Featured Author: Laura Drake

headshot_Laura-DrakeLaura Drake is my kind of a writer.  She’s as obsessed with writing as I am, and yet her work ethic blows mine away at the moment.  (I couldn’t imagine waking up that early in the morning to write…read the interview and you’ll see what I mean!!)  I love her passion for her work, her addiction to books (like me, she loves to read!!), and best of all,  Laura is celebrating her first book release.

I think its important to support new authors, and I confess, I’m really excited about Laura’s career.  This girl isn’t a one-book wonder…she’s signed multi-book contracts with two different publishers, with Laura’s next book (a Harlequin Superromance)  out late summer.  Now let me step aside so Laura can take the floor.

Laura, welcome to the JaneBlog, and congratulations on the release of The Sweet Spot!  It’s so exciting to have you here with us during the launch week of your first release!   Can you tell us what you like best about being a part of the writing industry?

The community.  Either online or in person, writers are so open and giving. I’ve met many famous and successful ones, and to a person, they’ve been approachable and kind. I’m moving to Texas next year, 250 miles from a RWA (Romance Writers of America) chapter, and I don’t know how I’m going to make it…I may just have to start a chapter!

Is there anything that has surprised you about writing or publishing your books?

How different the process is, between publishers. I’m writing for two, and they couldn’t be more different in their approaches, and their rules.

A Love as Big as Texas . . .
Charla Rae Denny was the perfect wife with a perfect life, content to keep the home fires burning while her husband, JB, competed as a champion bull rider. Then their son died in a tragic accident-and everything fell apart. Divorced and saddled with a hill of bills and a failing ranch, Charla must now cowboy up to put her life back together.
James “JB” Denny doesn’t stay where he isn’t welcome. So when Charla shut him out of her grieving heart-and their home-a year ago, he took comfort where he could find it. Now after seeing beautiful Charla again, he wants it all back. She can’t work the ranch alone, and deep in his heart he knows he can be the man she needs. But after so much history and heartbreak, can JB convince Charla to take a risk and give their love a second chance?

Some writers like to let plot ideas percolate and grow for a while before they start writing the story.  Would you say this applies to you as well?

Well, I should. Maybe someday, I’ll be able to. But right now, I’m addicted. If I’m breathing, I’m writing.

What’s your typical day like when you’re between writing projects?

Given the answer above, you can probably guess! I have to force myself out of my office to knit, quilt or read.

Was there anyone or anything that helped inspire you to be a writer?

It evolved from my love of reading, and my mother was my role model there. I remember watching her read when I was very little, and wanting time to hurry so I could learn to unlock the secret code of reading!

Do you have a writing schedule or any writing rituals to help you achieve your daily writing quota?

None I’d recommend! I get up every morning at 3 am (weekends too,) pour coffee, and get to work. If it’s a good day, I spend until lunchtime writing. If it’s one of those ‘chip out of stone’ days, I keep my behind in the chair until I make the word count; sometimes 12-14 hours.

Tell us what your current release is about, in 2 or 3 sentences.

When her only son is killed in a tragic accident, Charla Denny retreats to a world of grief and Valium. Her reeling husband takes up with a blonde buckle bunny half his age. Their ranch, which supplies bucking bulls to the Pro Bull Riding circuit, is split up in the divorce. Jimmy gets the bulls, Charla, their valuable semen. It’s a story of forgiveness and rediscovering love at the end of a long dirt road.

What’s are you working on now?

My ‘biker-chick’ novel, Her Road Home, is due out in August from Harlequin’s Superromance line. I’ve agreed to a 3 book contract for stories set in the same small tourist town of Widow’s Grove.

What’s your favorite time of the day and place to write? 

Early morning! My office is upstairs, in one of the kid’s ‘empty nest’ bedrooms. I have a ficus and a palm tree outside my window with birds nesting – including a hummingbird pair! I love listening to them gossiping as the sun comes up.

Name 3 books you hope to read soon.

Jane’s, The Good Woman (It’s next up on my Kindle!)
The Wool series by Hugh Howey
Stephen King’s new one, Joyland
Yeah, I’m eclectic.

What’s your astrological sign? 

Sagittarius. And boy, am I. Klutzy, stick-my-foot-in-my-mouth, loving, physical being, that’s me.

If you could meet one person who has died, who would it be?  What would you want to discuss with him/her?

