A Special Good Woman Contest

We leave Washington tomorrow.

We’re on an 8 am flight to Orlando and then Saturday morning we board our Disney cruise with all my family, (Mom, sister, both my brothers and all their kids, too) and then after the cruise ends, we fly straight to Orange County to settle into the new house.

It’s been a bittersweet month…..highs, lows, and tons of emotion as we say goodbye to Belleve which has been our home for sixteen years.  I moved here late June, just before Jake, my first baby, turned one, and now we leave end of June, just before he turns 17.

Because of all the writing deadlines and family dramas (do any of you have family drama?!?  Please tell me you’re not all leading perfect lives!!) I haven’t had a chance to really absorb that we’re going….and its only hitting me now that this is it.  And then I start to cry.  🙁

Thank you to all of you here in the Pacific Northwest who’ve loved me and supported me and claimed me as one of your own.  I am so grateful that you’ve come to my events, and bought my books, and fed me and my kids…thank  you.

To celebrate endings, as well as my new beginning, I’m doing  a special Good Woman contest–its a Beach tote and towel, a DVD of the Flirting with Forty movie, Jane Porter books and a little Starbucks gift card, as well as an Advanced Reading Copy of f The Good Woman! Those of you who are eager to read my next book….this is your chance to get it early!

This contest is special, and slightly different…because you’re not just commenting here, you also need to comment on Facebook.  It’s a two step process, and these are the two steps:

1 – Leave a comment here, on my blog.

2 – Visit my author page on Facebook and leave another comment there.  And in case you haven’t already Liked the page, I hope you’ll do it now!  This page is different from my personal page which has reached its capacity of friends and will eventually be shut down to comply with all the Facebook changes.

That’s it.  Just complete these two steps and you’ll be entered for a chance to win!  This special contest runs until Thursday June 28th, when winner will be drawn and The Good Woman arc and beach bag will be mailed.

Good luck and I hope to see you soon!




  1. Hi Jane

    It’s always sad to move and start over but there it is fun and exciting too! I wish you all the best as you embark on this new chapter. And drama, oh yes, we all have it. At least school is finaly out for us and so that part of drama is over. Now on to summer time!

    I would love to read an advanced copy of The Good Woman! It’s always hard to wait for your next book to be out. I’ve been trying some new books on my Kindle and after the Shades of Grey series, finding it hard to get attached to any one book like those.

    On to the next adventure with you……

  2. No perfect life over here- found my garage door was completely open this morning with some items taken like my son’s bike we got him for graduation, my husband’s golf clubs, misc items + his Kona beer of all things. The losers are probably celebrating on what a good job they’ve done. To make things worse, nothing is going to be covered by insurance because our deductible is too high to make it worth while. : (

    Okay, enough pity party….have a great time with your family, you definitely deserve it!!

  3. Awww Jane. I no longer have facebook :(. Well I am positive everyone experiences family drama. Enjoy that vacation (you need it) and best wishes to you and your family on the new home. I have pre-ordered your book already.

  4. Jane have a fun holiday with family!
    I can assure you that you will fall in love with OC…just like I did when I moved here from out east 🙂

  5. There’s no such thing as the perfect life & I think that’s a good thing. Challenges that test us make us grow & evolve.

    THE GOOD WOMAN looks wonderful!!

  6. Best wishes Jane. Enjoy this wonderful time with family and wishing you the best of health, happiness and a great life in a new setting. Your ability to adapt and your positive attitude is to be admired and is special. Your book looks fabulous. Good luck.

  7. I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise and I know once you get settled in your new home everything will be great. Moving is always bittersweet, you leave behind old friends and places, but you gain new friends and discover new places also. Enjoy your family vacation, just relax.

  8. Hi Jane. This is my first time commenting here, but hey, a give away is a good motivator! : )
    I love your books and look forward to reading The Good Woman.

    I hope you enjoy your cruise. And though it’s sad to move and leave behind a house full of memories, (I’ve faced many changes this past year as well – oldest son going off to college, youngest son graduating high school and getting ready to head off to college in the fall), I just keep telling myself it’s just a house, the memories live in my heart, and the people I shared those memories with are no longer there either!

    Best of luck to you.


  9. You’ve been so busy with everything including the moves…too bad you’ll miss DW but you’ll be close to DL once you get ‘home’. So finish the novella, close that chapter and start up again in the new place, new rooms and the beginning of many wonderful memories…Ruth

  10. Jane,
    Have a great trip! Try to relax.
    I hope you don’t skip out on the Disney part. So many memories are always created there – you want to be part of them!!
    We took our kids on a Disney Cruise a few years ago. That was so much fun! One of the best vacations ever.
    Have fun !!

