My Cowboy Valentine “a delectable treat”

I am home for a few days and cuddling my boys (okay, I’m cuddling the littlest boy and ‘hanging out’ with the two teenage ones) and enjoying being with my family before I head out on Friday to Atlanta, Raleigh, and Detroit.  Its going to be a special tea in Atlanta on Saturday, so if you think you can meet me in historic Roswell at 2 pm, let me know.

I’m so sweet on Valentine’s Day–it is my favorite festive day (pink, red, lace, conversation hearts, chocolate, Peeps!), and this year its truly special with a treat for my readers,  My Cowboy Valentine, a Harlequin American Romance duet with “Hill Country Cupid” by Tanya Michaels and my story, “Be Mine, Cowboy.”

In Be Mine, Cowboy:

Years ago, Rachel James gave Cade King an ultimatum, and he walked. Heartbroken, Rachel moved on. Life is tough as a single mom, but Rachel is doing just fine.

Now Cade’s back after burning up the rodeo circuit, and things are different. He’s sober, but with one burning regret. He has some work to do to show Rachel he’s changed-but he’s up to the challenge.

RT Magazine loved Cade and Rachel as well, giving their story 4 1/2 stars, saying, “Porter’s touchingly sweet reunion between her two main characters is wonderful.”

Library Journal reviewed Tanya’s and my book, too, saying: “Poignant, heartfelt, sweetly funny, and guaranteed to leave you smiling, this duet of romantic novellas is a delectable Valentine’s Day treat.”  
And then to top it off, tonight, just an hour agoI got an email from Fresh Fiction letting me know that “Be Mine, Cowboy” was a Fresh Fiction Pick!  So cool.  I’ve written over 40 novels now, but this was a first for me!

February 12, 2013

I’m thrilled both readers and critics are loving this story and I want you to discover it, too!   Read the whole first chapter of Be Mine, Cowboy or order your copy today, before it sells out, as I’ve been told that this duet had huge pre-orders and isn’t going to last on shelves long.

But wait… I also have a Valentine’s prize to giveaway!  Tell me what your plans are for Valentine’s Day in the comments section below, and you’re entered to win one of my 3 special cowboy Valentine prize boxes filled with books, gift cards and treats galore.  Contest runs through Saturday, February 16th with the three winners announced on Sunday, the 17th!

Speaking of Sunday, the 17th, I’ll be in Raleigh/Cary, North Carolina on Sunday with a reader event open to the public at 2:30 pm, before heading to Greater Detroit on Monday where I’m treating my readers to dinner in Royal Oak, MI.  Details for both events–and all my events–are on the events page here on my site. So check it out to see if I’ll be near you anytime soon.

Have a wonderful February 14th.  May it be filled with my favorite things–hugs, kisses, chocolate, conversation hearts, and Peeps!




  1. Am i the first to comment ? 🙂

    WE have no plans so far. coz hubby has to work.

    maybe i’m going to make my own valentine cake ? usually my double choco brownies . LOL
    and eat outside, somewhere with the kids ..we’ll see. the weather is unpredictable lately..we have rains since last week,….brrrrr


  2. I think I’ll pick up a DQ ice cream cake that I’ve been craving! Makes for a nice treat when unexpected company stops by.

  3. Happy Valentine’s Day! My husband has to lead the college Bible class at our church on Valentine’s Day so my 9 year old daughter will be my Valentine. 🙂 We will be making heart shaped pizza, eating red strawberries and munching on some pink, red, and white M&M chex mix.

  4. I am staying home this year for Valentines Day and cuddling with my hubby! Still recovering from surgery so hard to do some stuff. Hope you enjoy yours!

  5. Hi Jane,

    I loved your story Be Mine, Cowboy. It’s a great story.

    Nothing special planed for Valentines Day because I’m having minor surgery that day so it’ll be a quite day with nothing fancy.

  6. I will be creating a special dinner for my husband who deserves this treatment since he works long hours. Best wishes and wonderful thoughts.