There are so many! I’ll keep to writers, to try to narrow it down…

I think it would have to be Mark Twain. I so love his subtle humor; I’d love to talk about writing, and what he thinks of this world we live in now. What a conversation that would be!

You’re offered an all-expenses paid vacation to a destination of your choice.  Where would you choose to go and what two things would you want to do there?

Oh, that’s easy because it’s on my bucket list! I want to take that paddlewheel cruise, down the Mississippi. I haven’t spent much time in that part of the country, and I want to see Savannah, Naches, oh yes, and Graceland!

Five favorite things to do on a weekend?

Ride my motorcycle, camp, fly fish, ride my bicycle, and lay under my avocado tree with a cat, and a good book.  Not all at the same time, obviously.

Best advice you’ve ever received?

It came from Randy Pausch (The Last Lecture.) He said, “The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.”

Five things every writer should know?

Don’t stop writing
Don’t stop learning
Always strive to make your next book better than the last
Reach a hand back, to help the next writer
Revel in the process of writing. Because if you don’t, you’re not going to stay with it long enough to succeed.

Three things you know now that you wish you’d known before publishing your first book?

It’s going to take way longer than you think
No one is going to teach you how the publishing process works; you have to find out as you go.
Be patient. It’ll happen.

What does success mean to you?

Gaining a loyal following of readers, who ‘get’ what I write.
A RITA would be nice, too…

Name 5 words that fit your personality according to you.  And 5 words that fit your personality according to your best friend.

Wow, that’s a fun one!

ME:                           My Best Friend (I just asked her)

Determined               Funny
Independent             Loyal
Klutzy                        Dedicated
Thrill-seeker              Unpretentious
Caring                       Orderly

Name 3 – 5 books you’ve read this year.  Which ones would you recommend to your girlfriends?

The Good Daughter  – and no, I’m not sucking up. I just leant it to Jenny Hansen!
Before and Ever Since – Sharla Lovelace’s RITA nomination book
All God’s Creatures – Carolyn McSparren
The Sleeping Night – Barbara Samuel
Me Again – Keith Cronin
Wow, I could keep going . . .

What three words would you use to describe your book?

Emotional, funny, HEA

If you weren’t a writer, what would you be?

Being a writer is it. I tried to become an author for 15 years before selling. This is the best job in the world.

Last thing you do before you turn in for the night?

Kiss the cat. Then the husband.

What or who has inspired you most in life?

My mother and my sister

Why do you write?

To find out what I think.

Laura Drake grew up in the suburbs outside Detroit, though her stories are set in the west. A tomboy, she’s always loved the outdoors and adventure. In 1980 she and her sister packed everything they owned into Pintos and moved to California. There she met and married a motorcycling, bleed-maroon Texas Aggie and her love affair with the West was born. Laura rides motorcycles: “Elvis,” a 1985 BMW Mystic, and “Sting,” a 1999 BMW R1100. In Texas, Laura was introduced to her first rodeo, and fell in love. She’s an avid fan of Pro Bull Riding (PBR, ) attending any event within driving distance, including two PBR National finals. Laura now lives in California with her family. She is hard at work on her next novel. For more information on Laura Drake, please visit:http: //lauradrakebooks.com/


Thanks so much for sharing with us today, Laura!  Friends, don’t miss out on reading The Sweet Spot and to learn more about Laura, be sure to check out her website.  To help Laura celebrate her new release, I’m giving away to two lucky winners a JP tote bag, a copy of The Sweet Spot, two of my books, Odd Mom Out (in honor of Laura as she’s another motor-cycle riding mama like my character, Marta!),  and She’s Gone Country (because the hero, Dane Kelly is also a PBR bull riding champion and I’m a sucker for rodeos and sexy bullriders),  a $5.00 Starbucks gift card, chocolate and lots more fun reader goodies.  Want a chance to win?  Tell me, do you like rodeo events?  Have you ever been to a rodeo?  If so, what is your favorite event?  Contest runs through Thursday night and I’ll announce the winners on Friday.  Good luck!


  1. I have never been to a rodeo before, but I have read about them numerous times in books. I would love to go one day.

  2. A rodeo would be a wonderful experience. I enjoyed learning about this author and her life and writing. Very interesting and informative.

  3. Two things…yes, one of my grandmother’s husbands was in a rodeo. I remember his hat seemed SO big to me when I was little. Haven’t been in years.

    Two? Buckle bunny? LOL What is that?