  11. Hi Jane,

    My 38th birthday is tomorrow and what a wonderful gift but to get an advanced copy of your book. I’m going to keep my fingers crossed and hope that I get picked. 🙂

  12. Jane,I’m sorry you’re leaving the Pacific Northwest, but glad you’re staying on the west coast, and so very happy for you and your family as you embark on new adventures. Have a fantastic time on your cruise and see you at Nationals!

    Ps. My parents are visiting and although my mom and I are close, we sometimes have a difficult relationship, which leads to lots of drama. Writing while being caught up in emotional stuff is very hard.

  13. HI Jane
    I think you’ve done so well to keep working through all the trauma of the move and with the adjustments the kids have to make. HOpe you manage a little fun at Orlando and on the cruise.

  14. Sending you best wishes on your move to So Cal. Can’t wait to read The Good Woman, and see you on your book tour!

  15. Jane, it was great to see you on Tuesday! As you said, it’s not good-bye, it’s “See you in October!” I think the new book looks great, can’t wait for it to come out! I hope the crrent novella finds a way to write itself and you can enjoy the cruise and your family.

    Drama in my family? More like D-R-A-M-A! No, I don’t live a perfect life, not even close. Right now I feel like there are so many balls in the air, I need a clone just to catch them all. Every time I take something off the list, it seems to get busier. How does that happen????

    We’ll miss you in the PNW but I look forward to seeing you when you are up to visit. And hopefully we can connect for a minute in Hawaii this summer!

    Take care ~ S

  16. Hi Jane! Lots of changes for you… But you have lots of good memories from your old house & will make a ton of new ones now at this house. You asked about the “Perfect life”? Does that even exist? If so, tell me where to get one! HA! Enjoy your vacation!

  17. You’re not alone with family stress and dramaa. I’ve dealt with this all my life and could probably write some pretty good books about the experiences too. But, i’m no writer and wouldn’t even try. I just leave these little episodes as my own personal soap operas in my head. have a great time on your trip and I’m sure your new life in California will be just as great as in Washington. you’ll create all new memories there. Yea, it’s hard to leave behind something so familiar and it’ll take time to get over that and used to your new home. But, everything will work out for the best in the end. Just remember this is your’s and Ty’s new home together with your family. That alone is a wonderful feeling. I can’t wait to read your new book and an advance would thrill me to death. I’m patiently waiting your next Harliquin too, Relax and have fun on your trip. I know you have to work, but try to get a little fun in every once in a while.

  18. Being a Navy Veteran, I had my far share of moves, I got really good at it. It’s always my favorite time to get rid of the old and move to the new. I love to explore new cities, states, or countries!

    I try and read all of your books when they come out and would love to receive one as part of your contest. Will you be coming back to San Antonio anytime soon? I would love to meet you in person. I was supposed to on your last visit, but I got sick and didn’t want to share my germs with you. Enjoy your mini vacation!

  19. What’s family drama? Never heard of it!!

    Have fun on that cruise. Mac will be OVER THE MOON!!

    I can’t wait for you to get to the OC. No tears! 🙂

    (no contest)

  20. Would absolutely love to read your new book. Drama I have plenty of my own. Both fathers were inthe hospital at the same time and 3 kids to care for and a full time job, so yes completely understand drama and needing to be many places at the same time. Enjoy your vacation.

  21. No life is perfect, no move is easy, no victory comes without trial…hope the cruise is fun, the boys embrace their new lives, and that you are victorious!

  22. The perfect life is the one you make for yourself and your family. Best of luck on your new adventure. Looking forward to your new book.

  23. Your friends, family and fans are along with you for this exciting new adventure in your life. Hoping you know we care and are excited for you. Can’t wait for The Good Woman to get here!

  24. Good luck with all your changes!! Bittersweet, I’m sure! Please throw my name in the hat for a chance to win – I would LOVE to read The Good Woman early!

  25. Good luck to you on your new move! I’ve read all of your books and love them all!!! Can’t wait until your new book comes out!! 🙂

  26. You are not alone. There is always something going on here. Son has a job but I have to drive him to it. Today was no different and then came home to try and mow lawn. I pushed while hubby did the riding but the riding mower wouldn’t start so he jumped it, then the muffler fell off and he had to shut it off to fix that and then it wouldn’t start again. Had to go to town and buy new battery. During all of this son kept butt calling us from his cell phone.