  7. Happy Valentine’s Day Jane and jumping for joy here about your book and the raves coming in for it. I want to get my hands on a copy before they run out.
    We will have our granddaughter with us for Valentine’s Day. Isn’t that GRAND!! Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can go to the park with her.
    Enjoy your family time and time with fans! Traveling Mercies!

    1. Just wanted to say, Happy Birthday on the 17th Jane! Hope you have a beautiful day and plan something fun for you and Ty when you get home.

  8. Sadly, my husband will be away on a business trip and my teen will be out with friends!

    I guess that leaves me with a glass of wine and a good book or movie??

  9. Happy Valentine’s Day Jane. I’m glad you’ll be home for the celebration before you continue on your book tour. As for us, we usually stay in on Valentine’s day (restaurants are so crowded) and so we’ll have a quiet time at home. Then over the weekend we will likely go out for a nice dinner. Oh, but for sure we will have chocolate on Valentine’s Day. Can’t have a Valentine’s Day without it.

  10. Hubby is taking me out to eat. We plan on getting to the restaurant early about 5.
    I wish I could come to Roswell and meet you,but Roswell is farther away than I thought it was. I live on the opposite end of Georgia.

    Happy upcoming birthday Jane.

  11. I will be most likely shopping for my son’s birthday which is Friday…nothing like waiting for the last minute… This weekend is all about Chris as it should be.

    Happy Valentine’s day, Jane and hope you travel safely again!! Also, Happy Birthday on Monday to you too!!


  12. Valentines day is still to be determined. Have been making chocolate cupcake shaped candy holders for friends, can’t wait to see their faces. It will be fun no matter what comes my way! XO

  13. Will be taking Valentine’s Day off as it’s my birthday and will try my luck in Atlantic City. Restaurants are too busy, so I guess I’ll make myself something nice for dinner.
    Have a great trip and Happy Valentine’s Day and birthday to you, Jane.(((Hugs))

  14. Picking up carnations for my DH to take to his dental receptionist on Valentine’s morning for his checkup. I have such a good time talking to her on the phone when she calls for reminders, etc. that I figure it would be a nice treat for her to receive them.
    My husband and I will treat it like every other day: with love and tenderness (and maybe an argument or two, as we’re not saints!).

  15. Valentines day means work. But great news I am off on friday and it is my babys third birthday! So we will have a special day filled with love, fun and laughs. I can’t wait to get ahold of this book!

  16. No big plans so far for Valentine’s Day, but Friday is my daughter’s 4th birthday, and we have her birthday party on Saturday, just a couple of her friends and some of our family, should be fun! Though I’m a little overwhelmed, I’ve decided to bake cookies and cupcakes from scratch, but I’m pacing myself. Today cookies, Friday cupcakes…wish me luck 🙂
    Hope you have a great Valentine’s Day!

  17. Happy Valentine’s Day to you Jane! We are going out for Valentine’s Day for Chinese food (my favorite) and bringing our daughter since her boyfriend is working.

  18. Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy Early Birthday!

    I absolutely loved “Cowboy Be Mine!”

    Jane, you absolutely amaze me how you can put so much depth into characters even in a novella. So glad that you are getting great reviews, because they are so deserved.

    I have to work on Valentine’s Day, and it will be a crazier day than normal, they scheduled a site visit and and meeting during lunch, so that means no real break during the day. Somedays you need to be able to walk away and go scream…..=)

    The weekend will be good though, I have a friend coming into town that I haven’t seen in ages and I get to go to a 1st birthday party on Sunday for my friend’s little girl.

  19. We have not made plans for Valentines day although my husband is going to be off that day. We may go out to dinner but not sure just yet.

  20. I think we’ll just have dinner and head to the theaters to see a movie. Nothing extravagant. Happy Valentine’s Day.

  21. I don’t have any big plans for Valentine’s Day. I exchange gifts with my husband and we also get something for the kids. We’ll probably go out to eat on Friday instead. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and a safe trip to Raleigh.

