Featured Author: Tessa Dare


I am sooooo excited to welcome Tessa Dare to my blog today!  I’m a huge fan of Tessa’s historical romances.  As you can tell from my Pinterest board titled “Historical Romance Junkie” this genre is my favorite for pleasure reading, and I’m a demanding reader.  I want fantastic characters in a story, and a terrific plot, something that’s fresh, and interesting.  I want emotion, I want passion, but I don’t want to see the author…I’m not interested in author while reading.  I just want great story.  And that’s what Tessa Dare does.

So, back in mid March when I met  Tessa at the So Cal RWA conference in March, I gushed about her writing, and her books, and told her I was a massive fan.  And Tessa (the lovely, lovely girl!) had her publicist send me an advanced reading copy of Any Duchess Will Do, her brand new historical that releases today.

I devoured my ARC of Any Duchess Will Do over my Spring Break, and it was one of my favorite books I’ve read this year.  I’ve been dancing about, waiting for May 28th to arrive, to share Tessa Dare with all of you.

Today is the official release day for Any Duchess Will Do, and I’m thrilled Tessa made time to be featured on my blog.  Everyone, please join me in welcoming the fabulous Tessa Dare!

Tessa, welcome!   So happy today is the big release day of Any Duchess Will Do.  I know you’re very busy, so thank you for agreeing to answer my questions.  

Here we go:  name five items sitting on your desk right now.

  1. My trusty MacBook Air.
  2. Blue-ink Papermate Profile pens (I’m picky about my pens) and a red Moleskin notebook
  3. Fossils from my trip to Sussex, England (setting of my Spindle Cove series)
  4. A candle with a Jane Austen quote, given to me by a lovely reader
  5. An enormous book about English castles.  I swear, it weighs ten pounds.

What’s your astrological sign?

Scorpio – which is supposed to mean intense, mysterious, passionate.  I guess maybe the “passionate” part is somewhat accurate, since I write romance novels.  As for “mysterious”?  All I can say is that once when I was a teenager, a cute, slightly older guy said to me, “You seem like the kind of person who would like to imagine she’s mysterious.  But you’re really not.”   Ha!  Sadly, I think he was spot-on.  I’d like to imagine I’m mysterious, but I’m really not.

anyduchesswilldoWhat do you do in your spare time?

Most of my spare time is devoted to hanging out with my husband and two kids.  We do the usual family stuff—parks, video games, trips to zoos and museums.  Disneyland is practically in our backyard, so it’s a family favorite.  When I’m not with the family, I love enjoying our California scenery on long walks and hikes, or getting together with friends for dinner or a movie.

Rock or country music?

I definitely grew up more of a rock music girl—I tend toward alternative rock/pop, mostly.  Songs in heavy rotation on my iTunes playlist this month include tracks from Imagine Dragons, Foo Fighters (perennial favorite!), the Neighbourhood, and Capital Cities.  But I’m gaining more and more appreciation for country music lately, especially since so many country songs tell a story.

Favorite ice cream flavor?

Haagen-Dazs chocolate peanut butter.  No hesitation.

Drama or comedy?

My favorite books, movies, and TV shows always combine both.  I love a story that can make me laugh out loud, but also feel deep emotions.  Those are the kinds of stories I try to write.

Tell us what your new book is about, in 2 or 3 sentences.

The hero of Any Duchess Will Do is Griffin York, the Duke of Halford, who’s been the quintessential Regency rake, or playboy.  His mother, desperate for grandchildren, kidnaps him to Spindle Cove—a village full of unmarried, unconventional women—and tells him just pick a girl, any girl, and she will make that girl into a duchess.  Annoyed, Griff decides to call his interfering mother’s bluff—he chooses the serving girl, Pauline Simms, who is impoverished, smart-mouthed, and the furthest thing from elegant.  If you’ve ever seen My Fair Lady, Pretty Woman, or Cinderella…you can guess where this is going!