  27. Oh my gosh Jane I want that book now so bad!! The whole prize pack would be wonderful for my summer vacation! I may have a ton of books in my summer reading pile but your new book would jump to the top for sure!!

  28. Cry those tears that encompass so many feelings of the memories you’ve had for sixteen years. Cry for the friendships that will take on a different “look”. Cry for the great times and maybe even a few sad times. BUT, as your tears slow down and as this new chapter in your life unfolds, I hope your heart will start smiling with anticipation for some exciting new things ahead…new adventures in new places and meeting new friends to make new memories with. Enjoy your family time and the beauty that will be all around you on your cruise.

  29. Hi Jane…I definitely know what you mean about bittersweet endings and uncertain beginnings. I was laid off from my job at a non-profit in mid-May because they are having major financial problems. I am on vacation with my family right now but it is a little hard to enjoy it completely knowing that the next step is still somewhat unclear. But I know that everything will turn out fantastic (even bought a sign saying so!) and I know your new life in California is going to be fantastic too. Enjoy your vacation and the new home and open your heart to the new memories you will make with your family. 🙂 Hugs, Tracy

  30. Of course there’s family drama! 🙂 Lil sis wanting to do small wedding/reception and mom wanting the Big Wedding… I hope I win this contest!

  31. I hope you enjoy this new chapter! It’s exciting and scary too- hopefully you have people to rely on here in the OC- you know we’re not like “the real housewives” show right? *shudder*
    If, instead, you don’t have peeps here- just ask- happy to help!

  32. Jane,
    You are resilient and strong and have been a positive influence on me. Have a safe and wonderful vacation. Your new home welcomes you and will be a blessing. The Good Woman looks captivating. Life is a struggle now since a health crisis is happening to me.

  33. Hello Jane – hope that your vacation is a good one and that all your ups and downs come to level ground. Life has ways of throwing us some curves with so much going on in our lives thses days…I am going on my own travels of self reflection and beginning a new chapter in my life after divorce. I would love the opportunity to read an advance copy..Flirting with Forty was a start for me on my journey 🙂

  34. I would love to read your new book! I regret that I was unable to attend our book club where we had a Skype chat with you about Flirting with Forty 🙂 Best of luck on your move and have a fun Disney Cruise! We are going on an Alaska cruise in August.

  35. Jane,
    This reminded me of when I moved away from Wa state 17 years ago, after I lived there 15 years. It was exciting to come home to Ca, but I loved the NW. There are days where I miss the view of Mt Rainer, the rain and greenery, but to be back home there are no words! Your next chapter in California will be incredible !
    Can not wait to read your new book ! And I love love the movie Flirting with Forty.
    Congratulations on your new home , and wishes you all the best.

  36. I have moved with my husband numerous times in our marriage. Two big moves were to Paris. Oh yes, the beautiful City of Light. It is a fabulous place and I’m so very thankful that we got to live there for six years. However, when you consider that we took our two young sons, ages 4 and 8 with us the first time, it made it even more difficult to settle into a foreign country where we did not speak the language. However, we learned to make the best of it and totally immersed ourselves. Our sons became fluent in French and we traveled all over Europe. This experience is especially something I would never trade. Tough times? Oh yes – but we learned so much and we especially learned to be flexible in life. Take a deep breath and learn a new culture!

  37. I am so excited for you on your new adventure in Cali! I know it will open up many great inspirations for your writing.I have pre-ordered your new book but I have many more friends who have not so I would love to be in your contest. Have fun on your cruise!While you are having a blast on your trip I will be stuck here in Kansas planning my beach getaway in Aug to Surfside TX. TTYL

  38. A perfect life, LOL. Now that’s funny. Humbling moments happen all the time. I thing it is a nice way of letting us see it in different perspective and really appreciate what we have. Just remember some doors may be closing, but they are not locked. It will be great to have you here in California. New adventures await! Enjoy your time with your family. And remember, it is what you make of it…and I know you will make it great!

  39. I hope you have an awesome cruise. And don’t worry about settling into your new home. I’m sure you and your family will have will be very happy there. Plus you’ll be close to LA. Lots to do both in Orange County and LA County. Perfect to enjoy before your firstborn goes for college. 🙂

  40. Hi Jane,
    Hope the move goes smoothly for you and your family drama calms down. Every family has their ups and downs! I’m sure everything will work out and if you need some downtime from it on the cruise, it’s usually easy to find something to do on your own or with just your immediate family. Can’t wait to read your new book! Facebook comment done!

