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Love my Harlequins!

I have officially started writing my new Harlequin Presents as I anticipate the late May 22nd release of my next Harlequin Presents, Not Fit for a King?, which has gotten a stellar 4 1/2 star Top Pick review from RT.  I try so hard not to get attached to reviews, good or bad, because I give each book my all, and pour my heart and soul into every manuscript, but it does feel good to know this one resonated with the reviewer.

I do hope you’ll love Not Fit for a King?, too.  It’s the first book of my royalty duo, (twin princesses separated at birth!) with the second one, Emmeline’s story, out in late June.  So even if you don’t ordinarily read Harlequins and prefer my women’s fiction, I think a lot of you would like this one.  The heroine, Hannah, is American…Texan…and the hero is a gorgeous king (former professional soccer player from a ‘kingdom’ on the Adriatic Sea) and Hannah is having to impersonate an European princess and she’s completely out of her element.  It’s a fun, romantic twist on The Parent Trap!

Fit For a King

While readers wait for Not Fit For A King? to hit store shelves, I’m happily writing a new Harlequin, due May 15th, and this new story is set on the glorious Amalfi Coast with wonderful Positano and Sorrento and Pompeii all making appearances.  A year ago Ty Gurney, my sister Kathy Porter, and my older sons spent a week in Sicily and another week on the Amalfi Coast in an unforgettable vacation that is fueling this book and taking all the photos and pictures and memories in my head and turning them into something beautiful and passionate, something I am hoping my readers will love.

Must go to bed now as I can’t wait to wake up in the morning and get to writing.  I love my hero in this new story, Drakon (or Dragon in Greek).  Perhaps later in the week I can share some of the ‘pictures’ I’m using to inspire this story.  If Pinterest can throw up pics everywhere, why can’t I?

PS  Are you on Pinterest?  Should I be???  Fill me in and you could win one of 3 mystery prizes that feature cool Starbuck drink cards, hot, sexy heroes and glamorous international destinations…!  Contest runs through Saturday night and I’ll announce the winners Sunday morning.



65 Comments on “Love my Harlequins!

  1. Hi Jane,
    I am not on pinterest. Could be fun but feels like one more thing. You do have great pix so it could really work for you.

    Meanwhile, I am looking forward to the twins’s stories. I love your passionate heroes.

  2. I’m not brave enough to sign up to Pinterest. I can see myself becoming so involved that nothing else gets done.

    NOT FIT FOR A KING? looks like such a wonderful read.

  3. I am on Pinterest & I love it! So many great ideas for recipes, crafts, books and a ton of other things. I will admit that once I start looking around it’s easy to lose track of time. Looking forward to your new Presents.

  4. I have a pinterest account but don’t use it. I like pinterest but have no time to use it.I like browsing around on there now and then and I’ve seen authors use it to showcase your books. Kind of like a pin up story board. Very neat.

    Lisa B

  5. No, I am not on Pinterest. I already have enough to do.
    I can’t wait for the next Presents to come out. Love the name Drakon..real sexy name. Those books are just the perfect size when I am busy. Like right now.:)
    I would rather be able to read a book straight through like watching a movie, you know.
    As for what I have been up to…watering all the new trees we planted. I have been spring cleaning inside and out and working in the yard. I am bone tired and hoping for rain so I can take a day off from yard work.
    Counting down the days until my daughter graduates from college. That would be May 5.
    Counting down the days until the Avengers movie comes out May 4th. I gotta see Thor saving the world again (Chris Hemsworth).

  6. yes Jane, i am on pinterest! i love it: and i have several of your books on my board ;”books i like”. it is similar to when i was younger and i used to clip pics out of magazines and glue them in a notebook….i have alot of fun with it.

  7. Hi Jane! I love being on Pinterest! I limit myself with time on there because you could probably spend the whole day on it. It is a great resource for everything: I use it mainly for organizing recipes, crafting, and books!

  8. Yes! Be on pinterest! I LOVE how I can pin something I like & lose it in the vast world of the internet… or just flat forget where I found it to start with. 🙂 My “favorites” bar is a lot slimmer now & true filled with my favorites.

    I’m looking forward to your new book!

  9. I’m not on pinterest. I have heard that it is great. 🙂 Can’t wait to read Not Fit For a King?

  10. No Jane never heard of pinterest. There are so many things out there I just can not seem to keep up. I can not wait to read your new book. I love love love harlequin reads. I often go to the library and resell shops and I usually buy them all up. Have a great day writing Jane.

