Happy Father’s Day!

I know a lot of you don’t get my newsletters anymore due to spam filters, so I’m sharing my newsletter here AND adding a special giveaway for one of you!

Today is Mac’s last day of first grade and then, on Sunday, it’s Father’s Day! Where did time go? I began a book a few months ago, looked up, and now it’s mid- June. On Sunday we head to Hawaii for the summer so Ty can get back in the water. His surf school is always so busy during school holidays, and Mac can’t stand being apart from his dad, so we all pack up and travel together. I love Mac and Ty’s special bond. They are two peas in a pod!


Speaking of wonderful fathers and Father’s Day, my romance about a single dad, Cormac Sheenan, is part of this fantastic Father’s Day Collection – available for a short time! If you’ve not had a chance to read A Christmas Miracle for Daisy, you’ll want to snag this collection featuring many of my favorite authors. And every story has a special father in it!

Look for this Father’s Day Collection here:

Having signed a new contract with Harlequin Presents and continuing with my books for Tule Publishing, I’ve been writing a lot this year! My sixth and final book in The Taming of the Sheenans series will be out on July 8th! You can pre-order The Lost Sheenan’s Bride now or pop over to my website to read an excerpt from Shane’s story.  If you love this series as much as I’ve loved writing it, then I can’t wait to hear what you think of the series conclusion.


Pre-Order your copy of The Lost Sheenan’s Bride here:

Writers and books need one thing, readers, and I need and appreciate you! If you are in the San Diego area in July, do consider attending the “Readers For Life” Literacy Autographing at the RWA National conference in San Diego on July 13, 2016. Hundreds of authors will be there with their most recent books and all sales go to the literacy efforts in the San Diego County. I’m one of the authors signing and I’d love to see you there!

literacyHave a wonderful Sunday. Sending you love. I hope you and your family have a great weekend together.

PS: I have a great Hawaii giveaway to celebrate summer.  Leave me a comment about your plans for this weekend and I’ll announce the winner on Tuesday!



  1. I have no idea what our plans are this weekend. Usual laundry and grocery shopping. Wait to see/hear what our adult kids have planned. So far I’ve heard that our daughter will probably go for a long bike ride with her dad (he bikes long distances almost daily). I’ll probably scrapbook while they’re gone.

  2. Attending my daughter’s high school tryouts this evening (Friday), then taking my dad out for lunch on Sunday. Hair salon on Saturday, followed by what promises to be a yummy Vietnamese lunch!

  3. It’s been a busy week, so it will be nice to sleep in this weekend. The kids will probably make Dad breakfast in bed. They are also asking to try out “foot golf” instead of mini golf, and the weather should be good to give it a go!

  4. We don’t have any plans for our weekend. My husband’s job loss came suddenly and unexpected. We didn’t have any money saved back and lots of bills had already gone late because his work was so slow. He just started a new job today, but he won’t get a paycheck for 2 weeks. So, no plans for out weekend. The cats reminded me to buy him a Father’s Day card a few weeks ago. So at least he will have that. I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend and summer in Hawaii.

  5. I’m getting ready right now to take my boyfriend out to dinner to celebrate him for Father’s Day, as I work Friday through Tuesday, and I found the perfect card for my dad, who already texted me to say thank you 🙂

  6. Taking Dad out to eat with daughter. Can’t wait til the next Sheenans book is out. Had already preordered. Have a happy summer in Hawaii.

  7. I don’t have any big plans for the weekend. I’m keeping my 7 year old granddaughter tomorrow so her mom can spend the day with her dad to celebrate father’s day.

  8. Enjoy your Dad while you can. Take them to dinner and a movie and spend quality time with them

  9. My kids organized a brunch on Sunday… my Mum, my four kids, boyfriends and girlfriend and my husband. Not so much a Father’s Day brunch but a get together as they are all in their twenties now and getting all four of them together is difficult. My husband doesn’t like to celebrate Father’s Day and my Dad passed away in May so it is just a nice occasion to have all my kids in one place and it happened to fall on Father’s Day. We have great weather in store for the weekend and I am looking forward to the company!

  10. Our plans for this weekend is getting up before sunrise grab our cameras and go explore. My husband and I share a love for photography. Then I’ll spoil him, along with our kids, for the rest of the day.

  11. We will be together with the little ones for a lovely lunch on Sunday for all the fathers. I look forward greatly to this precious time after a difficult week from surgery and I know that this will lift my spirits.

  12. It’s been fourteen years since my sister and I lost our parents. We both live in the family home and spend Mother’s Day and Father’s Day enjoying their favorite part of the house. Since Father’s Day is Sunday, we will probably have brunch on our deck overlooking the lake and then spend the afternoon working and chatting in the garden. We’ll have iced tea and sit in our chairs watching the garden grow. This was one of dad’s favorite things to do!

