boxes. And on Sunday since it is supposed to be gorgeous here in our lovely Pacific Northwest-hubby and I are heading out for a ride on the Harley!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  16. Happy Birthday Pirate Mac!!!! I loved giving Birthday parties like that when my kids were younger! It’s a hoot! I have been busy earning my way to go on a mission trip to Ireland this summer for a kids camp. Although, I managed to squeeze in the Hunger Games books! Great read! Never to busy to find time to read!

  17. Hi Jane, sounds like Mac had a GREAT birthday party!. The Friends of the Library had a sale last weekend. They only had 2 of your books left when I got there, Flirting with Forty and Odd Mom Out. Since I already had Flirting with Forty I bought Odd Mom Out and started reading it today. I am having a hard time putting it down. I usually read mysteries but I really really am enjoying this book.

  18. What a fantastic looking party set-up! And love the little man all dressed up in his finery. My grandsons love dress-up too. My daughter used two-liter bottles to make jet-packs for her son’s second birthday party. Everyone was zooming around. A lot of fun!

    Happy Birthday, late, Mac. Very cool!

  19. Hi Jane!
    Mac looks like he had the time of his life!!! I am on call this weekend and I have recently been reading Catherine Laskey Guardian series. I need to clean, but I probably won’t 🙂 my next reading project is “She’s gone country”
    Hope you have a great weekend!!

  20. Happy 3rd birthday, Mac!

    I am playing catch-up on the A to Z blogging challenge and then have to prepare for a few upcoming book tours that I am hosting! So, a busy weekend of reading and writing. The weather is going to be crummy here, so not too much outdoor time.

    Have a great weekend!

  21. It’s so hard to think Mac is already 3. Time sure goes by fast. I absolutely love the theme for his birthday. It looks like everyone had a fun time. the pictures are awesome. Not too much happening around here lately. Just taking it one day at a time.

    Happy Birthday Mac!!!!!!!!!

  22. Happy 3rd birthday Mac! It sounds like fun to hunt for treasure! Reminds me of the easter egg hunts my parents made for me when I was a kid. It’s always fun to go looking for hidden things.

    I just finished up my paralegal program! Last day was this past Wed when I had my last final. YAY! I enjoyed the program but I am so happy that I won’t be studying all the time anymore. Now I have to clean the house because it has been neglected while I’ve been in school this semester. But more importantly I have more time for reading! I’m currently reading Elisabeth Naughton’s “Enraptured.”

  23. Hi Jane~
    So glad that little Mac had such a great time at his birthday. It’s also great the the Big Boys played along. My kids are 13 and 9, so I remember the joy they had at their themed parties.
    I will be busy, as always, an open house on Saturday and a meeting on Sunday, Sunday night I have to get the 9 year old to baseball practice. The summer hasn’t even gotten here yet, and Baseball is already in full swing (no pun intended).
    I am reading The Help… I refuse to watch the movie until I read the book.
    Have a great weekend!
    Heather K.

  24. I am new to your blog as I just recently discovered and read Odd Mom Out and Mrs Perfect. Loved Both! I’m searching your comments as well to find my next good read – loving the recommendations! Just relaxing this weeknd as my baby turned 8 last weekend and had a HUGE “dog themed” party! Enjoy yours!

  25. Happy Birthday, little man! Boy, it’s hard to believe three years have passed. I remember when you annouced you were expecting. By the looks of the fantastic pictures, a great time was had by all. Great theme, Jane! This weekend, I will be reading, writing and getting ready to start a new job.

  26. Hi Jane! Happy Birthday to your little guy! How fun to have the excitement of a little one around, but I know I don’t have the energy! I’m reading ” Out Of My League” by Dirk Hayhurst. I’m just a baseball lover through and through! Have a fabulous weekend!


  27. Happy Birthday to one cute knight! A quiet weekend of reading is in order…I just finished a biography on The Monkees and am debating whether to reread Flirting with Forty or A Weekend With Mr. Darcy…decisions, decisions! May you and yours have a fabulous weekend! 🙂

  28. what an awesome boy birthday! we are leaving tonight with 3 of my daughter’s friends for king’s dominion (kinda like the six flags of va) and her early 10th birthday party. we’re staying in a hotel and having a pizza party after a day at the park tmrw. the girls are very excited. i just got back from NOLA today, so I’m already tired. 🙂

  29. Aye, happy happy birthday Mac. It sounds like an exciting and fun time for all of you! That was really cute how he announced the arrival of his friends.

    I am eagerly awaiting my daughters arrival tonight! She’s staying for a long weekend break from out-of-state college. I have missed her like crazy and can’t wait to catch up. Mexican food and shopping are definitely on our list of things to eat and do.

    Oh, and I’m reading “Mrs. Kennedy and Me”…. very interesting book.