  41. Jane, I can totally sympathize with you on the move and all the feelings that come with it. We chose to move from washington to Kentucky but it was still really hard to leave the wonderful people there. I still miss them and look forward to visiting soon. But on the flip side, I love it here and wouldn’t change our decision for anything. Great big hugs to you and the boys.

  42. I hope you finish the novella soon so you can enjoy your time with your family. We will miss you in the Seattle area! Yes, we do love to claim you as our own, especially when you write about the Eastside! 🙂 Please come back for a signing (or two)when The Good Woman is released. Enjoy your new home!

  43. Good luck with your move and totally enjoy your trip. Just think, in California, you’ll be closer to Ty. Love your books!

  44. Okay as I still got facebook open. God Bless and would love to win. Liking page and leaving comment.

  45. Jane,

    Your vacation sounds like a lot of fun!! My kids got out of school today. Happy Summer!! I am now a mom to an 8th grader who turns 13 tomorrow and a 3rd grader. I don’t know where the time has gone. I don’t know when I got old enough to have a teenager. Speaking of said teenager, her birthday present is to see Wicked in NYC on Sunday with me. I can’t wait to share this experience with her!! I am back at work full time now and very busy and exhausted. I hope you take the time to enjoy your family and your vacation!! Enjoy!!


  46. You need to cry and let it all out. I’m sure that the stress of buying a house, selling a house, living in a hotel for a while, and saying goodbye to all the wonderful friends (and readers) you’ve met here is huge and you need to decompress.

    I wish you all the best in your new life!

    PS no, my life is not perfect either, but I won’t bore you with details. Let’s just concentrate on the good vibes I’m sending your way 🙂

  47. I’m so excited to see a giveaway for this book and one that is chock full is even more exciting!!

    sharn3960 (@) comcast (.) net

  48. You have had so many things going on in your life in the past months that it must have felt like being on a roller coaster ride. Saying good-bye is always sad, but think that you will be closer to your family and siblings and that your children will get to enjoy them too. Your kids will make new friends fast and easy and you will be settled in in no time.
    Have fun on the cruise and I would really like to be able to read your new book before it comes out.

  49. Hi Jane,

    Sorry I missed your event last Tuesday, couldn’t leave my little Brice. I wish you all the happy new beginnings and a wonderful life in California.

    See you in October!

  50. Love this giveaway and love you for doing this! 🙂
    I’ve done the interstate move twice since I’ve turned 30. It was rough the first time, but super easy the second time. You’ll get through this and you’ll settle in just fine. You have a huge support base! Enjoy your trip in the meantime!
    I’m no stranger to family drama. Mine is partially due to some different religious choices even within the same religion. Take care and have a great weekend!

  51. Jane,
    Yes we all have family drama!!! I’m a little sad my daughter and her husband and my 18 month old darling grandson have decided to move to TN!!! Excited for them but so sad to see them go, especially my beautiful grandson.

    I wish you the best of luck in your new home and we will definitely miss you here in the NW.

  52. Jane, I am so happy for all the great things coming your way and the excitement in your life. I can’t wait to read the new series (hint hint:-)!!! I always love getting ARC, especially when they are yours!

    I really hope we get to meet up on this book tour in person too…you are on my dream board.

    Best of luck Jane and enjoy your cruise!!!

  53. Change is always hard especially when it involves moving and starting a new adventure somewhere that is new.

    I remember each move we made as hard yet exciting all at the same time. Probably more scared of the unknown but after it was all said and done and I was able to look back after settling in, I realize that it was a great move and was just the right place to be at that point in our lives.

    As sad, hard and scary it is right now to leave this familiar and very loved place you will soon find a way to create that perfect place for you and the family there in Ca.

    Will be praying for a safe travels and move while peace to know this is ALL GOOD!

  54. Looking forward to reading “The Good Woman”. What a great contest; “Flirting with Forty” is one of my favorite movies. Good luck on all of your future fun adventures in your new home with your beautiful family and have a great vacation.

  55. Hi Jane 🙂 Glad you’re taking some time off to “relax” and have some family time (and what’s a family without drama). It is hard to leave a home you’ve had for so many years, leaving behind all those memories created — but the saying home is where the heart is makes sense. You will create another home in your new “address”, you will create new memories and you will carry and remember all the other ones because your heart is bigger than you’ve ever imagined. It will have room for your old home and the new home you are about to build.

  56. Hi Jane!

    Congrats on the book. A cruise- how fun. Hope you all have a blast. I bet you are excited to start decorating the new house, though it is a huge task. Take your time and enjoy!