Was there anyone or anything that helped inspire you to be a writer?

I grew up reading anything I could get my hands on, and my family moved a lot.  I spent a lot of time in libraries, and as I got older, bookstores.  Those book-filled places were a second home to me, and I know I wouldn’t be a writer today without them.  That’s why I made Pauline an aspiring bookshop-owner in Any Duchess Will Do, and I wrote this dedication:  “To librarians and booksellers everywhere, who gather books and build shelters for tender souls.”  Mine was a tender soul, and I owe a lot to the people who offered me shelter.

beautyandtheblacksmith-250x410What do you love most about being a writer?

Since books have always been so important in my life—I’ve been a reader, a bookseller, an editor, and a librarian—I love being able to complete that circle and be part of the creation of new stories.  It’s a privilege.  The best part of the job is hearing from readers.  Even if they just write to tell me a book made them laugh when they needed a laugh, or entertained them while they waited for a flight delay.  I never get over the thrill.  My characters get to be a part of someone else’s life?  So. Cool.


Friends and readers, do check out Tessa’s website for more information on her new release and also look for her exciting new novella, Beauty and the Blacksmith!  In honor of  Tessa’s release day, I’ve got a fun giveaway for you, which includes 2 Tessa Dare novels, a $10 Barnes & Noble card, a $5 Starbucks drink card and lots more fun goodies tucked into a JP reader bag.   If you love great historical romances, enter to win this giveaway.  The contest runs through Friday, with the winner announced Saturday morning, June 1st.


  1. I just love the cover of both books. I’m so heading over to amazon to buy it. I’m in a reading mood right now and I think this book is perfect for me.
    Thanks for introducing me to Tessa

    1. I have bought the book and I love the almost two covers in one look.
      And I’m reading as we speak.
      Thanks Jane for introducing me to another great author.

  2. Happy release day Tessa! Thank you for the kind words about librarians. I work in a school library and it’s gratifying to know kids will remember us/the space we’ve created long after they have left the school. Any Duchess Will Do sounds like a great book. I can’t wait to read it!

  3. Ohmygosh she always has the most beautiful covers!! I love historical romance and I can’t wait to read this book!!!!

  4. I think that any romance cover has a job of selling you the book. They are all a little different but fun to look at.

  5. This really sounds like a fun book to read. I don’t get into the historical books so much, but this one has me curious. it does sound very good.

  6. The male characters are always such scoundrels but oh, so hot & sexy! Please enter me to win!

  7. I enjoyed Tessa Dare’s chat on Twitter today. She is a magnificent author and I cannot WAIT to read this next novel of hers. Wahoo!

  8. I am a romance junkie and I love historicals. I’m looking forward to reading Any Duchess Will Do. Congrats on the new release, Tessa!

  9. I think my TBR pile just got a little bigger. Tessa’s book sounds like a great fun read, can’t wait to read it.

    Tessa, happy release day! We love the same ice cream! =)

    Hope everyone has a great week.


  10. Jane, thank you SO much for inviting me to your blog today! And thanks to all the lovely readers commenting.

    This is my favorite cover of all my covers! I’m so glad so many of you like it, too. 🙂

  11. Love, love, love Tessa! Got to meet her at my writer’s group once and she is fabulous. Congrats Tessa on your latest release! And she and I share the same favorite ice cream. 🙂

  12. First, thanks Jane for introducing us to new authors that I haven’t discover yet . Tessa’s book looks like a good one!!

  13. I am always pleased to hear an author state how much she/he loves libraries. They are my favorite places to visit. Count me in. Dee

  14. Thanks for the interview Jane. I enjoy historical romance and this looks like a story I would like.

  15. I have all of her books in ebook and can not wait to read this next one!! Congrats!!!!

  16. If I haven’t read any of her books I’ve obviously been missing a great writer. Would love to win this contest with the books,and gift cards. I could buy another book and start reading it while enjoying a Mocha Frappuccino, with peppermint added if possible, in the Starbucks in my favorite B&N. What a wonderful day that would be. Thanks to both of you for this contest.