  13. Beautiful picture of Mac & Ty! Enjoy your summer in Hawaii, Jane.

    We will be celebrating Father’s Day with my inlaws on Sunday, and I’m looking forward to an evening off and a break from the madness that is my life as the school year ends and we prepare to move to a new house!

  14. Happy Father’s Day to Ty! love the picture of them both! I sent my dad both a birthday and father’s Day present of banana and zucchini bread, I would of made a carrot cake but his girlfriend did those are his favorite sweets! Have fun in Hawaii! My plans are to spend time with my son and his wife who’s expecting a baby so I’m so excited my first grandbaby! I’ll see my dad over the 4th if all goes well! love the sheenan series! have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Sons and Families coming over for cookout. Baby is coming here for the first time! <3 Looking forward to getting an updated photo of everyone…will need to ask neighbor to take photo so I "Gramma" can be in it as well. Happy Dad's Day to everyone.

  16. Hi Jane, I plan on grilling for my hubby. He has been such a great dad and provider for the girls. I will let him just choose what ever he wants to do. It is his day after all. 🙂 I know y’all are looking forward to a summer in Hawaii.

  17. My husband is having a rough week. I hope we can give him downtime and relaxation. Maybe we’ll go for a hike or I’ll take him to dinner.

  18. I have no definite plans in place right now but will be spending the day with my Dad doing whatever he wants to do. Have a great weekend & Father’s day!!

  19. Catch up weekend, now that school is over. Thanks for the post about the Fathers Day book collection – I never got to read the most recent Sheenan book, so now I can!

  20. hoping to drive the 3 hours to my dad’s on Sunday. Father’s day is a day we celebrate him, but also mourn the death of my Mom. this year will be 18 years since she passed…

  21. Double duty for celebrating at both my dad’s and my father=in-law’s. Cooking out and enjoying the day!

  22. No big plans as my husband is working on Saturday/on call Sunday. I’ll be to-doing around the house (mostly yard work) and reading. Sunday we’ll BBQ with family for Fathers’ Day.

  23. Wishing all of the dads out there Happy Father’s Day! My plans are to have dinner with my dad… let him enjoy one of his fav places to eat…

  24. Probably pulling weeds, repotting the rosemary plant and yard cleanup. My youngest son said he needs to talk to his brother about doing “something” for fathers day. I think I’ll be cooking dinner too. Safe travels, and enjoy your summer!

  25. Happy Father’s Day Ty! Hope you all have a safe trip to Hawaii! Have fun! We plan on relaxing around the house and then pampering husband on Sunday.

  26. My plans are cleaning house and cooking. My husband has to work all weekend. My father has been gone for many years now but I still miss him today.

  27. graduation party, then a concert in Philly on Sat with my road trip friend. Father’s Day with husband and kids on Sunday, though one kid does have a LAX game.

  28. Missing my dad, he’s been gone 12 years now. Will spoil my husband for all he’s done for and with our grandchildren. He’s a big old teddy bear with them.

  29. I am going to spend time relaxing with my Beagle after I work my second job on Sat and Sun. I am hoping to get back to my book If I Could Turn Back Time by Beth Harbison.

  30. Both our dads passed over 20 years ago, but we do spend time remembering their influence.. Sounds like your guys will have an awesome memorable summer again this year!! Enjoy!!!

  31. For the first time in 14 years, I will actually get to spend Father’s Day with my father. We will have some sort of BBQ and just enjoy some time together. Enjoy your summer in Hawaii!

  32. We’re taking my husband who is 87 to visit with his sister and his cousin. Things are always busy so there is never time for them to get together. Happy Father’s Day to all dads.

  33. We are going to take our boys to a water park on Saturday and Sunday we are going to relax as a family and celebrate Father’s Day.

  34. Well my grant I wrote for a trip to Hawaii didn’t get approved, so I won’t be experiencing Hawaii this year. I’m going to spend my short summer with my 2 year old nephew who is always on the go! My entire family is also taking a trip to Fort Myers Beach in late July so I hope summer moves a little slow so I can enjoy it!!

  35. It’s Father’s Day weekend. My father is deceased and I am separated, so I will probably spend the day with my mom!!

  36. Not a whole lot planned. Hubby wants to take me out for dinner to celebrate our wedding anniversary (& first date anniversary) from earlier this week. We also have tickets to see South Pacific at the Guthrie Theater in downtown Minneapolis. It’s supposed to be hot and humid this weekend too. So I’m guessing I’ll get a bunch of reading done too.