      1. Well, my grandma never told me about THEM! LOL Thanks for the information…maybe that’s why they didn’t last. 🙂

  4. No, I’ve never been to a rodeo before but I would love to go to one. I think it would be fun!

  5. We used to go to the Ellensburg rodeo when I was growing up but that’s been years. I don’t know if it’s still there or not. I think it would be fun to go again,

  6. I haven’t been to a rodeo since I was a kid, but I enjoy what I’ve read in books, seen in movies, or seen on TV – tho there are a lot of points that I cringe! I’d love to get to a real rodeo sometime.

  7. I went to a rodeo event at our county fair. It was fun & exciting. Watching the barrel racing was an adventure!!!

  8. This book looks fantastic!!! I’ll definitely be getting it.

    I’ve never been to a rodeo but would love to. The men are so sexy!

    1. Thanks Marlene! You should Google rodeos in your area . . .it’s one of those things everyone should put on their bucket list!

      It’s such a different lifestyle from what most of us live!

  9. I dated a weekday carpenter/weekend bull rider when I was in college. I worked my Dad’s booth at the fair and rodeo at home when I was a teenager, every summer, until I left home. BTW, a buckle bunny is a rodeo groupy similar to a road groupy of a rock band – they try to collect prize buckles from rodeo riders by sleeping with as many as they can. (At least that’s what they were when I worked my Dad’s booth.)

  10. I have not been to a rodeo since I was a kid and think my favorite was watch the girl barrel racers and the girl trick riders.

  11. Im from Texas and I grew up around horses, cows, goats all livestock. I use to love to ride horses I did so daily since the age of 3. Then after I left home I developed allergies to horses. I sneeze uncontrollably, and my eyes water. I have been to several rodeos and barrel racing was my favorite event!! Great contest my fingers are crossed 🙂

    1. Oh Brandy, that’s so sad! I was horse-mad from a young age too, and I’ve had back surgery, so even though we’re moving to Texas next year, and will have land, I still can’t have a horse! 🙁

      1. Thats awful! I live in an apartment, but my mom still has my childhood horse. I go visit Dutchess, but can’t get too close. Frustrating!!

  12. Attended a rodeo many years ago as a young wife and mother in Calif. at that time I enjoyed the barrel races and bull riding. Book sounds interesting.

  13. I have never been to a rodeo.
    But I’ll love to go to one one day.
    I have never been to Texas but my husband sure has. He is there as we speak

  14. Hi Jane!

    I’m not sure if I like rodeo events or not as I’ve never been to a rodeo! Living in Visalia! The Woodlake Rodeo and Clovis Rodeo catch my attention every year, but I haven’t made it happen! I’d like to! Maybe next year!

    “The Sweet Spot” sounds great! Can’t wait to read it!

    Take care,

    Amy P

  15. No I haven’t been to a rodeo, but someone told me that there is one about an hour or so from here. I think it’s only during the summer. I remember my mom and sisters watching them on tv when I was little.

  16. I’ve never been to a rodeo but do have a vast appreciation for cowboys. 🙂
    Thanks for cluing me in to this author…I will definitely check her out.

  17. I don’t think I have ever been to a rodeo before. Now when I was a child I went to a small one at the fair but that was about it. The Sweet Spot sounds like a fabulous read, would love to read it, because I do love me some cowboys.

  18. Yes i have been to a rodeo.the daddy of them all where lane frost lost his life
    My favorite event bronc riding
    The book sounds fantastic! !!

  19. Sorry. I have never been to a rodeo in my life. They have them here in phoenix every so often, maybe I need to try one out.
    And I loved the interview. I don’t know if it was the questions were terrific or if her answers were just that fun. I rarely read a whole interview like that. Thanks for sharing!!

  20. Yes, I have been to several rodeos over the years and my favorite event is bronc riding. It is also fun to hear the country music singers and bands perform at the rodeos we have had over the years in Mississippi. Book sounds great.

  21. I haven’t been to the rodeo in years as it’s gotten too expensive for my pocket book. I think my favorite event at the one here is what’s called “Mutton Bustin’ “. That’s where they release a bunch of lambs and kids then chase them down, capture one and pull it across a line. The lucky ones who capture the lamb get to it to raise and show at the following years stock show and rodeo. As for the professional portions I think my favorite is the bronc riding.

    1. Molly, ‘Mutton Busting’ is different where I’ve seen it – they hoist little kids (5-7)onto the backs of sheep, the kids dig their fingers into the wool, and they take off! Most fall off, but it’s not very far to the ground, and I’ve never seen one hurt. The first still on, and across the line, wins!