  57. Oh, I also want to thank you again. A year ago, I was blessed and lucky to attend RomCon because of your generosity. I had a wonderful time and it was an exciting experience. I had a lot of fun, received books galore, met soooo many wonderful authors and readers and I have memories that will stay with me for as long as the memory stays :D. Enjoy your vacation and your time with the family.

  58. Oh, I would so love to win a copy of The Good Woman! I just introduced two of my friends to your books, and they love them.
    I know you will love your new home even more than the last, eventually. And, moving does offer a fresh start of sorts, which is always good.
    Enjoy your cruise. You deserve a break!

  59. Hi Jane
    They say moving home is one of the most stressful events a person can go through and I can relate to what you’re going through having not only moved house- but country. I met you when you spoke in New Zealand and you reminded me of how strong woman really are. Best of luck with the move and congrats on the new home. Hugs;-)

  60. You really do have a ton of stuff going on in your life, Jane! 🙂 I think the family cruise sounds absolutely wonderful. I’m quite addicted to cruising, but one of the best ways to do them is with family – especially extended family. You will have a wonderful time.

    It seems that change always brings both excitement and sadness. It is always hard to say goodbye to people who have meant so much in your life. But there is lots of excitement in the move to California, too. That’s why your books are so fabulous. They express all the things that we go through in our lives.

    I hope you have a good vacation and a smooth transition to California. Take Care!

  61. It is always sad to move away from something you know and love but gosh what an adventure you will have in your new place.
    How I envy the Disney cruise. those ships are fantastic.
    Enjoy your cruise.

  62. Good luck on the move! In 12 years of marriage, we’re on our 5th house, in our 5th city! It’s never easy to move, leaving a place you’ve loved, but it is exciting to discover a new place!

  63. Can’t wait for the next book!!!! I always feel so empowered as a woman when I read your books~and I need that right now with my own “drama” going on!

  64. We will miss you here in the Pacific NW but understand that sometimes life leads you as it will. As to the ‘family drama’, let’s just say that I keep it to a minimum by maintaining a distance of no less than 1000 miles from some of my family.
    Don’t be a stranger. Come visit us when you can and good luck, best wishes for your new domicile.

  65. Jane,
    Enjoy all the tears, the drama, and the mixed emotions of your life as it’s a sign of life, a life of the living. My sister who was only 18 months older than I (47 yrs old) lost her year long battle with lung cancer just three weeks ago. I may have lost one of my three older sisters, but with all the sadness I have gained so much love for life, I see the beauty all around me, and I give thanks everyday even for my family and the crazy drama that follows a few of them around.

  66. Fabulous contest, wonderful prizes… am anxiously awaiting The Good Woman… it’s been too long since She’s Gone Country!

    Enjoy your big family vacation and then straight on to your new house! What a great way to leave one house and move into another. And the family drama will pass and you’ll make so many new memories and friends in San Clemente. Good luck Jane!

  67. Hi, Jane! hoping you have the best vacation. relax so your move to your new home will be exciting for you. it’s always sad to leave one place for another, but i know you will do it with strength and courage. and as far as a perfect life; you know I do not have that! lol…, but with all the struggles, it will do.
    have fun! love to you and your “boys”…

  68. Jane,

    I can’t begin to imagine how crazy this year has been for you. You have been writing like a mad woman, and then to add in such a big move…..

    Everyone has family drama and anyone who says they don’t is lying! I hope that things settle with your family soon.

    I hope that you are able to finish your novella soon and can enjoy your family vacation. Disney is the happiest place on Earth.

    I have a second cousin who is only 37, and has a rare form of stomache cancer, after undergoing chemo for 8 months, the doctors have told her that there is no more treatments and she has 12 to 18 months. She will leave behind a lot of family including 4 sons ages 3 to 13. She is amazing though and is trying to make the best of such a bad situation, if there is such a thing. She has been making videos for all her sons to watch at special times in their lives. She decided that she really wanted to take a Fantastic family vacation, so for the last week her and 30+ family members have been at Disneyworld having the time of their lives! The CEO of Great Clips actually paid for this entire trip for the family. We are all still in awe of this genorosity. My cousin had worked for them for 10+ years, and when she called them to tell them that she wasn’t ever coming back and what she wanted to do for her family. They stepped up and said we will take care of it. Disney has treated them like royalty as well, making them the family of the day on their first day complete with a reception of sorts. I guess where I was going with this is that whenever I am having a down moment or getting caught up in someone’s drama, I think of my cousin and all that she is going through and how she is choosing to deal with it… faith, positveness and grace.