  22. We won’t do much since we just had a great vacation alone together. We try to fill every day with love at our house! Have a nice Valentine’s Day!

  23. I usually stay home with the grandkids so my daughter and son-in-law can go out. Don’t know if they are going out or not this year. They may wait until Friday or Saturday. My daughter is room mother for Lily, my 7 year old so she is getting stuff rounded up for their Valentine’s party Thursday. Have a safe trip and have fun.

  24. Well, my Valentines day wont be too romantic this year. Husband is out of state and I will be working a 12 hr shift taking care of sick people at the hospital. That’s ok tho…it’s what I enjoy!
    The day after, I’ll celebrate with my kids. Planning on taking them out for a special lunch and a movie.

  25. I totally loved this book. But, then again, cowboys and romance are the way to my heart. No plans for us on Valentine’s Day. We haven’t gone out in a long time to celebrate that day. I’ll just cook something nice at home. Last year we tried to order from an Italian place by our house and that was a huge mistake. It took almost an hour for my husband to get the food. He had to order when he got there because no one would answer the phone when I tried to call it in. Needless to say, Valentine’s Day was a disaster and he was really cranky after that. Enjoy your time with your boys. I know you missed them as much as they missed you. <3

  26. For Valentine’s Day my sweetie and I will be going to our favorite Mexican Restaurant for lunch, and then we will drive back down the coast on the way home. I wish you and your family a very Happy Valentine’s Day.

  27. Hubby will surprise me with something for Valentine’s Day and then we will go out to eat. We choose a restaurant that we hope will not be overly crowded and we can hear each other talk.

    I have already mailed out Valentine cards to my friends. Friends are surprised more by receiving cards on Holidays other than Christmas when they are more expected.

  28. Used to love Valentine’s Day but spending it alone isn’t much fun. I’ll probably grab a good book and a beverage and read.

  29. My husband has to work on Valentine’s Day, so we celebrated today by going out to dinner and enjoying each others company. Tonight – a little romance.

  30. Valentine’s Day is Thursday, and I’m substitute teaching this week which means I have to go to bed early and get up even earlier. So…Valentine’s night we will have a nice family dinner and probably exchange candy–just me, my husband, and my two adorable boys. Friday night my husband and I will celebrate together–either with a quiet night at home or by joining my girlfriends and their husbands for a couples night. I love Valentine’s Day too–such a sweet time.

  31. Wow what a lot is going on for you and what a whirl wind of travel! Enjoy the time with your boys.

    Valentines Day is the anniversary of our engagement. Being home with my husband and our kids, that’s all I ask for. My daughter is navigating the waters of teenage romance, so fingers crossed her Valentine’s Day is all she expects it to be.

    Enjoy the romance of the day ~

  32. Unfortunately nothing fun! I’ll work all day, come home and cook dinner for my family, then go to the gym for a 7:00 class. We are going to try to get a babysitter for Saturday night 🙂

  33. Is no one single anymore??? Loved “She’s Gone Country” and will begin reading “Flirting With Forty”. Will spend Saturday with my 4-legged Cowboy, aptly named Cowboy!

  34. No plans for me but I will be driving my teenage son and his girlfriend to dinner. Brings back so many great memories of my first loves.

    Also purchased my favorite chocolates to share with my daughter.

    Happy Valentine’s!!!

  35. We will be spending Valentine’s Day with our daughter and son-in-law at their home. If they are off work we will go to the beach and just enjoy being with each other. 🙂

  36. I made my husband and 2 kids special Valentine’s Day 52 Reasons I Love You gifts out of old decks of cards. I wrote them love notes on each card. I can’t wait to give it to them!! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!!