      It’s adorable!

  22. I’ve never been to a rodeo, and maybe someday I’ll go, but it will be when they let the girls ride the bulls!! I love reading about bull riders, though! 😉

  23. I have never been to a rodeo that I remember (when I was 2 or 3 in California). We do watch bull riding on TV occasionally.

    1. I love that bull riding is on every weekend! As it’s getting more popular, it’s getting on more ‘mainstream’ channels…CBS Sports this season – check it out!

  24. Being born and raised in Tx, yes, I’ve been to many rodeos. I have to say though, that I like barrel racing and cow roping much better than bronc riding. Bronc riding to me is too dangerous and not something I enjoy watching.

    1. My BIL is a team roper! You’d think that wouldn’t be dangerous, but he’s lost part of a finger, and I understand many do.

      Not to get too graphic, but if they get their finger in the rope, and the calf hits the end…pop.

  25. I LOVE Rodeos! I’ve been to a few held at fairs, but to a full on Rodeo? No, but I’d love to! My favorite event is the Bronc Riding, Bull Riding is exciting but I find myself clenching my whole body and worrying for the guys so that the adrenaline rush becomes too much!

  26. I am sure that I went a rodeo when I was a kid, but I don’t really remember exactly when. I have been thinking a lot lately that I need to go to one though. I agree with Marlene the men are sexy!

    Jane, thanks for highlighting Laura Drake, I am adding her to my TBR pile. I believe I met her briefly at the Irvine conference in March, and she was recovering from an injury I think. I know I remember thinking I need to remember her book when it was released, so thanks for the reminder!

    Laura, I am a Sagitarius too and yes we are kind of klutsy. Good luck! Happy Release Week!


  27. I love rodeos. I like the bull riding the best, but I always get scared for the riders. I also enjoy watching barrel racing.

  28. I’ve never had the opportunity to attend a rodeo, but have read a lot about them, and have watched quite a few times on television. I’ve always had a fascination with watching the beauty and the powerful lines is horses as they run! I’m originally from Mississippi and loved watching my grandfather and uncles breaking in and riding horses on the family farm. My favorite event is bronco riding! Thank you for introducing your fans to another up and coming author and offering this contest!

  29. I grew up going to country and urban rodeos and always liked the barrel racing best.

    Nice to meet you Laura, I will be looking for your books! Thanks Jane!

  30. I have had the pleasure to read The Sweet Spot, Oh my goodness, it’s a fabulous book. I highly recommend reading it.

    1. Oops I hit send to soon. Yes, I have been to a rodeo. It was a lot of fun. The bull riders was probably my favorite part.

  31. Never went to a rodeo but my ex ran off and joined rodeo clown college, haven’t seen him since. Does that count as rodeo experience?

  32. I have never been to a rodeo although I have seen some events on TV. I think barrel riding is my favorite! Dee

  33. Never been to a rodeo. I have watched the bull riders online and I’m in awe! The Sweet Spot sounds like something I would definitely like to read.

  34. I have never been to a rodeo! Quite a few country fairs though and love them, all the animals are my favorite! And of course all the goodies you can eat at them…

  35. Hi! I gotta read Laura’s book, love stories about rodeo cowboy’s. In the late 70’s and early eighties I met a few cowboy’s and girl’s and traveled all summer to watch them ride. I loved watching my girlfriend barrel race but it takes a special kind of cowboy to ride a bull,and I met a lot of good looking cowboy’s who had a lot of ego- I just sat and observed on what went on, a lot of rodeo buckle gals that would hang around the cowboys and this good lokking cowboy name Gary took my blue bandana and put it around his cowboy hat and said this will bring me luck…anyways, it did but after the summer we went our own way, then one rodeo in Chicago he got gored with the horns of a bull and his girlfriend just left him at the hospital and I sat there waiting for his family-that’s when I met his brother Jimmy and we dated for awhile, we’ve connected again since were both free…I love watching barrel racing and bull riding.

  36. I have been to one small rodeo. I enjoyed it and enjoy watching rodeo on tv. My favorite event is the bull-riding.

  37. I love rodeos! I live in east Texas and rodeos are the thing. My son-in-law ropes so I’ve been to see him several times. Bull riding is fun and scary to watch, but I like it. My favorite event is the calf scramble, lol, its fun to watch.

  38. I like Laura already:

    Last thing you do before you turn in for the night?