  11. Your excitement about starting the new book is so lucid, Jane. There is no doubt this will be another fantastic read. I have been on Pinterest, it is awesome. Neebies to Pinterest beware, it can consume valuable writing time or whatever else you “should” be doing. 🙂

  12. I think you’d like Pinterest, I’m not on it all the time but my daughter is on it a lot. I’ve posted a few things on my Autism board this month because it’s Autism awareness month. My oldest grandson has Aspergers so it’s a cause that’s near and dear to my heart. I also use my recipe and craft boards. I could see where you could post your covers and any pictures that inspired your books, I’d love to see those. You need an invitation to join Pinterest, I’m sure a bunch of your author friends could send you one, but I’d be happy to if you need one.

  13. Hey Jane,

    I am not a pinterest and only wish I had time to figure it out…heck I have issues posting pictures to my facebook page for my family and friends to see LOL!

    So excited about picking up your new novels!

  14. Your book sounds wonderful and I look forward to it greatly. I am not on Pinterest but have to think about all the things out there that require time. Best wishes.

  15. I’m not on Pinterest but am wondering if I should be. is it easy!!!

    Looking forward to the Presents.

  16. I am not on Pinterest and don’t really know much about it all. I’ll have to read all the comments about it on your blog here so I can learn something about it from those who are on it. My daughter and I both read your books, and she has the UK version of “Not Fit For a King” and we both read it and loved it. The Parent Trap was always a favorite in our house so we particularly enjoyed your story.

  17. I am not on it and don’t really want to be. There are so many tracking programs and invasions of privacy I just don’t buy in to it. It’s scary what others know and how it is being used. I really do wish others would think before relinquishing information.

  18. Hi Jane,

    The first thing that I needed to do when you asked if we where on Pinterest was to google it 🙂

    I had no idea what it was.
    So on the question if you should be on it I have no idea but I love you web page and it´s here I read your blog and follow along 🙂


  19. I am not on Pinterest and don’t need to be. I have enough that takes up time without adding something else.

    I love all your books so am looking forward to your new one NOT FIT FOR A KING. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  20. Congratulations on your upcoming release, Jane! I have heard of Pinterest but I’m not on it. Actually I haven’t really looked at it. It sounds fun but with so many social media sites I’m not anxious to join another.

  21. Jane, I totally love love love Pinterest….I have gotten tons of cleaning tips, craft ideas, menus/recipes…It’s FANTASTIC! 🙂

    Also love your books 🙂

  22. I am not the best one to ask. I haven’t hopped upon the Facebook or Twitter wagons, so I’m not hopping on the Pinterest wagon.
    I make time for blogging, but even that makes me feel guilty sometimes, because there’s so much more I should be doing instead.

  23. If you have time- sign up for pinterest! Great ideas for house decorating, crafts, clothes and recipes!!

    Wow- I can not believe how much work your doing in cranking out these books! I love your women’s fiction but might have to check a few of these out : )

  24. Hi Jane,

    Thanks for all of the love you gave on my FB. This has been a tough week 🙁

    You should definitely go on Pinterest. It’s so much fun. I go on there for party ideas/favors/invitations … etc. It’s such an addicting site.

  25. No, I’m not on Pinterest, but both my daughters are and think I should be. I think I’d rather read. I’m not very crafty, don’t care about decorating or trying new recipes. I will admit though, I have gone to some author pages to look at what inspires their writing and casting pictures for their books, and thoroughly enjoyed looking at them ; ) Thanks!

  26. I love getting on Pinterest. It’s a great way to see what the trends are and connect with people and their favorites.

  27. Congrats on your upcoming release!
    I’m not on Pinterest. I already spend too much time on the computer.

  28. I LOVED Not Fit For A King. When I read it, I thought, WOW, a talented romance writer is truly amazing for writing a fresh and original hero and heroine with each book. I loved the fun and playful dialog and the emotional depth — the special brother adds another dimension to the story. Pinterest looks fun. I’m not on it but I think you and Ty Gurney with his surf school could do some awesome things with themes.

  29. Hi Jane,
    Can’t wait to read another book of yours. Pinterest is another way of connecting to others who may not be aware of your wonderful books. Beware! It will suck away at your time, I’d have your assist. handle the social media and you can stay busy writing those wonderful novels we all enjoy reading.

  30. Hi Jane,
    I signed up for Pinterest but haven’t done much with it yet. My daughter likes it though for the recipes. Congratulations on the new book which comes out on my anniversary!