    I know that the move is scary and I am sure that you will miss Washington a lot, but there are so many new adventures and friends waiting here in SO CA for you and your family. I have moved cross country twice, both times at Christmas, what was I thinking? But I have been in SO CA 20 yrs now and it is home.

    Sorry this is so long, I will post short and sweet on FB.

    SO excited for THE GOOD WOMAN, would love to get to be one of the first to read it, but no matter I will get to read it!

    Hope that the writing flows for you this week! Enjoy Disney and take a pic with your boys and Mickey! Be Blessed Jane!

  69. Jane, good luck with the move; I hope you settle in quickly! And….enjoy making new memories in your new home just as much as you did in your old! It’ll happen 🙂

    PS: Greeeeeat contest!!

  70. I would love to get my hands on that new book of yours!!! Have an amazing cruise…you all deserve it after a crazy month! I hope the move into your new house goes well and is as stress-free as possible! 🙂 I totally understand your feelings about moving, because I felt the same way the last move I made. More memories will be made in the new house – especially since you all will finally be together under one roof!!! Have an amazing vacation!!

  71. Have a great time on vacation. Would love to a arc of your new book and the other goodies. Maybe I will win June 28 is the day my brother was stillborn in 1988. It would be nice to win on such a sad day for us. We moved to Colorado 5 years ago as part of husband last 3 years in the Air Force. I know all about moving and leaving family and friends. I have no friends out here all alone. I enjoy going back home when I can to Md .

  72. If someone does NOT have family drama, then they are NOT normal! Lol
    This is such a fun giveaway!!
    Have a wonderful trip!

  73. Hi Jane – wow – you really are going thru a lot of major life changes with your big move. We moved only 40 minutes away from where we had lived for 16 years. That was in 1999 when our youngest graduated high school. A month after we moved, my father-in-law passed away. We are very thankful that he got to see our dream house, but were sorry he did not get to enjoy it with us. He passed away on July 4th. Since then, we have had a huge Open House/Picnic/Fireworks party each year. This will be my 13th. Lots of work, but great fun. I would love, love, love to win this prize package. I picked up Not Fit for a King and Monarch Beach (which you recommended) and already have them packed in my TBR bag for my short trip to the NJ shore next week. I posted a message on your FB page about a book I discovered today that I thought your handsome hubby would live. It’s called Breath by Tim Winton. It’s about teenage thrill seekers who love to surf, so your older boys may also like it. Hope you get a chance to relax on your family cruise. And I’m sure you will be welcomed with open arms by your new neighbors in San Clemente. Love you Jane ♥

  74. jane….best of luck to you and your family in your new adventure/chapter in life. i have soo enjoyed your books & blog and will continue to follow you! i hope you have a great vacation w.your family. you need it 🙂 and heck yeah there is drama in my family.

  75. Always looking forward to your next book. Found this quote the other day…”Most important thing in life is learning how to fall.” – Jeanette Walls, Half Broke Horses.

  76. First try at a contest:) I’m sure you will miss Washington, just as sure that you’ll love California!

  77. I don’t think you can have a family without some drama. Having so many things going on at once is hard on a body from every angle – physically, mentally & emotionally. I was never really a traveler until I was in the Air Force, where I learned it can be tough, but sometimes so fulfilling.
    One thing I’ve learned from reading your posts is how your boys seem happy as long as they are with you. You are loved by so many, so remember to lean on them when you need that extra little boost.
    Have a blast on the cruise, and enjoy a little sun and fun for me, huh? That new chapter is just around the corner, and sweet Jane, if you’re writing it – it will turn out fantastic!

    peace out

  78. Change is always difficult but can be great! Here’s hoping it is wonderful for you. Hope you enjoy the cruise. Can’t wait to read your book

  79. Hi Jane

    I hope you finished writing so that you have time to enjoy the cruise with your big Family.
    And good luck with the move to sunny California.
    I look forward to seeing you again when you come back for a visit.
    Your advanced reading copy of your next modern lit The Good Woman looks great and it was fun to get a sneak peek at it at Cupcake Royal.
    Have a great vacation 🙂

  80. My heart goes out to you and your mixed emotions are so normal after all those years. It is especially difficult because of the kids leaving friends behind. What a wonderful trip to take with your whole family enjoy every single minute and cherish every second…great memories like the ones in made in Belleve. Everyone has family drama some more then others

  81. I do not like the idea of change but when it happens I usually find that it often is a good thing. Good luck with the move and I am looking forward to reading The Good Woman. I like the cover, very intriguing.
    I posted on facebook as Maureen Carol

  82. Hi Jane,
    Change is bittersweet, like you said. But it usually turns out to be a good thing. You have some great memories here in the Pacific NW that you will hold close to your heart, and you will make new ones in CA. Best wishes to you.
    I am SO excited for your new book to come out! I can’t wait to read it.