  37. My husband and I have no plans. We are both on disability, so there is no extra money for any occasion. So all we will do is Say HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY

  38. I’m am taking a half day off from work and going to see a play at Proctors, a beautiful and historical theater in Schenectady. We are seeing Priscilla Queen of the Desert……should be a funny one. Then on to dinner and I have to work at my 2nd job that evening. I hope your day is filled with hugging your little one…..Mr. Yellow Belt…… Safe travels Jane.

  39. In the morning I’m the “Party Mom” for class party of my youngest. Then I’m getting my nails done. At night, Rich is making me dinner while the kids hopefully watch a movie in the basement. I hate going out on V-day – as it’s over priced and the service is usually not too good. And I’ve got a big Jane Porter weekend planned – so excited for that!

  40. Valentine’s Day is my very favorite holiday. I make a red dinner for my family — chicken parm, pasta with red sauce, heart shaped rolls, and chocolate heart shaped cake or cookies. I also give everyone cards and my girls get small gifts. Books, usually. 🙂

  41. A Happy Valentine´s Day to you, Jane! What a special book you are offering for this occasion. My hubby and I always spend a quiet, heartfelt Valentine’s Day with a dinner out and exchange handmade heart cards with each other. We have to use our own words and make the cards ourselves…special treats for both of us.

  42. Our family of four (with a 5 year old and 4 month old) will be going to the just opened frozen yogurt place at the mall followed by a visit to the indoor playground. V-Day is more of an F(amily)-Day here. :o)

  43. I love to make a special dinner for my hubby at home…all his favorites topped off with chocolate kahlua cheesecake. He loves my cooking and baking better than a restaurant and I love showing my love for him in the way that he enjoys…good food, quiet, romantic setting in the comfort of home. Happy V-day to you, Jane!

  44. I wish I was doing something fun for Valentine’s Day. I’m away from home taking a class for work but I get to come home on Friday! =] I think I’m just going to get dinner and a cookie from Panera Bread to celebrate on Valentine’s Day, haha.

  45. valentines is the anniversary of the day we got engaged. (He put an ad in the valentines section of the local paper at the time called The Town Crier asking me to marry him and hard a heart shaped diamond ring waiting for me along with the comment good thing I said yes because you know how many electric downriggers he could have bought with the money he spent on the ring?! but hey that’s part of his charm…lol…anyway… make sure we celebrate our engagement anniversay together every year…sometimes its in bed for the day sometimes its going out to eat at the same chinese food place we went that day and on the day we eloped….it doesn’t matter where or what, as long as we’re together…

    1. btw…sorry I missed you last week when you came to springfield….but with the nasty weather we were expecting I had to change plans and pick up my kids from college a day early in order to beat the storm because I’m to chicken to drive in that crap…lol. Ended up with 2 feet and over 11 hours of shoveling and snowblowing….but I really wish I could have been there to see you!

  46. Will deliver the 2 older kids’ Valentines to their jobs. And will be hanging out with my 2 youngest since my boyfriend will be at work/school all day. I think we are having pizza “cupcakes”; recipe my youngest found online. Happy Valentine’s Day! <3

  47. I will be heading out for a cruise vacation to celebrate my 5-year anniversary with my sweetie! I am soooo ready for some sunshine and beaches! I hope you have a great Valentine’s Day!

  48. I’m recently almost single so I’ll be taking a 1/2 day from work and look at getting things in line for when I’m finally single. I might visit with a friend, or work on some stained glass projects.

  49. Hi Jane!

    Loving The Good Daughter! Hard to put it down!

    On Valentine’s Day, I’ll be running my son from baseball practice to basketball practice! But since the World Ag Expo is going on, it’s hard to go out to dinner that night, anyway! My hubby and I went to Tommy’s for dinner this past Saturday night as our Valentine’s celebration. Hope you have a great day!

    Take care,

    Amy P

  50. Each year my husband and I make a date of going to our CPA’s office to have our taxes completed. This started once we became parents and alone time was precious, so we made the best of the time by going out to breakfast before the meeting with our accountant. So, this year our breakfast and tax appointment land on Valentines’s Day!! Our accountant thinks we are pretty crazy to consider an appointment with him a date :), but we still enjoy our tradition after 16 years!