  37. I haven’t received the nesletter for several weeks but I did get this one. Happy Father’s Day celebration.We’ll go to the cemetary and lay flowers for my dad who passed in 2010. Then a ball game for my grandson. Otherwise just a relaxing weekend.
    Carol L

  38. I am going to an all day workshop on Sat and not too much planned for Sat. My stepdad is out of town, so we will be celebrating the next weekend. We are going to see Terry Fator, the guy who won America’s Got Talent awhile back. Enjoy your family time and HA!

  39. Happy Father’s Day! We’re going on a nice leisurely walk with the kids first thing Sunday morning. Afterwards we are having lunch with my parents then dinner with my in-laws. We will be traveling between 2 states. Luckily each destination is only a couple of hours apart. Hope we don’t get in too late cause my kids still have school the next day.

  40. There’s a mom and pop diner along the Delta waterway that we like to go to sometimes when I’m craving a
    view of the water. We’ll have our grandson this weekend. Also, our daughter will be coming here on Sunday to celebrate Father’s Day.

  41. Hmmm…well, I hit the redbox for Zootopia for tonight, and the rest of the weekend is going to be trying to stay cool since we are heating up. Have a safe trip!

  42. I’m going to make lemon cookies in honor of our Dads. My husband’s and my Dad and Step dad. I’ll light 3 candles as well.

  43. This weekend we are going to a Journey tribute band concert at the House of Blues. We are also going to spend time in the pool due to the heat wave moving in.

  44. We have lunch with one family on Saturday planned and a bbq with another son’s family on Sunday. The kid’s work schedules keep us from all getting together at once and more celebrating for hubby this way!

  45. Fiesta party at the kids new school. And celebrating father’s day on Sunday. Great news letter. I still receive it. And read it

  46. I’m working this weekend but I do get to have some fun at my sisters graduation party and then take my dad out for fathers day 🙂

  47. Will spend Sunday with my Dad and Mom and siblings, nieces, nephews, etc. to celebrate the men in our lives. Take a minute to tell your family that you love them. Time is precious and we never know what the future holds. Enjoy each day!

  48. My parents live half the year in NY and the other half in Florida. They were supposed to be back in NY early last month, but my father suffered a heart attack. Thankfully it wasn’t a major one, but he had four stents put in and might have to have another on Monday before being cleared to come home. I have been getting their place in NY ready for when they come home so that they don’t have to worry about doing anything. After I finish doing that, I’ll probably take Bella swimming. Of course we’ll do something special for her daddy for Father’s Day. Then I’ll be counting down the days until Weds … my birthday!!!

  49. We celebrated last weekend because both daughters have something going on. I’ll cook him a special something with just the two of us this weekend. Oh, and babysitting our granddoggie lol.

  50. Today was *sort of* the last day of school for my kiddos. My son is excited that I will not be waking him up again in the morning! “Mama! I’m a teenager and I need to sleep!” Tell me about it buddy … . Hoping to go out in the boat on Lake Washington on Fathers Day. Hoping to visit my dad in Poulsbo next week. I’m excited for you Jane to finish your book and enjoy your time in Hawaii!

  51. Honey took the whole family to lunch for Mother’s Day so I am returning the favor. We’re taking the family out to lunch at our favorite burger place. YUMMY!

  52. I am hoping to get into the flower gardens this weekend and get them into shape. On Sunday we will celebrate Father’s Day.

  53. Happy Father’s Day to your hubby!
    Our entire family will be having a barbecue cookour in our backyard.

    1. Sorry… mistake. Happy Father’s Day. My mom has a birthday and also my sister. So we’re putting it all together and having a party tomorrow.

  54. No special plans other than to not melt as the heat is expected to be in the triple digits. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  55. Drive 2 hours to our daughter’s home to celebrate her birthday on Saturday and Father’s Day on Sunday!

  56. I’m going to be having a Father’s Day bbq with my whole family this weekend. We’re just hoping the rain will hold off!

  57. i lost my dad 3 yrs ago feburary so every fathers day since has been a little bitter sweet the last one was even more so since my brother passes as well almost 2 yrs ago this fathers day we are going to honor to special dads who cant be here in our lives and have abbq and also just love one another because we dont know what days our last thank you for the chance

  58. I have a 4-day vacation coming up! Father’s Day will be relaxing at home! Have a wonderful trip to Hawaii with your family!

  59. This weekend I will be spending it with my Dad and family. We are getting some BBQ ribs for dinner and relaxing by the pool. Then we will have some cake and ice cream to celebrate his day. He’s worked so hard to provide for his family, if I won, I’d give the trip to him and my Mom for a nice getaway. They both deserve it. Have a safe trip Jane!!

  60. I have a wedding Saturday morn , a bday party Saturday night , breakfast with friends Sunday morn , another bday party Sunday afternoon then have to do laundry and pack for the motorcycle rally we go to next week till Sunday . And somewhere fit in Father’s Day

  61. Speaking to you from a small corner of North Wales, it is our first Father’s Day without “Dad” Ann’s father who passed away last August. We shall visit family graves followed by a walk along the bank of the River Elwy and say, love’s last gift, remembrance.