  31. I can’t wait to read the new book and the one following. i love the Harlequin stories. I love when a book can take me away and show me something that I don’t have in real life. Romance? What’s that? I get mine from books. I don’t do Pinterest. I don’t do Twitter either. I have enough trouble keeping up with facebook and everyone I love is on there in one place. Too many site overwhelm me and I get confused and frustrated. I would love for you to show some more pictures from your trips. You always take great pictures and go to fabulous destinations that I can only dream about.

  32. Hi Jane,

    So excited for the new book to come out, now I will have two things to celebrate on May 22nd…your new book and my anniversary. Do you think my hubby would be upset if I spent more time with your book then him.

    I am on Pinterest and I really like it for the recipies that everyone shares. Other then that I could take it or leave it.

    Melissa M.

  33. Hi Jane,
    The new Harlequins sound fun. I’m always up for a good read. 🙂

    I think you’d like pinterest. It’s for those of us who are visual. You can pin all the pictures that inspire you. I have everything from sayings to funny pictures, to home decorating and garden ideas, to a few fashion and food items. It’s my virtual bulletin board, and fun to browse and pin to when I just need to stop and think, not read, not organize, not drive kids somewhere, etc. I also follow some other writers, and look for those with similar interests, so that we can inspire each other. Give it a try.

    Welcome home! Hawaii looked amazing, as always.
    Sharon A

  34. I started out reading your women’s fiction books and moved over to your HQ books. I love them all! And I’d love to see some of the pictures you have used to inspire the story you are working on now. I love visuals! As for pininterest, I am not on it yet. I’ve been so busy with school (which ends next Wed) that I have not had much time for other interests. I may check out pininterest when school is over. It sounds rather interesting.

  35. I just started looking through Pinterest It’s definitely sensory overload. I got stuck on the site for hours. It’s addicting. Prepare to be on for a while. Enjoy though because it is fun 🙂

  36. Congrats on your writing, sounds like things are going well and I am happy for you. I am not on Pinterest, partly because people sometimes take your pictures and do not give you any credit. And, I just don’t have the time. It is fun to visit other folks Pinterest. Good luck whatever you decide to do. Please put a link here if you go with it.

    Happy Writing!

  37. Love Pinterest. Yes, it is one more thing and yes, you can waste time on it. But that said, I like it. I’m a visual person and there are so many things to see! I have a Writing Inspiration Board – I post photos that spark an idea for a story. It also helps with my paper clutter. I’m forever cutting out inspiration from magazines but it gets to be a bit much.

    Looking forward to your new book!

  38. Jane,
    Excited for your new book. I signed up for Pinterest but don’t quite get all the buzz about it.

  39. Jane,

    So exciting to have so much to read from you this year. Just pre-ordered this tonight. I am not on pinterest, although it seems to think I am…..not sure how that happened. lol

    Have a great week!

  40. I am on Pinterest, but I haven’t pinned anything myself yet. I’m a little afraid that if I start doing it, I’ll never stop. I already spend so much time online and neglect other things that I don’t want to add something else to the addiction 🙂

  41. I read the M&B edition of Not Fit for a King? and really enjoyed it! Can’t wait to “see” Italy through your eyes. I didn’t get to either Positano or Almafi Coast during my 2002 trip.

    As for Pinterest – I am on it and love it but haven’t logged in since learning about their privacy/postings rules. They have the legalese worded as such that the poster bears all brunt of legal action INCLUDING paying for/representing Pinterst should they get sued due to what you post. Its very wonky & while reports are that they’re currently revising those rules, I’m tentatively for the moment. It’s a great site and ridiculously addictive and as I’m extremely visually oriented, but not at all artistic in drawing/painting etc, I love using it to collage images for my WIPs.

    If you join – find me!

  42. Hi Jane!

    I’m on Pinterest, thanks to a sister’s weekend away to Pismo in February! My sister, Kim, hooked me up. I enjoy browsing on the site, and spend a little time there in the evenings when we are watching TV. Not as addicting to me as some people seem to think it is. There are some really neat ideas, and with your new house coming, you might enjoy looking at it. Also some recipes that look incredible! If I made and ate them all, I’d weigh 400 pounds! But it is fun to look at!

    Happy Writing!


  43. Hi Jane,
    Pinterest is awesome! I have all my business and personal likes and albums on there. It’s great cause it’s a drama-less facebook 😉 I started reading your books about 3 years ago and I’m now 22 yrs old and now I have decided to start sending in my final drafts of my novels. Your books are a inspiration truly. Every girl needs sweet dreams 😉

    Your forever fan,


  44. Jane,

    I LOVE your books, I just started reading thanks to my besssstie Kristen! I love a good romance scene that has me wishing I could trade places with the lucky lady in your novels 😉

    p.s pinterest sounds neat but have yet to sign up


  45. Ooooh, I love Harlequin books too! I love getting my hands on new ones.

    You should try Pinterest. It is a fun website. I’m not a crafty person and it gives me easy craft ideas. I would recommend you checking it out. Off to do some pinning on Pinterest. Have a wonderful day.