    Kiss the cat. Then the husband.

    This is my routine too (but mine is all three cats and soon I’ll be adding a forth). I can’t wait to read this book. it sounds so much like one I would love. I am ashamed to say, I have not been to the rodeo in town and it’s one of the biggest in Texas and less then 5 minutes from my house. I have only been to one rodeo and that was when I was in high school and wanted to be part of the police department’s Explorers program. A good friend of mine was doing it because her father was a Dallas County constable. We drove down to Huntsville where they have one of the big prisons and watched the prisoner rodeo. I guess it gives the guys something to do while they are serving time. That was a fun trip.

  39. Congratulations Laura! Your book is on my Nook, but I can’t read it until I’m finished with my own reading deadline. Am so looking forward to getting to know Charla and Jimmy.

  40. I never see rodeo and I know from cowboy’s book and so exciting, dream to see it one day 🙂

  41. I have seen a rodeo on TV but never actually attended one. I love cowboys but when I watch a rodeo I always fear for the rider’s safety.

  42. I have been to a couple of rodeos, they are interesting but my favorite event is looking a the cowboys! Thank you for having Laura so we could get to know her and her books.

  43. I have never been to a rodeo, but I have been to a flea market at Cowtown Rodeo in NJ–yes, that’s the real name. Huge cowboy outside, not as big as the one who used used to be at the Texas State Fair. My friend’s aunt used to manage the restaurant there, and her cousins worked the rodeo. She gave me an open invitation to go sometime.

  44. Hola Jane!
    Growing up in S Tx, rodeos where part of our weekends. College friends were bullriders so we’d support them every chance we got. We traveled from San Marcos to Uvalde and Acuna Mexico. What fun memories you just woke up.

  45. I went to a rodeo when I was Much younger! I have not been to one since but I would like to… Sounds like more fun! I don’t know which event I would look forward to most! Congrats on the releases and thank you, Jane for another new and fun author!

  46. I have never been to a rodeo but looks like it could be very fun the thing Is I have an issue with crowds so it would be awesome to go and sounds exciting and ty so much for sharing another new to me author! you totally rock

  47. My first rodeo was in Prescott, AZ. I was a 21 year old, raised in upstate NY, who was interning in Phoenix during the summer of ’90. It was total culture shock and I loved it! A few years later I would find myself living on Oahu and working for a travel company who gave me free tickets to the Waimanalo rodeos. Fun times. Unfortunately, it’s been almost 20 years since my last rodeo. I love living back on the East Coast, but miss the excitement of live rodeos.

  48. I attended the Calgary Stampede when I was 13. I don’t remember a lot, although I remember one ride (the giant swing where I screamed/cried so much that they stopped to take me off) and one employee who stood on something that went up and down, but his legs moved such that his head was always at the same place throughout it all. Funny that….

    Heartfelt congrats to Laura. It can’t be easy getting to this stage in your book career, but oh what a lovely thing to happen!

  49. Such a great interview with Laura. I know some of these answers, but not all. Ahem, Texas? I keep hearing rumors. Don’t leave us!

    Many congrats and good luck to you.

  50. The last time I was at a rodeo was when I was a kid in good ole Ely, Nevada… I do like the bull riding 🙂

  51. 3am starts is very dedicated. I am impressed.

    I’ve been to just the one rodeo, when I was a child. I don’t remember much. Just that it was dirty & dusty.

  52. I have never been to a rodeo, but I would love to go to one. My favorite Romance novels are about Cowboys maybe cause I was born in the south.

    I would think even though I would be holding my breath the whole time, it would be Bull Riding.

    FYI … loved this blog interview.

  53. The La Fiesta de los Vaqueros Tucson Rodeo is an annual event here. The next rodeo, the 89th, will be held from February 15-23 of 2014.

    It is quite a big deal as all elementary, middle and high schools will close on Thursday, February 20th, and Friday February 21st in celebration of the rodeo!

    The best thing about rodeo week-end is the parade! Tucsonans are proud to boast that we have the longest Non-Motorized Parade in the country! It sure is something to see!

    I am not fond of the rodeo itself. As a child I did not enjoy watching the calf roping. Those poor little guys try to run so fast only to be wrestled to the ground.

    On a happier note, in high school we lived by the phrase “Wrangler Butts, Drive Me Nuts!

    Wink WInk

  54. I have never been to a rodeo but I would love to go to one someday. I have seen bull riding contests on television and they must be something intense to see in person.

