Good Daughter Booktour – Week 1

The last few days have been amazing. I had a wonderful time at Books n Greetings in Northvale Monday night and a fantastic party in Cranford, NJ on Tuesday with my great friend Cindy Huljack.

With the lovely Cindy Huljack in Cranford, NJ. Thanks for helping to pull together a fun event!
So thrilled to see Amy Bromberg
With the awesome Mari Partyka

Then we drove to Albany, NY to party with Marlene Engel and her wonderful friends.  I felt like I was on a party tour with the coolest chicks….book chicks!

Loved meeting Marlene Engel. She’s so sweet!
I loved my beautiful cake!! Hated to cut it… but it was delicious. Thank you, Marlene!
The very lovely Meg Munson with me at Mama Iguana’s!

Thanks to all the gorgeous, wonderful ladies for helping to start my book tour off on such a successful and happy note!

Now, I’m back on the west coast (thankfully I was able to beat the big storm! Hope all my friends stay safe!) and am really looking forward to meeting up with friends and readers this afternoon in Portland, OR for Afternoon Tea at the Heathman Hotel.  Then it’s back to CA for another tea party at the Resort at Pelican Hill on Sunday.  Can’t wait!

Thanks so much for all of the support this past week and the weeks leading up to the release of The Good Daughter. I love to write and I love writing for my readers!

I’m thrilled to share we had a huge response to the Pre-Release contest for The Good Daughter!  Thank you to all of you who ordered a copy. The winners are –

Grand Prize winner (Kindle Fire) – Crystal R. from PA

1st and 2nd Prize winners ($50 gift card) – Suzanne M. from AZ and Angela B. from CA

The winners have been contacted and once your address is confirmed, prizes will be in the mail!

I’ve got lots of other events coming up! Come see me if you can. Have a great weekend!



  1. I’m happy you are having such a fun tour. That is an awesome “The Good Daughter” cake! I’m also glad you made it out before the storm hit. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. 🙂

  2. What a great kick-off week for The Good Daughter book tour. It looks like you have had such a great time with some wonderful ladies. Glad you got out before the storm hit and hope all those East Coasters are doing ok.

    Congrats to the winners!

    I am so EXCITED to see you Sunday at the Tea. I am bringing a friend that just read The Good Woman and is starting to read The Good Daughter, she said the book really moved her.

  3. I’m glad you were able to leave the East Coast before the storm hit! Congrats to the contest winners! I haven’t read The Good Daughter yet; I’m still waiting on my pre-ordered copy to arrive from Barnes and Noble. Have a great weekend!

  4. The pictures look great. I’m glad you had a good time visiting with everyone and really glad you beat the storm. Enjoy the rest of your events!

    Congratulations to the Crystal, Suzanne & Angela!

  5. Jane,

    Thank you for coming to visit me and my friends in Albany. We had a blast. And, as always, I loved spending time with you and chatting about everything and anything. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your book tour. I hope we don’t wait another two years to get together!!! xoxoxo

  6. Jane,
    Our day together was perfect. I love being included on your blog too 🙂 So glad you made it off the east coast safely! Enjoy the rest of your tour!!

    Love you!


  7. So glad to hear the tour is getting off to a great start. Hope the rest of the events are just as successful, if not more so.Have a great time.

  8. I had a great time with you yesterday in Portland. I’m so glad that you made the trip.
    See you in Bellevue next month.

  9. So happy your book tour is going well and that the release has gone over so well with your crazy fans like myself. I wish you nothing but continued success.

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