    Have a great weekend, Jane!

  30. Time sure does fly! Hard to believe Mac is already three. My boys will be 16 (in May) and 14 (in July) and it only seems like yesterday they were turning 3 and we were having pokemon and hulk parties 🙂

    We are all ready for summer and counting down the 20 school days we have left. Enjoy your weekend 🙂

  31. Happy Birthday Mac!! Looks like your Mama gave you a great party.

    This weekend I am driving to my sons house so he can work on my truck. The great thing about that is I get to see all my grand babies. Since I live 150 miles away I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like.
    Right now I’m reading Natural Born Charmer by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Very good book and author.

  32. Happy Birthday Mac! It seems just like yesterday you were born. I’ve never met you, but I have been lucky enough to meet your mom and she’s pretty terrific and a great writer to boot!
    Have a great rest of the birthday!

  33. I’m submitting to a bunch of contests. One of them is the Emerald City Opener. I’m so excited that you’re giving a workshop there this year. I loved the one you did a few years ago with Liza P. and Megan C.

    Happy Birthday Mac!

  34. So glad Mac had such a great party! That will be something he will always remember.

    This weekend is all about unpacking for me. We just moved to a new apartment and I have a lot to do.

    Just got done reading The Hunger Games and am waiting patiently to go get the second (and third) book in the series.
    Until then I am going to try reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

  35. Happy Birthday Mac!! I wish I had a boy (I have all Girls) that theme is too cute. Our Weekend is Full of Birthday Parties, my husband has a one day trip on Sunday and we are getting ready for our new puppy to come home. Hope you have a great weekend with your Family Jane.

  36. Sounds like a really fun birthday for Mac!
    YAY for being three years old Mac!

    We have had a tough week. Our granddaughter had a high temperature last Sunday night and went to the emergency clinic. Long story short, even when the rash came out after the fever dropped it was decided by her Dr. that it was a garden variety virus and not one of the really bad ones. Thanks be to God! It was a scary couple of days there, but we are on the other side.

    I am reading the latest Robyn Carr and Jodi Thomas books right now. Hope your writing is going well.

  37. Hi Jane,
    I loved reading about Mac’s party! Wow, how much fun! I wish I was in his preschool class and was invited to that party. Good memories made for him that day. I love how those older boys dressed as pirates and helped him find the treasure. That was really great.
    I have a quiet weekend in store. My son is gone on a weekend vacation with his dad, so I have books to read and DVDs to watch. I am currently reading the last of the Hunger Games books – The Mockingjay. I have loved these books. I love the way the author pulls me into the story.

  38. the party sounded wonderful and I know all about boys, having 4 brothers and a son myself, he always was dressing up mostly a sports player or a cowboy or acting like a T-Rex//anyways been reading Reid’s new book Maps of Fate, an awesome read but I love history about our country and romance. Been working finally with a newborn at my home daycare and Adela is a beautiful baby and so far she’s really good! Getting my daughter ready for prom, got the dress and shoes, working on the jewelry and her hair-prom is on May 5th..she’s going with friends.I went to my friends country wedding last weekend and had the time of my life, even danced most of the night and met some good looking cowboys–my son was my bodyguard for I’ve never been out dancing or mingling with guys so it was a new exiperence for my son anyways..my daughter had fun,too! So thats about all I’ve been doing! Mac’s is so lucky to have you and Ty and his brother in his life! Have a wonderful weekend!

  39. Jane.
    Sounds like a fun and successful party. Watching my 16 month old grandson and no time for a computer as you know. Have a good weekend.

  40. Happy Birthday Mac! I bet you had an awesome time at your pirate party. I’m celebrating my birthday on Sunday by going out to brunch with my family.

  41. I love the picture of Mac dressed as a pirate! He is adorable! Keep him little as long as possible! Enjoy your weekend with the little Blackbeard!

  42. Happy Birthday to Mac! What a great party!!!

    Busy weekend with some fun and some work, but our Europe vacation is coming up soon!

  43. Happy 3rd Birthday Mac!
    I’ve been spending as much time outside as I can, before the flies get too bad.

  44. I am having a lovely weekend… yesterday I traveled from Montreal to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island to attend my daughter Rachel’s graduation from the Culinary Institute of Canada as a Pastry Chef… graduation ceremony tomorrow! On Sunday I travel to Halifax to spend a couple of days with my dear friend Laura… then back to Montreal by train Wed/Thurs (no long drive!). I have socks to knit and a book to read for the train and I am SO enjoying my time with my girl – haven’t seen her since Christmas – and looking forward to best friend time in Halifax.

  45. 3?!?!?! Really?!?! Wow, I have been following your blog for a long time now. 🙂 This weekend I am deciding whether to join a friend on an impromptu trip to Barcelona Free place to stay… enabling comments are encouraged.

