The Lost Sheenan’s Bride – Release Day!

Today The Lost Sheenan’s Bride releases, and its a bittersweet day.  I confess, I put off writing The Lost Sheenan’s Bride for a long, long time.  It wasn’t because I didn’t like or know the story, but because I knew when it was finished, my The Taming of the Sheenans series would be complete, and it broke my heart a little bit.  These tough Montana brothers have been with me for three years now.  I started the first, Brock’s Christmas at Copper Mountain, late summer 2013, and here we are, summer of 2016 saying goodbye.

I love connected stories, especially stories about families.  My family is my world, and when I lost my dad at fifteen, it was my close relationship with my two brothers and sister that saw me through the loss and grief.  Whenever I write about family, there is struggle and challenge, as well as change.  Change is part of life.  We can’t avoid it.  Which is why I create strong families that might not always see eye to eye, but when the chips are down, they show up to support each other through good times and bad.


Look for The Sheenans’s Lost Bride at these online retailers:
Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK

Thankfully, endings also become beginnings, and with the closing of the Taming of the Sheenans, I introduce my new series, The Douglas Ranch of Paradise Valley.  From reading  The Taming of the Sheenans, you know the Sheenans and the Douglases lives are interwined.  They aren’t just neighbors, McKenna Douglas and Trey Sheenan were high school sweethearts and have a complicated relationship (The Kidnapped Christmas Bride), and now with the The Douglas Ranch of Paradise Valley, you’ll get the rest of the story, beginning December 1st with Away in Montana, a historical story that tells you about the first Douglas and how he came to be in Marietta.


I love to hear from you.  Please drop me a note any time to, and tell me what you think of my new story.  Also, if you haven’t yet, please sign up for my newsletter so you can hear about all my future releases.

And as you know, a new release is a celebration and every great celebration should have a great giveaway, and I have a wonderful prize packed full of Montana Born stories, and an awesome mug, and so much stuff the box will barely close–for one of you.  How to win?  Just comment below and let me know which of the Sheenan stories you’ve read.  The Lost Sheean’s Bride is #6…which ones have you read, and always the question…do you have a fav?

Thank you so very much for being part of my world.  I cherish each of you….you’re my reader but also my friend.  Sending you tons of love this weekend.  Happy summer!  Happy reading!


PS  I have to tell you….I kind of refuse to accept that this The Lost Sheenan’s Bride is really, truly the last Sheenan story…is there a reason we can’t have a prequel…or maybe, a Sheenan Family Christmas?  What about a Sheenan Carrigan Reunion?  Hmmm….? 🙂



  1. I have read all 5 previous books in the series. I am hopping over to Amazon to get my copy of The Lost Sheenan’s Bride. I loved reading the excerp. 🙂

  2. Down loaded my copy this morning can’t wait to start it! A Christmas story sounds good with the whole family together.

  3. I’ve only read the first Sheenan’s book so I need to catch up! I will go and get the Lost sheenan and the others today! love to read your books! thanks for the chance on this contest!

  4. I’ve read all the Sheenan books with the exception of the new release. They are all so wonderful that I can’t pick a favourite! You might as well ask me which limb to cut off!! Happy summer to you and your family.

  5. I read Christmas At Copper Mountain and really enjoyed it. I have read most of your other books and have been a fan of your writing for a long time.

  6. I have 3 of the books waiting for me in my TBR pile… just have not gotten to them yet… but definitely looking forward to reading them!

  7. Confession time. I haven’t bought any of your books in this series (or anyone else’s books) in quite a while now. I have been working diligently on getting through my TBR pile. I have read over 250 books every year since 1973, but I found I had hundreds more books here to read that I really should get them out of here so I can work on new ones ASAP.

  8. I have read all the Sheehan books multiple times and eagerly waiting to read The Lost Sheehan’s Bride. I love all of them for different reasons but I’ll have to go with Christmas at Cooper Mountain. So excited for the Douglas Ranch series.

  9. I started this book today. I am loving it. I have loved all the books. I believe you can find some more family members. Cousins are great!!

  10. I love them all in different ways. Brock’s story grabbed my heart and I loved Cormac’s book too, Troy’s was awesome, oh heck so was Trey’s, and now Shane! I had to read it straight through could not put it down!

  11. Jane I loved this story!!! I’ve read Troy & Trey’s stories & I’m not sure which others. I will make sure to read the others & get caught up. Please do a Sheenan-Carrigan Christmas with CJ. That would be so wonderful!! I’m looking forward to this new series. Thank you!!

  12. I read the first five books in the series and I plan to read The Lost Sheenan’s Bride as soon as I’ll finish the book I’m reading now.
    My fav book in the series so far was Christmas at Copper Mountain.

  13. I’ve only read Christmas at Copper Mountain and The Kidnapped Bride. I have to catch up. Thanks for the post.
    Carol L

  14. I have read all but the last one and love each of them! I don’t think I could pick a favorite!

  15. The Lost Sheenan’s Bride was my most favorite of all of them. I loved the under currents and how everything came together. It’s on my read again shelf.

  16. Preordered and ready to read this one! Excited to read your next series as well. Love your writing and relaxing with your stories.

  17. I’ve read all 6 of the Sheenans’ stories. This one is my second favorite behind Harley and Brock’s story.

  18. I can’t wait to read this!!! I do love the books that are family oriented or intertwining characters!!!

  19. I’ve read all of them. Still reading the new book, I especially like that Jet’s Dutch, as I am from the Netherlands, so it all sounds familiar. Will let you know later what I think of the book, so far enjoying it very much!

    1. Just finished the book. I loved it, such a compelling story. You made me cry and although Brock’s story is still my favourite (though I loved the enitre series), this story really was the cherry on the cake for me!