  83. Jane – good luck with all the changes! I’m so excited for the new books coming out and can’t wait to read them. I hope you get to enjoy a bit of your cruise – AND finish your writing goals!

  84. Jane – It’s hard to imagine other people can be excited for your new adventures but there are many of us who are. I look forward to each and every book you write.

  85. Jane,

    I have been a fan of yours for quite a few years and I would totally love to win this contest. I just got done re-reading Odd Mom Out and Mrs. Perfect.

    I wish you the best with your move and I can’t wait to read your newest book. 🙂

  86. The last time I moved it was after a marriage break up with a baby and young children, but it was a new beginning so it was exciting – and the old house wasn’t that great, to be honest! It’s really all about the people, and you never lose the people who matter, and will end up knowing new and lovely people in your new place. Best of luck in this wonderful new journey – I’m in awe of what you do, Jane. Blessings.

  87. I can imagine how difficult it must be to leave Washington but, I know you will love your new hope. I can’t wait for your new book to come out. If I get to read it early that will be a bonus.

  88. Dear Jane, We all have our family crisis times and you are not alone in being sad over leaving home. Seems like every move we made I cried buckets over the friends we left. I promised myself that we would keep in touch and for the most part I do get to email, write snail mail and visit with old friends. I would love to read a preview copy of your book, but alas I do not do Facebook. No matter, just know our thoughts and prayers go with you for a fun filled vacation and a stress free time getting settled in your new home!

  89. Moving is NEVER easy & I’ve done it too many times. At least you’re moving somewhere cool & you and Ty will be together more:)

    Family drama…girl you are not alone. I could write a trilogy. I’m on my annual road trip, or I would eloborate.

    Have fun in Disney! That’s a good way to take the sting out for the kids.

    Everything is going to be alright…I know it. Can’t wait for the new book! Book tour?

  90. I know the state of Washington feels a loss as you leave. We will miss you. I wish I could have made it to Bellevue to say good-bye. Much happiness in your new home and have fun on your cruise.

  91. Hi Jane,
    I am so excited to read your latest book – looks very interesting.
    Hope you enjoy your new home!


  92. Hi Jane!

    Have a great vacation! Hi to Rob! Stop, breathe, and smile! Good luck with the move. All will be well!


  93. Ok so I posted #75 above, sorry but I felt it needed to be said and I’m sure you Jane and everyone here has heard this all your life but ‘every thing happens for a reason’ and we may not see it right away but in the future you and your family will be saying it. Wonderful things are going to come out of this move that wouldn’t have happend it you hadn’t had taken this path. The exciting part is when your kids come to you in the future and tell you that moving was the best thing that ever happened. Even with my sister passing away has led me too believe it was for a better cause and it happened for a reason, those reasons are too many to list but just to name a few, I picked up the bible and started searching for my faith and what I believe in, i now enjoy every moment that Im alive, no more floating through everyday life. I’m a positive person no more negative stuff, i’m going to live life to the fullest, no more do without doing my dreams because of fear. At 47 I’m going to do everything I dreamed of all my life! And I owe that to my sister passing away and giving me a second chance in life. It all happens for a reason! Ps: I’m not even going to go back and edit this comment because most likely I’d delete it, so I’m going to fight the urge and hit ‘Post’.

  94. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to leave your home after so much time, but just think of all the new memories you are going to make in your new one! I hope you have an amazing time on your cruise, my kids have been at me for years to take them on that Disney cruise lol. Also, I’m loving the cover for The Good Woman!!

  95. I hope you are having a wonderful time on your trip. Keep the memories of your time in WA close to your heart, and know that us Southern Californians welcome you as a new resident of the state. Can’t wait to go to some of the upcoming events you plan on having down here.

  96. Moving after living in the same place for so long is very emotional with or without children. You and your family are beginning a new journey with new friends so stay positive.
    Enjoy your trip.
    Would love to win your book.

  97. Have a great time with your family, Jane 🙂

    i’m soooo want to win the movie and the books and everything inside..lol..

    avid reader here 😀

  98. Sign me up! I wouldn’t want to miss a chance to read a new Jane Porter book!! I am so excited for you, congratulations.