  51. My boyfriend and I have a tradition of going to White Castle for Valentines’s day. They do a cute set-up, with tablecloths, and flowers. We get a kick out of it. Plus every V-day, he gives me one of those real roses dipped in gold. I wonder what color it will be this year?

  52. Hubby and I are going out on Wednesday for dinner. Family dinner with our boys on the 14th. Hubby brought roses tonight. I may make some homemade chocolates.

  53. I love Valentine’s Day! …and have already started celebrating by sending Valentines to family and friends. I may just splurge and get a cute heart cookie from the local bakery. No Prince Charming….where is he? Instead, I will call a few friends, enjoy, check my mailbox for valentines, and curl up with a good book!

  54. I’m planning to spend the entire day snuggled in my blankets, with a cup of tea and some Girls Scout Cookies, reading my brand new copy of The Good Daughter!!! <3

  55. First of all I have to tell you how much I enjoyed reading My Cowboy Valentine! Your story was amazing and I was in tears at some point in the story. One of my fav books from you!

    Second, I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day for 2 reasons, first I’m single and second I live in Israel so it’s not a big deal here, just another way for store and restaurants to offer special gifts and meals- it’s not even a Jewish holiday but it’s good for business so in the last few years more and more places are offering Valentine’s Day meals.

  56. No major plans, just getting ready for the appt. with the accountant on the 15th…fun. Perhaps a glass of wine and a good book are in order! Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day with your family! 🙂

  57. Unfortunately I’m working 10-7. I’ll come home, take a walk with my husband, then have dinner together. My treat? He’s cooking!

    Have fun as you travel and meet your fans!

    johns lake at usa dot com

  58. I’ve learned not to make plans, because I don’t want to risk spoiling whatever plans my wonderful Valentine husband have already made. He is just the best ever, priceless!

  59. Don’t have much plans since the DH will be at a firefighter class to be a Class A firefighter. I’ll probably make a cake and enjoy it with my three children who will be home. Maybe 4, if my oldest comes home from college!

  60. We are taking the day off to spend together –
    Relaxing breakfast (he cooks)
    Drive to the beach
    Lunch at our favorite ocean side restaurant
    Quiet dinner at home – cards, flowers and candy
    38th Valentine’s Day together

  61. My husband and I both work, but plan to stay in, enjoy each others company, exchange cards, eat some Godiva truffles, and watch some of our favorite shows. Quiet, but very nice!

  62. Getting my taxes done, ugh. But after that the fun begins. Every year we do a scavenger hunt for our kids at our home and it is a blast. The kids look forward to it more than I do I think. This year my twin 3year olds will be able to really get in on the action. And then I’m making a nice family dinner and hopefully some snuggle time with the kid lets and my husband at the end of the day. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

  63. Hi Jane, there will be a Valenrines Day party in my classroom. I need to frost the sugar cookie hearts I made still. That is about it for me.

  64. Well, it’s been a rough year so far and my family is down to just myself and my mom. So after we get off work, we will spend a nice, quiet evening at home. 🙂

  65. My plans are to have a nice dinner with the hubby,maybe Italian~ Olive Garden sounds really good right now! Have some nice wine, share some dessert! Go see the Grandbabbies to take them their prezzies from Mama Jama and Pappy D. Get a few snuggles and kisses from them. Later go on home watch a movie, do a little cuddling with my main man and then who know what might happen~~~ We’ll probably fall asleep! LOL!

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Jane!!

  66. Give a few treats to the kids and make dinner since we don’t want to fight the crowds. Do plan on making everyone’s favorite caramel/chocolate cheesecake since Ham will be home this weekend.

  67. After many, many years with no Valentine to celebrate with it doesn’t matter what we do I’m just glad to have a Sweetie in my life … that is celebration enough. ❤ Will probably go out for Mexican food, though and watch some TV. Not terribly exciting, but still nice.