  20. My favorite is probably The kidnapped Christmas bride. Best happily ever after ending. But I would love to read a reunion story. Christmas is always good. But Halloween or maybe around the rodeo event could work too. Congratulations on another great release. I’m heading over to Amazon to by the book in print. Love books in print.

  21. Read the latest yesterday and loved it! The whole series has been fabulous, and it’s hard to choose a favorite but think it’s between the first book and this one. Looking forward to reading the Douglas series soon!

  22. I have read them all,I think this last one is my fave but that might be cause I still haven’t quite let go. We have to have more Sheenan books, what about the hint Shane dropped that in all his research maybe one brother is not really a Sheenan? And Shane still has to meet his half sisters and because I can’t let go.

  23. The Kidnapped Christmas Bride is my fav if I HAVE to choose. Trey has my heart as the black sheep of the boys. Yet each brother is incredible in his own story. The pains and laughter, caution and release.

  24. I have read all the previous books. Love the all. Can’t wait to read this new one!!! I too am a little sad that it may be the last. I’d you do add to them I will be excited. Thank you!!!!! 🙂

  25. I’ve read them all, and enjoyed each and every one. For me…my favorite is Trey and McKenna’s story…there is something about how he loved so hard, fought with everything in him for Love…and never gave up! I love Brock’s second chance at Love story as well, course there is a special place in my heart for Cormac’s story too! Awww heck…I love them all! <3

    I can't wait to read this new one too Miss Jane…and I hope that this isn't truly the end of their story…they've stolen all of our hearts! Yay for the new series…something to look forward to, and we're very grateful for how your books are like family to you…that is probably why we love them so much! Your investment is our joy! Wishing success with your new release! Hugs!

  26. I’m reading this one now and loving it. Otherwise I love Troy so Tycoon’s Kiss might be my favorite. Or Christmas Miracle for Daisy, loved that. Or….well, you get the idea. I refuse to believe this is the last Sheenan story, too. Nope, not over. 🙂

  27. I have just started reading your books … and you have gone on my favorite authors list … looking forward to starting this series ……

  28. Cant wait to read it, Jane! My friend is reading it now and gave it a thumbs up! Thanks for having SUCH a gift that we all can enjoy!

  29. I have read the first three and can’t wait to see The Tycoon’s Kiss as a movie. So far my fave is Christmas at Copper Mountain. I look forward to reading the last three. Happy Release day. And yes a prequel or sequel to catch up with all the Sheenans would be lvoely.

  30. I have not had the privilege of reading this series. I recently discovered you through facebook and I’m enjoying discovering your spunky personality. I’m sure I would enjoy reading your books.

  31. I’ve read them all and the first will always be my favorite because it set the tone for the rest of the series. I’m anxious to read the latest!! And I am keeping my fingers crossed for a reunion and/or Christmas special!!!

  32. so far I’ve only read ‘The Kidnapped Christmas Bride’ (love the cover on that one)

  33. I’ve read the first 3 books, and The Kidnapped Christmas Bride was my favorite of them!

  34. I have read 5 of the books as far as favorite, hmmmm I don’t think it would be fair…. I have loved them all….

  35. I have read all but this one and I would say my favourite is a tie between Brock’s story, Christmas at Copper Mountain and Trey’s story, The Kidnapped Christmas Bride – I love magical Christmas stories. I have to say I enjoyed the whole series so far, am in love with Marietta and look forward to your Christmas release with the Douglas family!

  36. Gosh Jane, I’m sad to see this series end too! I loved the way that the lives of the Sheenan family intertwined into the Mintana Born Marietta stories. Each brother’s story becomes my favorite while I read it. I can’t wait to read this last one, I know it won’t disappoint!!

  37. I have read books 1 and 2 and loved them both. Looking forward to reading the remaining books in the series.

  38. Just discovered this series, and am eager to start. I have been to Montana & lived it there! Happy Release Day!!

  39. Just picked up the “last” book. Can’t wait to read. I’ve read the whole series and loved somethings about each one. Loved Troy and all the Sheenan brothers. Hard to pick just one.

  40. I can’t wait! I am so excited to read the series. I’ve just started and I know I’ll be blown away, Jane never disappoints!

  41. I haven’t read any yet but am adding to my TBR list!! Family rocks and I love series that tell each part of the story!!

  42. Loved this story Jane!! Shane might be my favorite. Looking forward to reading the next series. Congratulations on a great book.

  43. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! I have read them all, and loved them. They are all so wonderful and each brother is different. How can I choose? It’s like asking which child is your favorite…

  44. I’m thrilled to know so many of you have read and enjoyed the Sheenans and others are looking forward to starting the series. Thank you for all your support and for helping me celebrate this entire series!

    As promised, I have goodies and the JaneBlog winner for this post is #33, Sarah Partain!

    I’ve also got 3 winners from my newsletter list: Penny L., Caroline C., and Camille B.

    All winners have been contacted by email for their mailing address so goodies will be in the mail as soon as I hear from you!

    Much love to all!
    Jane xoxoxo

    PS – If you haven’t already signed up for my newsletter, do it right now so you don’t miss out on more fun stuff and extra chances to win!

  45. I was wondering if the Sheenans has to be done…what I mean is that in book 4, where I am, a couple of sisters have been discovered, and they’re Sheenans, too, though they haven’t been raised as such. I’d like to read Callan’s and Sage’s? love stories, and I’d like to see them all (brothers/sisters/sisters-in-law) coming to terms with the new reality of more family and the confusion and bonding that can bring. Maybe you give them secondary romances in the books past where I am, but if NOT, can you write a couple more books about them? I do love them!

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