  99. Jane, So glad you can relax and spend some time with the family. You need those time out moments. Have a great time and enjoy your new home.

  100. The only thing perfect in my life is my 4 children and my 8 grandchildren. Enjoy your vacation, it sounds relaxing. And your move, any kind of move is stressful, but you have to take a few deep breaths and think about your new home. You will still have memorys of all the years you had in the old place.
    Love your books, I hope I win.

  101. I hope your vacation has been a relaxing time for your family. It is hard to move to another place. Wishing you an easy time settling in.

  102. “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” – one of my favorite quotes. We made a big move with our then young family 17 years ago from Ohio to Nevada. I can relate to how you are feeling.

  103. I’m looking forward to reading The Good Woman! Have a wonderful time with your family on the cruise-relax….and have fun! Once you settle in your new home you’ll love your new home like your old one, it will take time but you’ll love it just the same…Once school starts and all you’ll love Calfornia and meet lots of new friends. I’m a fan of yours so where your living I’ll always follow you for yor books are so good!Its rainy here with tropical storm Debbie and its getting so bad out and our road its problay gonna start to flood..I’m hoping the sun will come out soon! Have a wonderful time on your cruise!

  104. I’ve read Not Fit For A King and loved it! Have
    to make a book run to
    pick up His Majesty’s
    Mistake! I love books
    about twins, too!! Good
    luck on the move, it is
    a major life change we
    have never made in our
    51 years together. Have
    hopes we would handle it

  105. I love all of your books so much and I would love to read an advanced copy of this book! I’m off to leave a comment on your facebook page!

  106. Cannot wait to read your newest book!! Love all of your writing! You are such an amazing woman and an awesome author. Absolutely adore you!!!!

    Enjoy your travels 🙂

  107. Hi, Jane, first time reading your blog!

    Moving is always bittersweet — leaving the people and places you’ve come to love, and having the adventure of exploring new places and making new friends stretching before you. All the best to you and your family as you begin this next chapter in your life!

  108. adventures await you and new memories in your new home!!

    What a chance for memories on the cruise; do enjoy to the fullest

  109. Hi Jane,
    You’ve been on such a whirlwind lately. I hope you have a chance to unwind during your cruise. Soon you will start a new chapter with your family. That rocks!

    I just bought His Majesty’s Mistake this morning at my Meijers store and I’m looking forward to reading Emmeline’s story. Would love to read an advanced copy of The Good Woman. Thanks for generously offering your fans this opportunity!

  110. Hi Jane, i know how it is to pack up everything and move to a new place. I went through it 4years ago. But after a little while, it all starts getting better.

    Thank you for running this contest and allowing your fans a chance to win one of your fabulous books.


  111. I “Liked” your Facebook page, and really liked browsing it! 🙂 Looking forward to THE GOOD WOMAN! Enjoy your vacation, and your move. So much change in such a short time is full of roller coaster ups and downs. Be sure to go back to basics to take care of yourself. Eat healthy, sleep enough, take walks to refresh, make the time for yourself, and keep in touch with supportive friends. Best of luck to you and your family!
    Take care,

  112. Perfect life? Ha! I like your idea that things work out. One of my self-soothing techniques is thinking of an awful disaster and tracing out all the good things that were created because of that horror.

    ARC of Good woman would be a great treat.

    Good luck with your move.

  113. Hi everyone,

    Hope you’re all doing well! I’m having a great time on the cruise, relaxing with the whole family. I had Mac help me pick a winner for this contest and the number he grabbed is –

    #13 Fiona Marsden

    Congratulations, Fiona! Shoot me an email with your address info and I’ll make sure the prize is on its way to you soon.

    The cruise has been lots of fun but I do miss hearing from all of you and look forward to catching up soon! Have a terrific weekend!!

    much love,

  114. I hope all is well Jane. I’m so missing you on the blog. Enjoying your new home is what I hope you are up to.

  115. I hope your move turns out to be wonderful. And, no, none of us live uneventful lives. We must learn to take the bad with the good, I guess.

  116. Jane!!! I love your books. I am so excited you have two new ones coming out. I cant wait.. HURRY SEPT!!!

  117. I’m always proud of thesе 12 excellent boys. Executing аll items іn suϲh a thigh instances
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    excellent relaxation ɑnd don’t get unwell. Υou know you օften be EXOstans inspiration~ EXO are jjang!
    EXO saranghae <3

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