  17. i would love to win these books..it’s great what you do for others Jane..you are a great friend…

  18. I’ve read and enjoyed most of Dare’s books but I especially love the Spindle Cove series. The series is so enchanting and delightful; I can’t put them down. And, as a fellow Austen fan (and librarian), I’m thrilled to know she is inspired by the great Jane. 🙂

  19. I got the reading part down early on, but I will leave the writing up to you fantastic story tellers! Thanks for filling my life with love, adventure/mis-adventure and laughter. I would be lost if it weren’t for books! <3 <3

  20. Hi Jane, thank you for introducing Tessa to us! I love the story lines and the covers are beautiful. I’ll definitely order her books! Teresa

  21. I’ve been a Tessa Dare fan a long time. Her witty and sexy books never fail to disappoint historical romance readers.

  22. I enjoyed the interview of Tessa Dare. Interesting that she is a Scorpio, since I am one, too.

  23. Another great interview. Congrats to Tessa on her release day. I have many many books going on my “to read” list! Good luck to everyone, have a great week!

  24. Love the cover and learning about new authors and trying new types of romance books! Thanks Jane !

  25. Hi Jane,
    I love historical romances and this one sounds great! Thanks for introducing your readers to new authors.

  26. Congratulations, Tessa!
    I haven’t picked up a historical romance in a long time. With such enticing covers (yes, I confess I’m a sucker for a good cover), and Jane’s praise for your story, I’m adding it to my “must read” list today.

  27. Tessa Dare is one of my “new finds of 2013” that I have been enjoying so much this year! What a great interview, and can’t wait to read her new book! The first Spindle Cove book was excellent!

  28. I have not read anything by Tessa Dare, but I love historical fiction! Can’t wait to check one out, these look really good!

  29. Any Duchess Will Do will definitely be a smash. Remember My Fair Lady? That is still popular and will be a classic. Congratulations to Tessa Dare for a book sure to be read by millions.

  30. Congrats on your new release! I love your books and will be looking for this one. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  31. Love Tessa Dare books and Any Duchess Will Do sounds fabulous. I love a rag to riches story. Can’t wait to get my hands on it and devour!

  32. Happy Release Day, Tessa! This sounds like a fun read.

    Thank you, Jane, for always introducing other great authors. My To-Be-Read pile thanks you, too LOL!

  33. Thanks, Jane. You always share the best authors with us. Can’t wait to read Tessa’s new book!

  34. Congrats Tessa on your latest release. I just love your books & can’t wait to read this one.

    I’m a Scorpio too. Intense, passionate? Ummm – Yes when it comes to reading romance books!

  35. I have read several of Tessa’s books and really enjoy them. I start reading them and before I know it hours have passed because I am so into the story.

  36. I love all of Tessa’s Books I cant wait to get my hands on this one congrats on your release Your books r seriously awesome!

    I am a huge talker and reader I get it from my daddy lol

  37. Happy release day Tessa!!! Just got back from a five-day trip from the hell that is DisneyWorld and I’d love this escape package. :oD


  38. Great interview Jane. Historicals are fun, never read anything from Tessa yet and her covers are stunning.

  39. Wow, great interview, Jane!

    I’ve been reading Tessa’s works for years now, but – not being a stalker! – I didn’t realize how much more there was to learn about her! Lovely to read!

    Thank you both, for sharing your conversation with those of us who are too shy to ask!

  40. I have never read anything by Tessa, but would love to start. The purple bed in the cover looks so decadent!
    Thanks for sharing another great author.

  41. This story sounds like lots of fun & from the snippet I read of beauty & the blacksmith, I will love that one! 🙂

  42. This book sounds lovely! I will definitely be reading it soon. And the cover is absolutely gorgeous!

  43. Love you so much~!! I can’t believe this series has came to an end 🙁 Hopefully we get to see or read them in the next series 😉

  44. I love your books Tessa. I came across One Dance With A Duke when I was looking for something new at Borders and have been addicted to your books ever since.