  62. As a reading specialist, I’m always glad when authors host signings with the proceeds going to fund literacy work! I’ll be deep in wedding preparations on Father’s Day as my daughter is getting married June 25, taking time out for morning coffee on my porch listening to birdsong and drinking in the green and glorious world of my land. Best wishes to you and your lovely family.

  63. I can’t wait to read The I Lost Sheenan’s Bride- I loved all the books in the series and I’m sure it will be a great book.

  64. My Dad is out of town this weekend, but I plan to call him, and he’s already gotten his gift from us. I am having lunch with a good friend today (much needed) and hopefully some house cleaning and lots of reading in my future. Happy weekend!

  65. Hubby is working Saturday while I will be house cleaning and doing laundry. Sunday we will either take a motorcycle ride or relax..depends on weather.

  66. Headed to a birthday party in Boston and relaxing on the deck and in the pool on Sunday for Father’s Day at home.

  67. This week my husband, daughter, and I will be spending time with, good southern cooking and company.

  68. We will go and spend Father’s day by placing flowers on Daddy’s grave. Yes, that may sound sad, but I want to remember the happy times with an amazing Dad, one who thought me so much and was a great Dad, PaPas, and Uncle. We lost him 3 years ago and miss him everyday, even though we think he’s still here with us in the house when something unusual happens! Lol! But honestly, we celebrate a good man almost every day. Love your, treasure yours if you still have him, because you never know when they will be gone. Love and hugs to all.

  69. Hi Jane – I love that photo of Mac and Ty! My husband and I should be at my son’s baseball game if the weather cooperates. I’m sure my husband will want to stop in and see his dad who has been ill lately. My own dad passed away two years ago, I miss him every day.

    I can’t wait for the last Sheenan story though I’m sorry to see them end. I’ve loved every one of them. Safe travels to Hawaii!

  70. Mac and Ty look so exactly the same! Drove up to near Chicago with the Hub to see my bff and spend a few days and visit as we do every year. Enjoy your day time in Hawaii. Safe trip.

  71. Jane, Addy and I are headed over to CDA to catch Peter and the Star Catcher and than a nice backyard fire pit and family time for Father’s Day. A nice relaxing weekend. Have Fun in Hawaii!

  72. Plans for the weekend? So exciting, not. Laundry. Watch one child’s water polo game. Drive both to youth group. Supervise science project. Grocery shopping. Cook dinner for family and friends. You really want me to carry on, lol?

  73. Shopping for my brother’s 40th wedding anniversary party. Have a great weekend and Happy Father’s day to your Ty.

  74. We really don’t have any plans for Sunday. My dad passed away a few years ago and so did my sons dad. So it will be just us hanging out at home and maybe cook something on the grill.

  75. Hope you have a wonderful Father’s Day! My husband are planning to have a fun day including going to dinner (his choice)!

    1. You would think I had a Monday brain when I type my email in the comment box! I meant to say we are having a whatever Dad wants on Sunday as we get ready for the week ahead. Happy Father’s Day

  76. Love summer in Hawaii. I have family there so as soon as we hit my parents’ house, it’s bathing suits on and off the Kailua Beach for a swim. My Colorado weekend plans include staying cool and maybe going to a movie. Have fun!

  77. Praying Traveling Mercies for your family Jane and I am excited about the new book. Way to go!

  78. I’m reading this at the end of a too-short vacation week. I didn’t go anywhere special; I did a few housekeeping chores, made some discoveries in my family genealogy research, spent a few hours with my mother, had lunch with my husband on a weekday, and just tried to de-stress from work.

  79. Going to Lunch with husband on Saturday with one sister and her family here in the Seattle area, along with my brother Patrick, and then spending Father’s Day going to the Seattle waterfront for the Bell Harbor Classic Rendezvous of yachts and other boats and then joining other sister and her husband for a Father’s Dayi meal outside at Magnolia marina.

  80. Had a family meet -up. I live in Seattle, my brother, sis-in-lay and niece live in Oklahoma, and our parents live in Cali, so we all meet up in Arizona for a dual Father’s day celebration, for my dad and brother. Spent the day in Sedona enjoying the red rocks and magical town.

  81. So wonderful to read all these great comments about your plans for Father’s Day! I hope you all had a lovely day. 🙂

    I went ahead and picked two winners for the Hawaii prize –

    #55 Diane Duke
    #85 Penny Lacroix Claeson

    Congratulations! Diane and Penny, please email me at Jane (at) JanePorter.com with your mailing details so I can get packages in the mail to you soon.

    Love to all!
    Jane xoxo

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