Coming Soon – Another Harlequin Presents!

Sharing my newest newsletter in case it didn’t reach your inbox!

I’ve just returned from a week at a Colorado dude ranch with 46 members of my family. It was really fun and we were so busy that when I first came home all I wanted to do was nap for 2 days! I really do think we need vacations after a vacation!  Don’t you agree?


Now I’m back at my desk, on deadline to finish writing a Harlequin by the end of the month, but I’m excited to share that my next Harlequin Presents, Bought to Carry His Heir, is now available for pre-order. It’s a Beauty and the Beast themed story (my favorite!) and the first Presents I’ve written in several years and I do hope you’ll like it!

Bought to Carry His Heir

Held captive… 
When Georgia Nielson is asked to be the surrogate for an enigmatic tycoon, she can’t afford to say no. Before she realizes that she’s struck a deal with the devil, she’s trapped on his isolated Greek island, with no escape from the brooding master who stalks its shores!

Carrying his child! 
Scarred by the loss of his wife, Nikos Panos’s future rests on leaving behind a legacy. But Georgia’s constant presence threatens to unleash the powerful hunger he’s kept caged for so long. If he wants defiant Georgia to submit, he must confront the demons that haunt him…

I’ll be sharing the cover soon, and one way to stay in the know, is by subscribing to my RSS feed for updated content such as special cover reveals, new excerpts, event info, or newly posted pre-order links (and of course: book extras & fun giveaways!).   As Facebook limits my visibility, it’s even more important that I can reach you, and so my awesome web team has designed a brand new feed on my site that will give you all the latest here: Site News. The site news will be short bits of news and content updates, as they are posted to my home page and will be a very easy way to stay in touch.

I also want to thank you so much for subscribing to my newsletter, where I get to chat directly with readers. I adore you all!  The August edition just went out and I promised my readers a fun giveaway on my blog so here it is!  Join in the fun and leave a comment below.  You’ll automatically be entered to win this cool, western-themed prize.  Winner will be announced on the 15th of August!



  1. Hi! your vacation sounds like you all had a great time, would love to go to a dude ranch one of these days! can’t wait to read your new book and to see the cover! have a wonderful day!

  2. I love that you spend so much time with family, great picture (Mac is almost a teenager….lol). Also looking forward to your new book. Think I’d need a week to rest after your family trip…lol

  3. Wow!! Your family makes mine look dinky!! A dude ranch must have been a blast for everyone!!! Looking forward to your latest!!

  4. Glad you enjoyed your vacation sounds like a good one. Hay this prize pack looks made up just for me, fingers crossed.

  5. Looking forward to reading how his demons are exorcised and their romance blooms. Thanks for sharing your books, as well as personal glimpses into your life. Both sound wonderful.

  6. Thanks for sharing that great picture of your family on vacation. Looks like a great time was had by all.Would love to read this book.

  7. The pictures of your vacation were wonderful!! I am so looking forward to reading another great book written by you. It sounds good!! Enjoy what is left of summer Jane.

  8. Congrats on the TV option! I know those things take time to produce, but I’ll be watching for it! Will order your latest Harlequin via their website. YAY!

  9. Jane, you have the sweetest family…such a great family photo. What wonderful news about the newest Jane Porter book and a film option, too. Hooray for you!!! Keeping my fingers crossed it all works out and you get to go on set to keep an eye on things. Makes me think of your Flirting With Forty adventure.

  10. That family trip to the Dude Ranch sounds like such fun – I’d love to do that with my family some day!

  11. I have always wanted to go to a dude ranch ever since I was a little girl and watched the TV show Hey,Dude!lol. It sounds like a fun vacation and I’m so excited the new Harlequin Presents book!!

  12. Love the prize pack and I a huge Presents fan, so I am super excited to read it when it comes out! Your vacation looked like a lot of fun!

  13. What a great picture. I totaly agree that after any vacation, especially a Dude Ranch there should be a regroup vacation to sleep and relax. 🙂 The new book sounds like an awesome read Jane. Thanks for the amazing giveaway chance.
    Carol L

  14. A Dude ranch seems like a dream come true for you and the family. Horses, sun and lots of cowboy fun. I am so thrilled to see That The Tycoon’s Kiss has been optioned for a movie.

  15. #13 Karen Barnett, Congratulations! Your name was picked as the winner for the fun western themed giveaway! Shoot me an email with your mailing details and this package will be in your hands very soon. 🙂
    Thanks to all of you for you comments and support. I have plenty more fun lined up so check back soon!
    Love to all,
    Jane xoxo

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