  46. Happy Birthday Mac!!

    I am reading The Third Scroll by Dana Marton. It’s a new genre for her, fantasy. Comes out May 1st. I recently read Jill Shalvis Lucky In Love too. LOVED it. It’s her next book in the Lucky Harbor series.Comes out the end of May. So many good books coming out soon.
    Took my 3 boys to see The Three Stooges this afternoon. Very funny and very much like the old TV shows. lol Silly stuff.

    Lisa B

  47. I’m going to see South Pacific tomorrow! Sooo excited. I’m reading AWeek to Be Wicked by Tessa Dare. Have a great weekend!

  48. What a fun birthday party! I work tomorrow after 3 days off. My sister and her doggie are visiting from Alaska. There hasn’t been any reading time. She is painting my house and I am supervising!! haha

  49. Hola Jane
    Happy Birthday Mac!
    Just getting home a day of Fiesta here in SA-TX. Watched the Battle of Flowers Parade tomorrow the night parade.

  50. Your little Mac is sooooo cute. You are so blessed. Nothing to exciting this weekend. I am finishing up Crossfire by Joann Ross. I will then start Trouble Me by Laura Moore.

  51. Jane,

    What a fun Birthday for Mac! Thanks for always sharing with us.

    I have been reading a lot lately on my Nook, reading is keeping my stress levels down. I have download some of your older Presents, and have been going back and forth between those and a inspired series by Debra Clopton.

    I have pre-ordered “The Good Woman.” I thought it was kind of funny, I got an e-mail from Barnes and Noble asking me to review it. I was thinking, don’t the realize that it hasn’t come out yet! On the other hand I guess I could tell everyone that it will be great because all of your books are!

    Have a great weekend!

    Also Don’t pick me, I was one of the 13 who won last contest. Thanks for your generosity!

  52. I’m glad Mac had a wonderful pirate birthday. Three is such a fun age, my youngest grandchild will be 2 in June. I had a fun time this evening, I went to a Taste of Home Cooking School demonstration. I had always wanted to go to one and so had my sister so she got us VIP tickets to attend. I learned how to make a peanut butter cheesecake, can’t wait to make that one. As far as what I’m reading, I’m re-reading City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare, I really enjoy that series.

  53. Jane,

    So many things going on, I have fell down in my faithful reading of your blog. I totally miss it. Hard to believe Mac is 3 years old.

    I have been reading a variety of things, as I joined the RonCom newsletter after last years contest. I have read Margaret Brownley, Juila Quinn & Rachel Gibson (as they are coming to Couer d’Alene) . Oh, and a Carol Brown spree, also, as her older books can easily be read in one sitting and bring back old values.

    Just starting The Hunger Pains A Parody per my nephews request and waiting for an Andy Andrew’s book, The Final Summit.

    Well catch you later and glad all is good.

    Also, writing is for you! (in response to facebook post). I totally enjoy your books.

  54. Happy Birthday Mac !

    i’m reading Department 19 by Will hill at this moment..really like this book 🙂

    and we’re going to beach this weekend..yay

  55. Happy Birthday Mac!!

    I’m reading A NIGHT TO REMEMBER by Walter Lord. It is a brilliant non-fiction about the Titanic.

  56. Happy Birthday to Mac! Three is such a great age where everything is exciting. I am just about to start Running Hot by Jayne Ann Krentz and our son is back from college for the weekend to work and bring a bunch of stuff back since the semester is almost over. Time does go so quickly since it seems like the year just started.

  57. Happy Birthday Mac!!! I can’t believe you are already three!

    I am going to my sister’s today to spend the weekend for my birthday! She is having a family dinner for me. I am really looking forward to it.

  58. Oh Jane, those pics of your son’s birthday party are just too precious. My granddaughter just turned 2 and I’m loving spending every second with her. The little ones grow up way too fast! Enjoy it while they’re still young.

  59. Happy Birthday to Mac! I can’t believe he’s 3 already!
    He’s such a cute boy and it looks like he had an amazing third birthday party!
    I had a 4 day weekend that started on Wednesday since it was Israel 64th Independence day eve.
    On Thursday we had a big BBQ with my dad’s side of the family in a park and it was very nice and yummy LOL
    Yesterday my nephew had a party for his birth- he’s 2 months already but since my sister had a c section and he was born really small they waited a little bit until the party.
    I read a lot of books in the last few weeks and I was even able to discover 3 new authors (to me at least they are new) that I enjoyed their books: Francis Ray, Jeanette Murray and Liz Matis.
    I also read 3 books by one of my favorite authors, Jill Shalvis that were good.

  60. Aye matie! What a great theme. I remember three, what a fun age. Mac is just growing up before our eyes. He is such a reflection of his mom!