    1. It’s amazing Maureen. I try to convey the excitement in my descriptions.

      The modern PBR events have pyrotechnics, a really funny clown entertainer, and edge-of-your-seat excitement!

  55. Okay, so what’s not to love about a Rodeo?!! I mean hello all those hot cowboys with their boots and hats…*swoon*… Actually I’ve only been to one rodeo and that was like when I was 15. But boy oh boy did it leave an impression! 😉

  56. I would LOVE to go to a rodeo but I don’t think they even exist where I live. Maybe I should investigate?

  57. I have been to rodeos in our local town a lot and love them, I think the horse racing is my favorite. BUT I love it all.

  58. WHOOP!! [that’s Aggie talk which you will soon learn Jane ; ) ]

    Not sure if it counts but we went to the rodeo this year but only the carnival side of it-the food, the rides, more deep fried foods…

  59. Jane,

    What a great interview!! The book sounds great and so does Laura!! She is so dedicated to her writing! All those years of hard work have definitely paid off!

    Can’t wait to read it 🙂


  60. I’m adding Jane’s name to my summer reading to do list! I loved She’s Gone Country and it made me want to check out bull riding or more specifically the bull riders!! haha. I have never been to an event though. I think it would be interesting to watch and very nerve-wracking, especially if a loved one was involved! I’d love to see a real one sometime. Maybe I need to start a bucket list?

  61. The interview with Laura was so cool and upbeat (what a character) and I’d love to read her book. Never been to a rodeo, only read about them in books or have seen the events on TV. Sure would be fun to go to one…with you and Laura!!!

    1. Ruth, when I saw Jane in Orange County this spring, she’d run a couple of hours North the night before to catch a bucking!

      Kindred spirits! Hey Jane, want to come to the Finals and sign with me?

  62. As a Kansas girl, I am happy to say that yes, I have been to a rodeo before.

    My favorite part are the cowboys and their tight jeans, ahhhh I mean the bull riding! Yes! That’s it.

  63. I’ve never been to a rodeo but I love watching them on TV. I like watching the bull riding and the rodeo clowns.

  64. I have never been to a rodeo. I was born and raised in Italy, so not much rodeos going on there. Then I moved to Canada and I don’t think they are very popular here either. But maybe someday we will travel to Texas to see one. I would love to. Would love to read Laura’s book, as well.

    1. Sabrina, Canada has several riders on the PBR circuit – check around – as long as you’re not in a big city, I’ll bet they have rodeos in the summer!

  65. Sad to say, I have never been and hope I never will go to a rodeo. I don’t like the dusty, hot, smelly arenas [I’m more like the girl on The Good Daughter cover]. And I don’t like bucking bulls, etc.
    BUT I don’t mind reading about them though and The Sweet Spot sounds like a great read. I would love to win – I hope my aversion to attending rodeos won’t effect my chances – lol

  66. I have been to one rodeo…a small, local one that they have ever year. It was a long time ago, and I can’t specifically remember what events I liked the best. Probably the “cowboy watching” event! 🙂

  67. I have been to several rodeos and have even been to the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. I do love a handsome cowboy!

  68. I’ve never been to a rodeo, but it looks like a pretty exciting event. I don’t know the correct names for events, but I think I would like the bucking bronco (?) event.

  69. I keep thinking that we should go to the rodeo. They have them around us all the time and my kids have never been to one.
    I haven’t been in 20 years maybe. The last time I went to one, my brother-in-law was going through a cowboy phase and was competing in it!

  70. congrats on your first release!

    I like rodeos and have been to local ones indoors and outdoors and have been to the Calgary Stampede once for the rodeo and another time for the grounds/rides.

  71. I’ve never been, and probably wouldn’t go to one. I don’t mind reading about them, but I don’t like them that much in real life. I always feel bad for the bulls 🙁

  72. Thanks for introducing us to Laura. Her books sound great. I’ve been to the Houston Rodeo and local ones in Arizona. The Marana Junior Rodeo is a lot of fun.

  73. Thank you, everyone, for welcoming Laura so warmly. She’s amazing and I hope you enjoy her book!

    The two lucky winners for this contest are –

    #21 Lisa Hutson
    #70 Brandalynn Johnston

    I also picked a bonus winner –

    #40 Suzette Temple

    Winners, shoot me an email with your mailing address, comment # and the title of this blog so I can get the right prize in the mail to you.

    Have a great weekend!!

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