  45. I’ve been hearing such good things about this author and looking forward to being able to read her soon. I really enjoy historicals. Thanks for the chance!

  46. I love the “Spindle Cove” series, and have read the first three books..am getting this new book.

    I’m a Scorpio too, think I’m getting the ‘mysterious’ part from it, but get the ‘imagination’ part from the Pisces.. as for ‘romance’… I’m reading romance novels.. like you, that should speak for itself. 😉

  47. I love the Spindle Cove series! Can’t wait til payday to finally purchase “Any Duchess Will Do” 🙂

  48. I absolutely LOVED “A Week To Be Wicked”. I read it three times within a few months of buying it. I have since devoured all the spindle cove series. I can’t say enough about Ms. Dare’s talent as a writer!!! Like in her interview. She writes with a combination of humor and emotion. I pre-ordered Any Duchess Will Do after I read the excerpt and waited on pins and needles for the release! *Sigh* 🙂 reading it now…

  49. Congratulations Tessa on your latest release. Jane, thank you for introducing me to Tessa’s writing.

  50. Historical Romance is my absolute favorite genre. I’ve been wanting to read Tessa Dare’s Spindle Cove books for a while now. I hear such great things about them!!

  51. Thanks for the great interview I read Beauty and the Blacksmith last week & I know I have to go back & read the rest of the books!

  52. Love the covers of the books and with all of the great comments I will have to read them.

  53. I do love great historical romance, and I love Tessa Dare, so it’s a definite win with her new book and novella coming out. 😀

  54. I absolutely love each book Tessa writes! I gobbled up Any Duchess Will Do so now I can go back to the beginning of the Spindle Cove series & read them all over again.

  55. I’m truly delighted about this new release as I discovered Spindle Cove only recently and have been devouring the books. Tessa Dare has a cool group on Goodreads.com too.

    Jane, love the intro questions! 🙂

  56. Tessa Dare has a flair for picking out a good covers. I remember you showing us the covers you rejected for Mrs. Perfect.

  57. I cut my teeth on historical romance back in 1980.
    I have read A NIGHT TO SURRENDER. I didn’t realize there were so many more Spindle Cove stories. I am going to go a shopping and get the others. Any Duchess Will Do sounds like a good story with a good dose of humor. Oh and the covers for your books are so pretty, that is the one thing I miss when using a Kindle is the beautiful cover art.

  58. I’m a Historical Romance Junkie. Honestly there’s nothing better to escape the harsh realities of life then a good book. Tessa Dares books are always hilarious yet thought provoking. Thanks for doing the interview and I can’t wait to read the new book!

  59. I adore Tessa’s books. I am so excited about her new release. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  60. I always enjoy her books so I will look forward to reading this book. Beautiful cover by the way.

  61. I am sooo looking forward to reading this book. You have me intrigued with your short description. Thanks for sharing bits about yourself and your writing.

  62. Thanks for all the great comments and helping me welcome Tessa! Our winner is –

    #43 Sandie W

    Drop me an email, Sandie, with your mailing info and I’ll get the prize in the mail.

    I have more fun stuff coming up for you so check back soon!

    Jane xoxo

  63. I LOVE historical romances or historical anything!!!!! Thank you so much for your featured authors. I’m reading books I never would have otherwise.

  64. Awwwww!!! I couldn’t ever get it to load on my regular computer or eye phone. Of course I especially wanted to win this one. I’m excited about the new authors and wouldn’t have probably even considered them if you hadn’t featured them on your blog. Keep the contests coming! I have a friend’s mom re-diagnosed with cancer and am putting a care package together for her. Thank you! Can’t wait to get started reading these new authors!!!! emmarhea13@yahoo.com

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