    Just finished the Fifty Shades trilogy, very disappointing. I have been checking out Prague Winter by Madeline Albright. Have you heard about it or read it? It sounds interesting and she is such a bright woman.

    How is your book coming along?

  61. Just finished Kristan Higgins’ newest… as always, I laughed and I cried…. always so sweet and funny…

    1. Mina, I’m wiaitng for my copy of Somebody to Love by Kristan Higgins to arrive and I can’t wait to read it!

  62. What a great post! I love that age- so many discoveries, and just enough fantasy left to make it fun. I am reading the Grey trilogy for our next bookclub meeting- it’s pretty risque- I want to see what happens, though! Before that was Out Of Time by K. Truscott- very good story:) and a local!

  63. Happy Birthday Mac! Wow, time has gone so fast…I remember when you told us all you were expecting! Looks like Mac had an amazing party and tons of fun- nice work momma! 🙂
    I’ve bee pretty darn sick the past week and a half- pneumonia. Starting to feel a little better, but wish I was 100%. I would love to be outside doing some much needed yard work and enjoying the nice weather. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  64. Jane,

    Sounds like an awesome party for an awesome birthday boy!! He is so cute!! I can’t believe it’s been 3 yrs!! Thank you for sharing the pics!!


  65. I am so enjoying watching Mac grow up. He’s adorable and I love his party. Looks and sounds fun.

    Just finished ‘She’s Gone Country’ and passed it on to a friend who is beyond thrilled to start reading it. She’s a big fan. Lazy day today. I have a James Patterson book to start, house organizing and a friend just had a baby yesterday…so much fun!

  66. Hi Jane,
    Happy birthday to your sweet boy. I just got home today after a 4 day trip to NOLA. I was visiting my cousin whose husband is stationed there. I am currently reading Fifty Shades of Grey.


  67. Happy birthday, MAC! Wow,3 years old, your such a big boy! I take care of a little girl named Kara and she will be 3 in August. Your pirate party looked like so much FUN-I love your balloons! Say HI to your mommy.

  68. Wow, 3 years old already, what a treasure he is and what a FUN party!

    What’s up with me? Well, I’ve done a lot of work in the garden and things are looking great there. We should have lots and lots of homemade salsa this year because we have 40+ tomato plants and many pepper plants too. Greenbeans look wonderful and pickling cucumbers are popping up. I love growing my own veggies and fruits!

  69. I cannot believe he is that big already! I am waiting for a couple of books I ordered to come in and enjoying my new rv. I need to get my Macroeconomics paper written and visit my mom tomorrow.The semester is over next week and I graduate on The 10th.So busy but so worth it!Have a great week, Jane!

  70. Wow, what a fun party- I bet Mac was worn out!! Love the pics and all of the decorations!! Well done!
    Been a busy week here between work being crazy and more importantly, a family member having to undergo a couple emergency surgeries. Looking forward to normal and less stressful week to come!!

  71. Those balloons are neat! Big Happy Day to Mac!
    We went to a sheep shearing fair at Kelsey Creek Park and walking there and back got some miles in for me. Not as nice today so slept in and did the Sunday lazy day stuff, reading the newspaper in bed and checking out plants and reading and relaxing. Love weekends!

  72. Happy Birthday Mac.

    I had a treasure hunt for our grandsons and granddaughter and they enjoyed it.

    I have been aching badly so not doing much but keeping up with laundry/dishes

  73. Jane,

    So glad to hear that Mac had a wonderful birthday. He deserves it. Isn’t it so amazing to see how his little personality has developed in 3 short years? Here’s to many more adventures with your little guy.

  74. Hi Jane,

    Happy Birthday Mac 🙂

    Here time goes by so quickly and soon it´s Summer.

    But we had time to go swimming as a Family on Saturday and the little ones love the water.

    Have a nice week.

  75. Hey Jane
    That is so great,looks like every had a great time including the birthday boy! Happy Birthday Mr. Mac!
    Time flys! Can’t believe he is 3 years old.

    I am reading Flirting with Forty… Again…. Since I just got back from Hawaii (first time to Hawaii) I miss it already! Thank you so for the list! Love Hawaii!!!

    You don’t have to include me in contest…. I do like you your prizes and reader goodies… But Let someone else win : )

    Happy writing! Jane! Happy May!

    I have a new email… Need to sign up again for your newsletters under new email!

  76. Hi everyone,
    Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes for Mac. He loved every minute of it and is still enjoying his loot!! And speaking of loot, our blog winners are –

    #30 Amy P
    #5 Bermudaonion(Kathy)
    #12 Tracy Haas

    Shoot me an email with your address so I can send you your loot too! 🙂
    Hope you’re all having a great start to the week!!

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