  46. Hi Jane,
    Can’t wait to read your next books. I really enjoyed She’s Gone Country.
    I have not ever been on Pinterest.


  47. Hi Jane,
    I have not looked in to Pinterest yet, but I have heard so many people talking about it – all good stuff.
    Fit For a King? sounds like something I would like to read. I will have to get it when it comes out. I have only read your Women’s lit so far, and I love that!

  48. We have twins in our family, so I have been waiting (im)patiently for the US release of “Not Fit for a King”, since it was released in the UK. I appreciate your great enthusiasm for writing. Win-Win for us!

  49. I am not on Pinterest and honestly, I don’t understand what it is! (Even tjhough many people have tried to explain it to me:)).

  50. The new book sounds great, I can’t wait to check it out.

    Funny thing about Pinterest. I saw a few friends post about it on Facebook and wondered what the heck they were talking about, so I clicked on a few links and thought it all looked very overwhelming as I hardly have time to check Facebook as it is. Then my boss mentioned the other day that we should look into it for her business and create an account. So I guess I am going to learn! I am thinking I should set a timer though so I don’t spend too much time learning my way around.

  51. I so love Pinterest!!! I surf the site everyday. Great recipes, crafting ideas, photography,… it is a definite go to site. I have not yet pinned anything, but I am sure I will soon 🙂

  52. I’m not on Pinterest either but my curiosity has been piqued… I just worry it will take more time out my already busy days. I did look at the Pinterest page you linked to FB… gives a flavour to your new Harlequin release.

    Good luck with your writing weekend. I am running my first race, a 2K fun run, on Sunday. I’ve been working to lose 30lbs and am down 10. It’s been a slow process, I started in February and thought I’d be further ahead than I am, but age doesn’t help and I’ve also been working out with weights and circuit training so am getting stronger. At least my jeans are looser!

  53. Hi Jane….as social and open as you are, I think Pinterest would be in your best interest for the fun and exposure. Due to time constraints I will not be participating (getting but would prove beneficial as a tool for you. I can’t believe how busy you are with all your books…family, and trips. You are extraordinary. Wishing you the best of luck…Ruth

  54. Hi Jane,
    Love hearing about your new books!

    I have been avoiding Pinterest like the plague…I have so little time to myself as it is, and I don’t want to create an addiction! But I have some dear friends that love it…be careful 🙂

  55. Never heard of Pinterest before, but since my time is limited on the computer, I’m going to hold off onlooking into into. I can’t wait to read Not Fit for a King. Seems like it’s been forever since you’ve had a book out. Happy writing!

  56. Hi Jane!

    I am not on Pinterest, because everyone I know becomes addicted, and I know that I would spend time doing that than other things that need to be done!

    I am starting my first Jane Porter Harlequin tonight…can’t wait. I love your women’s fiction, and I’m sure this will be no different. Have to say…the cover of Not fit for a King is HOT! 🙂

    Have fun writing!


  57. Hi Jane! I love your Harlequins, too, and I can’t wait to read your upcoming HPs! I’m especially excited for the one that you’re submitting in May, as I went to Pompeii a year ago and had an amazing experience. And congrats on your great review from RT (not that I’m at all surprised that your book garnered such praise)!

    I’m not on Pinterest but have heard really great things about it – you should definitely join just so we can all see your Italy pictures!

  58. HI Jane,
    I’m ready for your next release! Enjoying all my Jane books. You own a section on my bookcase, lol.

    Pinterest is a no-no for me. I have so much going on already with people and dogs in my life, that I can’t take on another ‘hobby.’ Would rather read in my spare time! Best of luck w your writing!

  59. Hi all,
    Hope your Sunday is progressing wonderfully. I’ve been in my office all day, working hard at writing but wishing I could be outside in the sunshine. It’s such a beautiful day today! Think I’ll take a quick break to play with Mac for a bit before I get back to the story. Meanwhile, here are the winners for this blog –

    #23 Gretchen P
    #43 Tiffany Drew
    #35 Melissa M

    Shoot me an email, ladies and I’ll get these mystery prizes in the mail to you!
    Have a wonderful evening everyone!!

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