  68. Happy Valentine’s Day Jane. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed this past weekend at home, shoveling out from our big blizzard here in MA, and loving every page of The Good Daughter. Your book made my weekend. I’ve already ordered My Cowboy Valentine so I enjoy more of your writing–I’m a big fan. Thanks for giving me the escape from my busy reality! Tomorrow my husband cooks dinner so that’s my Valentine present:)

  69. Happy Valentine’s Day, Jane! And early Happy Birthday!

    I have no big plans for tomorrow. I’d be happy if my hubby even remembered the day. Sometimes he waits until the day after to get marked down candy though. LOL

  70. I have to work on Valentine’s Day, 6 to 2:30! We have a 13 Hour Sale event @ our store and it’s a wine/beer/seafood sale. Whew! After that I plan to come home, put my feet up, give my hubby his special beer/card and steak and hope there is something special for me too! 🙂

  71. I love Valentine’s Day too! I know some people say it’s just a Hallmark holiday, blah, blah, blah, but I’m girly and a huge romantic, so it’s definitely one of my favorite holidays. I plan on smothering my boys with hugs and love, and then reading a good romance book and eating chocolate.

    I hope you have a great Valentine’s Day and Birthday!!

  72. I plan to rest on Valentine’s Day after working 7 days in a row. I want to finish my current book because the next book in my stack is “The Good Daughter”. I can’t wait!

  73. Happy Valentine’s Day Jane. I will just be working and going to class at night but it will still be a nice Valentine’s Day.

  74. It’s our busy night taking the girls back and forth to their dance classes. I will make a special snack time for my girls when they come back from school and celebrate with my husband on the week-end as on Monday it is family day and everybody is at home.
    Have a great day, Jane!

  75. So happy you’re able to spend a few days at home. It’s been awhile since you’ve shared pictures of Mac, the littlest Valentine getting bigger. Hope your day is as special as you and you enjoy each one of the bigger Valentines. We had our celebration out with prime dinner on Monday already, to get away from the crowds so tonight we’ll be alone with a nice ham dinner at home. Be safe and happy on your travels…Ruth

  76. For Valentine’s Day my guy and I are going to go and watch the new book adaptation Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks. I read the booka and have been waiting anxiously for it to get released. I heard my guy whispering to his father about trying to take me on a road trip(10hrs) to Denver and so I think he is trying to get me there to meet you. He knows that you are my inspiration. I didn’t have the heart to tell him we can’t go last minute and expect to get in since this venue is a little different then some others. I figured the thought is what counts so I will just keep my fingers crossed. I know I will meet you one day. Also I am dying and I mean Dying to know what happens next with Meg in your next book. I never liked that she went back to her husband and begged for forgiveness (as noble as it is to save a marriage) poisoning her relationship with her children was a line that no man or woman should ever cross. OK off my soapbox now. Have a great holiday and safe travels to you and your family!

  77. My husband leaves for work early so I left a card tucked into his wallet, then when I woke up I found a card he’d made, answering the one I’d left him, on the kitchen table. So sweet. We ate at home- lobster tails, salad, and baked potato.

  78. I don’t get to celebrate Valentines day . I work at a florist, I’m the one who makes sure everyone else has a nice Valentines day. I got home at 9 pm just enough time to kiss my son goodnight. I cracked my tooth earlier in the week and couldn’t go to the dentist due to work. I finally got an appointment but not till Monday! Right now I’m about to fall asleep the doctor called in a painkiller for me. Unfortunately it’s not really helping the pain.

  79. I’m late announcing the winners for this contest. So sorry but I’ve been traveling and it slipped on my to-do list! Here are the winners –

    #19 Gretchen P
    #87 Marcy Schuler
    #91 Megan Emerick

    And we have a bonus winner –
    #65 Colleen B.

    Please shoot me an email with your mailing information and be sure to mention the title of this blog.

    I’m going to spend the evening catching up with my family. Hope you all have a great evening too!


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